Clove POV:

My phone vibrates on my bedside table making me awake from my dreamless slumber. I stretch my hand out and grab the damned device. It took all my strength not to throw the damned device against the wall. A text message flashed across the bright lit screen.

Weekend at the beach house? ~Finn

A faint smile crosses my face. I loved hanging with Finnick and my friends. Besides, the beach house trips were always fun. Finnick always calls it a 'house', but it is more of a mansion.

See you there Finn,I reply quickly.

Suddenly I feel awake. I hop out of my bed and run down the small flight of wooden stairs down to the bathroom only to be stopped by my mother looking at me in surprise.

"What are you doing up so early?" she questions. I usually wake up around eleven in the summer. I look over to the clock and see that it's eight on a Friday morning in the middle of summer. No wonder she is questioning me.

I put on my puppy dog eyes and my cutest smile before I ask her. "Please can I go to the beach house for the weekend?" I beg, stretching out the 'please' for as long as I could.

My mom there stands there She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. My mom sighs, "Yes."

I hug her tightly, squealing in excitement then run away to the bathroom screaming "I love you!" at the top of my lungs.

I push open the bathroom door and grab two of my bikinis that were hanging in the shower. I reach over to the sink and grab all the shit I need for the weekend and throw them in the beach bag I picked up outside the bathroom door. I run back upstairs and shove my cute clothes and sunglasses in the almost full bag.

"Bye mom! See you Monday!" I shout as I walk through the door. It slams shut behind me and I half run half walk to my old, teal blue pickup. The teal paint was slowly chipping away and the truck has started to rust. The bottom of the car with splattered with mud. What's the point in washing it if it just gets dirty anyway?

I pull out my phone to text Finnick before I drive off to his house.

On my way :)

I slide on my sunglasses and start the ignition. The old truck rumbles to life and slowly backs out of the driveway. The house fades out of view

I roll my windows down and blast my favorite song, Sunday Morning by Maroon 5, on repeat so the silent neighborhood could fill with the sweet sound of music. I could see some annoyed neighbors who are walking their dogs.

I turn down the radio and belt out the chorus "That may be all I need." I can see that I am attracting some stares from people standing outside their homes. I give them a little wave and continue, "In darkness, she is all I see."

I blast my music where ever I drive all the way to the beach house, which is about one hour away.

I stop at a red light and sit back in my seat. I am almost at Finnick's, but I just need to stop in town for breakfast. A red convertible pulls beside me and honks. I stare over and he yells to me, "It's not Sunday!" He speeds off a second afterward right as the light turns green.

What a douche bag! I think to myself as I pull into the small diner that I always go to when I'm here.

Cato POV:

I start driving up to the beach house. I pull of the freeway in my convertible and pull up to a red light. The person in the pickup next to me is blasting their music loudly. I quickly recognize the song and honk. A girl turns to me and I shout over "It's not Sunday!" before quickly driving away. I'm not going to see her again, so what's the harm?

I never got a real look at her. I think she's a brunette, but I'm not sure.

I pull up the road the beach house and park my convertible. I check my phone and see a message from Devon. Door is locked, but there is a key under the mat. Lock the door again after you get in. Finnick is out getting food. See you tonight.

The door opens and I walk into their large beach house. I put the key on the table and relock the door. I change into my swim shorts and lay on the couch. I take off my shirt and throw it in the corner of the room.

The beach is calm. Almost no one is out there. In a few hours, it will be packed with people. And lots of hot chicks.I think to myself and smile. This is going to be fun.

Clove POV:

I park my truck and walk in the familiar setting of the little diner named Munchers. I prop myself up on one of their bar stools and shout, "Hey Sal." A tall, beautiful blonde woman in her early thirties runs up to me wearing her apron.

A smile beams across her tired and worn face. "Clove," she says with excitement, enveloping me in a hug. "The usual?" she asks.

"Yes please," I reply, "extra strawberries." Sal gives me a warm smile and runs back in the kitchen and prepares my food.

