You Will Always Be My Protector- Chapter 1

Kendall groaned when he heard the sound of his alarm, he reaching over to the bedside table, blindly grabbing his phone. He looked at his lock screen, 7:30, great, Kendall thought, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and snuggled deeper onto his fluffy white pillow, closing his eyes just a little bit longer, after a few moments, he got out of bed and went in to the bathroom and prepared himself, showered, brushed his teeth and fixed his hair. Lastly, he chose his clothes, he decided to wear a simple blank tank top with a smoking women, loose skinny jeans and his favorite slippers that his dad bought him.

His parents divorced since he was 5, his dad was a good man, even though the slippers are the only thing that he bought him, they were poor, he understands, but he spends all his spare time with him and his little sister, Katie while his mother is at work. Kendall loves him a lot, he really does, better than his stepdad, Stephen, Kendall does not appreciate his harsh words that he says to him and his sister, all he cares about is sex with his mom and drinking, Kendall watched with his own eyes when his stepdad beats his mom because she denied their sex, it was horrible, Kendall hated his guts, his eyes, his attitude, his everything, that ugly, filthy bastard does not deserve a wonderful, beautiful women like mom.

When Kendall was 7, he started working out, he tries to lift up heavy objects and even practice hitting people in the face, he knew he could replace heads with cushions or sand bags, but real, human heads was more extreme, most importantly more fun, his child-liked body was already muscular by the age of 8, in fact, it wasn't even a child-liked body, he has back muscles, arm muscles, thigh muscles, all over his body, the small blonde was very proud of himself, of course.

Kendall already had plans of killing his stepdad, he was planning to set a trap when he comes back from his hang out with his friends, with big mouse traps and stuff, he was thinking leg hold traps, but that wouldn't be a good idea, cause that would cause trouble, mom will have to clean up, it would be tiring, the little blonde had always been curious on why he goes out so much, he was thinking drinking, but when he found a purple box that saids "durex" with a picture of a feather, his curiosity grew bigger, The smart blonde knew something was wrong.

After being suspended from school over 15 times, his stepdad couldn't take it anymore, when Kendall was 11 his father sent him to house to live by himself, not a house really, it was a mansion, with a few other butlers of course, Kendall didn't mind, he didn't mind at all, well, he mind just a little, it was because he missed her little baby sister and his mom, they both disagree with his stepdads idea, they really do, but they were too scared to stand up to him, Kendall didn't mind too, it was for their safety.

Sometimes him and Katie would Skype each other to catch up on what they're doing, seeing if that bastard did anything to the two princesses that he loved the most, it was mostly "Yeah, mom's fine, but he still needs her to have sex with her" and "Love you too big brother, I miss you" the second one always made Kendall smile, but the first one always made Kendall grits his teeth, he wanted to kill that man for ages now, ever since the day he saw him, he knew he was trouble. Ever since his stepdad has hit and used all his anger on him, Kendall always had trouble controlling his anger, he gets angry over little things, it usually scares the people around the house, opps, mansion, but they get over it very quickly, they watched him throw everything across the room, breaking all the things he sees, scream bullshits that none of them understands, it was always a mess after he's done, but blonde apologizes, so it's all good.

Flash backs of his stepdad hitting his mother came to his mind again, but Kendall quickly shooked all his thoughts off his mind, he changed and walked to the dinning room, eyeing his breakfast, it was bacon and eggs with a glass of milk, it was simple, but Kendall loved it.

"Thanks Sabastian," Kendall said as he saw his favorite butler walking across the room, finding something, Kendall consider Sebastian as his friend, best old man he ever meet, he understands his feelings and can read minds, he was incredible.

"You're welcome sir," Sebastian said, smiling, but not looking at Kendall,

"You know, my real father told me that eye contact was very important," Kendall chuckled.

"Oh," Sebastian stopped, fixing his tux before finally looking at Kendall, "You're welcome sir, and good morning." He said, smiling brightly, sometimes he's just too happy for an old man.

"Good morning to you too, what are you looking for?" Kendall mumbled, chewing his bacon,

"The bracelet that my wife gave me, sir" Sabastion said, walking over to Kendall, "it has cute little red hearts and a words that saids 'xoxo, Amanda', have you seen it, sir?"

Kendall shooked his head, smiling, "Well, since you realized, I suppose you're looking for this?" he toke the bracelet from his jeans pocket, handing it to Sabastian, "You left it in my game room." Kendall said, smiling sweetly to the old man,

"Oh my! Thank you so much sir, what can I possibly so to repay you?" the old man said, gently taking the bracelet from Kendall's palm and putting it back into his pocket.

"Well, you can stop calling me sir in every sentence you say," Kendall stopped for a second, finishing his eggs, "cause its kind of annoying, call me Kendall instead." He winked, drinking half of the milk before standing up, leaving the dinning room, returning to his room.

"Will do si-I mean, Kendall!" Sabastian said as he leaves too.

