She looked out over the meadow that surrounded her parent's home. It was dusk and the sun had turned the sky a beautiful mixture of colors that illuminated her surroundings. The beauty did not touch her as it normally did. Instead her heart ached with the hopelessness she felt. How did I get here? She wondered. The wind swept against her face drying her tears. She inhaled deeply and got to her feet. She had to be home for dinner, but she just couldn't face him. She knew he would be there. It was Sunday and he always came to dinner on Sundays. She dusted off her knee length floral skirt and slipped her blue flats back on. She slowly walked through the meadow until she reached the small, but comfortable cottage she was raised in. Although her parents were well off they decided to raise their children in a small humble home that was comfortable for them, but not extraordinary in any way. Lily always saw the beauty in the cottage and thought that one day she would like to have a home similar. As soon as she was inside she knew Teddy was there. His leather coat hung on the rack by the door. She touched her fingers to the fabric lightly running her fingers down the sleeve, like she did the last time she saw him. Had it really only been a week? She ran upstairs before he could see that she arrived. She lightly shut her door and went over to her dresser. There were pictures of him on her wall. She couldn't avoid him even in her own room. His ever-changing hair and brown eyes peered at her through the photos. Her fingers itched to tear the pictures down, but she resisted, knowing that her parents would question it.

She stared at her own reflection wondering what it was about her that he couldn't love. Her auburn hair fell past her shoulder blades in loose, natural curls. Her eyes weren't the emerald green that her father and brother had, but they were a pretty hazel that she was often complimented on. She had long dark lashes and full lips. Her nose was sprinkled with light brown freckles, not quite as severe as her mothers, but still prominent. She let out a small sigh. It was time to face the music, but how could she? She had been so embarrassed by his dismissal of her. She wasn't brave like her parents and it had taken all her courage to tell him her feelings, she had none left to face him again. She hadn't been sorted into Gryffindor for a reason. A small knock at the door startled her.

She made her way to the door holding her breath. When she opened it she exhaled in disappointment. She hadn't realized she was hoping Teddy had come to speak with her before dinner.

"Hi. Sorry to bother you, but your mum wanted me to tell you dinner was ready."

Lily was surprised to see Scorpius. They didn't really know each other, except through Albus. "Oh. Hi Scorpius. It's nice to see you, are you staying for dinner?" Lily asked as she stepped out of her room and they walked down to the dining area.

"Yeah. Al and I have been away on a mission, and your mum insisted that we come to dinner as soon as we got back."

"Well that was nice of her." In truth Lily was surprised. Although Al and Scorpius had been friends their entire time at Hogwarts Lily hardly knew him. He didn't come over often and they didn't interact much at school.

"Yeah it was." He paused somewhat awkwardly. "So, its your last year at Hogwarts, huh? Any plans for after?"

"I'm not too sure yet. I like potions, but I also like helping people. I guess I'll see how I do on my NEWTS and go from there." They reached the dining room where everyone was already seated. Teddy's eyes immediately locked into her and Scorpius. She averted her eyes from him and looked instead to her two older brothers who saved a seat for her between them. James got up and hugged his sister.

"Hey Lils! I've missed you. How's my favorite little sister?"

"Oh James!" She smiled up at him. "It hasn't been that long since I saw you. Only a few days."

"My turn." Albus interrupted. Lily turned to hug her other brother. "I cant believe I've been gone so long, and now you have to go back to school before I even get to spend time with you." He complained in her ear.

"It's ok Al. Winter break will be here soon enough." He nodded as they sat down. Lily hardly touched her food throughout dinner, and when her mother questioned her she simply said she was sad to be leaving for school again so soon.

After dinner Lily lingered at the table and began cleaning up. Scorpius had left second to last making small conversation with her about going back to school and his job working with James and Al as Aurors. She heard someone come back in and almost dropped the plate she was holding when she saw it was Teddy. He stood there for a moment before speaking.

"Hi," he finally got out. Lily didn't trust her voice so she nodded in response. "Look Lils we need to talk." She wanted to tell him not to call her Lils. That it was reserved for those who care about her.


"Can we go for a walk or something?" It was already pretty dark outside, but she knew her parents wouldn't mind if she was with Teddy. They assumed he would keep her safe.

"Let me finish in here first." After she cleared the table she grabbed her jacket and met Teddy in front of the house. They walked a short distance in silence. She wouldn't be the one to break the awkwardness. He wanted to talk to her. They finally reached a small park where Teddy sat down on a bench.

"Have a seat." He gestured toward the space next to him. "There's plenty of space."

"I'm ok."

"Come on Lily."

"Fine." She sat on the bench giving enough space so that she and Teddy weren't touching, but not too much that she showed how much it hurt to be that close to him. "So talk." She said in as detached a voice as she could.

He looked like he was debated what to say before blurting out "What's going on with you and Malfoy?"

Lily was taken aback and it showed on her face. "What?"

"Is something going on with you two?"

"What does it matter to you anyways? She spat. She knew there was no truth to what he was saying, but she couldn't help herself.

"I just don't think he's right for you is all."

"Well you don't have a say in who I am with or what I do." Lily got up to walk away, but he caught her wrist.

He let out a breath, "Come on you cant be serious. Nothing's changed, I still care about you." She could feel the tears in her eyes.

"Sure Teddy. Just not enough right?" She couldn't hold it in anymore. "You kiss me like you mean it, and then just leave me as soon as I tell you I have feelings for you. You really know how to show that you care for me."


'Don't." She yanked her wrist out of his grasp and ran towards her house. As she reached the cottage she realized she couldn't go in looking the way she did without being questioned. She began walking up to the front steps deciding to sit there until she calmed down when she noticed someone was already there.