Update time!

Army husbands

Chapter: 8


Germany- Ludwig /N. Italy- Feliciano

Prussia- Gilbert /Canada-Matthew

Russia- Ivan /America- Alfred

Japan-Kiku /China- Yao

Spain- Antonio / Romano-Lovino

France-Francis /UK- Arthur

*at Banker funeral home*

The lights were dim as the team walked into the funeral home. Doors lined down a massive hall. Each room held a casket for a family. The halls were vacant at the moment. The sounds of families crying echoed through a few closed doors. Flowers were placed beside the door that held Roderich. The room across, which held Elizabeta also held flowers. Taking in a deep breath the team advanced to the rooms to pay their respects. Gilbert, Matthew, Francis, Arthur, Antonio, and Lovino headed into Elizabeta's room. Ivan, Alfred, Ludwig, Feliciano, Kiku, and Yao headed into Roderich's room.

*in Roderich's funeral room*

Kiku bowed next to Roderich's casket letting a few tears slip. Yao stood next to him holding his hands behind his back. Yao knew that Kiku had a fond taking towards Roderich. He knew that's Roderich's presence still lingered. There was so much that time could not erase. Whipping a tear that fell he laid a few flowers next to the ones others left. He knew the wounds in the hearts of the team would not heal. Yao was having trouble telling himself that Roderich and Elizabeta was gone, dead, yet it felt like a nightmare that was not allowing him to wake up. Sucking in a breath he looked over to his husband who was crying silently. Kiku. Walking back to his husband he slipped a hand into his husbands squeezing gently. Looking up Kiku nodded slipping his badge out of its place in his uniform stabbing it into the casket. A few tears dripped onto the casket before sliding down the side of it and disappearing onto the floor.

A few paces away stood Ludwig and Feliciano. Adjusting his tie Ludwig stalked over to Roderich's casket. A few tears slipped his eyes as he stared down at his mentor's body. He looked at the pale skin with a small brown shot from the bullet that took away his life. Taking in a shaky breath he stabbed his badge into the end of the casket. Grinding his teeth he walked back over to Feliciano who was setting flowers down with the others. Ludwig knew Feliciano was hurting just as much as him, maybe even more than him. Feliciano had grown up with Roderich and Elizabeta after his Grandfather had passed. Hugging the Italian he could feel the tears pouring down his uniform. What hurt the most was all the words he had never gotten to say to Roderich. He knew it would be hard getting up and getting dressed with all the regret that lay in his chest. It was the not knowing what could have been that struck the most in his heart.

Ivan stared down onto the floor holding back the tears that threatened to fall. All the days he had spent with Roderich just went to waist. All the things he still remembered. The memory's that refused to leave his brain. Was it worth the pain? He couldn't find the answer. Walking to the casket he stared down at the body. He knew that he must live past this. Even if he felt like giving up he knew he wouldn't for Roderich. Most people though he was a scary person, but Alfred knew Ivan wasn't. He was actually a nice caring guy. Though he had only seen him cry once he knew that Ivan wasn't as mean as he was perceived. Taking a long deep breath he waited for Ivan to pay his respects. He could feel tears falling down his face. The usually loud American stood feeling his heart fall to the bottom of his stomach. He paced over to Ivan setting his hand in the crook of Ivan's arm. With a short nod he walked with Ivan who placed his badge next to Ludwig's and Kiku's. They stared a bit longer at the body before leaving the room.

*in Elizabeta's Funeral room*

Francis ran his fingers threw his golden locks. He sat a small, yet beautiful rare blue rose on Elizabeta's chest unable to hold the tears back. They came down his cheeks like the rain falling from the sky. Closing his eyes he thought of Elizabeta's smiling face. Her warm features that stood out against any others. He felt broken knowing he would never see that smile again. He wished he could hug her just one last time. Life just wasn't going to be the same anymore. The pain lingered in his chest. He knew the worst was over now and he could breathe again. Taking a shaky breath he let the tears fall again. He had never cried so much in his life. Arthur stood watching Francis cry. His heart fell seeing his normally bright husband in tears. Closing his eyes he could feel the tears falling down his eyes rolling down his cheeks slipping onto his collar bone. Sniffing he whipped his nose watching Francis slowly walk to the end of the casket to stab his badge and turn walking away. Walking beside his husband, he stroked his belly that was quite round. He wasn't quite wobbling yet, but he knew he was close to that stage.

