The shy February sunrays passed through the big library windows letting up the spot Rose and Jannie chose to sit and study.

Jannie had obviously gotten bored after the first hour or so, and started sketching in the corner of a parchment sheet, sighing and asking Rose every five minutes if she had already finished or if she wanted to go catch a break and watch Al's quidditch practice.

"I already said if you want to, you can go! I just want to finish these notes before class tomorrow." Rose explained for the millionth time.

Jannie fell back in her chair looking at the celling and sighing some more

"It's just we've been here since, like, forever! I need to go do something fun or I'm lose my mind!"

Rose shoke her head still focusing on her carefully written notes on the fidelius charm.

"Jannie, as I said before, you can go if you want to!"

"I just feel like you spend all your time here and not enough having fun" Jannie tried again. Rose had heard that move so many times before, to excuse Jannie's laziness.

"Just because you like to study 3 days before the exams and not 3 months doesn't mean I have to do the same!" Rose said. " Not all of us are as gifted as you, to get a Acceptable even with only that little study and not all of us are happy to get Acceptables in our grades" she added sarcastically.

"That is true, I truly am gifted!" She said smilling looking around trying to find a distraction. "OH! I know why you like spending so much time here…" She mutterd with a provocative smirk.

"Because it is actually quiet when I try to study, unlike when you join me?!" Rose asked her rhetorically, still not moving her eyes from Charm's book.

"Noooo…" Jannie smiled leaning forward trying to get Rose's attention "You just enjoy the company of a certain someone…"

"What are you talking about?" Rose interrogated finally looking at Jannie, how hinted to her right, where a Slythering Boy was also emerged in his studies few tables apart from them. Rose felt a little electrical shock in her spine and blushed looking back at Jannie. "No…. I literally come her to study! Not because of… you know… other things" She lied.

It was true that at first Rose loved the quietness of the library and found unbelievable comfort between it's massive bookshelves, but from time to time she had began to notice that it was also where she regularly found Scorpious Malfoy, also reading and studying. She didn't admit it, not even to herself that she liked it even more now that every now and then his presence passed by giving her chills and racing her heat beat, even if that difficulties her focus on whatever she was doing.

Jannie smiled maliciously. "Yeahhh sure… Are you trying to tell me you never come her to have the opportunity to sneak out with that hot peace of ass to a broom closet?"

Rose looked at her a bit irritated. " No I don't! You know what happen so don't try and put words in my mouth. And I am NOT a broom closet girl, for Merlin's sake…"

"Right," Jannie mocked still skeptical yet laughing at her friend's embarrassment "you are more of a make out in detention kind of girl…"

Rose put down her quill and said to her quietly:

"Look! You were the one who told me to go with my gut! And it's not like we're dating or anything!"

The reality was that that night last week, when she ran after Scorpious they kissed again. But it was a tenderer shy kiss. Like they knew how tense and weird it was that both of them where making out in an empty hallway at 11 pm.

Once they separated, none of them ran but stayed in the same place letting go of each other slowly.

Scorpious was clearly uncomfortable and for some reason that comforted Rose. The thought that this was has crazy yet satisfying to her as it was to him made her feel… less crazy.

He was rubbing his neck looking away and Rose also drew her attention to a tapestry at her left trying to distract herself from the fact that Scorpious was still two feet way from her.

"Sooo…" She said touching her hair nervously "Now what?"

She risked a quick glance at him, but when noticing he was looking back into her eyes, she quickly turned her attention back to the tapestry.

Scorpious was finding it very hard to say something for some reason. It was like there was this heavy inflated feeling in his chest that made it so hard to say a single word. Yet he found some strength to let out a sound.

"Humm…" His voice didn't sound like his at all… and he never stuttered "I don't know."

"I don't know either" She confessed.

Scorpious placed his hands in his head and turned the other way sighing. It somehow made it harder to talk while looking at her.

"Look." She started with a soft yet trembling voice "Lets just be honest ok? I mean… I think it's better if we just say what's on our minds… I guess…" She didn't sound very sure of herself but neither sound Scorpious.

"I guess…" He agreed "Ok…"

That sentence was followed by a very awkward and tense silence. Scorpious tried to calm his heart rate with deep breath and her Rose's foot tapping nervously on the stone floor.

"So… I guess you start" Scorpious said. He didn't want to come out clean. Maybe she would laugh at him tell everybody that they made out. That would be so embarrassing… Not because she was ugly or undesirable but because he didn't want people talk about him at all. Like that time with Karen…

"Why me?" She said a bit outraged. He turned back to look at her.

