
Well, it has certainly been a long time since I've updated this story. I seem to only be able to find time to sit down and focus during dark hours of break.

By the way, I decided that Chrome should have both of her eyes... If there's a way to create illusionary organs, I thought an illusionary eye would not be a stretch... It's just easier to write that way, and I probably will have to make some slight changes to the previous chapters (or just to add on) to make it clear...

Anyways, I hope this chapter is enjoyable.

Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn

Hibari opened his eyes as his phone's alarm rang. It was hard to believe that the volume of his alarm would awaken him. It was set to a minimum volume. Hibari slipped of the couch casually and cracked his neck. Indeed, that wasn't a very good night of sleep. But that didn't matter; he had enough rest and energy for a new day. He sat down at the worktable and started looking through documents of some sort. He shot a glance at Chrome, who was still asleep. Strands of her hair cupping her chin, along with gentle features made her look very vulnerable. Hibari pulled the contents out of the document folder and scanned them quickly.

Mission Objective:
Acquire document folders of data concerning the box weapons.

Name: Dr. Asahina Yamato
Sex: Male
Flame: Sun

Requirement: No fatality

"…Hn" Hibari quickly placed the papers back into the document folder. He walked to his bag he had brought for the mission and took out a small package of powder. He opened the package and poured all of it into a glass cup, then filled it with water. It was a tasteless, colorless, odorless type of powder, causing people to fall unconscious for around 6 hours. That of course, would be more than enough time to finish off a mere mission like this. He only had to give it to Chrome when she wakes up, and he'll be set to go complete the mission.

Chrome opened both of her eyes sleepily and lay on the bed for a few seconds. Suddenly, remembering Hibari was sharing the same hotel room with her, she bounced up instantaneously and ran her hand through her hair. Without looking at any other direction, she went straight into the bathroom. Quickly, she brushed her teeth and fixed her hair, making sure it was neat and tidy. Every girl cares at least a little about their appearance, and Chrome always wanted good impressions. Exiting the bathroom, still in her nightgown, she sees Hibari walking towards her with a glass cup in his hand.

"Water," Hibari handed it over to her and turned away quickly, back facing her.

"Thanks…" Chrome held the glass of water, but her Vongola ring glowed mildly and warmed up. Raising her eyebrows, she lighted up her ring slightly and hovered it over the top of the glass, instantly realizing it was not pure water. There had to be some sort of substance mixed within.

Her eyebrows started knitting together and her grip on the glass tightened. Biting her lips, she stomped towards Hibari and chucked the water out of the glass onto his shirt. Almost instantaneously, a hand shot for her neck, and roughly pinned her back against the wall. The glass cup fell from her hands and shattered into pieces.

Steel eyes glared straight into her purple ones, but she stared right back at him without faltering.

Placing both of her hands on top of one of his that was at her neck, she gulped but also tugged at his wrist at the same time.

"Let go," she spat. It was difficult for her to speak, but his grip was not tight enough to choke her to death. Nevertheless, it blocked her airway a bit.

"What the fuck was that for," he growled in reply. Hibari knew she figured it out, but wasn't this going just… a little too far…?

"You know well enough, now let go bastard."

"…" Without a good rebuttal, he could only acquiesce to her demand."…Tsk," he softened his grip and let his hands drop to his sides.

Chrome closed her eyes and gently massaged her neck.

Hibari felt a hint of guilt tugging his heart but dismissed it quickly. Turning away, he walked toward his bag of belongings and swiftly grabbed a purple button up shirt along with his blazer. As he was changing into the new shirt, Chrome confidently spoke, "I can probably get access to target Asahina's hotel information easily."

Hibari suddenly stopped buttoning up his shirt. "…Don't meddle in my business. It will go smoother without your interference."

"Excuse me? This is not solely your business. It's my business, it's our business, it's Vongola's business. And stop thinking that I will be a hindrance. I know how to handle myself properly and have completed countless missions solo."

Hibari slowly digested her words but remained silent. Chrome took his silence as a rude remark and spoke up once again. "I'm not as weak as you think. I can't believe you even tried doing that." Chrome glanced at the glass fragments on the floor.

Hibari only grunted before saying, "…Do whatever you want."

His eyes fell on her figure disguised in clothes of a hotel management member; she wore a black cardigan on top of a white tank top and a skirt that fit her figure nicely, along with heels that clicked whenever she took a step. Walking towards to the lobby counter, she slipped right past one of the two that were in charge of check ins and directly headed to some of the cabinets as if she knew exactly what she was doing.

"Excuse me, Mr. Asahina Yamato just passed by me earlier and informed me that he lost the cardkey to his room, can you please duplicate one so I can bring it to him?" Chrome suddenly spoke up, while crouching down, flipping through files found in the cabinet. Facing neither of the two, she was hoping at least one of them would answer her.