I grab yesterday's newspaper and read through the comics. I have read them already, but I still laugh.

Sal walks back from the kitchen carrying my plate of steaming hot buttermilk pancakes covered with maple syrup, a powdered sugar, whipped cream, and a shit load strawberries. "Thank you," I manage to say between shovels of pancake.

"Anytime." Sal walks away and goes to serve another customer.

I shove a few forkfuls of pancake into my mouth when my cell phone rings. "What," I answer. I doubt the other person knew what I said because of all the food in my mouth. I swallow.

"Where are you? We expected you an hour ago!" Finnick's voice was full of concern. "Everyone is already here." I heard Katniss yell 'slow poke' in the background of the call.

I stare down at my stomach and my plate then reply, "I was really hungry." Sal gives out a small laugh and mouths 'just a little' to me and winks. "I will be there in fifteen minutes," I say shoving what's left of the pancake stack in my mouth. I hang up my phone and pull out a ten from my wallet.

"Bye Sal! See you later," I shout as I walk out the door to my pickup, one of three cars in the lot. I pull out of the lot and drive off through the town. I turn off my music and turn down the thin, rocky, and twisted road that led to the beach 'house' that I was so familiar of.

The thin path grows into a large courtyard where I park my truck in the line of expensive cars.

I usually walk right through the door into the house, but this time I find it locked. I ring the doorbell and lean against the doorframe.

I stand there for a few minutes at the door before I finally hear noise behind the door. The door opens and I see a shirtless guy about a half a foot taller than me wearing swim shorts. He opens his mouth to say something, but I squeezed past him and ran down the hallway.

I stop in the living room and see that there is no sign of my friends anywhere.

The shirtless guy came up behind me and said, "They are walking down to the store to get food." I turned around and he smiled. The guy stretched leant backward, flexing his muscles. I pass him again and walk halfway up the staircase and stop. I look back and call down to him, "If you are trying to hit on me, it's not working."

Cato POV:

What could I say, the girl was beautiful. Her dark brown hair fell perfectly down her back. When I opened the door, I wanted to kiss her, but she ran off.

I walk to the kitchen and wait for the girl to come back down. I have never met her, but Finnick's brother Devon keeps telling me about her. I can't remember her name though; I think it started with a 'C'.

The door slams upstairs and I hear the sound of little footsteps running down the stairs. She shows up at the bottom wearing a pink striped bikini. It wasn't a bright fluorescent pink that most girls would choose. This pink was the pink of a sunset. I was speechless. I need to get to know that girl.

Clove POV:

I start to make my way across the living room towards the deck when I hear a whistle coming from the kitchen. I glare over to see the shirtless guy leaning over the counter smiling at me. "I will fucking hurt you," I threaten and continue out to the deck.

The boy follows me and says, "Well you aren't as innocent as I have heard." How the hell did he know me? I am sure I haven't met him before.

I need to get away from him. I hop over the blue fence railing and fall ten feet to the ground below, landing perfectly. The warm sand covers my bare feet as I walk down to the water's edge.

"That's a bit dangerous, you know," he laughs. This is getting creepy, he won't stop following me.

I pull out my phone and call Finnick. It rings twice before he picks up. "Hello?" I hear a shout from his end saying 'put it on speaker!' Finnick says, "You're on speaker."

"There is a shirtless guy following me," I complain as I turn back to look at my stalker who smirks and gives a smack wave. I could hear the girls with Finnick screaming. The screams slowly fade out and Finnick sighs, "Be right there." I hang up my phone and continue walking down the beach.

"You left out the part where you said I was hot."

My emotions bubbled up inside me like a volcano, waiting to erupt.

"Oh and how charming I was."

The lava flowed higher to the surface.

"Hey," he shouts, "wait up." The boy places his firm hand on my shoulder. I smack his hand away.

