A/N. Hello all:) This is my very first story and I hope you enjoy. I have not quite figured out how to work everything yet...but enough about my technology abilities (or lack there of) on with the show! This is takes place in Modern times and our beloved Sesshomaru (700 years of age) is slightly out of character and is forced to attend high school. Rin on the other hand (18 years old) is a young, attractive heiress in need of a little tweaking in the attitude department. Both are attending Bridgeway Academy of Arts and Technology.
Disclaimer - I will never own Inuyasha, though if I did, I would totally make Sesshomaru the protagonist.3
Laws of attraction
Sesshomaru pov
Rolling out of bed at 5:30, I took 4 long strides to my royal blue curtains. With one press of a button all the curtains were pulled back to reveal the beautiful sun rise over the Manhattan cityscape. One of the few things I enjoy in this hectic neighbourhood is the amazing sunrise. I would love to watch the even more beautiful sun set, however my neighbour owns the west facing pent house. Ignoring these thoughts of jealousy towards a neighbour I have yet to meet, I brought my thoughts back to the beautiful sunrise before me.
After watching the shades of yellow and orange travel higher in the sky, I turned around to face the French doors across the room leading to my closet. Checking my Omega Olympic collection Timeless wrist watch, I realized that I had just enough time for a run. Walking in to my overly large closet I set my watch down in the correct glass box and to replace it, I brought out my Hugo Boss Black collection sports chronographic watch. Slipping into a random pair of sweat pants and an Under Armor muscle shirt, I made my way to the washroom. Splashing my face with cold water and using the toilet, I walked briskly to the connecting doors leading to the living room. There I grabbed a pair of Nike runners and my Ipod classic and left my apartment.
This new environment requires more time to adjust. Compared to my family home in the country side, it was much louder and filled with many more people. The harsh smells in the air were extremely unforgiving to my sensitive nose, and the noise of everyday life gave me a constant head ache. The security systems however were superb, after all I designed it. The 2 pent houses on the 31st floor of this high rise require no key; instead it relies on a state of the art hand analysis. Simple really, just place your hand on the monitor and you are golden. However as a precaution there is an access card that could be used as well.
Pressing 3 times for the elevator to arrive I allowed my mind to wonder. I went through many things in my mind, business deals, acquaintances, father, my new school, the company, father, my idiot half brother, father and my decor. Eventually my mind settled on the conversation my father had with me before I was promptly dumped at this hell hole.
Flash back
I was called into the office of my father, the CEO of Taisho Corporations. This company was my baby, my life, every waking moment of my day was been devoted to this company. My father and I started this company with my idiot half-brother, and from there our company thrived under the love, care and devotion of my father and I, but this was a first. Never have I been called to my father's office for an "important private conversation" before.
Carefully I knocked on his door, from the other side I heard an "enter". Slowly opening the door I walked into the spacious and modern office that was filled with thriving greens, no doubt due to my step mother's influents. Spotting my father behind his flawless rose wood desk, I noticed the stress on his face, the subtle curve of his back as he leaned over his desk, and finally the worry and fear in the depth of his molten amber eyes. My father, the great ruler of the western lands, was nervous.
Standing up my father turned his back to me and removed the blazer of his black pinstriped suit and acknowledge me with a swift nod. Throwing his blazer on the back of the black leather chair, he watched me from the corner of his eyes and said, " Sesshomaru, take a seat." while gesturing towards one of the leather couches in front of his desk.
I eyed the seat and then back to my father, taking slow and steady paces towards the chairs I chose to lean instead of sitting, "Father, I am a busy man, what am I here for." Glaring at the man in-front of me I watched as he loosed his red patterned tie, again most likely a gift from my step mother. It seems he wants to take his sweet time; I took a deep breath and growled.
Finally my father glanced at me again and then at the couch, "Why are you not sitting Sesshomaru?"
"As you know father, I have a meeting with the marketing committee in 15 minutes. What do you want?" I growled, still refusing to take a seat. I was starting to get frustrated.
