Sick as a Bee (Working Title)

Disclaimer. I don't own Transformers. They are © owned by Hasbro and Takara. I am merely taking them for a quick spin around the block.

Summary: - This is another one-shot story about Sparkling Bumblebee in this story Bee has fallen ill and has to be rushed to Ratchet the bots are in for a long night. Pre-07 movie.

Transformers Measures of Time

Klik - 1.2 minutes

Cycle - 2 hours

Joor - 1 hour

Breem - 8.3 minutes

It was late into the evening cycle, when Sideswipe on his evening patrol of the base made his rounds. Most of the mechs by now well into their recharge cycles, as the silver twin made his silent pass down the corridors of the Prime's main outpost in the city of Iacon. All was silent this cycle not a peep was heard by the passing mech, at least, that is until he reached the corridor leading Bumblebee's nursery. At first he heard nothing, all was peaceful but just as he was continue on his way, his audio fins picked up the sounds of a low frequency wail. The sounds being emitted were those of a sparkling in immense suffering and misery.

Coming out of his momentary stupor Sides hurried down the hallway and sweeping through the automatic door, only to almost bowl over an exhausted looking Jazz, as he held an hysterically crying Bumblebee. Who was sobbing and clicking into Jazz's should strut large pearlescent energon tears spilling out, from his icy blue optics, sliding down his cheek plates and splashing onto the ground below, quite obviously in some kind of distress.

"Sides. Am I gla' yar her'. I was jus' about at giv' Ratch a buzz."

"How long has he been crying like this?" Sideswipe asked bring a servo up to rest gently against the weeping sparkling, feeling the immensely high temperature of heat emanating from his small body.

"I've been 'ere fer two breems 'e was cryin' when I cam' 'ere. Bu' tha's cos I picked up the sounds of his cryin' after he woke meh from ma recharge cycle, so ah cam' to check on 'im. Th' poor thin' was sobbin' 'is spark out. When ah picked 'im up to calm 'im down I felt the heat off comin' off 'im. I was jus' about to comm. Ratche' when you came in 'ere." Jazz said in reply.

"May I see him?" Sides asked speaking over the sounds of pained whirrs and clicks of the sparkling.

Jazz nodding gently handed over the miserable and unwell sparkling to Sideswipe, who could now fully feel the high amount of heat that Bumblebee was exhibiting. He was definitely running a temperature. Sides held the sparkling close to his spark. He lightly began rubbing his back, between the sadly hung wings both barely twitching, in a soothing manner trying to calm the hysterical sparkling, who was wheezing, coughing and spluttering in between his frantic crying. But it did not appear to be working, so Jazz finally gave in and commed Ratchet.

*Jazz to Ratchet?*

*Ratchet here… what's wrong Jazz?*

*Bumblebee's no' doin' too well Doc, 'e's runnin' ah high temperature an' won' stop coughin' and cryin'*

Nothing was heard down the other end of the comms link for a moment before it suddenly exploded with a cacophony of cursing, followed by sudden deafening silence as the comm. was abruptly cut off. In less than a klik, the CMO was there in the nursery entrance meeting Jazz and Sideswipe both of who had begun to head out of the room. To head to the med bay with the ill sparkling. Not stopping to discuss the details Ratchet about faced and following the other two bots.

Upon his arrival in the med bay he immediately plucked the unwell sparkling out of Sideswipe's arms and began running scans on the sparkling, it didn't take him long to discover what was ailing the youngling.

"He's picked up a small virus. I'll have to purge it from his systems first and then I'll have to treat him with an antivirus."

Concerned filled the two mechs as Ratchet plucked the still screaming sparkling from the berth he'd been on when Ratchet had run the scans on him, and walked off to one of the private treatment rooms off the side of the main med bay area, speaking soothingly to the sparkling as he went. For a few kliks nothing was heard from within the room. For a nano-second it seemed that Bee had finally calmed down. But then an unearthly shriek was heard from within of a sparkling in pain was followed by a none stop scream of agony.

Both Jazz and Sideswipe were outside the treatment room . Jazz pacing back and forth in earnest worry.

"Jazz stop pacing, your giving me a processor ache moving back and forth. It's not helping any."

"Ah'm sorry Side's. Ah can't help it. Ah'm concerned about Bumblebee."

"I'm sure Bumblebee will be okay Ratchet knows what he's doing."

After what seemed like forever all was quiet as Bumblebee's screams slowly and finally grinded to a halt . Finally emerging from the treatment room was a tired and frayed looking CMO a teary opticed sniffling sparkling wrapped in a large fluffy blanket to help comfort him.

"Phew that's got it. The virus was more persistent than I expected it to be."

"Why was 'e screamin' like tha'?"

"The virus that Bee was infected with was more aggressive than I thought it was. So because I didn't notice this, when I began to purge the virus from Bee's systems, it caused Bumblebee an awful lot of pain to his receptors causing him to scream." the CMO spoke with regret at being unable to prevent the baby from feeling pain.

A servo rubbing gently up and down the sparkling, soothing the ill youngling. Ratchet was about to continue speaking in his sorrow filled voice. When a small servo emerged from within the folds of the blanket to lie on his chassis, caused him to pause on his intake of breath.

Glancing down he met the gaze of the sparkling's icy blue optics looking directly at him. He lean his face down close to Bumblebee, wondering what he wanted. When his face was close enough Bee did something totally unexpected, from the CMO's perspective, he placed his tiny servos on one of Ratchet's cheek struts and he began to quietly rub it as much as he was able in sympathy. Whilst also rubbing his small helm against his chin plate, chirping and warbling in forgiveness.

It was this simple gesture that Ratchet truly knew he was forgiven and in no way was Bee blaming him for what happened . Letting a large hiss of ar escape from his intake valves, Ratchet gently lowered one of his large fingers on to the top of the sparkling's helm and circled his finger around in a soothing motion eliciting a soft chirp and a long purr of contentment. With Ratchet continuing to rub his helm in reassuring manner, Bee curled around himself in his blanket drawing close to the warmth of the CMO's spark. He rubbed his helm firmly vigorously against his chassis, his thumb going to his mouth as he began to suck it, his optics flickering on and off before finally dimming as he fell gently into the confines of sleep escaping with the fairies to cloud nine his other dainty servo clinging firmly to the front of Ratchets chassis. There was no hiding the grins of relief as he dropped into stasis at his recovery.

Ratchet smiling gently gave Bumblebee's helm one final rub before tucking him back in his blanket and holding him firmly against his chassis. Making a shooing motion to the two mechs. Both began grumbling but complied with the medics request leaving the Medic and his young patient alone. Locking the med bay doors so as not to be disturbed Ratchet made his way over to one of the medical berths in he main bay and still clutching his precious cargo gently as he could began to lay down upon the berths surface, swiftly joining his charge for a few cycles of recharge knowing everything was going ot be okay and that Bumblebee would be back to a hundred percent by the following orn.