A/N I don't own Junjou Romantica...That's why I'm writing fanfiction of it T.T But, this will take place at the last episode, but in which Misaki get's hit by the bus trying to save Usagi. Multiple characters will be used, but mainly Usagi's.


What a pain my father was. All he seemed to do was cause trouble for MIsaki. I wanted him out of my sight. I turned to look at Misaki's face, he looked like he was about to cry.

I had enough of it.

"Come on Misaki, we're eating out."

"Huh? But-wait-"

As we walked the long downhill sidewalk, I felt his presence. Damnit. Why the hell is he still following us?

I threw out responses telling him to leave, but all he did was kept blabbering about worrying about my life. I felt Misaki's hand grip mine tighter as he heard all of this.

I couldn't take it anymore. I saw the street ahead of us. All we had to do was cross and get away from that man. That was all I could think about as I quickened my pace.

"W-wait, Usagi-san, you need to watch o-"

All I heard was Misaki's voice as I turned to see a bus coming right at me, only a few feet away. For the first time, I panicked. I didn't know what to do. But in a split second, I felt something push me to the side harshly, and I landed face first on the ground after hearing a large thump and the screech of tires on the pavement.

I was terrified to look. I heard my father shout something inaudible, and slowly watched him run next to a small, curled up body on the street.


My eyes wide, shocked emitted through my mind, and I forced myself up.


I managed to run up next to my father, dropping down on my knees to check on him. He was unconscious, and the only blood that I saw were from the scrapes he got as he skidded on the ground.

But what scared me the most was that his pulse and breath were fading fast.

I was speechless from shock. I turned to see my father already shouting at the phone for help, and a crowd was already forming around us.

"Oi! Misaki!" I put a hand against his bloody cheek.

"Misaki!" I knew he couldn't hear me, but I tried so hard to get him back.

My father came and told me the ambulance will be here soon, and put a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off, not wanting to take my eyes off him.


It was such a busy day at the Flower Shop. Boys and girls everywhere were huddled inside the small story, buying and asking for the best flowers there is. It was hectic, but I was glad I could help out.

But everything changed as an accident took place right in the crosswalk in front of the store. In an instant, people started running out, some stayed in and mumbled to each other. Outside, I saw two men huddled over someone.

I knew as a doctor, I had to rush out.

I made my way past the crowd and entered. Surprise took over me as I recognized the man as Hiro-san's friend, and the boy who bought flowers from the shop a while ago.

The man looked up at me, seeming to recognize my face too, but then quickly averted his eyes.

I offered my help a crouched down. There wasn't much to do without medical equipment around, so I just checked his pulse. It was dangerously unstable.

I checked his body. Nothing seemed to be bleeding externally but then, the boy suddenly twitched, his chest heaving hard.

He was choking.

"Misaki!" I heard the man cry out. I took action then. I lifted Misaki's head on my lap and opened his mouth. Blood poured excessively as he coughed.

The ambulance came right on time. Co-workers of mine took them in. We struggled to put a breather's mask on Misaki for he was choking on too much blood.

"Hey Nowaki, come on, we're gonna need you back at the hospital for this," one of the paramedics said. I agreed to it immediately.

Inside, I was sitting across Hiro-san's friend. He had some bruises in his face, but seemed to ignore all of it and just sat staring at Misaki with such a sad look in his eyes. I decided that small talk could at least ease his mind.

"You're one of Hiro-san's friend, am I right?"

He looked up and stared for a while.

"And you're the one he's living with now, huh?"

I blushed. He knew right away. I could talk about my relationship with Hiro-san, but that wasn't the most important thing right now. I looked back at the boy.

"Thank you," I heard the man say.

"Is he a friend?" I asked. Misaki looked a bit too young to be friends with him. Maybe a student of his?

Smiling faintly, he stroked Misaki's cheek with such gentleness.

"He's the most important person in my life." And with that, I understood. I saw myself in this man, and how much I would protect the person I loved the most. He loved this boy as much as I loved Hiro-san.

Something about this boy also made me want to take care of him, and I was set on doing just that. I took out my phone and called Hiro-san.