Disclaimer: Touhou belongs to Zun, and the only things that belong to myself would be Usagi the mimic, and Moegi the japanese beetle. Everything else belongs to their rightful owner.

A/N: Now this should be the end!

Y/N: Are you so sure? You thought that Kogasa's story would end at 10 chapters after all~

A/N: Yes, but this story only has a day to work with. One way or another, it will end soon.

Y/N: You say soon, but you also say this chapter~ Which is it, hmm?

A/N: ...I'll get back to you on that.

Y/N: Maybe, maybe not. Typically you don't, and instead we talk about other things the next chapter. Like clockwork, it is~

A/N: ...I suppose you might have a point there.

Y/N: Don't I always?

A/N: Point.

Y/N: Ufufu... I do try to always make sense, in a sense.

A/N: And to be confusing. Don't forget that. But yes, I suppose you do typically make sense in some way or another.

Y/N: Indeed, I do~

A/N: Well, with that out of the way, how about we get on with the show?

Midnight, Bamboo Forest of the Lost, Eiren's PoV:

I looked upon my prey as she failed to snap off the end of the arrow, having trouble with my fully metal arrows. They take incredible force to effectively use, but they are still rather impressive.

And so, I watched as the arrow began to beep, and Mokou's eyes widened. At this, she distanced herself from the princess in a single leap.

3. The arrow's beeping increased to twice per second, signifying that it would soon detonate. I merely watched this happening with a curious eye, and I had these arrows crafted to resist flame. They are meant to take down Mokou, should she ever become an issue. Non-permanent, of course. My elixir will see to that.

Within her hand erupted a hotter flame than her usual, taking on a white appearance.

2. Of course, it was meant to at least slow the regeneration by way of scattering her about. From my spot atop one of the shorter bamboo shoots, I continued to watch how her last few seconds would be spent as the beeping increased to four times a second.

The flame was hot enough to burn even her own skin, burning away the flesh of her hand, leaving behind naught but bone.

1. This shall be interesting, indeed. I began to grin a bit sadistically as the arrow should stand up to the fire being put to it. As the arrow stood in her head, the beeping beeping quickly grew to ten times a second, glowing a bright red as it did.

As I watched with a satisfied smile, Mokou pushed the flame against her scalp, instantly burning away the hair and flesh of the local area, which was soon followed by the melting of the explosive arrow-head.

I gave a little pout at the happening, and began to mutter to myself, "Tch... That shouldn't have been able to happen, going by my estimates. ...Then again, I have never seen her use flames strong enough to burn her. Tests are needed." I drew another three arrows from my quiver, notched them, and drew them back while Mokou was unaware of where I was still. She was too busy looking at her level, instead of realizing that I was above her.

As I unleashed three times more hell upon her than before, her eyes widened at the the sound of the quiet twang, and she dived to the side. However, she was 2/3rds too late, as one arrow impacted her in the back, and another just below her rear.

As the beeping began, she was already prepared to melt them, melting the two that were in her by the time the third had reached five beeps per second. Eyes widening once more, she dived out of the way of the highly explosive arrow, which exploded almost exactly a second later, leaving behind quite the crater.

When finally she looked to me with a scowl, I returned her look with a smile. "I cannot allow you to force yourself upon the princess, Mokou. You may soon wed, but that doesn't mean I will allow you such a thing." I drew another arrow, and repeated the motions of readying it all in the blink of an eye.

Bellow me, Mokou panted heavily. Perhaps the flames as they were were simply too draining to use in a regular fight. No matter. I shall simply take advantage of that exhaustion.

Just as she finally blinked, I unleashed my arrow, which struck true in her heart, sending her to the ground. As she lay motionless, the arrow began to beep more and more, but just as I thought she was about to explode, her whole body took on those white flames, burning away the skin, muscle, and much of her hair that didn't have charms on it. The grass she was laying in was instantly vaporized so hot were the flames, and the still clothed skeleton got up from the ground, looking up at me in... well, nothing. Lack of a face does disable such things.

The woman of bone and fire continued to simply stand there, not even bothering to fight back. This merely irritated me. Was this... this human so sure of herself that she wouldn't attack back? I notched another arrow, and let it fly at her, but it vaporized before it could reach her.

I tried again, and again, but none of my arrows would work. What is she playing at?!

And then I felt something hit me over the back of the head, and I blacked out.

Mokou's PoV:

Freakin' finally! My entire body in pain, I shouted to the one who now held the unconscious archer, "Took ya long enough, Kaguya!" My voice hurt to make use of, and I wasn't even sure how I managed to say anything at all.

I let my flames disperse, leaving me looking like a shambling undead monster of some sort, even if I was still wearing my clothes that were quite fireproof thanks to the seals. My future wife floated down with a sigh, and stated, "I had... hoped that she would stop, in all honesty." The woman in her arms had a nice little lump on her head, and the stone bowl floated behind the woman who had used it as a blunt weapon was thankfully free of blood.

I tried to speak again, but no words came out, and my jaw merely snapped open and closed repeatedly. ...Guess I need the fire to speak right now. Never really tried to speak after being burned to bones. Summoning up a bit of red fire upon my throat and head, I asked, "Iss... sssheee... gong... beee... ohhkaay...?" My voice came out like I was dying - which I suppose I should very well be long dead already, huh? Being just bones is a bit surreal, really... How the hells can I even see right now? Heck, or stay together? Wondering this, I looked down at my hand, and saw that my muscle and such had ever so slightly regenerated.

Getting an idea, I decided to upgrade the flames to blue, in preparation for the next time I'd speak. Laughing awkwardly, Kaguya replied, "Of course. The three of us are immortal. ...Although, I don't suppose you know that, do you?" Taking the shake of my head as a no, she offered, "Well, after the two of us were banished from the lunar capital, she decided that she should look after me for the rest of my life. Knowing that that would be impossible as she was, she too took the medicine. Now, how about we head home? You can heal when we arrive." Smiling with her still burned mouth, she carried the doctor like a bride towards Eientei.

Not wanting to try walking, I simply floated after her. As we went, she asked, "I guess if you had known, you wouldn't have held back on her, would you have?"

At this, I shook my head. "I'm no killer, Kaguya." Noticing her give me an odd look, I quickly added, "I'm serious. You were - are unique. Fire's a pretty lethal weapon, so I couldn't really fight back at all. " I couldn't help but chuckle a bit as we made our way home. Only time I use fire on those that aren't Kaguya is when I'm not in a very good mood, and even then I still go easy on them.

Closing her eyes, Kaguya swiftly gave my skeletal cheek a kiss, avoiding any particular damage to herself. If I had cheeks, I would be blushing. "H-hey, watch it... You might burn her if you aren't careful..."

My concern for my assailant only made Kaguya smile a bit as we made our way the rest of the way back.