Chapter 1



"Ashley, screaming at the TV will not kill it any faster."

"You know, you could show a little support.. Aaugh, NAVI GO AWAY. I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP."

Next to me, my best friend laughed and rolled her eyes. Even though my eyes were glued to the TV screen, I just knew she rolled her eyes. Cause that's just what Jenna does.

It was almost midnight, and we were doing our weekly ritual; Zelda, pop, weird movies, and Fullmetal Alchemist, and I was currently kicking some butt at Ocarina of Time.

"This stupid thing just won't die... GOD I HATE THE WATER TEMPLE."

Jenna placed a hand on my shoulder, laughing. "Calm down. Look, just one more hit and it'll probably die!"

And sure enough, one more hit and the stupid thing finally fell in defeat and the music slowly began to play.

Jenna was about to congratulate me, but I stuck out my hand to stop her. "We must never trust the music to tell us if a monster is actually dead. Remember?"

Jenna thought about it for a minute, then nodded, remembering the time we played Twilight Princess. The damn boss of Arbiter's Grounds definitely fooled us.

The monster on the screen exploded though, so I knew it was actually dead. Standing up and cheering, I threw down the controller and began dancing around the room. My happy dance was cut short though by a pillow smacking me in the face. I looked over at Jenna, who sat on the couch smiling up at me.

"What was that for?" I asked, plopping down next to her. She just shrugged and grabbed the Wii Remote, or as I liked to call it, the Wiimote, and turned it on. I cringed at how loud the TV suddenly got.

"Geez, even though I'm half deaf, that will always be too loud..." I grumbled.

"Cheer up Ashley, it's Fullmetal Alchemist time!" Jenna cheered, throwing up her hands. I joined her, and together our hands danced in the air. Even though we were only five episodes in to the anime, we had both fallen in love with it.

I leaned back on the arm of the couch and took a long gulp of my Dr. Pepper. "What if we could perform alchemy?" I asked, my eyes widening. Jenna just shrugged.

"Well I mean, it's not like alchemy isn't real. Or wasn't, I guess. It was like a thing in the middle ages, like a combination of philosophy and science. People thought they could change the chemical composition of things to make what they wanted. Like turning lesser elements in to gold, that was the main dream. Except for the Philosopher's Stone. Every alchemist wanted to make one; they even called it the Magnum Opus (great work). They thought it could turn any element in to gold, and any lesser stone in to gems. They also thought it could produce the Elixer of Life, granting them immortality. As far as we know, no one succeeded in any of that. But I mean, I guess it's not impossible. We've learned that you can make gold, even if it does cost like a bajillion dollars and whatnot. But that's science, not alchemy."

She finally finished, looking up at me like it was the simplest thing in the world. I blinked a few times and then shook my head slowly.

"Must you always make me look dumb?"

She shrugged, smiling at me. "It's kinda my thing."

"Well, since you're so smart, why don't you try it?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Because, paper is all the way upstairs, and I don't feel like going up to get any."

I crossed my arms. "Just clap your hands. Be like Ed."

Jenna thought about it for a minute and then shrugged. "Why not?"

She stood up, then yanked me to my feet as well. She looked around the basement for a few seconds, then ran over to a table. Picking up a rock, she showed it to me.

"I'll try and change this into a perfect square. Small and simple."

I nodded, and leaned against the wall, watching intently. Then I began to laugh, thinking of how nerdy we were for even trying this when we both knew it wasn't going to work.

Jenna set the rock down, and took a deep breath. Giving me a final look, she turned to the rock and clapped her hands, and then placed them on the rock. And what happened next totally threw me off guard.

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. It actually worked! Holy poop!

Jenna slowly turned to me, back to the rock, and then back to me. We stared at each other for a minute, in complete silence.


"What. Just. Happened."

Jenna slowly shook her head, placing her hands on each cheek. "I-I have no idea… How is... Ashley, I'm pretty sure I just defied every rule in the book right now."

I laughed dryly, still in shock. "I have no idea. But I'm pretty sure this makes you an alchemist."

Jenna thought about that for a minute, and then finally broke out of her trance. She jumped up and down, squealing. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me with her as she danced. "I'm an alchemist, I'm an alchemist!" She chanted.

I laughed with her, dancing around. Suddenly I stopped, and smiled. "Now it's my turn."

I slowly walked over to the rock with crossed fingers. I looked at Jenna, who nodded in encouragement. Turning back to the rock, I repeated exactly what my best friend had done a few minutes earlier.

Aaaannndddd, nothing.

"What? But how come you can do it, but I can't?" I asked, rather angry. Jenna just shrugged, looking at me sadly.

