Hello all! Here is a crossover I hope you guys will enjoy! Review and let me know what you think. I don't own How to Rock or Pretty Little Liars.

Stevie's POV

I was getting all of these weird texts from someone named A. Which was pretty confusing because my old friend Allison used to sign her texts like that, they were getting creepier and more personal. A even sent me pictures of my best friends from Rosewood, but it looked as if they didn't know they were getting their picture taken.

"Hey Stevie." says Zander walking into the band room, "Can you believe in 45 minutes it'll be summer?" he asks

"Yeah I know it's crazy." I smile, "We all have to hand out a lot!"

"Yeah." He agrees, "Stevie can I talk to you?" he asks

"Sure." I say looking at him.

"Well I just have been thinking a lot lately about us and-" he stops but is interrupted by my phone beeping.

"Hold on, sorry." I say checking my text.

Wow Stevie looks like your friends need you. Come back to Rosewood or else. By the way love your hair today (Attached picture of Stevie here) Xoxo-A

"Oh my God…" I whisper

"What's wrong?" asks Zander worriedly

"I have to…I'll be right back okay?" I ask, "Just stay right there." I say running into the hallway and dialing Aria's phone number.

(A/N: Stevie, Aria)


Aria, hi!

Is everything okay?

I got this weird text message from A

Oh my God

I take it that's bad?

What did it say?

It said 'Wow Stevie looks like your friends need you. Come back to Rosewood or else. Then whoever A is attached a picture of me right before they sent that text. Then xoxo-A.

Okay Stevie listen to me, A is dangerous, really dangerous. I can't explain over the phone but I think you need to do what A says or something will happen.

So I should come to Rosewood?

I think it's for the best right now. You can stay with us or Hanna. Okay?

Okay see you tomorrow.

Just be carfeful

Okay I'm really freaked out right now…

Don't worry I'll explain-no we'll explain when you get here.

Okay bye


Fear takes over my body and I can't help but let a tear drop. I walk into the band room to see Zander still sitting where he was.

"Hey are you okay?" he asks coming up to me and hugging me.

"Yeah it's just-" I say as my phone beeps

Tell lover boy and he's dead.


"I have to go." I say

"Where home?"

"No Rosewood."

"Rosewood?" he asks confused.

"Yeah I use to live there and something really bad happened and I have to go back." I say looking up at him.

"For how long?" he asks pulling a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"I don't know, a while probably."

"Well can we visit you?" he asks

"Yeah, what were you going to say before?" I ask. He looks down and leans in and kisses me. I'm so in shock I don't do anything. I mean I like him I really like him. After two seconds he pulls away and puts his head down.

"Sorry." He says leaving the room

"Zander wait!" I call after him, "Zander!"I say catching up to him and grabbing his arm

"Stevie I said sorry."

"No I was just surprised and." I don't continue I just do the only thing I can think of and I kiss him, it takes him less than a second to respond and kiss back.

"So what does this mean?" he asks as we pull away for air.

"It means I like you." I say with a smirk, turning around and exiting the school. Next stop Rosewood.