Chapter 3

The weekend flew by pretty quickly. Burt was still recovering, so he wasn't able to do much of anything. However, the Hummel family still found ways to pass the time. They watched movies, played games, and just talked. When Sunday came around, the two young boys weren't ready to go back to school. They had forgotten what it was like to just sit around and be around family, and being at Dalton limited their time with their family.

"Call us once you get to the school, okay? Just let us know that you made it their safely."

"I will, Mom," Brandon said.

While Rachel and Finn said goodbye to their son, Kurt and Blaine did the same.

"Are you sure you're okay at Dalton? You don't want to come home," Kurt was asking his son. Kurt missed Alex like crazy, he knew that his little boy was growing up, but he'd be the first to admit that he wasn't ready for him to.

"Yes Papa, I'm sure. Dalton's great, I love it there! I miss you guys like crazy, but I'm good where I am," Alex smiled at his fathers.

Kurt grabbed his son and hugged him tightly, tears threatening to fall. The pair hugged for a little while before Kurt pulled away and pressed a kiss to Alex's forehead.

Blaine then took his turn to say goodbye to their son. He hugged Alex tightly and told him that if he needed anything that he and Kurt were only a phone call away.

The two teenagers said one last goodbye to everyone, and got in their car and made their way to Dalton.

"I forgot how much I miss just being with everyone," Brandon said to Alex as they drove down the highway.

"Yeah, I miss my dads like crazy. I miss everyone really, but I'm ready to be at school, too."

"You only miss it because you haven't seen Christian in three days," Brandon teased the younger boy. Alex blushed.

"Shut up," he mumbled.

Brandon just laughed and reached for the radio. He put on some pop station and started singing along with it. Alex took out his phone to text the boy that he missed like crazy.

To: Christian

I'm on my way back to Dalton :D Should be there in a few hours. Coffee? Xx

It was only a few moments before he had a reply

From: Christian

Definitely! I can't wait to see u. I've been Alex deprived :p Xxx

To: Christian

Great! I can't wait to see you either. (: I missed you.. xx

From: Christian

Not half as much as I missed u! How is ur grandpa?

To: Christian

He's home, he's been better.

From: Christian

That's good. I'm glad he's doing better. I'm going to hop in the shower. See u soon beautiful Xxxx

Christian's last text made Alex feel butterflies in his stomach. He had missed the blue eyed boy like crazy. He couldn't wait until he saw him again. He pocketed his phone and sang along with Brandon to some Katy Perry song that was on the radio.

"Can I get you anything, Dad?"

"Kurt, I'm fine. Carole can take care of me. You and Blaine have lives back in New York. Go home. Finn and Rachel left 3 hours ago," Burt told his son.

"Work can wait I don-," Kurt started.

"Stop it Kurt! I will be fine. Go back to New York, and stop worrying so damn much. I'll eat healthy, and I'll get plenty of rest. You don't need to be here," Burt interrupted his stubborn son.

"Bu-," Kurt started again, only to be interrupted once again by his father.

"Kurt! Stop it! I will be fine. Go home. I love you son, but frankly, I don't need you here monitoring me twenty-four seven. Carole will take good care of me."

"Fine," Kurt finally conceded. "I'll start packing and we'll catch a flight in the morning." Kurt kissed his father on the forehead and headed upstairs where his husband was to start packing.

The boys got to Dalton safely, and called their parents to let them know. They took their luggage to their rooms and put everything where it needed to be before Alex headed out to meet Christian.

Christian met Alex outside of Windsor and grabbed the smaller boy in his arms and held him tightly. He buried his face in Alex's curls and took a deep breath. He had missed Alex just as much as the latter missed him. He released the boy and looked at him.

"You ready to get some coffee?"

"Yeah, I need my coffee. I haven't had any since this morning. I need caffeine."

Christian laughed and grabbed Alex's hand and laced their fingers together. He led the way to his car, and they made their way to the coffee shop.

Once there, Christian paid for both of their coffees, and they made their way to a table at the back of the shop.

"So, how was Lima," Christian asked, striking up a conversation.

"It was nice, I wish I'd been going back under better circumstances, but it was great to see everyone. I missed my dads a lot. But, it's really great to be back."

"It's great to have you back," Christian smiled, "I was so sick of not having anything to do. I've been stuck in my dorm for the past few days. It's been so boring!"

"Why didn't you go home," Alex inquired. Christian's eyes seemed to grow dark.

"It's uh, complicated," he said, "I don't really want to talk about it."

Alex would be lying if he said he wasn't curious, but he just nodded.

"So, what do you want to talk about," he asked instead.

The two continued to small talk. After about 2 hours, and 3 cups of coffee the boys decided to head back to Dalton.

When they got back to Dalton, Christian walked Alex back to Windsor like he always does, but this time he did something different.

The two boys hugged and as Alex was about to walk into his dorm, Christian grabbed his arm and spun him back around and caught his lips in a kiss. It was just a simple kiss, no urgency to it; they just stood there with their lips pressed together. When they finally pulled away, Christian rested his forehead on the curly haired boys.

"Be my boyfriend," Christian stated.

Alex didn't even have to say a word; he just grabbed the back of Christians head and pulled him into another kiss, this time with more urgency and need. Their tongues battled for dominance, and they kissed until the need for oxygen became too much.

"So I'm going to take that as a yes," Christian smiled.

"No," Alex said. "It's a hell yes."

Christian just smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to the younger's lips. They said goodnight again and Christian made his way back to his dorm. Alex watched the taller boy until he could no longer see him. He went to open the door and out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw the curtain in window move. He cautiously opened the door and as soon as he got in the building and shut the door, what appeared to be all of the Windsor inhabitants started clapping and cheering. He heard a few "get some's" and wolf whistles amongst all the noise. He just blushed and quickly made his way to his room, ignoring all the testosterone downstairs.

He opened his door, and he saw his older cousin sitting on his bed with a smug smile on his face.

"Shut up," Alex told him.

"What? I didn't say anything," Brandon said.

"No, but you were thinking. Just stop." Brandon just laughed and shook his head. His baby cousin was really growing up.

"I wasn't going to say anything, except that he better treat you right or he's going to have me to answer to," Brandon said. Alex smiled and went over and hugged his cousin.

"Thanks Brandon. I hope I don't have to worry about that, but it's great to know you have my back."

"I'll always be here for you, bro."

Alex nodded, because he knew that. He knew that Brandon would always have his back no matter what.

Alex took a shower, changed into his pajamas, and laid down on his bed with his phone.

From: Christian

I'm so glad that u said yes and that I can finally call u mine (:

To: Christian

Me too (: xx

From: Christian

I wish I had asked sooner Xx

To: Christian

Why didn't you?

From: Christian

I was scared u would say no

To: Christian

I wouldn't have

From: Christian

I know that now (: is it weird that I already miss u like crazy? Xx

To: Christian

No because I miss you too X

From: Christian

:D 3 good night beautiful :* sleep tight Xx

To: Christian

You too. Sweet dreams 3 Xxxxx

Alex fell asleep that night with a smile on his face.

A/N: I am SOOOOO sorry I took FOREVER to update! I know that this chapter is sort of short, and I'm sorry but better than no update right? Next chapter will be longer I promise! Leave me a review and let me know what you think!