I erupt in a fiery furry. "Don't touch me," I yell, "See, I don't even know you. You have followed me for at least a mile. I can call the cops and get you arrested." I storm away from the dumbfounded boy. Who did he think he was anyway?

I hear faint high pitched screams start to fade into my hearing that grow louder with each second. I look down the beach to see Madge, Katniss, and Annie sprinting towards me with Finnick far behind carrying ten bags of groceries. The girls run past me to jump at the shirtless guy who is following me. He can't seem to move the girls away to follow me, so he stands there, letting my friends prod his muscles and try to flirt with him.

I sprint down the beach to Finnick. "What the hell is going on?" he asks me. He was so confused about the whole thing. "I got to your house and the door was locked," I began, "so I rang the doorbell and this shirtless asshole opened the door. When I was inside, he told me you were at the store. So, I changed into my bikini and he whistled at me. Then, he had the nerve to follow me here. And he said he knew me. I don't even recognize him Finnick!" I tear up and bury my head in his shoulder.

"What a douche," he comments. Finnick hugs me and pats my back. He comforts me for a few minutes and lets me cry in his shoulder. I pull away from his comforting grip and take half of the grocery bags from him. We walk back in silence.

The girls are still flirting with the shirtless bastard when we get back.

"Finnick!" the bastard exclaims with a smile on his face.

"What do you want? My brother isn't here, so why are you?" Finnick almost screams in his face out of rage.

Finnick and I are really good friends; we are almost inseparable sometimes. Finn is really protective of me. If anyone is out of line, he will beat the shit out of them. We liked each other for a short amount of time, but we decided friends are better.

"Your brother is having a party here later and he said I could come early," he explains. The boy looks over to me and winks. "Glad I did."

Gahh! What the hell! I can't stand to see the sight of that boy. I drop the groceries and sprint away to the house. I hear my friend try to come after me, but they don't make it far because it's more than a mile to the house and they become exhausted quickly. I don't care how tired I am or how much my legs hurt; all I need to do is run away.

Cato POV:

Finnick reaches over and punches me in the face, knocking me to the sand. "What the fuck Cato? You're such an ass hole!" Finnick screams. The group of girls try to run after the other who sprinted off, but they stop because she is already so far away. Finnick picks up the bags she dropped when she left and swiftly walks away.

I pick myself and run after him. "I was trying to be nice to her by-" I start but am quickly interrupted by Finnick.

"By what Cato? By whistling at her and then stalking her for more than a mile? Yea, that's creepy, not nice." Finnick's words hit me like a brick. "Get out of her fucking business," he yells before he runs to catch up with the girls. I walk not far behind him the rest of the way back.

We get back to the house and I sit down in the living room with Finnick while the girls search for the brunette.

"Cato," Finnick growled, "Stay away from Clove at the party." Clove, her name was Clove. I finally knew the mystery girl's name. "That is not a suggestion Cato." Finnick got angrier. "Don't even acknowledge her. Got it?" By the end of the sentence, he was shouting in my face.

"Got it," I mumble leaning back into the couch. Well, there goes my plan. I was going to try to make myself look like less of a douche and make her not hate me. Well, there are other girls to hit on at the party,I think, but I won't be able to stop thinking of Clove.

"Um Finnick?" a tall blonde says. She sounds kind of worried. "We kind of need you."

"What is it Madge?" Finnick says jumping over the couch to run over to her. I laughed at his franticness. He stared daggers at me before Madge responded.

"Clove won't come out of the room," she replied.

Finnick sighed and walked up the marble staircase to the others.

Clove POV:

I lay sprawled across the bed. My friends are outside shouting at me through the door for me to come out. No type of coaxing will get me to come out of this room right now. There frantic yells finally went silent. I didn't hear them walk down the stairs. The house was completely silent. I sat straight up.

Where could they have possibly gone? I didn't hear footsteps or a door shut.

I walk cautiously towards the door before stepping out. That was a bad idea, of course, because Finnick tackled me to the ground before I could react to him lunging at me.