Hiii! Haven't written a fic for a long time! This and my first RosexScorpius. Hope you enjoy! This is the translation, I'm Portuguese… so if you find some mistakes, I'm sorry.


It's true when they say that love is beyond our reach. It's true when they say we cannot chose who we love. But they always forget to say, that love is hard. Words can change our attitudes, moments can change our emotions, sometimes for a day, sometimes for a lifetime. But they almost never change who we it's because we are ourselves that love arises.
When we find ourselves in love with someone, our world is upside down. When we want to spend every moment with a particular person, when we do not mind staying up just to talk with that person even on the most common subject. When something bad happens to that person and it seems that your world just collapsed. When something bad happens to you and everything you want to do is share your pain with that person, because you know that with her everything would be so much easier. Everything, and evry task and fear can be overcame that with someone.
The temptation to look for endless moments at that person and everything else disappears, and a temptation is so big that you feel like you could stay years looking at the same person. It's crazy.
But love hurts. Hurts too much. More than anything else. But ironically, it's what we want most.
When that person that seemed so trivial and suddenly is the most beautiful person you've ever seen. And she is sooo fantastic. But she has her faults, and makes mistakes, you have to support them, you have to love them just because they are also part of that someone.
Love sucks, but it is magical.


- You're joking! - Albus Potter shouted loudly, making the whole common room turn to them.
- Yes, it's true ... - Rose sighed with anger.
- I cannot believe ! How is ...? Why ..? But you never ... - Jannie stammered.
- I know! - Rose shouted. She was starting to get annoyed by both.
Jannie and Albus looked at Rose in shock. And then they started laughing. And the more they laughed the more Rose eyes turned just the same color as her hair:
- Not funny. This is serious.
They did not stop, until she could see a tear in one of Jannies eyes while she laughed.
- .! - Repeated her trying to control herself not to scream.
They continued and Albus tried to speak while trying to stop laughing:
- Sorry ... ahahahahahah ... is that you are in hogwarts for six years and ... ahahahahah ... you never ... ahahahahaha!
- You never got a detention! Ahahaahahahahahahaah! - Jannie finished for him.
- I told you, it's not funny! - Rose screeched again.
They were gradually easing up. And Jannie said:
- So the nerdy Rose ...
- I'm not nerdy. - Rose interrupted but Jannie ignored it completely.
- got a detention of five months! No one, not two, not three months! But 5 months! Ahahaahahah! Awesome!
- Really? - Complained Rose - There is nothing great about this! My mother will kill me! Oh ... do not want to think about Christmas and when she knows ... oh Merlin!
- Oh, it's easy! Don't tell them! - Albus said leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his head with a smile.
Rose gave him a look at that said: "You're kidding me, right?".
- Come on Rose! I never tell my parents when I'm at detention! And they never complained! - He complained.
- No! This out of the question! I'm not you! Besides that, they never complained, because the professor Neville is cool and doesn't tell them anything! Because otherwise, they ... - defended her.
- They what? I know perfectly well that both mum and dad got detention a million times! - He said indifferently.
Rose rolled her eyes:
- That does not change anything, Al! You know your mum and ...
- It doesn't matter! - Jannie stopped and both looked at her - You finally did something remotely interesting with your life!
- My life is interesting! - Rose complained.
- Of course! Books, studying, classes, study! Soooo interesting! - Jannie explained sarcastically, as usual.
- Wow, thanks!
- But now! Wow, a detention! It must be really bad! - Albus said dreamily staring at the ceiling.
- And that is not the worst ... you know - looking at Rose complained, starring at the table again capturing her friends attention.
- I'm going to have to do it with Malfoy. - She explained with disgust in her voice.
- Malfoy? - Albus shouted again, and for the second time the Gryffindors look at him.
Jannie gave him a blow on the neck.
- Shut up already! - Then turned to Rose and she sighed starting to tell the story.
- - XXx-xXx xXx -
Rose was in the library as usual but this time it was not for the usual reasons. Hidden behind a book of potions when one looked around Scorpius Malfoy walked right in front of her. It annoyed her tremendously. He walked around school as if he owned everything and everyone and he was extremely rude. Rose knew he was one of the cutest boys in school but it didn't matter.
In his hand he carried a book from the library Rose noticed that he had left the library still with book in his hand. She was a head of the students and knew that was not permitted to take library books without permission.
It was the perfect opportunity to catch him. Rose did not want to admit it but she loved to busting Malfoy, it gave her an immense pleasure to rub his face the power she had over him.

