A/N: Okay, so this is my first DBZ story, and all flames will be ignored. I am accepting constructive criticism.

Summary: A few days before the Cell Games, Bulma finishes a time machine. Goku and Vegeta are to test it out by going back to when Goku was a kid, and coming back soon after, but things don't go as planned when the control pad to the time machine blows up in their faces!

Bulma was putting the last finishing touch on her new contraption. When she was finished, she capsulized it, and stood up. "There! All done!" she said proudly.

"Done with what, Woman?" her 'ever-so-sweet' husband, Vegeta, asked.

"A time machine," she replied.

"Oh, really? And what would you need one of those for? Do you really think I would lose to that green insect?" he questioned.

"No!" she exclaimed. "Well, maybe. I don't know."

Vegeta smirked. Oh, how his woman was doubtful. "Bulma," he addressed his wife, "don't worry, we will beat Cell."

"You're still going to test it out with Goku," Bulma told him.

"Seriously? I, the Prince of All Saiyans, have to test out this contraption with that third-class moron?" Vegeta asked.

"Yes, and if you don't, you will be sleeping on the couch every night until the Cell Games!" she retorted.

Vegeta snorted. "Fine, but you will call Kakarot," he said stubbornly.

[A/N: Dunno what else to write, so... Timeskip!]

Goku was called and he came over with a storage capsule packed by his wife, Chi-Chi. [A/N: Just think of Gohan's trip to Namek minus the homework.]

Also, unknown to everyone, something had snuck into whatever was used to put all that stuff in. [A/N: *Evil cackle*]

"Vegeta, before you go, if anything happens, there is a blueprint of the machine in the glove compartment," Bulma said.

"Hn," replied Vegeta as he and Goku climbed into the machine. Goku waved as Vegeta pressed the start button. The machine lifted off into the air and disappeared before Bulma's eyes.

A pink energy was surrounding young Goku.

"Darkness explode!" a man with dark blue skin, horns, and wings kept chanting. He was the Devilman, Goku's opponent.

"Think happy thoughts!" a younger Master Roshi shouted to Goku.

Goku kept looking at the pink energy as it slowly disappeared.

The Devilman gasped in shock. He was shaking all over.

"Wow, can you make a color besides pink?" Goku asked.

In the viewing dock, everyone had surprised looks on their faces. "I-I don't get it," Bulma said as the rank sludge continued to bubble.

Goku backflipped to the beginning of his tongue, and he made a massive leap to the end of it. He started warming up. He cracked his neck and asked, "Are you ready to start now?"

"This kid is not normal," the Devilman said to himself. "I give up!" he told Baba and ran.

[A/N: Time to get this party started! :D]

There was a faint shout of "Kakarot, you bumbling idiot!" and everyone turned their heads to Baba who just shrugged.

"What did I do?" another voice, probably 'Kakarot', asked.

"You blew up the control pad on the time machine you idiot!" the first voice replied.

Time machine? Bulma thought. "Let's go see what this is about," she told everyone as she ran towards the door.

When everyone was outside where the two men were verbally fighting, they hid behind a concrete column.

"Can it be fixed, Vegeta?" asked 'Kakarot'. 'Kakarot' was a tall man with blonde gravity-defying hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a orange and blue gi.

"No, you moron! We would have to find the woman for that!" Vegeta replied. Vegeta was a short man with black-flame hair and onyx eyes. He was wearing a blue spandex with white gloves and boots.

"Well, we are at Baba's place, maybe we could take part at that tournment thing like I did when I was a kid," 'Kakarot' said.

"These guys seem strong," Goku whispered.

"Strong? They are invincible!" Master Roshi exclaimed quietly, accidently spiking his energy which was usually pretty low.

"Kakarot, we have company," Vegeta stated, smirking and looking at the concrete column.

"Yeah, I can sense them now since Master Roshi spiked his energy," 'Kakarot' said.

"You can sense energy?" Master Roshi exclaimed, coming out, completly ignoring the fact 'Kakarot' knew his name. Goku followed him and so did Krillen.

"Of course, old man!" exclaimed Vegeta.

"Hey, that wasn't nice!" exclaimed Goku.

"Vegeta isn't nice," 'Kakarot' said.

"What was that, Kakarot?" Vegeta asked angrily.

"Nothing!" 'Kakarot' said, waving his hands in front of him.

"Right," Vegeta said sarcasticlly. "Kakarot, are you going to power down from Super Saiyan?"

"Oh, yeah!" 'Kakarot' remembered, powering down.

Everyone gasped at 'Kakarot's' hairstyle for it was exactly like Goku's!


-Son Crystal