Antonio stood at the back of the room; eyes red and puffy. Sniffing he watched the others who were crying. Hate boiled in his stomach. Taking a deep breath he let go of Lovino's hand heading towards the casket that held Elizabeta. Whipping his eyes of the fresh tears he stared down at the body. The makeup the put on her did no justice to her beauty. He wanted to slam the casket closed and refuse to let it be open. Her skin was to pale from the makeup that was 'attempting' to cover the bruises. Grinding his teeth he kept his hands to his sides to resist the urges that were boiling in his stomach. He vowed to kill the son of a bitch! Swallowing some saliva he stalked to the end of the casket. He ran his fingers over the grooves his top lip twitching. Furrowing his brows he straightened his tie and pulled the badge that had once been shoved in his chest out of his pocket. Squeezing his fist he could feel the metal go through his skin. The pain was minimal. Pulling it out of his hand he slammed it onto the casket head hanging low. Hunched over he cried. It was not a weak cry either. Tears fell out of his eyes like a thunderstorm. Clenching his stomach he cried for all of its worth. The pain of knowing he would never again get to hug her, hold her when she was feeling lonely, and kiss her cheek on her birthday. All the memory they had made ceased. He could only see her dead body lying on the ground. The blood that was slowly pouring from her mouth. Arms shaking he pulled the memory to the back of his mind. Gaining composure he turned walking back to Lovino who was silently crying. Hugging his husband he rested his head on Lovino's shoulder. He felt dead. Very dead.

Gilbert stood face painted with pain. Elizabeta had been his best friend. Whipping his tears he stared blankly. All the days they had spent out at the lake playing in the sand. All the things he remembered of her. He had remembered that in the middle of last September she had told him she was engaged. The future looked lonely. The summers ahead that would not involve here. They had grown up with each other. Looking down he let the tears fall without a care. Sniffing he held a photograph of them. It was in black and white but you could see the light shining in her eyes. Looking up he watched the remanding people step away from the casket. Grinding his jaw he walked past the opened section gently putting his badge onto the casket. Walking back to the open section he stared. Her features were dim. Her once shining hair laid flat against her shoulders. The once fullness of her lips laid thin and cold. Her once smooth skin rough and almost pure white. The only feature that remained the same was her long beautiful eyelashes. They lay gently against her cheeks. Gently he sat the photo under her hand. Fresh tears rolled down his face. The pain had almost been unbearable. Sighing he turned walking to Matthew taking his waist gently. Looking to him Matthew whipped away Gilbert's tears. Whipping his own tears he fallowed Gilbert out of the room.

A little later the team switched rooms paying their respects to the other passed spouse. The room had grown cold with sadness and hate boiling deep within their hearts. Each team member vowed they would find out who did this and kill them. Even if it killed them the person responsible would get what they deserved.

*café shop that recently opened*

The team gathered at the table little chatter taking place. Each of their eyes was red and puffy. Guests stared at them with pity seeming to understand why they were upset. They were so quiet that a pen could drop and be echoed across the country.

"H-hello, my name is Alexandria, and I'm going to be taking care of you" a young lady stated. As the team looked up they winced a little. Her hair hung long and curly like Elizabeta's just a darker color. Her eyelashes were long, also like Elizabeta's.

"What can I get yall folks to drink today?" Alexandria asked her voice drawing a bit.

"Water and tea "Ludwig stated for him and Feliciano.

"Red wine, any brand" Francis stated rubbing the bridge between his nose eyes furrowed.

"Tea, please" Arthur answered rubbing his round belly.

"Bottle of Vodka, and Dr. Pepper" Ivan rolled of his heavy accent made the waitress lean in to hear him better.

"Miller light and white wine any brand will do" Gilbert stated reading the menu.

"Two waters" Kiku said for him and Yao scanning the menu.

"Hmmm, just make it two sweet teas" Antonio stated seeing Lovino wrinkle his nose and stick his tongue out causing him to smile "make that one sweet tea, and white wine, any brand". With a nod the waitress headed to the kitchen to retrieve the drinks. They each sat in their own thoughts. Within a few minutes the waiter returned juggling the drinks. Setting the tray full of drinks on a table next to them she passed the drinks out pouring the wine and vodka into the men's glasses. She also handed out the beer to Gilbert.

"Alright are yall ready to order, or would you like a few more minutes?" Alexandria asked sweetly. They stayed quiet for a few seconds before Ludwig answered "yes" for everyone.

"I would like a 10 ounce sirloin steak, medium rare, with a loaded bake potato, and a house salad with ranch" Ludwig stared setting his menu down.

"Hmm, I would like an order of calamari, spaghetti, and a chef salad ~ve!" Feliciano said smiling a little. Ludwig looked over to him raising a brow at the amount of food ordered. He knew that Feliciano could eat a lot but not that much. Deciding he would ask later he stacked Feliciano's menu on his.