She closed the book with a smile and completely forgot the reason that dragged her to the library at that time and started to walk as fast as she could to catch up the young man with blond hair.
He was very fast, but when she finally cought him up, she took the book from his ands and shouted:
- AH-AH! Cought! - Said looking very satisfied.
Malfoy looked at her with disgust and said:
- What do you want, Weasley?
- AH! - Rose laughed sarcastically and said - You took a library book out of the library! You thought that you were gonna do it without getting caught?
- You thought you could even be slightly higher with those shoes? You look ridiculous.
Rose looked at her feet completely blushed in scandal. Compared with him, she was quite short, but it was a normal high for her age. The fact that she was to wear a shoe with a little heal does not change anything! After all she was 16!
- Ridiculous? At least it was not me that for four years used my hair pulled back as if troll drool had fallen on my head!
Malfoy looked getting angrier and angrier. Rose rolled her heels to return to the library and return the book when Malfoy came back to grabed it:
- Give me back my book!
- Is not yours, it's from the library!
Both have shouted so louded that people around look at them.
- Seriously Weasley, you are still so poor that you have to steal books from, others?
- And you are so stupid like your father for doing what is wrong and not thinging of the consequences for the other? Selfish, bastard!
Malfoy's eyes were definitely scary the usual rage they felt for each other turned in to pure anger and looked at Rose like he could kill her in an instant.
- Don' . . .father. Sick little nerd.
- You're as bad as him! - Cried Rose.
- ENOUGH! You think you're important? Well for your information Weasley, at least I don't have a ridiculously dysfunctional parents. Maybe that is way you are have your mental problems. Or maybe it's only the fact that you have a life so worthless that nobody would realize if you died. - He shouted. And with that drew out his wand. And Rose just dropped the book so that she could also grab her wand shaking with rage.
- Stupefy! – she Shouted. And Malfoy fell round on the floor .He got up very angry and shouted a spell but Rose swerved causing the spell hit a kid behind her.
He tried to hit Rose again. But he just hit the book that Rose had picked up from the floor.
It appeared that Miss Prince cried to see the what was happening, yet the cast that Malfoy spelled knocked the poor lady out. Miss Prince fortunately or unfortunately , but it got back to her feet and grabbed Rose and Scorpius taking them directly to professor McGonnagall's ofice.
- XXx. XXX - XXX - XXX -. -

- Wow. – Muttered Albus when Rose finished the story.
Both friends stared at her with their mouths wide open.
- You casted spells in the hallway, you have made a deliberate duel with a student, ruined a book that was school property, hit another student who was behind you and Miss Prince. No wonder they put you and Malfoy in detention for so long. - Jannie said.
- Hey! Half of these things were Malfoy's fault! - Rose complained.
- But you were involved and you are head student! - Albus said.
Rose looked at her lap ashamed. She regretted what she had done it but Malfoy really got in her nerves. McGonnagall had been really disappointed with her and that was not making her feel any better.
Jannie and Albus realized it so they changed the subject:
- This was the biggest fight that you ever had with Malfoy! You never got passed the punches, snaps and insults.
- Yes. But that thing about my parents was so ...
- I know ... - Albus said.
- Well, what will you have to do for your punishment? - Asked Jannie.
- Err ... I think for now it's just to get some books in the library. I start on friday. - She said.
After discussing the Rose's punishment each went to his dorm. Rose lay in her bed and thought that tomorrow was going to watch quiddich practice. She was really excited. She hadn't tell anyone but she hoped it was not just a simple practice ... that she would meet someone.

We first chapter! I hope that you guys liked it! Sorry about the mistakes, but since I'm young… English is not my first language and I'm dyslexic that you can forgive me! xDD

Peace! Ritta out!