"Yeah, I'll get it sorted out," a voice said. Sounds of fast typing arose.

Chrome turned her head slightly to view the skinny male with short black hair work his fingers. He looked a few years younger than her: maybe 22, 23? The computer screen he was working on displayed a picture along with other scribbles of information she could not see clearly from her angle. The picture was a man with red hair framing his cheekbones and then came down to the length of where his chin was. He had a pair of black rectangle framed glasses that brought out his green eyes. So is that Asahina Yamato…?

She turned back and closed the folder in her hands and filed it back where she found it. As she stood up, the skinny male handed her a cardkey held in both hands with his head down.

"Why thank you, that was fast," Chrome nodded slightly.

Lifting his head, the young male met Chrome's eyes for a second before frantically turning his head away, flustered.

Seeing this, Chrome realized he was very new to this job, as he wasn't able to recognize her as someone who didn't work here. Chuckling, she gave him a small pat on his head and whispered "Nice work, keep it up," and walked out of the lobby counters.

Hibari's eyes followed Chrome as she walked up to him; he was sitting on the couches right in the middle of the lobby.

"See?" Chrome held up the card between her index and middle finger, with a smug look on her face.

"Hn, looks like you had fun," he shot back.

Raising an eyebrow, Chrome replied, "What are you talking about."

"Lovebird games you play," he stood up, taking the card out of her hand in one swift motion.

"That was not," lowering voice into a passive-aggressive tone, slightly offended by his comment. It was the young male who got all flustered, not her! She would barely even call it flirting than to say a lovebird game. However, considering this, she smirked as a thought sparked up in her mind. "Maybe it's cause you're just too inexperienced, Mr. Naïve," she let out a small laugh.

When silence was the only voice that shot back at her, she shrugged and kept walking, trailing behind Hibari's footsteps.

Upon arriving on floor 23, the one where Asahina Yamato lived, Hibari quickened his footsteps in the direction of room 2316.

Not wanting to make any noise, Chrome grabbed onto Hibari's wrist, making him halt immediately.

His head turned slightly to the right, just enough to catch her in his peripheral vision. Her tiny hands circled around his wrists with a surprisingly tight grip.

"Look. You go inside to search for the files, and I'll stay outside here just in case anyone comes by," she spoke softly while keeping her eyes around their surroundings.

Hibari didn't mind at all searching for the documents himself, rather, he thought it was all for the better. After Chrome had loosened her grip, as if on cue, he started walking towards room 2316, which was just another few rooms ahead. Sliding the card-key through the door handle slit, a small light blinked green and a small click was heard. Hibari pressed down on the handle and pushed the door open very slowly. Taking a quick peek inside, the room was clean with curtains opened, sunlight reaching all corners. He listened carefully only to hear his own breathing, thus confirming there was no one else in the room and slipped inside, closing the door behind him.

Chrome kept glancing left and right to make sure there was no sign of Asahina Yamato. However, she realized that she would look highly suspicious if she just stood stationary with head turning in all directions. Taking out her phone, she unlocked the screen and pretended to make a call, placing it right next to her ear. Almost simultaneously, a soft bell like ding sound was heard, instantly realizing it was the elevator.

The room was very neat and tidy, with nothing on the tables and nothing plugged in the electricity domains. Sliding open the wardrobe door, a few coats and suits were hanging and Hibari quickly swiped his hands over the clothing articles but did not find anything. Scanning around, he located a metal safety deposit box in the corner of the wardrobe, which was hard to see due to the lack of lighting in that area. The box required a 7-digit passcode, but before trying to unlock it, Hibari opened his box weapon revealing his handcuffs. Using the metal handcuffs to bang on the deposit box, he listened carefully for any signs of sound refraction. Noticing the sound did not go quite smoothly about, he concluded there were items within the deposit box. Quickly moving his hands, he touched all 4 sides of the box, finding a sticky note hidden in the back. It read "6689187 / / \."

The elevator opened, revealing a man dressed smartly in a black dress shirt, blue tie, and black pants; he wore glasses and had red hair. Could it be Asahina Yamato? As he walked closer and closer to the direction of where Chrome was, she could make out his features and confirmed that he was the target. She turned her back towards him, and faced the opposite direction so she couldn't see him. Quietly listening to his footsteps and looking at the floor to see his shadow approach her, she turned around right as Asahina Yamato crossed over her and intentionally bumped into him, causing herself to stumble forwards and to fall to the ground.

"Miss! Are you alright?!" He crouched down immediately to meet her eyes.