"Well, you were the one who kissed me… Soooo…." He objected.

She stood back with her hands on her hips and her mouth opened in shock (a challenging stances he knew very well) : "Me?! You were the one how grabbed me 3 weeks ago!"

"Well you didn't seem to mind at the moment! And from my point of view you were the one who grabbed me!" He accused. She felt even angrier.

"No! I remember very clearly! You grabbed my waist and my neck! It was you" She pointed out with her finger pointing at his chest.

He laughed sarcastically: "Well, you clearly don't remember THAT well because I grabbed your face and not your neck!"

"Oh my God! Who cares what part of my body you grabbed!? You were the one to kiss me in the first place!" she provoked.

"It was you! Why can't you just put your pride aside and admit and you liked it!" he challenged taking a step towards her again.

"I already put my pride aside, you idiot when I came running after you!" She added in anger. "You are the one who can't admit you wanted to kiss me"

"You wanted to kiss me too!" He replied " I bet you even want to kiss me now!"

"I.. I do not!" She hesitated softening her expression

"You are a terrible liar, you know that right?" He genuinely smiled, an action that even surprised himself.

Rose opened her mouth to say something and closed it again. She took her hand of her hips and look away form him blushing. He felt more relaxed that she really did want to kiss him. He was terrified that this weird thing, was just him.

"Well…" She said slowly not looking at him yet with pinch of provocation in her voice " If you don't want to.. you don't have to, I never forced you to do anything, so…" She looked at him with confidence and said " If you don't want to discuss this like normal people and pretend this don't affect any of us, fine by me"

He was surprised by the honesty in her speech and as unable to fight back the urge to be honest too.

"Merlin's freacking pants, Rose Weasley" Her body flinched has he said her name but he didn't notice since now it was him who looked away and sighed. " Ok…" He started " I don't know what comes over me, ok?" he looked at her. She seamed to be absolving every word he was saying.

"I mean, I just… I guess I felt like… you know… Kissing you. So I guess I did it, it just didn't think about it really, I just… Did it. It feels really stupid when putting it like this" He confessed looking away in doubt.

"No, I get it" She interrupted and he looked at her. Now it was her turn to look away blushing. Something that secretly Scorpious found absolutely adorable " Ok, so… I didn't think either, like,… I just kinda followed my gut I guess… Jannie is always telling me to go with my gut so I just… Did."

Scorpious couldn't help but to laugh. Rose looked at him in shock. She had never seen a genuine laugh form him. It was so amazing and light she felt really amazed.

"This is just weird ok?" He acknowledged. She smiled too and let out a "I guess it is…"As soon has he found they were both smiling he cleared his through and went back to his straight face feeling really embarrassed. Like he had opened up to her somehow.

"Let's just. Not talk about this… Or whatever. This is just a silly attraction, I thing" He affirmed rubbing his neck again like he did every time he was nervous "I mean, we both just feel attracted to each other right?" He waited for confirmation that he was not alone in this mixed feeling and emotion. For a fraction of a second he felt scared she would laugh in his face and deny her share of feelings.

Yet, she didn't. She looked down and said "Right…"

He felt the relief in his shoulders so e stood up straight and ran his fingers though his hair more confident of his words: "So let's just whatever we want. Like… it's not a freaking crime to snog someone! It doesn't mean anything"

"Right!" Rose added getting excited and laughing a bit " I mean and it's not like anyone need to know… And we can just say fuck it and do whatever we want! It's only natural! I mean, I'm a girl and you are a really hot guy"

When she realized what she had said her body turned stiff and her ears felt hot. Scorpious tried to hide a smile and looked at her:

"I MEAN! S…Some people say that!" She tried to justify herself

"Right…" Scorpious said no longer able to hide his amusement and rose sighed in embarrassment. " You are not so bad yourself, weasley, don't worry. I mean… Some people say that" He mocked.

She looked at him in contempt but she was also amused: "ahahah very funny!" Rose laughed sarcastically.

Then another awkward pause were they both didn't look at each other, but this time, it was Scorpious who was brave enough to break the icy silence.

"Sooo… I guess I'll see you around, Rose" He said finally looking at her with a small smirk.

"Yeah…" She smirked back giving him a shy look "I'll see you around"

Scorpious turned around as his smile grew bigger as did rose's that after he disappear through another corridor headed to the Gryffindor Tower.