Kendall sighed as he lay on his bed, closing his eyes. He is tired, very tired, he is tired of working so much in the black market in the middle of the night when he has school, he should be sleeping, like every person in the world, snuggling and cuddling with their beds. He is tired of controlling people that doesn't want to be controlled, he does not like controlling people what to do, he wants everyone to have freedom, doing whatever they want. He is tired of violence, fighting and saying harsh words, it is an horrible thing to do, he knew violence was never a way to solve problems, he knew that, and he wish he could stop. But most importantly, he was tired of being alone.

Kendall was alone for 7 years, 7 years. He doesn't have family and friends around, yes, Sabastian was his friends, but he's old. He doesn't have anyone to care about him (except for Sabastian), he doesn't have anyone to cry into (except for Sabastian), he doesn't have anyone to play with (except for Sabastian), and also, he doesn't have anyone to have sex with (not except for Sabastian), it's a bit weird, but sometimes he just needs someone to cuddle with, someone he loves, yes, he fucked some of the hottest girls, or boys in school before, but there's no love, none at all. He needs someone he has feelings for, someone that also loves him, someone that could calm him down, someone that makes him melt.

After a couple more minutes, Kendall finally got himself to open his eyes. He made it downstairs and walked to the front yard, Kendall smiled, loving the feeling of morning fresh air and the neat sight he's looking at. His front yard has bright, beautiful green grasses, small bushes everywhere around the mansion, Kendall loved it, he had spent all his spare time working on his front yard with Sabastian and a few other butlers.

Spending time on this yard had reminded him his family, before the bastard came into our life, they had spent lots of time on their yard right in front of their house, it was one of those moments that Kendall really enjoyed. When he reached his white Fisker Karma, he stepped in and drives, out of all the cars that Kendall has, this one's his favorite.

"Logan!" Logan groaned, hearing his mom calling from downstairs, he slowly got out of bed, shivering when cold air hits his exposed skin, he was only wearing boxers, he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, yawned, then stretched, it was Logan's daily routine, he does them every single morning.

"Logan!" he heard his mom shouting again, so he grabbed his tight pants and causally puts it on,

"Just a sec!" he then puts on his grey dress shirt, folding up the sleeves. Logan looked at himself at the mirror, frowning when he saw his hair.


"I'm coming!" said the frustrating boy, he randomly puts some gel on his hands and fixed his hair, after that he ran downstairs.

"Mornin mom," Logan said, side-hugging his mom, giving him a kiss on her cheeks,

"Morning sweetheart, want some breakfast?"

He smiled, "Okay,"

he spotted his baby sister sitting on the ground, playing with her new teddy bear that he bought for her birthday,

"Hey you!" Logan ran over to his sister, Lisa, with his arms wide open, ready for his big huge,

"Logie!" his little sister said, running towards Logan who is kneeling on the ground, but she tripped her own feet and fell,

"Ow," Lisa rubbed her knees, frowning slightly,

"Aw, my poor baby," Logan crawled to his sister's side, lifting her up so that he can kiss her lips sweetly,

"You mkay?" he asked, using his thumb to gently rub Lisa's knees.

"It hurts," She whined, resting her shoulders on Logan's neck,

Logan smiled, "Want some breakfast? Mommy made some for us," he said, stroking his thumb slowly, where it rested on Lisa's knee.

"Do we have bacon?" the smaller brunette asked, Logan chuckled, he never gets why she liked bacons so much,

"Yes, we have bacons." He puts his little sister on the ground, watching her grabbing Logan's hands with his tiny ones, running to the kitchen.

Logan's parents had divorced when he was 6, before they separated, his dad has abused his mom lots of times, every time he would helplessly watch his dad hit his mom, cursing her about being useless and weak, it breaks Logan's heart, he wanted to react so bad, he wish someone would be brave enough to rescue his mom, but there isn't someone, Logan would go, he would rescue his mother, but every time his dad would yell at him and tell him something that he doesn't understand yet, he will go back inside his room with shame, he knew the things his father said to him was horrible and really bad things.

By the time Logan was 11, he had received scholarships for academic excellences, has at least A in every subject, and positive comments form his teachers, but deep in Logan's heart, he still remembers the words that his dad said to him. Even though Logan has good academic results, his social life is low, very low, he rather read alone during Friday nights than partying and getting wasted, Logan always thought it was stupid, mostly because it reminds him of his dad, opps, that bastard that beats his mom every time he gets drunk.

But what people don't know is, Logan was actually a prostitute, he had sex with a few people before, just to earn and collect money for his college funds, it wasn't a smart thing to do, he know, but it's almost the easiest way. Of course, losing his virginity to a man, yes, man that he doesn't love, in fact, he even barely knows is kind of a huge thing.

Okay so hoped you enjoyed the first chapter, if you liked it, leave a simple review, favorite, do whatever you want, but if you didn't, please don't kill me. :3 Much love!