Chapter One: Granny Panties

Granny panties.


Those kinds that stretch until Norway and back, but are mighty, mighty comfortable.
Although being the epitome of comfort, it is also one of the most dissed items by the clan of men.

Hermione Granger, who happened to be an avid user of granny panties, could not simply muster what was wrong with that particular undergarment. It was soft, smooth, and airy and … large. It provided a lot of space. One did not feel constricted whilst wearing granny panties.

"I don't get why it was invented in the first place, it's so, ugh!" Ron positively blanched, "They're the worst inventions ever. No woman should ever, ever wear that in the first place. Not sexy, not sexy at all!"
Harry laughed, along with Seamus, Dean and their other male friends.

There Hermione was, at their once-a-month party slash gatherings at The Burrow, in her most comfortable granny panties. Of course, nobody else knew that.

"What do you think, Draco?" Ron asked Draco Malfoy, who, as of three months ago, began attending these parties. Hermione was impressed by her two best friends who decided to become civil with Malfoy after the war – considering they were working together in the Auror Department. They were good friends now, and Hermione, at first, didn't know whether to be pleasantly surprised or worried.

"Well, I personally believe that," Malfoy paused and took a sip of his wine, "That it doesn't matter."
"Oh, come on!" A lot of protests were going around at that by the male clan.
"No, wait," Malfoy raised a finger, and continued, "I simply said it doesn't matter, because … it's all going to come off anyway."

At that, the protests were replaced by hooting and cat-calls and an 'O ho ho, Malfoy!'
Hermione rolled her eyes as she listened to them. Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown and Weasley were busy gossiping at the corner and she knew if she joined them she would feel totally out of place. Hermione was never really girly to begin with anyway.

She looked around the table, watching the laughing faces of the male clan.
Heck, she felt totally out of place with these men anyway, discussing men topics.
She huffed and finished the last of her wine with a huge gulp. She grabbed the wine bottle to fill her glass again, but finding it empty, she took it as a great opportunity to get up and leave the table without making it obvious that she wanted to leave because she was simply bored.

She entered the kitchen and sighing, she began opening a wine bottle. Outside, she could hear the girly giggles of Ginny and her gang and the roaring laughter of Ron at something one of the boys had said. She rolled her eyes.

The doorbell rang, marking the arrival of someone's date … was it Harry's or Seamus'? She couldn't really remember but she was certain that it wasn't Malfoy's. In those three months, Malfoy had never mentioned a significant other. Neither did Hermione. Hermione wasn't looking, wasn't interested – or rather, that's what she told herself.

That was a blatant lie, of course.

Hermione was a woman. A woman with needs, emotionally and physically – cough cough – but she simply couldn't find someone with whom she can totally relate. She stopped dating Ron for obvious reasons, they just didn't get each other – and well, it seemed like wherever she went and whoever she met simply didn't fit well with her.

Or am I being too fussy? Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she took a sip from her freshly filled glass. I'm not being fussy, right? I just … I just have certain qualities that I look for … that isn't bad, is it?

A clearing of a throat broke her train of thought.

Her head snapped towards the direction of the sound, and her eyes landed on Malfoy, who was leaning against the kitchen doorframe.

"Oh, Malfoy," she said.
"Was I interrupting something?" He asked, smirking.
"Something? No, nothing at all, why would you say that?"
"Because when I came in, it looked as if you were concentrating really hard on something … trying to discern the quality of the wine, perhaps?"
"No, no," she smiled, "The wine is good, do you want some?"
"I do, but I only came here to get another glass for the new guest."
"Oh, right!" she snapped into action and began looking for the wine glass, "Your date?"
"Heavens, no, Granger," he grinned, "Why, would it bother you if it was?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.
"Contrary to popular belief, you're not that special, Malfoy," she grinned back at him.
"Ah, you wound me, Granger," he shook his head, "And here I thought we would get along well."
"We do get along well … observe," Hermione gestured between herself and him; "We're talking, instead of insulting. Though I'm not sure if I should be worried about that or not."
"Would you prefer it if we were back at each other's throats?"

Hermione immediately had a mental image that was totally uncalled for. Which was Malfoy licking and kissing and biting at her throat.

She frowned and shook her head.

"Well, I believe that if we both were insulting each other all the time, Malfoy, I would at least have a really good time doing it … you know, thinking of really clever and meaningful insults and the like," she answered honestly.
Malfoy nodded, "I agree. You seemed bored by everyone else here, save for me, yes?"
Hermione rolled her eyes, "Same old Malfoy, always thinking the world revolves around you."

"Hey!" Ron's head popped into the kitchen, "Where's the wine glass? Seamus' date is waiting!"
"Oh, whoops," Hermione said, realizing that she got distracted by Malfoy, "You go ahead; I'll join you guys with the wine glass."

Ron's head immediately disappeared, but Malfoy's was still very much in the kitchen.

"Where are those wine glasses anyway?" She bent down and opened the ground cabinet, "Ah! There you are!"

She kneeled down on the floor and began choosing a nice wine glass – which happened to be situated at the very back of the cabinet. She stretched further until she got her hand on one.

"Nice panties, Granger."

Hermione reacted to that so fast that she ended up raising her head and knocking it against the top of the cabinet.

"Ow! OW!" she yelped, finally getting her head out from the cabinet and rubbing her now sore head.
Malfoy laughed.

She got up and turned to Malfoy, wine glass in hand.

"Excuse me, Malfoy?" Hermione asked, "What did you say?"
"I said, nice panties," he began to take steps towards her, and when he was finally face to face with her, he muttered, "Granger."

Hermione was about to respond, but before she could, Malfoy tore the wine glass away from her and left the kitchen, sending her a sly smile.

A smile that clearly said 'Hermione Granger wears granny panties.'

Hermione groaned.