"Sesshomaru, sit. You'll want to be sitting when hearing this." Seeing that I was being stubborn and still standing, father sighed and ordered, "Sit now!" unfortunately it was an Alpha order, so I must obey. Finding that the right couch looked more appealing, I unbuttoned my ash gray Giovanni Valentino suit and took a seat.
"Father, now that I am sitting, please explain to me why I am here wasting my time." My frown was becoming more and more apparent, and my patients quickly fading.
"Now, Sesshomaru, I taught you better than that." even though father looked calm, I can tell that he was afraid. Releasing a deep breath, father said nervously, "Sesshomaru, I beg that you listen to everything I have to say before you tear apart my office and destroy the entire floor." He glanced at me with his best puppy dog eye.
Looking at my father suspiciously I gave a light nod agreeing to his condition. He was watching my every movement prepared to restrain me, he then continued, "Sesshomaru, my son, it pains me to say this, but I am very close to remove you from the successions list," I widen my eyes in shock. "Not just for ruler of the western lands, but also for this company, and the reason behind my decision is your lack of mate." I felt my control slipping and my vision turning red.
The figure of my father in front of me was fading into a haze of bloody crimson. A rippling snarl escaped past my lips and my claws lengthened. I growled revealing my fangs and forced the words past my lips, "Father. You. Are. Cutting. Me. Off. After everything I put into this company and keeping YOUR lands safe while you spoil my idiot half brother. Every waking moment has been invested in this company! Did I not provide enough for YOUR company and YOUR land?" I clenched my fist and heard a satisfactory rip in the couch.
"No! Sesshomaru! How can you think that! I take pride in calling you the pillar and back bone of our company and the future ruler of our great land! Listen, son, this is for your own good. You need to settle down and find someone to protect. To protect your mate will give you more power than you can ever imagine." Father seemed honestly hurt by my words.
Taking a deep breath and rubbing my temples to calm down, "Father I don't need a mate. I am doing a damn good job at the moment. I have enough power and connections to keep the company afloat for thousands of years to come!" I roared, my demon apparently did not want to be calm.
Father looked extremely stunned as I didn't often lose my temper. But a very large frown appeared on his face and his molten honey eyes turned into the same blood red hue and mirrored my own. Slamming onto his beloved desk he shouted, "Dammit Sesshomaru! This is not a discussion! Find a mate or watch Inuyasha rule!" my father closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose while facing his now ruined desk and continued with much suppressed anger. "Find a mate, treat her right and I will happily hand you the company and land on a silver platter...You have my word son."
I snarled very loudly and forced the bloody hue out of my eyes. " Fine. Is that all."I growled low in my chest. Not waiting for an answer I got up and turned to leave my father's office.
Before I reached the twin mahogany doors, my father grumbled, "And you are banned from the office until you find a mate. I will personally enforce this new rule." taking a deep breath, I used all my remaining will power to refrain myself from tearing the head off of every living person in front of my path. Kicking down both doors (and hearing delightful snaps), I walked with my head held high to the elevator.
My new order of business...finding new place to live.
Flash back end
A light ding returned me to reality. It is not healthy to dwell in the past, I decided that I am in the present and currently my future does not look very promising. Stepping into the awaiting elevator, I pressed the lobby button and after a slight delay the elevator slowly started to move.
31 floors. You would think that they would get a faster elevator, but you have sorely mistaken. Because of my demonic abilities, everything seems to move slower for me and the senses are heightened. As of present there hasn't been a single smell that has not attacked my nose in this city. The elevator was the worst. A small condensed space that was barely 6'x6', and literally has not seen the sun since the day of the installment, was filled with the worst smells known to man. If all the smells were separate then maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but this elevator seems to fuse all the scents together to create a pungent odor. I dear not breath in this elevator.
Tilting my head back I stared at the ceiling of the elevator, the thoughts of anger once again flooded my eyes as my mind wondered back to my current situation. Growling, It was all fathers fault. At the moment, I'm doing what I can from home while my idiot brother is sitting in for all MY meetings. It is quite hard to be executive director, CTO (chief technology officer) and keep the companies security in top shape from home. I find that video confessing a huge hassle and communicating to the company is a hefty challenge, combined with going to high school it is going to be downright impossible. The thought of school, reminded me that today was the first day of my senior year.