Hibari could hear the ruckus outside within the room. Shit, I have to speed things up, while mentally thanking Chrome for making some extra time for him. Lighting up a small flame above his ring, he hovered it over the all the buttons of the passcode lock to find fingerprints over the numbers 2, 7, 8, 9 and 0. So there are 2 differing digits here compared to the ones on the sticky notes. There's no 1, but there's 2 and 0. Fuck. What do the slashes mean… Forward, forward, backward slash. Biting his lip, he lifted his left hand towards his chin and held it with his thumb and index finger. After what seemed to be a minute perhaps, he quietly muttered out "up, up, down." Taking out a pen from his pants' pocket, he scribbled out 779187 below 6689187 /\. But there are no fingerprints over the digits 1… Scribbling a second number below, he wrote out 7790298. Bingo. Punching in the passcode, the deposit box lit green and opened. Hibari grabbed the two folders that lay inside and quickly ran through the sheets of paper. Flipping through the corners of the pages, he caught a few words that said "flames," and "weapons," concluding that these were probably relevant documents.

Chrome watched his green eyes watch hers, noticing that the glasses he wore were merely frames, and had no lenses. She nodded slowly at him and then flashed a smile.

"No worries, I'm alright."

Asahina Yamato then stood up and held his hand towards her. "Here, let me help you up."

Tilting her head slightly upwards, she saw his palm facing upwards stretched out in front of her, and so she took his hand. Pulling her up with a strong force, Chrome deliberately fell towards him, and placed one of her hands against his chest, while crashing her head towards his shoulder. However, she had misplaced her foot, landing on her heels off to the side, and pain instantly shot up through her foot to her ankle.

"Oh, I'm so sorry sir!" she pulled her other hand out of his hands and placed both of them up next to her shoulders, with palms facing Asahina's direction. Asahina looked down and the startled girl only to find that his eyes have traveled towards her breasts. He could see her cleavage from his angle and smirked upon his view.

"No, it's my bad," he said softly as he placed both of his hands on both sides of her shoulders. "Are you hurt?"

"No… not really," she murmured, but flinched at the same time when she tried to move her feet.

Asahina lowered his eyes to see if she had scraped her knees or anything earlier due to the fall. As his eyes fell onto her ankle, he could see a tint of pinkish red, while an area protruded slightly. He suddenly crouched down and traced his fingers over Chrome's lower thigh to her calf and then down to her ankle.

"Your ankle is swollen, can you walk?" Asahina said as he slowly got back up, only this time sliding his arms around Chrome's waist and then taking one of her hands into his. Yet the fabric of her cardigan could not be compared to the smoothness of her legs he touched earlier. Eager to undo her, Asahina pushed her in the direction towards his room while his voice softened as if he was inviting his prey into a veiled trap. "Why don't we head this way, my room is just right ahead, a few more rooms. We can fix up your ankle there. I have a medical box in the bathroom."

Chrome thought fast, trying to come up with something to lead him the other way, but they were already so close to room 2316. Shit, shit, shit… What do I say?! Chrome's heart thumped harder against her chest as the proximity between the door of Asahina's room and the two of them was getting increasingly smaller.

"Is that really okay? I'm sure it must be inconvenient—"

"Of course not, it's fine. And plus, I was the one who bumped into you…" A small smile formed on his lips.

"Ahh…" They were almost to his door. God, Hibari. You better have heard us and fucking hid somewhere already. "You know, this morning I could see the clouds float towards the right, and then—"

"Miss. Do we really have no other topic to talk about besides the weather?"Asahina gave Chrome a playful smirk. "I'm sure we can come up with better topics at hand," he said so, as he slid his card-key through the door handle slit with a green light that greeted him.

Hibari had slipped into the bathroom, as he heard Chrome talking about clouds floating towards the right. However, he didn't fully close the door as it might've made a sound; who knows how sound proof these walls and doors were? Clearly not so much as he could hear the two of them talking quite clearly. There was still some light that made its way into the bathroom, and Hibari was standing very still behind the bathroom door, leaning against the shower cubicle. He continued scanning the documents in his hands, making sure it was the document they needed. The thought of failing a mission due to acquiring the wrong documents was just… wrong.

The door suddenly clicked and there came in sounds of footsteps of two people.

Chrome glanced around, noticing the bathroom was to the right of her. She kept walking with the guidance of Asahina's hand against her waist towards his bed. The room displayed no evidence of obvious rummaging, and she wondered if Hibari had successfully located any relevant documents.

"Here, take a seat, I'll just head towards the bathroom to get—"

"Wait!" Chrome instinctively grabbed onto his tie, jerking him towards her, which caught him with surprise. He fell forwards and landed his hands on both sides of Chrome. She looked so small with his figure hovering completely over hers, and his eyes gazed down into her purple orbs. After merely a few seconds, he twisted to the right and sat next to her.

"What's up?" He turned his head towards her while undoing his tie and placing it at his side. "And by the way, you haven't told me your name yet. I'm Asahina. Asahina Yamato."