Even though he said they would see each other around they haven't…. That was 4 nights ago and for some reason Rose thought they would meet that weekend, so she when to the library every day, hoping he would come talk to her and arrange a meeting because truth is she couldn't wait to kiss him again…

Scorpious was exactly on the same page even though she didn't know it. He knew he was the one that need to go talk to her because, even if she didn't admitted, she was too embarrassed to do it, and he knew it. The problem was that he was also embarrassed.

He shouldn't be. They already arranged that they would only meet casually and do whatever they wanted and that was very common in Scorpious life but this time, besides him watching out for someone that may see them he for some reason felt nervous coming up to her.

Rose secretly hoped that, now that she had seen Scorpious there, Jannie would go away so that he could finally go talk to her.

Jannie must have read her thoughts when saying:

"Look, I'll just go find Oliver and let you and your lover boy alone…"

Rose rolled her eyes: "You know there are more people in the library aside from us, right?"

Jannie squinted her shoulders like what Rose was saying didn't matter at all.

"Yeah… yeah… See you later!" Jannie added with a wink.

As she left Rose sighed and shoke her head smiling, trying to refocus on her studies again, she might as well do something while waiting for Scorpius to man up…

A few moments later, as she turned her look to her left to see Scorpious, she noticed he was not there. Her heart sinked a bit. She looked around for him but couldn't find him. Yet his stuff was still in the table where he minutes ago, stood reading.

"well… it wouldn't hurt to look around see where he went" she thought.

Rose got up looking around and submerged in the forest of bookshelves. She looked around and walked into every other corridor, but either she found no one, or no one she was looking for.

Almost ready to give up Rose entered the final corridor before the restricted section, yet, Scorpious was not there. She sighed as she gave up searching for Scorpius, but as she turned around there he was standing in front of her.

Rose was so caught of guard that she bumped against the bookshelf and let out a winch.

"Merlin's pants! You scared the crap out of me!" She complained.

Scorpious rose an eyebrow with a smirk:

"That is weird since you were expecting to find me around here…"

Rose was once again all red and immediately regretted the decision of coming to the library in the first place

"I…Humm…" she strutted " Yeah, I was just… searching for a book"

"Right…." Like a sign of mercy he didn't pointed out the obvious fact that she was lying, the fact that she came looking for him pleased him so he looked around and then back at Rose and when noticing no one was around he took a few steps closer to Rose staying only a few inches apart. She almost held her breath from surprise.

"So…" He said. Looking at her freckled nose. Has she looked back at him he felt weak, so turned away but still standing close to her "I feel like we should meet up sometime…"

She felt a smile forming in her mouth and said: "Yeah, where do you wanna meet up?"

There was a confidence in her voice when pronouncing those words, even though she was visually embarrassed that made Scorpius feel completely captivated by her staring deep into her eyes.

"Humm… Maybe, tonight at 10? In quidditch locker room? It's always empty after 9…" He said while grabbing her hip.

Rose smiled and looked away breaking the eye contact that was almost keeping Scorpious under a spell. "Hum… sure. I'll be there…"

Scorpious felt like Rose could hear his heart pounding in his chest but all she did was grab his neck and pull him closer to kiss him, but in that very moment Rose heard a familiar voice coming towards them:

"Al, I've already told you, Rose must have already gone to he Gryffindor tower!" Said a girls with a tone of distress in her voice.

In a fraction of a second, Rose let go of Scorpious and pushed him away from her. Both of them turned to opposite sides of the corridor looking into the bookshelves.

"Yeah, like she would leave her stuff all behind and…" Albus finally appeared with Jannie rushing behind him. As she saw both Scorpious and Rose in the same corridor yet pretty far apart she sighed in relief and smiled in amusement.

"Oh there you are!" Albus said walking towards her completely ignoring Scorpious and he passed though him which made Rose relax "Hey! I really need help with a transfiguration thing! I don't have much time because I promised Isabelle I would meet her for dinner…"

He grabbed Rose by the arm and went back though the corridor in order to leave the library.

"Hum, yeah sure!" Rose answered. Has she was leaving she looked at Scorpious over her shoulder and smirked leaving him with a deep urge to meet her again as soon as possible….


I know I suck… Sometimes I feel like writing so I write a chapter then, moths pass by… nothing… And suddenly I remember to go back at it

ANYWAYS BETTER LATE THE NEVER! So that is why this chapter is a bit longer to make it up to you… ahah

That you all for the kind reviews! I really hope you don't hate me!

I hope you liked it! And do not worry, so much more drama to follow (I freaking love drama! Hehe!)