Yes, that's correct. A 700 year old demon is going to high school. Father suggested that high school would be a great place to look for my mate, so I recommended becoming a teacher. But no. I was forced to become a student. My father said something vague along the lines of, "it would cause such a scandal to find out that the future CEO of this company does not have a high school diploma and our stocks will drop, etcetera, etcetera". I had to hand it to him, my father was a smart man, devious, but smart. Biting my lip and taking my punishment I enrolled into the most academically prestigious school in New York, Bridgeway academy of arts and technology.
Feeling the jolt of the elevator coming to a halt, I plugged in my head phones and stepped out of the repulsive smell. Walking past the glass lobby doors and down the granite stairs, I quickly locked away my demonic powers. With these advantages gone my statistics are that of a normal human's, though I must say after hundreds of years of training this way I have amazing endurance and a sprinting speed that would make Olympic mentalists jealous.
Starting at a medium warm up jog to stretch my muscles, I headed towards the local park. It wasn't fancy, but it did have a decent amount of green coverage, jotting down a mental note to donate to the local eco charities, I picked up my pace.
Arriving at the stone pillars leading to the park, I quickened my pace. To be honest, I haven't sweat a single bead and I probably won't be sweating at all today. Giving a quick sigh, I decided to wipe my mind clean and enjoy the scenery as they pass by.
After a good half hour of running I was closing in on the goal line. Picking up pace I sprinted the last three minutes towards the entrance. Just as I was about to exit, I felt a petite figure crash into my chest and make contact with the hard ground. From the volume of the contact, I assume she was hurt. To me, a demon, the fall would not have been a light tap, but from the pained expression on her face and her hands massaging her hid quarters, she looked to be experiencing excruciating pain.
I took my time to assess the woman sitting in front of me. She was petite, probably no more than 5 foot 2 which made her look like a midges compared to my 6 foot 3 lean muscular build. But upon second examination, I noticed the rippling muscle underneath her crème flawless skin, I arched one of my naturally shaped eye brows, it seems like the woman in front of me was an athlete.
Suddenly she snapped her head up to look at my face. My breath hitched, she was beautiful. Pain and anger filled her eyes and aura, but slowly they faded away and her eyes bore into mine. I let myself freely wander her face taking in every detail.
She was the most stunning human I have ever laid eyes on. Her long dark brown hair was pulled up into a messy pony tail and a slight blush colored her cheeks, no doubt from the jog. But it was the fine features that made her unique and set her apart from all the rest. Her lips were set in a frown until they slowly turned neutral and parted ever so slightly. They were light pink and pouty, I couldn't help but get the urge to devour those lips. Slowly I allowed my eyes to travel up to her innocent dark hazel eyes.
Her eyes were staring at me intensely but clear. Those elegant hazel eyes were a passage to her soul, I felt like looking into a vast ocean of emotion and thoughts. I couldn't look away, she was magnificent, prying my thoughts away from the gorgeous doe eyes, I took a breath. The breath was truly shocking. Her scent was decadent, spicy, bold but also delicate.
My mind automatically tried to find the perfect description of the heavenly scent. There was fresh cherry blossoms, a spray of the Caribbean oceans, the exotic scent of spicy cinnamon, a squirt of citrus, and the most prominent smell of jasmine intertwined with red rose. Her aroma was so amazing that I felt the need to take her. The blood pooled down to my lower regions and sweatpants were suddenly not the smartest idea for this morning. Taking another deep breath and savoring the heavenly fragrance, I felt the demon inside me stir. It seems my demon has taken a liking to her unlike any that came before her. After just 2 breaths I was hooked.
This woman was a drug, and I was hopelessly addicted.
