In which there is sex. Lots of it.


Zuko sat against the cherry tree, eyes closed in anticipation; a silk robe lay loosely about his shoulders and left his naked body exposed to the world. Katara, similarly garbed, slowly crawled up Zuko's legs. The Fire Lord moaned in relief as his wife took his prick in hand and then sank onto it, enveloping him in her familiar warmth and wetness.

Katara's hands came to rest on his shoulders, and she smirked at Zuko in satisfaction. "Mmmm…" she said, playing up the lust in her voice. She squeezed her muscles experimentally and then began to move.

Zuko moaned again. "Nggg…"

"You're being unusually quiet," said Katara, who added a hip roll to her current up-down motions. "Let's see if we can't change that…"

By the spirits, you never ceases to amaze me, love, thought Zuko, who leaned forward to plant a kiss on her dusky skin, just above her beasts. He moved his hands, which had previously been clenching the grass in ecstasy, to grip Katara's wonderful hips.

I will not finish before you, woman. Not this time.

Then all of sudden, Katara stopped moving and burst into a giggling fit.

"What's so funny?" asked Zuko, opening his eyes. He was disappointed that their tryst had ground to a halt and was curious as to what could possibly derail Katara (who was the world's ultimate sex kitten in his eyes) from getting her jollies.

Katara tried to fight through her giggles. "You…ridiculous…cherry blossoms…all over…I can't…" She finally lost control and went into outright laughter.

Zuko glanced at his shoulders and ran his fingers through his hair. A shower of petals was the result. He started to laugh himself, then noticed something, stopped, and smirked. "So do you. Sweetie."

Katara immediately started punching Zuko's shoulders. "WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT CALLING ME THAT!"

Zuko yelped in pain and threw up his arms to defend himself. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"


It took a while for Katara to calm down, but eventually the sex resumed.

Zuko finished first, of course. He grumbled something about "always losing."

Katara kissed him on the forehead and told him he was being silly.

By the time they were done, the ground was littered with cherry blossoms.


Zuko awoke to find that Katara was not in bed. Clad only in some red silk trousers, he decided to go looking for his missing wife. A quick search of the house revealed no sign of her. It was only when Zuko went to a window and looked out on the beach that he discovered where his wife had gone.

Katara was standing naked and knee deep in the shallows when she felt Zuko's arms around her waist and the scratchiness of his beard at her neck. "Hey there, stranger," she said playfully.

"Hey yourself," he replied. He glanced at her naked form. "Shouldn't you be wearing something? Not that I'm complaining, mind you."

"This trip wasn't announced and we opted for the most secluded place on Ember Island instead of your family home. No one's going to come snooping."

"Any particular reason for your midnight swim?"

"It was too hot inside," complained Katara. "I tried taking a bath, but the water was warm too. I made ice, but the cooling effect wasn't worth the mess I was making what with it melting all the time, and I'd have to keep drying things up so they wouldn't get damaged – so I decided to come out here instead. The water's not that much colder, either, but the breeze is nice."

"Why not make an ice floe? You have all this water here…"

"Too lazy now," said Katara grinning. "And that would just insta-melt too and you know it."

Zuko kissed Katara on the neck. "Fire Nation summers are like that. It's worse in the capital."

"Don't remind me," groaned Katara. "That's the whole reason we came out here in the first place."

"We'll make a proper Fire Nation citizen out of you yet," replied Zuko, kissing her on the neck again.

"Mmm…" murmured Katara. "That's nice. Keep doing that."

"As you wish," breathed Zuko in response.


After a few minutes Zuko's left hand slid upwards to cup Katara's breast, to tease a nipple hardened from the wind and from his lips pressing against her skin.

Katara rubbed her backside against Zuko's groin, and sighed when she felt the growing bulge of his erection against her plump cheeks. The waterbender smiled as Zuko's breathing picked up in response. Then she gasped as Zuko's right hand slid down her stomach, his fingers tangling themselves in the dark curls between her legs and brushing ever so slightly against her clit.

"Don't start something…you don't intend to finish, Zuko," breathed Katara.

Zuko slid a finger down and curled it inside her. Katara cried out in ecstasy.

"Finish you, I will," he growled.


