Title: Snapshots of the Future - Jaina

By: Nopporn Wongrassamee

Summary: Actions taken during the Vong war come back to haunt Jaina Solo.

Disclaimer: Star Wars and its characters are the property of Lucas Films. Nobody should be making money off this fanfic.

Jaina was being watched. She had felt the attention since she had landed in Mos Espa. But the presence was fuzzy, only felt through the lambent crystal in her new lightsabre. That meant only one thing.

A Vong was nearby.

The regard while intense, didn't appear to be hostile. Jaina stopped as her eyes swept the street. She instantly spotted him. He was undisguised and appeared to be a priest. The priest had a bubble of empty space around him as the local traffic steered clear. He was also walking right up to her with no attempt at stealth at all. He appeared to be alone.

"Can I help you?" Jaina asked guardedly. There were so many Vong factions, both religious and political, these days since the war ended. It made it near impossible to determine a faction's or individual Vong's intentions ahead of time.

"Are you Jeedai Jaina Solo?" the Vong priest asked abrubtly, studying her closely.

"Who wants to know?"

"Yes, I believe you are," the priest said slowly. Abruptly, he was on his knees bowing to the startled Jaina. "Goddess! Your humble servant begs a boon of thee!"

"Huh, what..." Jaina stammered in surprised. "Who are you and what in the Galaxy are you talking about. For that matter, get up." She had a sinking feeling about where this was leading.

"At once, Goddess!" the Vong priest replied, springing to his feet. "I am Sarkah Jaina, a priest of the Domain Jaina."

"Domain Jaina?" Where was that Jedi calm? Oh that's right, it was keeping her voice level.

"We're very new," he told Jaina. "We are your devoted worshippers, Goddess. We have seen the Truth. You are the living incarnation of the Goddess Yun-Harla the Trickster, come to show the Yuuzhan Vong the error of our ways."

"You're joking. Please tell me you're joking." Jaina said, desperation creeping into her voice. She thought she had left this nonsense behind her.

"It is true, Goddess," the Vong priest told her. "Though even if it were, it would be a grand jest in your honor."

"My honor," Jaina echoed. This was bad. It was going to get worse.

"Command us, Goddess!" Sarkah pleaded. "Too long we have been without your guidance. My domain begs for your blessings."

"Um...you do know that Goddess stuff was just a psyche warfare job during the war, right?" Jaina began, deciding the truth was the best option. "I'm not really Yun-Harla. Really, I'm not."

"We have heard such slanders," Sarkah said thoughtfully. "We did not believe them. But...to hear it from you..."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you..." Jaina began, but Sarkah interupted.

"Aha! Thankyou, Goddess!" Suddenly, Sarkah seemed to be jumping for joy. That was not exactly something Jaina ever expected to see a Vong do.

"Uh, what?" Jaina asked confused.

"A great blessing from, you Goddess," Sarkah replied, bowing deeply. "What better blessing from you than a grand jest, a trick that does not appear to be a trick at all! I must bring word to my brethren immediately!"

Sarkah rushed off before Jaina could get in another word.

Staring after the priest, Jaina decided against pursuit. She had her own business to take care of. She also decided she wasn't going to tell anyone about this, especially her family.

This was just sooo embarassing.