"It's a wonder I can even do it... It's okay Ash. It's not all that cool anyways."

I gave her a you're-kidding-me-right? look. She just looked at the ground. I sighed and plopped back down on the couch. "Why are you able to do this? And I'm not just saying that because I'm mad I can't, I'm saying it because it shouldn't be possible!"

Jenna thought about it for a second, then shook her head. "I honestly don't know. I mean, like I said, people have tried it before, but nobody's ever succeeded. Why me?"

I ran a hand through my long, messy hair. "I don't know… But I do know that we can't tell anyone about this, okay? If people found out, either you would go to the loony bin, or to laboratories to be worked on. Let's just keep this between us."

My friend nodded in agreement. She said something else, but I couldn't hear her because a familiar loud beeping filled both my ears. I groaned, and Jenna gave me a weird look.

"It's always while I'm at your house! Always! They always die!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up. Jenna laughed.

"Your hearing aids again?"

I nodded. Standing up, I walked to the door. "I'll be right back. Gonna go get the spare batteries I keep in your house!"

I ran up the steps, and appeared in the kitchen. Walking over to the cabinet where they kept their batteries, flashlights, tape etc., I opened it. Or tried. Sighing, I walked into the dining room and grabbed a chair from the table. I pushed it over to the cabinet and stood on it.

Curse my 5 foot figure. I can never do anything around here.

Grabbing the pack of hearing aid batteries, I grabbed two and hopped off the chair. Taking out both of my hearing aids, I quickly took out the dead batteries of each of my hearing aids, and replaced them with fresh, new ones.

I was just about to head back downstairs when a loud crash came from the living room, freezing me in my spot. I knew me and Jenna were home alone, and Jenna was downstairs…

I turned slowly back towards the living room and crept my way over. The living room was empty, and there was a lamp laying on the ground shattered.

I was about to freak out until I remembered that my friend had a kitten that just loved to get into things. I laughed at myself for being so paranoid, and got down on my knees.

"Meeko!" I called, looking around for the little kitten. "Where are you, ya little demon?"

I crawled around for a little bit, then decided to look under the couch.


"Well hello there."

I screamed loudly, surprised at the other voice, and turned around. Standing in the doorway was a teenage… thing? To be quite honest, I could tell if it was a boy or a girl. It looked something around my age, if not older. It was wearing a black shirt that looked more like a sports bra in my opinion, and a skirt with shorts on under it. It had long hair, and wore a headband around its head. That was either one really girly boy, or one really flatchested girl.

"W-who are you? And why are you here?" I asked, scooting up against the couch. I looked around for something I could maybe use as a weapon, but there was nothing. A few seconds later, Jenna burst into the living room, a baseball bat in hand. She stopped though when she saw It.

She looked at me, then back at It. "Hello sir and/or ma'am, what are you doing in my living room?"

I guess It didn't find that very funny, because its smirk dropped and a scowl replaced it. "I am here because one of you doesn't belong," it sneered. Even its voice was high pitched.

Jenna walked slowly over to me and whispered in my ear. "Who is this person, is it a boy or a girl, and why does it look kinda like a palm tree?"

A simple shrug answered all those questions.

"W-what do you mean one of us doesn't belong?" I asked, feeling a tad bit braver. He didn't seem to be armed with a weapon, so I didn't feel too threatened.

"Yeah, from the looks of it, you're the one that doesn't belong," Jenna said.

"What I mean is, one of you two is an alchemist," It said, the smirk slowly returning. Jenna and I froze at that, and I looked at her from the corner of my eye.

"Well, you must have the wrong house. We're definitely just two normal human beings. No alchemist here!" I laughed nervously.

It just rolled its eyes. "I am not stupid. Just tell me which one of you is the alchemist. It would make things a lot easier for all of us."

"We already told you! Neither one of us is an alchemist!" Jenna said, gripping the baseball bat tighter.

It shook its head, the smirk getting bigger. "Alright then. Guess you want to do this the fun way."

Without warning, it sprinted towards us, and I soon found myself on the ground. Peeking through one closed eye, I say the thing on top of me, smiling deviously down at me. I saw Jenna over its shoulder, freaking out.

Suddenly, I felt something cool against my throat. Looking down, my heart skipped a beat when I saw a large knife pressed up against me.

"Tell me which one of you is the alchemist, and I won't harm a single hair on her head," it told Jenna. Closing my eyes, I felt tears gather up. I really didn't feel like dying today.

There was silence as Jenna thought about what to do. We had no idea who this man was, or what he would do to Jenna when he found out she was the alchemist.