After her orgasm subsided, Katara turned to face Zuko and they kissed each other for the first time since this whole escapade started. She grabbed the waistline of his's pajamas and pulled them down; his member sprung forth from its confines and Zuko said a silent "thank you" to the spirits above. Katara grabbed him by the hand and started to pull him deeper into the water.

"What…" began Zuko.

"Do you trust me?" said Katara, a look of uncertainty in her eyes.

"With my life. You know that," said Zuko without hesitation.

"Hold me," said Katara, firmly. "Close your eyes."

Zuko did as she asked.

And then the water was rushing all around them.

He was being pulled – they were being pulled – further into the ocean. He almost panicked but then remembered Katara's words.

He had trust. He had faith. And he did not let go.

Then suddenly his head was dry and he could feel air around him.

"Open your eyes, Zuko."

Their heads and shoulders were encased in a large air bubble, but the rest of their bodies were floating in the water. He could see the ocean floor below, and all the amazing flora and fauna that covered it. He glanced overhead and could just make out the surface of the water above.

Zuko turned back to face Katara, whose face managed to convey both satisfaction and embarrassment, all crowned by the magnificent blush now gracing her skin. "Katara…" he stammered. "This is…you are an amazing, talent, beautiful-"

"Love me," she whispered, in the most honest, endearing tone Zuko had ever heard.

All he could muster was a hoarse "fuck yes," and with a shudder of passion Zuko slid inside Katara, burying himself to the hilt.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on for dear life.

Summer at the beach would never be the same again.


The Harvest Festival was an important occasion for the Fire Nation. It was a time of celebration if the crops had been plentiful, or it was a time for reflection if the crops had been poor. In any case, it was tradition for the Fire Lord and the Fire Sages to ask the spirits for their continued blessings upon the nation and its produce; they would thank them if the harvests were good and beg forgiveness if the harvests were bad.

It was an opportunity for children to have a few days off from school and spend it with their family.

It was an opportunity for farmers to show off their produce to large numbers of people, as well as attract the attention of the few wholesalers in the country.

It was an opportunity for artisans and entertainment professionals to find new patrons.

It was also an opportunity for lovers of all ages to sneak away from the prying eyes of parents or chaperones and disappear into empty tents and secluded alleyways to explore the physical expressions of love without being disturbed.


"We're…ungh…going to get ca…ahh…caught!" hissed Zuko, trying half-heartedly to stop Katara from kissing his dick.

"You worry too much," replied Katara nonchalantly, and with a playfully menacing look in her eyes ran her tongue down the length of his shaft.

"Nyaaaaaaa…" cried Zuko.

"Shush!" said Katara, who brought a hand up to massage his balls. "We don't want to the whole festival to hear us now, do we?"

"I'm supposed to be giving a speech in three minutes. Three minuuuuaaaahhh…" Zuko's words turned to mush as Katara took the tip of his manhood in her mouth.

"More...than…enough…time," said Katara as she moved her lips back and forth on the head. After deciding that he'd had enough torture, she finally swallowed the whole thing in one go.

Zuko stopped caring about whether he'd make the podium on time.

He grabbed Katara's shoulders (because heaven help him if he messed up the hair it had taken hours to prepare) and slowly thrust back and forth. Her tongue and lips felt amazing on his sensitive skin; when her teeth grazed him he yelped in surprise, but then saw the mirth in her eyes and frowned at her. Not cool.

You know you like it, was her lidded reply.

And the truth was that he did like it. He could feel his release coming closer and closer.

Zuko was so engrossed in the action in front of him that he didn't notice that Katara's other hand was sliding stealthily past his scrotum and up his butt cheeks; it was only when he felt the slight pressure at his entrance that he realized what she was doing.

The digit, after encountering some resistance, slid into Zuko's ass.

"What are you…" began Zuko incredulously.

Then Katara's finger crooked forward and any misgivings Zuko had about the intrusion faded away. The pleasure was…it was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. He felt his balls tighten and the familiar glow of orgasm passed through him, burning brighter and stronger than usual.

Katara murmured appreciatively as she swallowed his seed. She removed the finger, disengaged from his dick with a slurp, discreetly wiped her mouth on the inside of her sleeve, kissed her husband and grinned.

"Stop worrying, hon. No one will ever know what we've been up to. Now pull up your pants," she said in a mocking tone. "You have a speech to deliver."


