"Heads up, Tris!"

I looked around to see Uriah running down the corridor towards me, a ball in his hand. I registered what he said, and jumped out of the way just in time as he blundered past me, throwing the ball to his older brother, Zeke.

"Hey, watch out. You could have run me over!" I said in mock anger. He ran over to me, smiling. He mock punched me in the shoulder. "Hey, you're strong. It would take a couple hundred trucks to knock you over"

"I think that was meant to be a compliment" I smiled at him and took his hand. "Come on, let's go get dinner!"

We walked into the cafeteria together, and went over to Christina and Will, who were busy in discussion over something pointless, I should imagine.

"What's up, Will?" Uriah and Will became quite close after Uriah and I became friends. Uriah started to spend a lot of time with me, just talking and being an overall good guy. It turns out we have a lot in common, and in all honesty, I really like him.

"Hey, Uriah, i'm good. What about you?" Replied Will, him and Uriah getting into conversation. This left me and Christina to chat.

"Hey, Tris. Good day?" She said, raising her eyebrows suggestively then looking over to Uriah and back at me. She knew things before I even did, and she can see how much I like him.

"Yeah. Good day" I said, heat flooding my cheeks at my obvious attachment to Uriah. She just chuckled and we began to talk about nothing in particular.

"Hey, Tris, you did good in training today" All the conversation died at the table, we all looked round to see Four looking down at me, his serious expression on his face softer than usual, but still stony and guarded.

"Uh, thanks Four" He nodded and walked off to sit on his own at his usual table.

"Well, looks like Four has a new favourite" Will said to break the silence. We all laughed and carried on talking, asking each other how their day was going and avoiding talking about Four. He was a touchy subject. He tended to be cold to everyone during training, especially me, and then he goes and does something like this, complimenting me. Plus, it annoys Uriah, so we just don't talk about Four.

"C'mon Tris, let's go for a walk" Uriah said suddenly, making both Will and Christina look at me knowingly. They were both trying to suppress grins.

"Have fun Tris" "Be a good girl Tris" I kicked both Will and Christina under the table before walking out of the cafeteria with Uriah.

"So, where shall we go to?" I asked awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. I became very aware of him, standing tall next to me. He was broad shouldered, and handsome. He looked at me, his brown eyes looking deep into me. He smiled the most beautiful smile, his white teeth seeming even whiter against his brown skin.

"Let's go to the roof" And he took my hand and we walked together up to the roof.

When you're a dauntless, it's not that often that you get to go outside, so being in the fresh air was a relief. I looked up to the sky, now dark and full of stars, enjoying the feel of the wind against my face.

I looked over to Uriah, looking at me. I suddenly felt self conscious and I dropped my gaze, looking to the floor. "You know Tris, I didn't really think it was possible but..." He dropped his eyes to the floor, no longer able to look at me. It might have been my eyes, but he looked like he had gone a bit red in the face.

I stepped closer to him. "What didn't you think was possible?" He looked back at me, into my eyes and took a deep breath. "Well, you know, that you could look even more beautiful in the moonlight"

I didn't know what to say. My heart started beating faster, and I went a bit dizzy. I didn't know what to say, so I just took his hand, not able to look in his eyes just yet.

"Because you do, Tris" He carried on. "And I really like you, truly" He sighed and seemed to relax a bit, seeming to be more relaxed now that he has got what he wanted to say out.

Why is he saying all of this now? My mind was racing. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was stuck for what to say. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really like Uriah, and for there to be a chance that it could happen makes me feel so happy, but then I think to myself, well, what happens next?

I look up at him, and he looks right back at me, waiting for me to say something. But honestly, I just couldn't say anything. So, I reached up with my free hand to cradle his face. He sighed and leaned into my hand, the heat from his face warming up my cold hands. I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the mouth and withdrew quickly, letting him adjust to what I just did. His eyes were closed, and there was a little smile on his face.

He let go of my hand and placed it on the small of my back, the other lightly placed on the back of my head and he leaned into me, kissing me softly on the lips. The feel of him made me feel shaky, but in a good way. Soon, we were both lost in the kiss, until a crash brought us back into reality.

"Hey, you two, you shouldn't be out here. Lights out in ten minutes, so get back into your rooms. NOW!" From behind us, Four was staring at us, obviously angry. Uriah and I jumped away from each other, and we were led back tour dorms.

I won't forgive Four for ruining that perfect kiss for me, or not letting me say a proper goodbye to Uriah. But I went to sleep that night with good thoughts in my mind, the memory of Uriah's lips on mine sending me sweet dreams in sleep.