Chapter 2! Yay! Well, I hope you enjoy this! Please fave and review! For all those who did, you get a slice of a cake of your choosing! Thanks for reading, you guys are AWESOME! (Seriously. C:)
-Beep! Beep! Beep!-
A sound came from Korra's left side of the bed. Korra moaned and turned away. Even the new girl at a new High School needs beauty sleep. The beeping continued, and Korra hid her head under the pillow. Naga howled, and much to Korra's annoyance, she grabbed towards the beeping sound and threw it on the ground. Much better.
"Korra…What did you-?" A voice came from next to her.
"Huh? Wha-?" Korra rubbed her eyes mournfully. When she opened them, she saw a pretty girl next to her. Oh, yeah. It was Asami. And she was sleeping in the dorms of Fire Ferret High. Ugh. Korra plopped down on her pillow and groaned.
"Korra, it's time to get up! School starts soon!" Asami whispered.
"10 more minutes," Korra muttered. "Make it 30." Korra turned to see Asami all ready for school. Her hair ebony hair was curled and her lips were smack-dab plastered in cherry lip gloss. Asami already had her school uniform on, much to Korra's confusion. It was only 7:45 in the morning. School couldn't have started yet…right?
"Korra, it's 7:45, school starts at 8!" Asami reminded Korra. Korra took a few seconds to let Asami's words sink in. Then, Korra realized what was truly happening.
"WHAT? I have to-I gotta-" Korra dashed off before finishing her sentence. Korra hurriedly brushed her teeth and combed her hair. Her mouth still stung from the mint toothpaste when she was busy changing into her school uniform Asami got her. Asami must've been 2x skinnier than her because the uniform felt tight on Korra's skin, but she managed. She glared down at the plaid skirt. It felt so uncomfortable. So…short. She HATED skirts. Well, besides her fur skirt.
Korra stepped out of the bathroom. Asami was eyeing her outfit, her hand resting on her chin. Asami gazed for a few minutes. Then, she let out a sigh.
"Well, it's now what you wear, it's how you wear it!" Asami tried to sound cheerful, but behind her voice, she was lying. "You look…particularly obtuse…" Korra didn't really know what she meant, nonetheless the vocabulary, so she just accepted it as a compliment. The two girls quickly got their school materials and headed out the door.
All Korra really had were pages stitched together and a few pens for notes. Asami lent her an extra copy of some of her textbooks. Korra had always wondered how Asami got all her things. After all, the textbooks were 500 yuans each. The headed out the dormitory and entered the school campus.
It was just as bustling as before. Many kids were relaxing on the grassy yard and were reading books. Some were talking to each other and like Asami and Korra, others were rushing to get to class. The girls slammed the entrance door open. Lockers were piled on the walls, and many students were busy getting their textbooks. Like yesterday, teenage girls were using mirrors plastered on their locker doors to help them apply make-up. Korra wrinkled her nose. Make-up, make-up ,make-up everywhere. What is with these people? Are looks that important?
When Asami strutted down the hall, girls stopped what they were doing and gazed in awe as the beautiful girl walked down the aisle. Even a few guys turned their heads to check Asami out. Asami seemed to like the attention, and flipped her dark, curly hair and if she was on a runway. Korra smirked. So much for a nice dorm mate. Asami opened her own locker and grabbed a purple object. Korra realized it was a purse, filled with make-up (UGH) essentials. Asami quickly applied 3 layers of strawberry lip gloss and closed her locker. Korra wasn't really sure what locker she had yet. She was hopefully going to ask the principal at the end of school.
"Let's go, Korra," Asami said, tugging at Korra. Korra realized Asami had closed her locker and already heading to a class. Korra followed, and heard a few girls whispering behind their backs. She cursed when she heard one from a girl with dreadlocks nearby: "How can Asami be dorm mates with her? Asami's too pretty for that girl." Korra just shook it out of her head and concentrated on following Asami. She was getting far ahead anyways. But still…what was happening behind her back?
"So…where are we going?" Korra asked sheepishly. It was a dumb question, but she really didn't know the way around the school.
"Room 42 JK," Asami rushed. "Taught by Master Tenzin." Korra nodded. The girls went down a few halls and turns, their hair whipping. Girls often turned and stared, but Korra ignored them. Asami stopped suddenly, almost causing Korra to bump into her.
"Um, Asami? Are you ok-?" Korra murmured. Asami slapped her forehead.
"UH! I forgot my textbook!" Asami lied. What she really forgot was her cherry berry blast lipstick. But of course, if she told Korra that, Korra would immediately burst out laughing and attract the whole school, ESPECIALLY those cute A-Clique boys.
"You go ahead to the class. I'll catch up with you," Asami said, already turning her heel to run back to her locker.
"What? But I don't know-"
"Just walk down the hall and it's the third door to your right," Asami called. Korra stood still in shock. She wanted herself to run after Asami. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out but a sigh. Ok, Korra, you got this. Just down the hall, third right door. Ok. Let's go. That was just an expectation. In reality, Korra was freaking out. Where to go? Where to go? Korra frantically tried to keep all her materials in her arms, but her hands were sweating and felt like Jell-O. Korra ran down the hall, her head cocking to the left and right. She was moving her head so much, it started to her.
