Young Justice

Never thought

"No!" I shouted as I saw kid flash run in front of me his back turned toward Cheshire as the three poison knives that were meant for me were now stuck in his back but as fast as he came he was gone to fight off someone new.
"Don't worry sister the poison isn't to deadly." Cheshire said and I knew there was a smirk on her face hidden behind her mask. "Let's go!"
Her shout echoed around the whole canon we were currently fighting in and soon all her henchmen and her were gone, just as the left an explosion was heard and M'gan fell to her knees holding her head.
"The bioship! She's hurt!" M'gan shouted as we all ran to the ship there were holes all over the ship and aqualad had to put out the fire.
"How long until you can repair her." he asked in his soothing voice.
"I'm not sure probably all night she's like a human she needs to rest." M'gan put her hand on the ship her eyes glowing I could see the ship moving to repair herself.
"We will just have to camp out here then." robin said then contacted batman who said the league was busy on missions so they were stuck. That was when I noticed how unusually quiet it was.
"Where's Wally?" I asked my voice laced with concern (although if anyone pointed it out I would deny it) as I looked around. "Cheshire got him with her knives we have to find him!" I ran off and I heard them billowing and felt the manual link get setup. Soon everything was dark and as I was walking I tripped and heard someone groan.
'I found him' I screamed in my head.
He was lying on his back even in the dark I could see he was paler then usual and his skin which was normally hot was to hot even for him. "Can you move at all?" I asked my hand on his cheek making him look me in the eye.
"n-not on my own." he whispered his words coming out choked. "stupid cat." he muttered which made me laugh.
"Come on." I lifted his arm over my shoulders and pulled him up to his feet. "Damn Baywatch could you weight more!"
"all muscle babe." I heard the smile in his voice
"in your drea-"
I was suddenly jerked to the ground when he fell onto his knees his breathing heavy "come one it's not that much farther."
His clenched his hand into a fist his fingers digging into the dirt.
We stood back up him leaning on me more, I noticed he gotten taller than he was before
'this boy is not light!'
I heard M'gan giggle and Robins cackle in my head. When we got to the ship I saw everyone sitting around a small fire not big enough to hurt Kaldur or M'gan but big enough to keep them warm. Connor stood up and grabbed Wally pulling onto his back walking him to the fire. I realized my arm had his blood on it from where my arm was wrapped around his back.
"We have to clean the wounds on his back and keep him next to the fire. His body will burn off most the toxins but we have to stop the bleeding the poison slows healing. Wally I need to roll you over to your stomach."
He nodded his head "Anything you want beautiful." The words came out as a whisper but I heard then and I'm sure superboy did as well.
After rolling him over M'gan and I unzipped the back of his costume so we could uncover his bloody back. His mask and mine had long since been abandoned simply because they were already covered in dirt or dried blood. Besides the three cuts in his back he also seemed to have bruises on his sides I frowned.
'Definitely have to help him train more.' I thought looking at the discolored skin a deep scowl on my lips,
"Heard that." Wally mumbled his eyes still closed but a smirk on his lips.
"Here's some clean water." Kaldur handed me a bucket of water and what looked to be a torn piece of Robin's cape. I ripped the piece of cloth in half handing one to M'gan we dipped the cloth into the water then started cleaning off his wounds causing a hiss to escape kid flash's mouth. The blood I noticed had already stopped and he wouldn't need stitches thanks to his accelerated healing. When he was all cleaned up we zipped up his costume then rolled him back over. I noticed he shivered slightly but his skin still felt as though it was on fire.

"I will go get water for us to drink I am sure we are all dehydrated." Kaldur walked off towards wherever the water was.
"I'm going to get some food; hopefully I'll find some kind of animal we can cook." Connor jumped off to go into the woods.
"Robin and I are going to help the bioship; will you be okay Artemis watching him?" M'gan asked me looking at Wally with a concerned expression I smiled up at her and waved my hand nonchalantly.
"Of course he's almost sleeping I'll be fine."

They walked over to the ship to where their voices were distant but not too far from where Wally and I sat. Lifting his head I moved it onto my lap so he would hopefully be more comfortable than laying his head on the ground.

"Thank you." He whispered softly eyes still closed as he lay on my lap his shivering stopped slightly from the fire and my body heat.

"For what, if I had watched Cheshire this would've never happened."

He sighed when I ran my fingers through his hair which was surprisingly soft –another fact I will deny- and he shifted closer to me his body still shivering with fever. I felt his head and almost pulled my hand back he felt so hot. His face was flushed but he looked to be calm and relaxed.

"I guess, but you're watching me now and helping so I thanked you, that and your comfy." His words came out slow and soon his breathing deepened telling me his was asleep which was good because he can't see the blush on my face.