A/N last part!

Akihiko leaned over the balcony overlooking the sky-line of Tokyo. He enjoyed the sea breeze for a while and could feel the soft peck on the cheek he got from the boy the second time they came here.

Thank you. He heard the wind whisper in his voice.

He remembered that day, that happy memory. All that was missing left was the glow of the city lights reflecting on the water.

Akihiko sighed, pushing himself off the railing and turned back.

The view wasn't enjoyable in the day; he had come too early.

He walked back down on the path but then turned into the private area he owned.

He didn't just walk the long trail to enjoy the view,

He came for a visit.

The private area was large, occupying almost half the land Akihiko now claimed, and was fenced off with beautiful tall, white iron fences.

It was like an entrance to paradise in the middle of the woods.

He opened the gates with two separate keys he always kept with him and opened them without a sound, locking it once again as he got inside. More leaves crunched under his footsteps.

The area was picked out for perfection, golden light shone through the leaves whether it was morning or sundown. It wasn't far from the sea breeze either so the air was cool and fresh, but no matter how perfect the place was, happiness and sadness always clashed inside the heaviness of Akihiko's heart as he kept walking the narrow trail.

He came here often, but mostly in the fall where everything was the same when he first found this place.

He continued on until he reached the middle of the area, where amongst the leaves rested a beautiful white tombstone with delicate carvings.

He had finally reached his destination. He came to visit his love once again.

Akihiko kneeled, stroking the stone's carvings with his hands, feeling the crevices that created words.

Takahashi Misaki

He sat beside it and looked up to the leaves floating above them.

He was reminded of that day once again:

My sleep was dreamless as Misaki's words of confession were the only thing echoing in my head. But I knew something was wrong. I knew, that he must've known too. My consciousness was swimming out of my sleep-state, forcing my heavy eyelids to open. Thankfully, there was no light blinding me as I awoke.

As I regained my senses, I felt something cold, shockingly cold that I instinctively pulled my hand back from the source as it were a hot stove. 'What was that?' I thought to myself as I examined my hand. My mind was still hazy from sleep, I wasn't able to think properly yet. That was when I noticed Misaki still on my lap, and I was snapped awake.


I stared at his un-moving body, pale in the dark.


I held my breath in hope that I could hear his, but my chest heaved as I heard nothing.

Dropping down on the ground, I kneeled and cupped his face, cold as ice. My hands shook as I saw the blood trickle down from his nose, dried tears trailed down his cheeks. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't grasp the fact that this was happening.

I focused on his face, wondering if he would wake up from a restless sleep and comfort me, but all I saw was that eternal peacefulness that he wore.


I couldn't stop shaking, hugging his body close to me and no longer feeling his warmth. No...no...

No more memories.

His limp body hung in my arms, and I could feel his cheeks pressed against my chest. My heart pounded wildly, mocking me. I buried my face in his shoulders, not wanting any more of the heavy pain in my chest. I couldn't accept it. Not today.

Not after he just said he loved me.

I've never felt so much heartache, never expected it to be so sudden. I cried into his shoulders, for the last time, like how I cried into his when we first met.

Upon the grief, and sorrow that took place that morning, I could still smell the lingering scent of pastries and cotton...

"Misaki…" he whispered, not wanting to destroy the silence he once hated. He bit his lip as he constantly tried to shake away that memory.

Right next to the tombstone were flowers planted everywhere. It was something every one of Misaki's friends did when they visited. They planted flowers instead of placing them next to him to avoid the wind blowing it away.

Besides Akihiko, Takahiro was the once who visited the most, even if he lived all the way in Osaka. He even brought his son, Misaki's nephew, in to visit the uncle he never got to meet.

At first, Takahiro insisted that Misaki would be buried beside his parent's grave, but as soon as Akihiko showed him the grove of trees, he couldn't refuse.

His heart ached at the sight of all its beauty.

"I miss you so much," Akihiko breathed, not knowing what else to say.

"You're always making me feel these things, Misaki, even if you're not around. You bring back so many memories…" That was then he allowed his tears to fall after holding them back for so long.

They dripped down his cheeks slowly, landing on the sleeves of his jacket. It seemed as though they would continue falling for an eternity.

He looked down, covering his eyes with his hair and chuckled. "You're still the only one who can see me cry. No one else…"

Another strong wind came in, drying Akihiko's tears as if it were Misaki's gentle hands.

"Thank you for being with me," he started slowly,

"I can't even imagine my life before ever meeting you, how lonely I must've been…"

He looked over to the blinding white stone surrounded by spots of color from the flowers.

It was still hard for Akihiko to accept it, but he knew Misaki was still somewhere, watching his back.

He was the wind, or the leaves, or the sun.

He never wanted to think about taking his own life either, for he knew Misaki would greatly disapprove of it, and if he was gone instead of Misaki, he didn't want him to be doing such reckless things.

He learned a great deal from that childish boy who held his heart.

As he thought to himself, one last memory occupied his mind. That single voice that had stuck with him every day of his life, echoing.

"I love you. Very much so."

Akihiko smiled and closed his eyes, succumbing to those very words.

"I love you too."

A/N And that concludes Tragic Valentine's Day Epilogue! The song that inspired me greatly to write this short was Arms by Christina Perri. It's such a perfect song for them! I hope you all enjoyed! Reviews are helpful and welcomed!