Rin pov
A faint light awoke me from my slumber marking the first day of my senior year at Bridgeway academy of Arts and Technology. This would be quite an exciting day for the average student, but not for me. High school is simply a necessity and requirement for future employment, I however I not require this simple certificate. If I wanted I could skip high school and go straight into university. Not to brag, but my IQ is off the charts and I'm well funded. My family is very wealthy and due to a tragic accident that led to the death of my parents, my elder brother and I are now very wealthy.
Slowly opening my eyes and taking in my surrounding, I prayed and begged that this year will pass by as fast as possible. With a heavy sigh, I kicked the hopes of this year out of my mind. People are always the same, humanity will never change therefore this year will be like any other. Men... correction, BOYS, are hormone crazed and seek out the girls with the shortest skirts, and girls will always gravitate towards the most attractive men. But the worst was the jealous, greedy, envy filled eyes that paws at you as you pass by, trying everything to earn the favor of the rich so they can scrounge up the scraps left behind. It really is quite repulsive. Feeling slightly sick to the stomach due to my previous thoughts, I closed my eyes and tried to return to my peaceful sleep, however after several minutes of trying and ultimately failing, I rolled over to my left side to read my digital clock. 6:00 am. Dreading the thought of getting up, I rolled onto my stomach and buried my face into my pillow.
After successfully escaping reality I was one again awoken, only this time by the annoying sound of my alarm, I turned my head to face the clock. Glaring at the clock I slammed down the snooze, instead of going back to the comfort of my awaiting pillow, I slowly pushed myself off of my plush queen size bed. Stretching my stiff muscles while giving an impressive yawn, I looked at my feet and focused on the fuzzy white carpet beneath. Realizing that after living in the same pent house for 2 years, my bed room was utterly empty. Other than my summer pearl carpet, my night stand and my queen size bed my room was bear. I made a mental note to myself to start furnishing my home.
Thinking of the different interior styles, I slowly walked to my spacious closet. Checking the clock while grabbing a pair of under armour spandex and dark blue Nike sports bra, I debated to go on a light jog. It was 6:15 so there was enough time for a quick jog. Slipping into my work out cloths, I proceeded to my on suit washroom. Quickly throwing my waist length wavy chestnut hair in a messy pony tail, I gave my teeth a quick brush and a splash of cold water to wake me up, I promptly left my washroom to grab my IPhone from the dock and a pair of headphones. Slipping into my runners I left my luxury apartment.
Making sure that the alarm was on, I stared at the dark granite floor in the hall way awaiting me. The walls surrounding were extremely polished tan granite with pot lights highlighting my path to the elevator. This floor was different that all the rest and for good cause. My pent house was very expensive and the 3 glass walls out looking the gorgeous Manhattan sky line was beautiful whether dawn or dusk. With just one switch of a button the curtains could shut in mere seconds. This was my home and I personally designed it.
The floors were made of the best ash wood with a natural stain. What little dry wall was a delicate burnished eggshell hue and the first floor was left in a simple open concept design, now my favorite section of my apartment, the kitchen. It was to die for. I dropped several grand on my state of the art appliances, and with my wide variety of connections, the appliances were not even released yet. Stainless steel with energy efficient abilities were ideal for the most extravagant kitchens. The silver of the appliances is then brought out by the deep shades of the nero oriental marble countertop sitting over the finest imported cocobolo rose wood cabinets. An island sat in the middle of the stunning kitchen providing extra counter space and a perfect breakfast bar.
The food that comes out of my kitchen were simple extraordinary. Cooking was one of my many hobbies and one of my greatest skills. My cooking is said to rival some of the greatest chefs of the 21st century, but not just the cooking and the presentation, it is also the chemistry behind every dish I make. Every meal is perfectly balanced with the greatest flavor combination so that they do not over power each other and usually paired with the perfect wines. The works of art that leave my oven and stove is visually perfect and it works to my advantage as well. Often I would bring a client home and cook the individual a 5 star worthy meal. The secret to every business deal is through the stomach of the client.