I opened my eyes to look at Jenna, and she was pacing back and forth, chewing on her lip. The thing obviously didn't like how long she was taking, as I felt the blade press harder against my throat. I managed to squeal, and that seemed to snap Jenna out of it.

I expected her to answer, but she never did. Instead, she took of sprinting into her room and slammed the door shut.

"Stupid girl..," It growled. Looking down at me, he smirked. "You'll have your friend to thank for your death."

And with that, he pushed it even tighter against my throat, and I had to hold myself back from sobbing, or moving. Just as It was about to just thrust it into my neck, I heard a grunt and something whizzed through the air. It stopped pushing on the knife, and looked at its shoulder. I followed its gaze and was shocked to see a knife lodged into its shoulder.

It stood up, still looking at his shoulder. Then, he began to laugh. Softly at first, then it got louder as he looked up at Jenna.

"Foolish girl! I am Envy, one of the many Homunculi. You're going to have to do better than a petty little knife if you wish to kill me."

Homunculi? Da hell is a Homunculi? And Envy? What kind of name was that?

Okay, I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and say he's a boy.

Envy shook his head, softly 'tsk'ing. "You will regret not telling me. But don't you worry. I will find out sooner or later."

Envy gave us one last chilling look and began to walk through the door. I stood up and rubbed my neck where the knife had been just minutes ago.

Just as I thought we were safe, Envy spun around, and the next thing I knew there was a very sharp pain in my stomach that grew with every breath I took. Looking down, I saw his knife lodged into my stomach.

I dropped to my knees, making weird grunting noises. I heard Jenna run over to me, and she was saying something, but I couldn't make out what. I looked up at Envy, who just gave me one last evil smile, and then he vanished. But just as he was disappearing, I saw a small flash of something red, and my eyes followed as the small thing hit the floor and rolled towards us. I pointed weakly at the thing for some reason. Even though I was dying, I felt like Jenna needed to see whatever that was.

Jenna followed my finger, and saw the small circular thing. Her hand not leaving my arm, she reached with her other hand to touch the rock. There was a loud piercing scream, and then darkness.


(Third Person POV)

Ed sighed as he and Al walked up to the gate leading into the headquarters, where the Colonel would be waiting for them.

"What's wrong brother?" Al asked, placing a hand on Ed's shoulder.

"What do you think is the matter? Once again I'll have to listen to Colonel Sarcasm. Tell me how I screwed up! 'Struck out on the Philosopher's Stone again, huh? How am I supposed to keep funding this goose-chase? Money doesn't grow on trees there, chief. Ed? Where'd you run off to? Oh wait, there you are! I couldn't see you there behind my paperwork, seeing as how you're so short and all.'.. I know. We're already here so I might as well get the verbal abuse over with. Let's go."

Ed waited for his brother's response, but it never came. The short blonde looked around confused. "Al? Hey Al? Al!"

Meanwhile, the giant suit of armor was off running towards the noise he heard. It had been small, but unmistakable. It was the soft meow of a kitten.

Al loved kittens, ever since he was a small boy. His mother never let him or Ed keep one though, but that never stopped him from loving them!

"Kitty? Kitty where are you? I know you're around here!" Al called out, trying to walk as quietly as his large body would allow. Hearing another meow, Al whipped his head in the direction of the noise. He had to stop himself from squealing out in joy as he saw the most adorable little orange kitten sitting on the cold, hard ground.

Al walked slowly over to the kitten, and reached out his metal arms. He swiped his arms, expecting to scoop up the kitty, but instead he scooped up air. Looking up, confused, he saw the orange kitten scurrying down a dark alley.

"KITTY COME BACK! I JUST WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND!" Al cried, running after the cat. Making a sharp turn and nearly running into the wall, he saw the kitten sitting atop something. He couldn't make out what the cat was sitting on, but he didn't really think it mattered. Walking up to the cat, he managed to successfully pick it up and snuggle his face into the wet fur.

"Alright kitty, let's get you out of the rain." But just as he was about to turn, the cat meowed loudly and jumped out of his arms. If Al could move his mouth, he would definitely be pouting.

"Come on little one, I don't want you out in the rain!" Al bent down to go pick up the cat, giving him a closer look of what it was sitting on. "Is that..?" he asked himself.

Bending down with the cat still in one arm, he used his free hand to gently roll over whatever was laying on the ground. Al gasped as he was met with the face of a teenage girl. Looking closer, he saw that there was another one next to her. That one was bleeding pretty badly, and what looked like a knife was protruding from her clothing. Leaning down closely, he placed a hand on her chest and was relieved to see that she was still breathing. He stood up and quickly placed the cat in suit of armor, to shelter it from the rain and worse; Ed.