"I would like the six ounce sirloin medium well, house salad with thousand island, and French fries" Francis stated setting his menu on Ludwig's stack.

"Scones and an order of calamari" Arthur stated tossing his menu to Ludwig.

"Just a full order of calamari" Ivan answered handing his menu down to Arthur.

"A cheese burger with an order of French fries and an order of sweet potato fries" Alfred said smiling cheeky.

"Lamb chops with corn and asparagus" Gilbert said throwing his menu to Ludwig who grunted.

"Just some pancakes, please" Matthew said blushing when everyone stared at him a bit funny.

"I and my husband would like the order of orange chicken, but I want fried rice and he wants white rice" Kiku said patting Yao's hand

"I would like a taco salad and My Lovino would like just some spaghetti" Antonio answered with a soft smile resting his arm on the back of Lovino's' chair. With that the Waitress nodded and left. They sat fiddling with their drinks.

Gilbert decided to lighten up the mood. Grabbing a napkin he took a small piece off sticking it into his mouth. None of the other team members seemed to realize what he was doing. Smiling he grabbed a straw spitting the wad at Ludwig. To his success it landed right on his temple. Quickly he turned his head watching Ludwig freak out.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Ludwig growled out turning his head to the others. The others looked at him raising a brow.

"What's wrong ~ve?" Feliciano asked raising a brow. Shaking his head Ludwig flicked his wrist claiming it was nothing. Smirking Ludwig stood up grabbing an ice cube. Stalking towards his brother he dropped the cube down the back of Gilbert's shirt.

"AHHH, BRUDER!" Gilbert cried out glaring daggers at his brothers. A few snickers could be heard throughout the table grabbing bread he chunked it towards Ludwig only to hit Feliciano. Gasping the Italian looked at gilbert with fire eyes. Growing the pregnant Italian threw his fork at Gilbert only to miss and hit Francis. Gasping the French man turned looking at the Italian. Shortly after their food arrived. None were really all that hungry. Smirking Feliciano took a hand full of pasta chunking it at Gilbert. Gasping Gilbert ducked the food splattering on Ivan and Francis. Growling Francis shoved his hand in Lovino's dish flinging the food at Feliciano. The food mostly landed on an angered Ludwig. That's when it was an all-out war. Pushing the table the men began throwing food at each other. Laughing Antonio flung food at Lovino who intern threw spaghetti at him the sauce splattering all over the Spanish man's face. Yao and Kiku hid behind a booth watching the others fling food at each other. Arthur and Matthew had managed to crawl away without getting anything on them. Francis jumped up throwing Gilberts Lamb chops at Ivan yelling "bombs away". Before Francis had any time to react he got as face full of ranch and A1 steak sauce. A few feet away was a crouched Ludwig who was flinging Antonio's chef salad all over the other men. Groans could be heard from the other men.

It was all fun till the cops showed up. Each man dropped what he was doing and ran. Thankfully they were navy seals, for the ones who were, and could easily run from the cops with no problem. Holding their husbands they sprinted down the streets forgetting their cars. Laughing they ended up at Ludwig's house. They stood in the living room laughing and gasping for air at the same time. Sighing they stood obviously a mess. Looking at each other they smiled. Their uniforms were plastered with food.

"I guess we might as well clean up, I have spare clothes yall could barrow and I'll send our clothes to the cleaners. With that they spreaded out heading for the showers Ludwig had in his house. Luckily he had a large house. After they cleaned up and Ludwig had taken the clothing to the cleaners, they sat in the living room. They were content at the moment.

"I have something to announce" Feliciano said standing up. He was nervous but decided now was the best time to break the news. Almost everyone but Ludwig knew he was pregnant. Sucking in a breath he stared at all the men.

"What is it?" Ludwig asked curiously.

"I-I-I'm pregnant" Feliciano said nervously. Everyone but Ludwig smiled. Ludwig's mouth dropped open in shock. PREGNANT! Cleaning his ears he checked to see if he heard right.

"Did I hear you right? Did you just say you are pregnant?" Ludwig asked leaning in close to Feliciano. Blushing, the Italian looked down nodding. Smiling wide Ludwig ran to Feliciano planting a big fat kiss on his lovers' mouth. Laughing the crowd of men cheered.

"IM GUNNA BE A POPPA!" Ludwig yelled out beaming proudly. Next thing they saw wasn't quite what they were expecting. Ludwig blinked passing out from the overwhelming shock. Gilbert stared down at his brother shaking his head.

"Lets poor some water on bruder, that'll wake him" Gilbert laughed out.