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Welcome, Dr T'Soni.

From: Cerberus Command
To: Liara T'Soni

Thank you for your assistance retrieving subject Lazarus.

As per our arrangement, we will keep you informed of all major updates to the project.

Primary reconstruction work has begun. So far we have had no response, but Project Leader is optimistic.

From: CC

Physical reconstruction is underway, and suitable techniques have been given go-ahead for mental reconstruction.

From: CC

Physical reconstruction is complete. As per Project Leader's orders, subject is augmented with top of the line, experimental technology. When subject awakens, strength, ability, speed and biotic potential will all be increased. Numerous beneficial side effects include reduced need for sleep, faster healing and increased resistance to toxin. A full report is attached.

From: CC

First brainwave activity recorded.

From: CC

Brain operating all necessary bodily functions; subject now able to "live" without life support machinery.

From: CC

Subject showing rudimentary levels of awareness.

From: CC

Subject woke due to failure in anaesthesia. Project Leader noted "she looked scared". Subject physically unharmed by experience; Chief Medical Officer noted concern of potential mental trauma.

From: CC

Project Leader estimates subject will be active in three lunar months. Secondary objectives of Project Lazarus have had funds cleared. Your generous donation is appreciated.

From: CC

Necessary secondary personnel for Project Lazarus: Phase 2 have been contacted.

From: CC

Project's mechanical team report completion of vessel. Picture attached.

From: CC

Attached this time. Apologies.

From: CC

Project Lazarus sabotaged by insider. Subject unharmed; was forced to awaken early but shows no signs of physical or emotional distress beyond predicted parameters. Project Leader officially advanced project to Phase 2.

She asked about you. As requested, your present location was withheld. Subject showed no visible sign of distress upon receiving information.

From: CC

Subject showed remarkable efficiency in trial operation. Defused potentially hostile situation with diplomacy and dealt with overwhelming adversity with trademark aggression. Project Leader noted concerns of "debilitating nostalgia": Tali'Zorah vas Neema was present. Concerns dismissed by command.

Despite strength of opposition, only one injury recorded amongst ground team: subject suffered fractured wrist bone. Commented: "I miss my damn blade".

From: CC

Subject's omni-blade program upgraded as per your recommendation.

From: TIM

Doctor T'Soni, I believe you know who I am.

Commander Shepard is awake, and active. We want to build her a team of equal or greater efficiency of that she used to track Saren. We have over one hundred dossiers and your input would be greatly valued.

I trust you appreciate the gravity of Shepard's task, and will assist accordingly.

From: LTS

Send me the dossiers.

A/N: Welcome to my story of Mass Effect 2!

For those who have not read my first story, "A Memory Shared, A Connection Forged", I would highly recommend doing so before continuing this one.

As a brief summary of what happened, Faith Shepard is a rather private, stoic soldier with a background as the survivor of Mindoir, and the Butcher of Torfan. She has a strong dislike for batarians because of her past, but otherwise harbours no ill will towards anybody in particular. Of the main decisions in the game, she saved the colonists of Feros & Shiala, killed the Rachni Queen, Ashley died on Virmire (Wrex was shouted down), and she saved the Council.

I won't label her as "paragon" or "renegade"; such distinctions are absolutely misleading and morality is never black and white. Faith does what she thinks necessary, makes mistakes, learns, and does not apologise for doing what other people asked her to, just because they don't like the outcome.

She and Liara became very close throughout the story, but in the end, Faith turned Liara away, scared of finally letting go of her self-absorbed burden, of "ruining" Liara with the horrors she carries inside her. Like I said, she is not perfect.

This story will be set out very differently to my first. I never felt ME2 had a particularly coherent central plot line; the vast majority of the game was spent on recruitment or loyalty missions. More importantly to me, very little time was spent with Liara and I'm all about Liara.

So this story will be exploring the possibility that, despite living two entirely separate lives, Faith and Liara's journeys might not actually be so different. Each chapter will be a self-contained look at a ME2 plot point, such as a recruitment or loyalty mission, or even just a moment of dialogue, giving a parallel story of Liara's which explores the same themes. They will not be in the chronological order of the game, so please don't complain about that! Some of Liara's happenings will be from canon materials, the rest will be my wild imaginings.