When she was already starting to get dizzy, before she knew it, she bumped into something. It was something hard but soft, like flesh. She stumbled backwards, but luckily a hand reached out to catch her. Then she realized she bumped into someone. Her books and papers flew into the air. Korra cursed silently. She looked up to apologize, but she was speechless. Korra was caught by a boy, the one she'd seen in Bolin's dorm room. His brother. He had dark wavy and spike hair and the most dazzling amber eyes. His clothes were ruffled and the sleeves were pulled up to his elbows. Korra was…well…captivated. The boy looked down at her, and Korra's cheeks grew pink.
"Oh, sorry," They boy apologized. He let go of Korra's hands and put one of his own arms behind is neck. "I should've looked where I was going."
"No need to apologize!" Korra stammered quickly. "It was my fault! I was just-I mean-" Korra wanted to slap herself for acting so immature. She was busy picking up her textbooks and materials and the boy helped her. He handed the materials to Korra and smiled.
"I'm Korra," Korra gushed.
"I'm Mako…" Mako's voice trailed off, his eyes focused on something behind her. Korra tell by his eyes he was amazed. He was impressed. Korra turned around to find out what he was looking at. His eyes were on a girl with green eyes and lavender eye shadow. Korra knew her. That was Asami. She gazed back at Mako, who was watching in awe. Asami came up to Korra and locked her arms with her.
"Let's go, Korra," Asami said in a sing-songy voice. Korra caught Asami give a small wink at Mako. Mako stood there gazing at the two girls rushing to their class.
"Nice to meet you, too," Korra whispered quietly.
Korra and Asami finally made it into class early. Asami sat down on a seat on the second row, which was filled up with girls giggling and gossiping. They all had pretty hair and beautiful faces. Asami motioned her to grab an empty seat while she chatted to a girl with a brown bob. Korra looked around the classroom. It was filled with boys and girls either talking, trying to stay away, or frantically trying to finish their homework. The only empty seats were in the back row. Korra sighed and took a seat. She took out her textbooks and read a few of the pages.
Suddenly, the bell rang and the students immediately stopped what they were doing and grabbed out their textbooks. A man walked into the room. His head was completely shaven and he had a brown mustache and beard. He wore a yellow woolen west and red t-shirt inside. His gray eyes were stormy, and eyed his class. His eyes locked on Korra and twinkled.
"Good morning, class," The man stated. "Master Tenzin here. As some of you may have or haven't notice, we have a new student here in Fire Ferret High." Master Tenzin motioned at Korra and told her to stand.
Suddenly, the door slammed open. A boy with his head down panted and took deep breaths. When he looked up, Korra stopped in her tracks. She gave out a smirk.
"Ah, Mister Mako. Tardy again?" Master Tenzin mused. Mako panted.
"I'm sorry, sir," Mako said, out of breath. Mako scanned the room. His eyes locked on Korra, but quickly moved to Asami. He let out a small blush, but it was very obvious. Some girls noticed, and started giggling playfully. Some started nudging Asami and making kissy faces.
"Very well," Master Tenzin said. "Take your seat. We have a new student." Mako walked down the Asami was in, and as he passed, she gave him a wink, making Mako blush even harder. Korra felt something in her stomach. Was it…jealousy? Mako sat next to another guy in row 6. He slumped down and turned around to smile at Korra. Korra ignorantly looked away from him. He wasn't the one for her…she hoped.
For the rest of the class, all she really learned was the history of the world, blah, blah, blah. When it was finally over, she ran to the office to ask about her locker. She couldn't WAIT for one. There was a front desk with a lamp and a vase of violets. On the desk had a plaque with the name PRINCIPAL KATARA written on it. Principal Katara looked up to see a nervous Korra. Katara smiled. She had gray hair tied in a bun and a blue coat over a suit.
"May I help you?" Katara asked.
"Um, yes. I'm Korra, the exchange student," Korra muttered. "I was wondering about my locker?" Katara nodded.
"Ah, yes," Katara reached in for a cabinet behind her and handed Korra a lock. "Your locker combination is 2020. Locker 85."
"Thank you, ma'am," Korra nodded, clutching her lock with her hand. She twisted and played with the knob and lock. Then she realized she was in the principal's office.
"Oh, um, do you know who's locker is next to mine?" Korra asked. Hopefully it was someone nice. And not a prissy girl that had a sudden addiction to lip gloss and nail polish. Katara put a finger on her chin and thought for a while.
"Hmm, you're locker is locker 85, so…on your left would be…" Katara continued to ponder. "Ah, yes! Locker 84 next to you would belong that boy, Mako." The name hit Korra hard. Mako. Him.
Korra's locker is next to Mako's.
Yep, I made Katara the principal (: Hope you enjoyed this! I'll be updating Chap. 3 soon! (- More drama and lovey-dovey C;) So Bolin likes Korra who likes Mako who likes Asami. Cute love square ;) Well, hope u enjoyed! REVIEWWWW OR FAVEEE FOR A COOKIE 3 Thanks!
P.S. Korra's locker combination is 2020 because there are words in this chapter ;) C wat I did there? :D