Arriving in front of the elevator, I debated on what to make for my lunch. I lightly tapped the elevator button and waited patiently. Everyone at school knows that I never buy lunch; there was really no point buying when you can make it better. Going through a list of options, I decided to cook a light Portobello chicken; a bit of penne with a sun dried tomato pesto sauce and some stir fried veggies on the side. Smiling at my decision I ran through all the steps and ingredients needed to make my lunch. Lost in thought, I was brought back to reality as I watch the elevator doors open in front of me. Taking a second to realise where I was, I stepped into the elevator.
It was quite a long ride in the elevator considering that it is the top floor in one of the tallest high rise in Manhattan. Surprisingly though there are only 2 luxury penthouses in the entire building on the 31st floor and I have yet to meet my new neighbour. Hopefully I will meet the individual soon, because it's not like people in my building talk to the "spoiled rich people" on the "restricted" 31st floor.
While looking at the floors change, I thought of different ways of enticing my new neighbour and thought that inviting him/her over to dinner was my best bet. Great start, but now I have to make preparations. Letting out a breath at the thought of extra work on top of the company and school, I suddenly regretted my once brilliant plan. But one way or another I would have to met my new neighbour and I would rather it be on my terms than theirs. Considering which dish would be best suited for a first meeting I slowly became lost in my thoughts.
The light ding signaled my arrival at the main floor. Walking at a brisk pace I exited out of the lobby after a quick wave to the door man. Quickly descending down the black marble steps I started my jog towards the local park, through its not extravagant, it serves its purpose.
After a short warm up run I approached the entrance of the park. This park is my sanction, and is located in between busy streets and thriving shops. It was calm in the park; the green environment eased my nerves and made the hectic life of a city dweller more bearable. Though the trees offer limited cover, it allowed me to calm my mind and let all the stress fade away for a short period of time.
Listening to the beat of my music, my mind decided to concentrate on all the paper work left on my table, the missed calls from my work phone, and all the mail in my over flowing mail box. You would think that life as a rich, successful, heiress would be simple, but it is quite the opposite. Due to my parent's death, all our assets, companies and stocks were left to my brother and I. This meant that while my brother took care of all the branch companies around the world, I was left to help the main branch, located in New York. Easier said than done. Summer was a blessing to me, I was able to take important calls, finish up paper work and have business lunches without the disturbance of teachers. But now that school has started, I am going to be swamped. Brother said he would take most of it off my plate, but from the looks of it, there will be a decent sized portion left over.
Giving a heavy sigh I picked up speed as I made a sharp turn into the park. To my surprise came into contact with a very well built muscular chest. Landing on my butt painfully I looked up and glared at the man that dared to knock me down. Upon laying eyes on his face all my anger faded away.
To put it simply he was gorgeous. There are no other ways to describe him. His body is the envy of a Greek god and his face could out shine any of the finest models. His muscles were chiselled through the muscle shirt and even through the sweat pants his legs were well toned. But it was the small details that really made him unique.
His hair looked like silver lustrous silk treated with the most expensive hair products. His face structures were nothing less of stunning. He was full blood demon due to his markings. The double magenta slashes below each high cheek bone and the single slash above his eyes, but it was the indigo crescent moon that stood out against the rest. It proves that he is of royal blood. The markings made him look exotic and majestic. I could imagine all the females walking by undressing him with their eyes. But for some reason he kept staring at me, and from time to time, his eyes would wonder to different parts of me. I felt a shiver run down my spine and I returned my gaze back to his face.
His face was truly beautiful, but the most captivating characteristic was his striking eyes. Molten amber eyes stared back into my own. They were the eyes of a hunter. Sharp and alert, but cold, so very cold. His eyes burrowed into mine. I couldn't look away, I was hypnotised. I felt like my soul was being read like a book, all my deepest darkest secrets felt like they were being read to a church on Sunday mass. But even so I couldn't look away, every flicker made me shiver in delight. Somehow this man, no demon, in front of me was making my blood boil with estasy with just a simple look.
It wasn't a choice. I couldn't look away. My body did not listen to my brain's commands. I was being held captive by the gorgeous eyes and there was nothing I could do. I felt venerable; no other has been able to make me feel this way. There was something special about this man, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.
