Klaus and Stefan were driving on the road, heading out of Mystic Falls. Stefan made a deal with Klaus, to come with him for the werewolf cure to save Damon. He didn't know if Damon was saved or not seeing as he gave it to Katherine and he didn't get a chance to check up on his brother, but he knew Katherine wouldn't go that low and she'd give it to him. The car ride out of Mystic Falls was silent between Klaus and Stefan. It was pitch black at night and all he could see was the car light at front and the forest trees on each side of the car.

"Relax, Stefan." Klaus turned his head to glance at Stefan.

"Easier said," Stefan replied. "It's not everyday that a murderous now-hybrid brings you out of town with him to do God knows what."

"We're taking a little adventure, if you will." Klaus turned his head and faced the road again.

"And what exactly is involved in this little adventure?" Stefan looked at Klaus's side face.

"Well, ripper. We'll be hunting down werewolf packs and exchanging their miserable lives for better ones." Klaus said in an amused tone.

"You mean exchanging their lives to be your loyal play-toys?" Stefan retorted.

The corner of Klaus's lip turned up in to a smirk. "Well. It's either that or they go through that agonising transformation every full moon. I know which one I'd opt for."

Stefan sighed and turned his attention back on to the road. He seen a girl walking on the footpath with blonde hair, but he couldn't see who it was due to their back being to them.

"Now what have we got here," Klaus chuckled and turned to Stefan, "fancy a snack, Ripper?" Only the 'Ripper' was more pronounced as 'Rippah'.

"Why do you call me that? I don't like it." Stefan replied and turned his attention off the familiar girl and faced his side window.

"All in good time, friend. Now I don't know about you, but I'm quite hungry." Klaus smiled and stopped the car next to the blonde.

The girl looked side-ways and seen the car pull up next to her. She looked in and her eyes widened at what, or rather, who she saw.

"Caroline?" Stefan called out.

"Uhh... Stefan. Is that you?" She asked.

"Yeah, what are you doing out here all alone?"

"I was just walking home, who's your friend?" She asked. Taking in his friend again.

Stefan and Klaus both looked at each other when she mentioned 'friend'. He smiled at Stefan and turned his head back to Caroline.

Who might this pretty little blonde be, he wonders. She certainly looked like a tasty little thing, he'll give her that.

He took her hand and kissed the top of it and introduced himself. "Forgive me for being rude. I'm Niklaus, but everybody calls me Klaus." he gave a winning smile at her.

Caroline immediately snapped her hand away from his and took a few steps back. "You... you're the one that killed Jenna and almos... I mean, and killed Elena." she stumbled back with wide eyes.

Klaus stared at her for a few moments and bypassed what she slipped up on, thinking nothing of it. "I'm honoured that a beautiful young girl such as yourself remembers me."

Caroline rolled her eyes and replied. "Well considering that your an evil murderer that has caused pain to me and my friends... I think it's hard not to."

"Err... I think we should go, Klaus. She doesn't mean what she's saying." Stefan said, while also trying to get noticed again.

"Nonsense, Stefan," Klaus replied. "I quite like my new little blonde friend here." he turned his head back to Caroline with a smile on his face. Caroline placed both hands on her hips, "Pfft. I'm not your friend". She defiantly announced. Raising her head and looking him sharp in the eyes.

"Caroline, maybe you should just go home. It's definitely not safe out here." Stefan told her, more as a demand and not a request.

"Oh, in case I may get chained up again in a cellar and await being sacrificed for some evil selfish vampire to become an even bigger monster?" She raised her voice and gave a death-stare to Klaus.

"Caroline-" Stefan was cut off.

"Oh my deepest apologies for that, love. Don't take it too personal, it was more collateral damage."

"Ugh... whatever," Caroline folded her arms and looked around her surroundings. "I'm gonna go..." she said as she started walking away from the car.

"Why?" Klaus instantly called out to her.

"Because it's late and I don't like you." she said, still walking down the footpath.

"But I like you." he replied with a grin, moving the car forwards to follow at her side.

"Humph... Why would you like me?" she whipped her head around at him and raised an eyebrow.

"You got spunk." he easily replied.

"Yeah, well. You got to when there are people like you around."

"I'm one of a kind sweetheart. There's nobody like me around."

"You're so arrogant."

"You're so beautiful."

Caroline blushed and looked down at her feet. "Well I hate to interrupt. But we should really get going." Stefan said while putting emphasis on 'really'.

"Caroline, why don't you accompany us?" Klaus stared at Caroline with a serious face. Expecting an answer.

Caroline burst out laughing as he said this. Klaus smiled at making her laugh. "I like it when you laugh." he admitted.

"Now that's just creepy. And so are you. No, I'm not going anywhere with you." Caroline replied, thinking he was absurd.

"Why? Too scared?" he challenged.


"Prove it."

"I don't have to prove anything to you."

"I get it."

"Get what?"

"You're frightened of me. It's okay, I understand. I've grown accustomed to it." he said, actually giving her the puppy eyes.

"No I'm not." she said stubbornly, raising her voice in exasperation.

"Then accompany us. I dare you." he challenged once more. Thinking she'll probably back out.

Klaus and Caroline continued to stare at each other in silence. Waiting for one of them to admit defeat. "Caroline just go home. You don't want to come with us." Stefan argued; concerned about his friends safety.

Klaus and Caroline was still staring at each other at this point. Completely ignoring what Stefan said. Caroline found herself walking to the backseat of the car, opening the door and sitting on the car seat, just behind Klaus'.

Klaus smiled and looked in the mirror at his side of the door to view Caroline, with her arms folded. "Well this should be fun." he stated to himself. Giving Stefan a cocky victorious grin.

Stefan had both his hands on each side of his temple, rubbing it in circles with his head down. Caroline stared out the window beside her at the forest with a determined look on her face. "It sure is." she said, not wanting to be in the position at all if it wasn't for her pride and stubbornness.

The trio then drove ahead and out of Mystic Falls to their next destination.

Sooo, what'd you think? Good or bad? Should I carry on? Reviews are appreciated :)

Until next time...