He took off running in the direction he came, and nearly ran over a short blonde in the process.

"Al! Where have you been?" Ed asked, raising his eyebrows. Al just shook his head and grabbed his brother's arm. He pulled him all the way back to the alley where he found the two girls.

"Brother, look! They're both still alive, but one has been hurt badly, and I'm afraid she doesn't have much time left! We have to do something!" Al explained, pointing at the two girls. Ed kneeled down next to them, and examined the wounded one. The knife was in there pretty deep and Al was right; she didn't have much time left.

He gently picked up the girl, carful to not hit the knife and make the wound worse, and looked at Al. "You get the other one. We need to get these girls to a hospital. Mustang can wait."

Al nodded and did as he was told. Luckily, the hospital was close by, so they managed to get there fairly quickly. They gave the two girls up to the doctor, and Ed called Mustang, explaining the situation. While Ed was away, Al snuck off to the cafeteria a few hallways away from the waiting room, and bought some food. He smiled to himself as he pulled out the kitten – who meowed cutely at him- and fed him the food.

"Alright Al, Mustang said tha- Is that a kitten?" Ed asked, stopping mid-walk. Al froze and turned his head slowly towards Ed. He quickly hid the cat behind his back and cocked his head innocently.

"What? Kitten? Psh, no. There's no kitten here. What makes you think there's a kitten here?" Al said, much to fast, making him seem even guiltier. A loud meow came from behind Al. Ed crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows. Al laughed nervously.

"Just working on my cat impression! Meow! See brother? I'm getting good, aren't I?" But just as Al finished talking, he felt the cat wiggle out of his grasp and jump down. The orange kitten made his appearance, and strutted over to Ed.

"Go put it back where you found it Al." Ed said, flinching away from the cat when he rubbed himself up against Ed's leg. Al picked up the cat and held it to himself defensively.

"He called to me! He was wet and hungry. He was the reason I found those girls! Can't we keep him?" Al asked, squeezing the kitten even tighter.


"Jerk! I hate you brother! You're not even human!"

Ed sighed as his brother ran down the hallway still clutching the kitten. "Come on Al, don't run! Think of the kitten!"

"I know! I am! I'm the only one who is!"

Ed sighed and sank back into a chair, pinching the bridge of his nose. He would chase after his brother later, it was just too much work.


(Ashley's POV)

I woke up to a loud beeping noise, and somebody singing rather horribly. I sat up in my bed and winced as a sharp pain stabbed my stomach. I looked down, and saw that the knife was gone, but I could tell that the wound was nowhere near being healed.

Looking around I saw that I was in a medium sized room that was decorated blandly. There was a lady standing by a table, humming to herself as she did who knows what. Next to my bed was another bed, and in it was Jenna. She was already awake and she was smiling at me. Creepy..

"Finally! I've been awake for about 2 hours now, and there is absolutely nothing to do. Not even TV!" She said, like it was the most horrible thing in the world. I laughed and rolled my eyes. The lady at the table turned around, and I saw that she was dressed in a nurses outfit. She smiled kindly at me.

"Well hello! Glad to see you're finally awake. I'm nurse Lydia, but you can just call me Lydia. Can I get you anything?"

I shook my head. "No thank you." I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"Alright, well I'll go inform the doctor that you're both awake, and I'll send in the boys that are outside waiting. I'll be back soon, if you need anything don't be afraid to give me a holler!" and with that, she left the room , closing the door softly behind her.

I looked at Jenna. "Boys?"

She just shrugged, a smile on her face. "Let's not question it, little one. Just enjoy it."

I crossed my arms. "I'm not that little.." I huffed. Jenna laughed.

"Yeah.. you are."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"


"Yes Ashley, you are small."

"Well.. Well, you're dumb!"

"Tell that to my above 4.0 GPA."

"I would hit you right now if I could move."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Remind me later."

"To dumb to remember it yourself?"




I heard a loud cough, and we both stopped arguing. Looking over at the door, my jaw dropped. And by the gasp that escaped Jenna's mouth, I was willing to bet that she was just a shocked. Standing in the doorway was…

A caterer, with TONS and TONS of food!

I know I said I didn't want any food before, but the rumbling in my tummy made me think again. He pushed in the cart and stopped it when it was in between mine and Jenna's beds. He bowed and left the room without a word.

"Well that was weird.." Jenna said thoughtfully.

"Don't question the lovely gift of food!" I exclaimed, already piling tons of food onto a plate. "Oh my gosh, this stuff tastes like Jesus."