I was captured with one look, and I there was nothing I can do.
Normal pov
Rin and Sesshomaru stared at each other for what seems to be forever. Honey golden eyes gazed into dark hazel abyss. Neither can look away and neither can deny the attraction towards each other. Sesshomaru was the first to look away. Lightly clearing his throat and blinking Sesshomaru reached one clawed hand to help the petite woman before his eyes. Rin unwillingly tore her eyes away from Sesshomaru's and eyed his clawed hand. She noticed the magenta strip that wrapped gracefully around his wrist and wondered if these strips travelled around all his body. A light blush appeared on Rin's face as she took his hand. Sesshomaru slowly brought the light girl in front of him to a standing position.
His eyes still glued to her face and taking in deep breaths he said, "I'm sorry about that. Are you alright?" Secretly kicking himself inside and cursing his demon for apologising. The great Sesshomaru never apologise to anyone. But with a glance at the radiating smile on the woman's face he instantly melted within his hard exterior and felt a slight tug at his lips. The cold ruthless Sesshomaru was now cracking the slightest smile.
Rin was utterly surprised by his low, deep mature voice. It was sexy and she loved it. The vibrations of being within 2 feet of the man made her body turn to jelly. It took her a second longer than necessary to reply and her voice was far too erotic almost resembling a purr. Letting out a small chuckle she said, "It's alright no harm, no foul." Her smile had become even more radiant than before. After a few seconds of silence Rin reached out with her right hand and introduced herself to break the awkwardness, "I'm Rinko Takahashi. But everyone calls me Rin".
Sesshomaru peered into the depth of her eyes and detected no lies or the need to take advantage of his money or status. Taking what he thinks is a huge risk, he shook her petite hand. As soon as their skin touched for the second time, electricity passed through the two. Both once again gazing into each other's eyes for what seems to be hours; Sesshomaru responded in his sexy baritone voice, "Sesshomaru Taisho. Pleasure to meet you." Sesshomaru shifted his eyes onto their intertwined hands and marveled at how nicely they fit into each other. His large claws coved her small hand protectively.
Slowly Sesshomaru felt his demonic abilities returning to the surface. His demon wanted the girl. Instantly it dawned on Sesshomaru, Rinko Takahashi was his destined mate, and both Sesshomaru and the ruthless demon inside him wanted her. Feeling the small hand remove itself from his grasp, he was brought back to reality. He had the slightest urge to whimper but restrained himself, instead he relocated his eyes once again to the Rin. The woman in front of him was blushing madly and utterly embarrassed. She stumbled out an awkward sentence, "well.. um... its good meeting you too Sesshomaru. I hope we see more of each other." She was nervous almost like she wanted his number but was too shy to voice it.
Sesshomaru gave her a light crooked smile, and watched her blush deepened as she looked at him through her thick brown lashes. He leaned down so he could steal one last look at her beautiful eyes, and said in a deep, smooth seductive voice, "Yes Rin, I believe we will see more of each other." And with that Sesshomaru turned away from Rin, plugged in his headphones while giving a quick wave, the demon started to jog back to his apartment. As Sesshomaru was further away, his demon threw a very large tantrum.
Sesshomaru, she is ours, I want her now!
No, not yet, I will not scare her away, we will do this my way.
But she is our destined mate, take her now before another male does!
No I will get her, but under my conditions, not yours, we are no longer in the feudal era.
With a deep grumble, the inner demon subsided. On the other hand Rin was left at the entrance of the park in shock as she watched his amazing backside disappear. She felt like she was sailing through cloud nine. Did that really just happen to her? Did the mores gorgeous man she has ever laid eyes on seriously just said that to her? Rin looked at the ground and willed her blush to fade, but it was simply impossible. She kept playing his last sentence over and over. A breath taking smile spread on her face and she continued her jog through the park with the thought of the new stranger in her life.
A/N Thats it for the time being. I would love to hear what you all have to say:) review please3 Love Alexandria