Quinn had only been thinking this afternoon about how long it's been since she's received any phone calls from Brittany or Santana, middle of the night or otherwise. So in a way she's not surprised when she's woken by her phone ringing dead on four am.

Sure enough the caller ID shows Santana's name. She knew had been tempting fate by thinking that those calls were a thing of the past. If she's honest, she's actually a little relieved that they're not. She recovers just in time to answer it before it goes to voicemail. "Hello?"

"Britt wants us to have a baby."

Months of silence, of freezing her out, and that's how Santana opens the conversation. "And you felt the need to phone me at four in the morning to tell me this because?"

There's a pause, then Santana just repeats, "Britt wants us to have a baby."

"Okay." This can't have come as a shock to Santana, in fact Quinn's surprised that it's taken them this long to talk about it.

Santana sighs. "She left a book of baby names out on the kitchen table last night."

Quinn can hear the fear in Santana's voice. "That's it? So you two haven't even talked about it, yet you're freaking out over a book?"

"It's not just the book. I keep finding IVF leaflets scattered around the house. And she's been making loads of random comments about how cute little brats are lately."

"Awww, she's trying to be subtle." Quinn can't really blame Brittany for not wanting to take the direct approach when it comes to this subject. There's always been a strong chance of any baby talk having Santana running for the hills.

"Yeah, well, not subtle enough that I can ignore it for much longer."

Sometimes Quinn feels like a parrot when it comes to giving advice to Santana. "Then how about you stop being such an idiot and actually have the conversation with her?"

There's silence at the other end of the line and Quinn just waits. Eventually Santana says, "What if I don't know what to say?"

"Have you seriously never talked about this before? About having kids?"

"Yeah, but it was always hypothetical, you know? When we have kids. It wasn't real, just something that might happen far, far in the future."

"And now?"

"Now it scares the shit out of me, and it shouldn't, should it?"

"Actually, yeah, I think that's pretty normal." Quinn knows that she was terrified all throughout her pregnancy with Beth.

"Brittany doesn't seem scared."

"You don't know that, seeing as you won't talk to her about it. Seems to me like she must be frightened of your reaction at least, or else she wouldn't be leaving pamphlets lying around for you to find instead of just saying, Hey Santana, let's you and me pop out a few kids."

"A few kids?" There's definite panic in Santana's voice now, and Quinn only just manages to stop herself from laughing.

"You think Brittany would settle for just one?"

"Thanks, Quinn, thanks a lot. That really helps, you pointing that out right now."

"Well, what did you expect when you phone me at four in the morning?"

Apparently even Santana can't argue with that logic. "Yeah, fair point."

"Look, S, I'm not really the person you should be talking to about all this, am I?" Though she's pleased that Santana must still think of her as a friend if she called her for advice. Or maybe she's the only person who will actually take Santana's calls no matter what crazy time she phones them.

There's silence for so long that Quinn starts to wonder if Santana is even still there. She's about to hang up when Santana asks, "What if it hates me?"

That throws Quinn for a second, but she quickly recovers. "Okay, stop, just stop. You don't get to call at this time if you're just going to be ridiculous about this whole thing. I can list dozens of reasons why any child would be lucky to have you as a mother, but if you want that then you can just phone back at a decent hour, preferably after I've had my caffeine fix for the day. Otherwise go wake up your wife and annoy her with your insecurities." That suggestion is met with nothing but a long awkward silence. Quinn should be surprised really. Santana never has taken well to being told what to do.

"Q, I know we haven't talked in a while." And a swift change in the topic of conversation from Santana confirms Quinn's theory that she shouldn't be expecting to be a godmother anytime soon. "Listen, about Sam..."

Ah, Sam. The elephant in the room. The reason she hasn't spoken to Santana or Brittany in months. Not that she can really blame them. Santana was already pissed about the whole thing and so it really hadn't helped matters when Sam had found out Quinn had also been dating an accountant. Not that her and Sam had ever said they were exclusive. How could they be when they were living so far apart? But anyway now Sam won't take her calls and her best friends are giving her the silent treatment. Or they were anyway. "Don't, okay? Let's just leave that topic alone." She really doesn't want an argument with Santana over Sam again. Not now, not ever.

"You don't think we need to talk about it?"

Quinn really doesn't. "You just want me to say you were right."

"Well, yeah. But if it counts for anything, I wish I wasn't."

Quinn almost tells her it's okay, not to worry about it, but something stops her from just brushing it off. "It hurt, you know? That you took his side. That you choose him over me. I know I screwed up and you'd warned me not to hurt him. But it still hurt that you took his side and just cut me out your lives like that."

"And you what, want me to apologize for that? I was pissed at you. You cheated on him. And I knew if I spoke to you, I'd end up saying something I'd regret. Something that no amount of apologies would ever fix."

"And Brittany?"

"She was even more pissed at you than I was."

Quinn has no trouble believing that. "So why are you calling now?"


"Because what?"

"Jeez, you're really gonna make me say it, aren't you, Fabray?" Quinn is, but only because as usual she has no idea what Santana is thinking. Santana lets out a huff, but does continue. "I miss you, okay? Happy? I could have called anyone over this stupid baby thing, because let's be honest, anyone with half a brain cell would tell me the same thing. That I need to talk to Brittany about it. But maybe I'm a masochist, because I actually missed having you there to kick my ass when I need it. So I called you, okay?"

"Okay." Quinn isn't sure what else she can say to that particular rant.

"Okay." Santana sounds relieved that Quinn isn't going to make a big deal out of it. "So anyway, I should go before I feel the need to burst into a song about the power of friendship or some crap."

"Or start crying more like."

"Bitch, please." Santana might deny it, but Quinn knows that's exactly how this conversation is going to end if it carries on much longer.

There's one more thing she needs to say though before Santana hangs up on her. "I meant what I said. You know that, right? That you're gonna make one hell of a mother, Santana."

"Wish I shared your faith in me. But it kinda doesn't matter in a way."

"Why not?"

"Because it'll have Britt as a mother too, and we all know she's gonna be the most kick-ass mom ever."

Quinn has to smile at that. "I think this baby is gonna be the luckiest kid in the world. Now go have that talk with your wife. Sooner you do, sooner I get to be a godmother."

"Knew this would all be about you somehow."

"Of course. Didn't you know that I'm living my life vicariously through you two?"

"Well, why wouldn't you? We're awesome."

Quinn doesn't feel the need to agree with that out loud. "Well now that's cleared up, go away and let me get some sleep."

"Later, Quinn."

"And Santana?"


"I missed you too."