Jenna looked at me and raised her eyebrow. "You know what Jesus tastes like?"

I shrugged. "Ya know, it was a one night thing.. We both had a bit too much to drink.."

"ASHLEY! That's horrible!" Jenna said, throwing a cookie at me. But I could tell by her laughter that she found it amusing.

After a few minutes of stuffing our face, there was a knock at the door.

"Ka um ofn en!" I said, my mouth filled with food. Jenna gave me a disgusted look, then turned to the door to greet our visitors. I heard the door open, but I didn't look up from my food. It tasted too good.

"Oh.. Oh my god.." I heard Jenna whisper.

"Hey!" I heard an unfamiliar voice say. I looked up from my plate, and I swear I about had a heart attack right there.

Standing in the doorway was Edward and Alphonse Elric.

They were both smiling at us (well I assumed Al would be smiling if he could), and I'm pretty sure we were just giving them dumb looks back. Jenna and I looked at each other, then back at them. Edward stepped up, smiling.

"Hi, I'm Edward Elric, and this is my brother, Alphonse."

At the mention of his name, Al walked up next to his brother and waved. "Pleased to meet you! And I'm glad to see that you two are okay. It was a close call, especially with you!" he pointed at me. I just laughed nervously and nodded, not able to speak.

There was an awkward silence, and Ed finally spoke up. "So, are you guys going to introduce yourselves? Or are we going to have to take a wild guess?"

"Oh! Sorry! I'm Jenna, and that's Ashley. Did you guys bring us here?" Jenna asked. Al nodded.

"I found you two in an alley a few streets back. You were both knocked out, and Ashley, you were bleeding pretty badly. I'm glad we found you guys when we did!"

"Me too," I laughed again, "Thank you guys! Really, you saved my life!"

Ed rubbed the back of his neck, but I could see the blush. "Nah, it was nothing really."

"Uh, could you guys give me and Ashley a minute? We need to talk about uh.. girl things." Jenna asked, smiling at them.

"Girl things? What kind of girl thi-" Al started, but was cut off by his brother yanking his arm.

"Come on Al, you don't wanna know. Trust me. We'll just be outside." He gave us one last smile and closed the door. Jenna turned to me.

"Is this real? Am I dreaming? AM I DEAD?" She asked, reaching over to shake my shoulder. There was pain in my stomach, and I winced. She pulled back quickly, muttering an apology.

"Well, if you're dead, then I'm right there with ya! But.. is it possible? To be in the world of Fullmetal Alchemist? Ed and Al sure seemed real.." I pondered. Jenna shrugged.

"I mean, I can do alchemy.. It shouldn't be possible, but it is! We're here! They're out there! THIS IS SO COOL!" She exclaimed. I nodded, a huge smile on my face.

"But how did we get here?" I asked. That one seemed to stump Jenna, but then she perked back up.

"That red stone! When I touched it, it must have transported us here! I don't know how, but it did!" As she said that, she raised up her hands, and I noticed something. There was a strange tattoo on the back of her hand.

"Jenna.. your hand!" I pointed. Jenna looked down, confused. Her eyes then widened in surprise. She held out her hand and examined it.

"What does it mean?" I asked. She just shrugged, still shocked.

"That stone.. when I touched it, this must have happened!"

"Wow.. I wonder if it comes with special powers or anything!"

Jenna laughed, but I could tell it wasn't wholeheartedly. "I'm a freak."

"Yeah…" I nodded slowly. "But you're a cool freak!"

Jenna rolled her eyes and threw another cookie at me. I bit into it, and as I chewed a question popped into my head.

"Should we tell the boys that we're not from here?"

Jenna thought about it for a minute, then shook her head. "No. Not yet at least. Let's just see what we're going to do once we get out of here, and find out what episode we're in right now. For now, let's just tell them that we don't remember anything. Amnesia is always a good excuse."

I nodded, taking another bite into the cookie. "Sounds like a plan."

Well, this has certainly turned out to be an interesting day. And it was only going to get more interesting.


Okay, so how was that for a first chapter? Good? Bad? LEAVE REVIEWS AND LEMME KNOW! Jenna and Ashley are based off me and my best friend Jenna, who goes by the name Blindj on here. Don't laugh at the name, she's blind as a bat without her glasses hahahaha but it's okay, cause I'm about as deaf as Helen Keller when I don't have my hearing aids in. And YES, I do actually have hearing aids. I decided that I was gonna make Ashley (me), be exactly like me. WOO! Okay, enough of my nonsense, review review review! What did I do good? What can I do better? What would you like to see in later chapters? LET ME KNOW! Love you all