"Ohhh. Yeah. Sorry for being so rude. I'm Narumi Fujihara," like I would reveal my real name like an idiot, Chrome thought. "And my foot… can wait… I think there are more pressing matters at hand," she replied in a seductive voice, while turning towards him and shifted a little closer.

Asahina's body reacted positively to the warmth of her body, raising his eyebrows and let out a questioning "Oh? What are these pressing matters you speak of?" He was fully aware that her breasts were again in a perfect view for his eyes… Well, not just yet. He wanted to strip away her cardigan, her shirt, her everything, and see her raw. But that could wait. This petite girl was in his room, and right next to him. It was impossible for her to escape… And it didn't seem like she wanted to escape anyways.

"Like why you're wearing glasses without lens," Chrome spoke as she placed one hand on his thigh while the other removed the frame around his eyes.

"Now, isn't that something you would like to find out?" He whispered against her ear as he leaned closer, taking his frames out of her hand and tossing it off to the corner.

Giggling in reply, Chrome brought both hands towards the neck of his shirt and gently pulled at it. "I think there are other things I want to find out… Something more interesting… more urgent…"

"Is that so?" He twirled a loose strand of her beautiful purple hair and then brought both of his hands towards her shoulders, pushing her arms back down. "So what is this interesting and urgent thing you speak of…?" He held the hem of her cardigan between his thumb and index finger, rubbing it slowly.

"…Can you... guess?" She peered into his eyes.

"Maybe, let's see if I can find out," he offered, as he pushed her cardigan off her shoulders, letting it slide down to her wrists. He quickly twisted back into his previous position, hovering over her, only this time, he had placed his knees on both sides of her hips, and had pushed her shoulders down so she would lay on the bed with her arms on her sides. He grabbed both of her wrists, pinning one in each of his hands and looked down at her figure. The white tank top fit her beautifully, outlining her curves, and skirt too, shaping her hips, but it was a little too constricting in this situation for Asahina's liking. However, that could wait just a little longer too. He lowered himself, closing in on Chrome as his face buried into her neck and kissed her collarbone. Chrome could only struggle as her wrists were held in Asahina's tight grip, trying to break free from his grasps that pained her.

Aware of her movements, Asahina realized that he had been holding on to tight, and so, he let go of one of her wrists while lifting the other in one swift motion, guiding it towards the top of his shirt and then letting it go.

Understanding what he wanted her to do, Chrome brought her other hand towards the top of his shirt and started undoing the buttons.

Asahina then shifted his position, placing one hand next to her shoulders to support himself, while the other trailed down towards her hips and slipped inside her white tank top. Fuck, this shirt is too damn tight, Asahina thought as he removed his hands from underneath her shirt. His hands trailed back toward the top of her shirt and nuzzled close to her neck once again, only this time, he trailed down further and gave a sharp tear against the hem of her tank top with his teeth, then tore the fabric away, tossing it onto the ground, revealing a black laced bra.

Chrome immediately covered her breasts and turned to her side, face flushed as the red tint spread over her cheeks.

"Don't worry, Narumi, you're beautiful," Asahina let his hands roam around her smooth and creamy skin of her back, and moved his hands to unclasp her bra. But just as he did so, he felt a hard object ram its way against his ribs, driving his whole body above ground and slamming into the wall, leaving only an unconscious man lying listlessly on the floor.

Chrome kept her arms across her chest and looked at the figure in front of her gritting his teeth with tight fists clenched around a pair of familiar tonfas.

"What the fuck are you doing," Hibari spat words of ice at her.

"…Did I… buy you enough time?"

"You fucking idiot," he snapped while taking a step closer, dropping one of his tonfas, and grabbing her neck. Was this what a love game is supposed to be like? Hibari thought under his ragged breath.

Chrome was taken back, and jolted her head a few inches backwards, eyes looking at him in much shock.

Hibari gulped as he realized how close he was to her body, looking down finding herself clutching her bra like how she held her secrets… He released his hand from her and took off his blazer.

"Wear this." He said as he threw the blazer at her. He turned his back agaisnt her and crouched down to pick up his tonfa he dropped earlier.

"…Thanks…" she muttered, clasping her bra back in place and slipping on the blazer. She stood up slowly from the bed but then quickened her pace as she saw Hibari walking towards the door.

"We're picking up our shit and then leaving," she heard him say as she closed the door of 2316 behind her.

"...So I guess I did buy enough time…" She mumbled under her breath.

It was barely audible, but Hibari heard it. He only clenched his fists together in front of himself, and kept walking.

Chrome trailed behind his footsteps and looked at the man in front of her. The distance between them was probably a meter or two, but somehow, he seemed so far away.

To be continued...

Well, I hope this was satisfying; I made it slightly longer than the previous chapters.

It's been a while, so I do hope my writing has improved even in the slightest bit.

Did you guys like it? Was the switching back and forth (between Chrome and Hibari's situation) easy to follow?