Have a very Merry Christmas, I wish you health, happiness, love and peace! Have a great time with your loved ones!

This happy ending is my Christmas gift for you:)

When Nymphadora finished her story, she noticed that everybody was starstruck. Andromeda was looking at her with pride. Molly Weasley had tears in her eyes, and her hand was covering her mouth in shock.

"Bloody brilliant, that was!" cried Ron. Hermione nodded.

"We really don't know how to thank you, Tonks!" grinned Arthur, and Molly pulled her into a warm hug. "Our Fred owes his life to you."

Just then, the infirmary door opened widely, and a dirty man with dried blood on his face, who probably hadn't had a bath since the war was over, burst in, holding a little girl in his arms.

It was that girl.

"My daughter woke up!" he cried, running to Madame Pomfrey. "I thought she was dead, like my wife, but then I heard her call my name!"

They immediately understood. The girl was already pointing at Tonks with a weak hand. "It was her, dad. She gave me a potion, she saved me!"

Madame Pomfrey took care of her as the father ran to Tonks' bedside. "It was really you…" he muttered. "I don't know how to thank you! I really don't know how!"

She was tired, her head was turning. "It was nothing, really. I wish I could have saved your wife too. I didn't know…"

He didn't answer, he probably was in much pain, he just shook his head.

"Listen," she said, "I won't say I'm sorry for your loss, because I know exactly how you're feeling, I know that saying I'm sorry won't bring her back. I just wish the best for your girl."

He nodded, and she noticed that he was struggling not to cry. "Thank you." He whispered. "Thank you so much!"

He left to go to his daughter. Tonks couldn't stand it anymore. It hurt so much. The others left her alone to rest, and to see Fred. "What about him?" she asked in a quiet voice when Madame Pomfrey was back to check on her. "What about Remus?"

The nurse looked at her sadly. "The only explanation I have is that the potion might have problems when it's mixed with Wolfsbane. I won't lie to you, Nymphadora. I don't know if he'll make it."

Nothing can be done for the receiver to regain consciousness if he/she does not normally during the expected period... not many of them actually were brought back to consciousness in the end...

Her head was turning. Her mother tried to say something.

"Not now." She stopped her in a tiny voice. "I can't… I need to be alone."


She opened her eyes. Andromeda was nowhere to be seen, she had probably gone back home to be with Teddy, at least Nymphadora hoped she had, she hated thinking of her little baby being so far from her, and poor Aunt Prudence would have been so worried! Her muscles were aching, it felt exactly like the last time she had been in St. Mungo's after the battle at the Department of Mysteries, just that now everything hurt a million times more, because he wasn't there to wait for her to wake up. She reached for her wand on the table next to her bed, and casted a light. She managed to move her aching body and get out of bed. She looked around with the light of her wand. There he was, laying motionless and pale, three beds away from her. It was difficult to get there, but she managed to make it and sit on his bedside. He was slightly smiling, and his eyes were closed. He stroked his cold cheek with a trembling hand, as new tears started rolling on her cheeks. She was extremely thankful that they had kept him there. She had never been more scared and alone in her whole life. He had to wake up.

"What do you think you're doing there?" he heard Madame Pomfrey hissing in the dark behind here. "You're not strong enough!"

She turned her face to her. "I'm begging you, do something!" she pleaded.

"There's nothing I can do, Nymphadora." The nurse said uncomfortably. "Forty four hours have already passed, so…"

Tonks just pulled her knees to her chest and sat on the chair next to his bed.

She waited… and waited… They couldn't say he was dead. His body didn't exactly seem like a dead one. The best description was that he was in a coma. And they didn't know whether he would ever wake up.

Poppy Pomfrey had never witnessed so much pain. It was the first time that she didn't dare apply pressure on her patient, she couldn't force her to go back to bed. Tonks almost fell asleep on the chair and immediately was violently woken up from the early summer heat, combined with her fever. She forced her muscles to move in the middle of the night, as she had to reach for her wand in order to open the window. She stood up, and everything became blurry. Her knees betrayed her and she fell on the floor.

And then, as in a wonderful dream, she heard his faint voice.

"God damn it, Dora, watch that clumsiness!"