Later, when a five-year-old asked the Fire Lord why he had a wet patch on the front of his robes, Zuko turned bright red with embarrassment.

Katara couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the afternoon.


Katara scrabbled at the furs, trying to find some sort of purchase, but failed miserably. She collapsed on her arms and let her face fall to the ground. She tried to make words come out of her mouth, but all she could manage was a frenzied panting. She could hear the raging storm outside, a blizzard that was trying so hard to match the frenzied crescendo of noise and sweat and sex inside the igloo, but to no avail.

Zuko had an iron grip on Katara's waist, his hips slapping against her ass with every single stroke and his cock pounding her insides into jelly. He felt so primal, so animalistic, so powerful – and that was to say nothing of the effect his wife was having on him: the sight of his cock sliding between her thighs, her luscious ass in the air, watching the muscles of her back twitch and move as she tried to maintain some semblance of control – she was a dark goddess inside this world of white ice and snow, and she was his for the taking.

Shit, when did I get so possessive? thought Zuko in surprise. But then the muscles of her cunt rolled around him and any last thoughts of being loving or respectful were driven from his brain.

Katara, in the meantime, was beginning to get frustrated. She had slowly been getting closer and closer to cumming, but things just didn't seem to be going fast enough. While Zuko had done some cunnilingus earlier, it was only to get her warmed up and he had not touched her since. In fact, in a move uncharacteristic of her physical intimacy with Zuko, Katara had not received a single orgasm since they had started fucking (and this past forty-five minutes hadn't been about "making love" or even "sex" – this was pure, base, no-holds-barred fucking).

Katara tried to reach for her nub to relieve the tension. Zuko grabbed her hand – both her hands – and pinned her to the floor.

"No," he growled.

"Zuko...Zuko, please," she whined.

"No," he said again. "Not this time. This time you're mine." There was such fierceness and eroticism in this command that it sent shivers up Katara's spine and knocked her orgasm threshold way up.

Zuko's strokes came harder and faster now. "This time…bitch…" (He was rewarded with a gasp and a massive muscle clench from Katara) "You will…come…before me…if it's…the last…thing…"

Katara screamed as at long last the blesséd orgasm finally rushed through her. Her muscles quivered and spasmed; spots flashed before her eyes and it felt like her entire body was on fire. Zuko was only seconds behind, and after enduring so much abuse Katara took an odd comfort in the familiar warmth of his release inside her.

Zuko pulled out with a moan and collapsed into a sitting position behind the Fire Lady. Katara's legs finally gave out and she slid forward unceremoniously to lie flat on the furs. She still had just enough strength to turn over on her side, glancing back at her husband in astonishment.

In the name of all that is pure and holy upon this earth…

"Holy fuck…Zuko…where…the hell…did that…come from?" asked Katara, breathlessly.

"I…" panted Zuko, "have no idea. I'm sorry…I don't even… fuck," he added. "Something about you just…set me off…by the spirits, you…you were…incredibly…incredibly hot tonight."

Katara looked lovingly at Zuko. "Pregnancy…does that to…a woman's...desirability."

Zuko looked like someone had struck him on the head. "Pregnancy...?" He asked weakly.

"Two months. Little sickness. No mood swings…yet. Incredibly horny. Been…touching myself…all sorts of places…" She managed to stretch out her foot and wiggle it against Zuko's cock. "You were…away so much…and when you were home…too tired for sex…" Her expression darkened. "Only reason…I let you fuck me…like such a big brute…I mean…there's rough…and there's rough…and use such…language…" She blushed, hoping it would convey disapproval rather than arousal. "Don't worry…you can't harm…the baby…with sex…not this early, anyway." She grinned. "But…we are definitely…trying that position…again. Not the most…romantic…or respectful…but fuck me it felt good."

"You're pregnant?" is all Zuko could muster in response.

"Yes!" said Katara, laughing. "We're having…a baby." She paused. "I…can't get up. Literally…you turned my limbs to goo…bastard."

Zuko crawled forward to kiss his wife. He lay down beside her and stroked the area between mound and navel.

"You're pregnant," he whispered, tears filling his eyes. "We're going to have a baby."

"We're going to have a baby," replied Katara, closing her eyes as Zuko spooned against her back.