*Burning Roses.*

*A Beauty and The Beast story.*

1 Rating: Pg-13

Pairings: None yet.

Genre: Romance, Humor, Drama. And action ( I think).

Disclaimer: Own nothing. Plot only. Sort Of…

Summary: Serena(I'm using the dub names.,) and Relena are sold to the Beast by their father. Some really strange things happen. Go figure.



Kenneth had once been a proud and rich man, one of the many Noble men of England. But, as time and change had proved, those things will fade like the last vestiges of a dream just afore the dawn.

Either way his family had been prestigious and well known to their fellow country -men.

But, subtract one mother from the picture, add the misery of a father as well as three children and divide 2/3'rds of their wealth and you have something very different from what you started out with.

Of course, Kenneth was a smart man. He figured he'd quit while he was ahead and move to the country where money was less and he would still look well off.

So, with a nary a by your leave to his children, he packed up and hauled out. He'd heard tell of a rich prince seeking a bride and heard the clinking of money. He had two eligible daughters worthy enough of a prince.

What he didn't understand was why no one else had bothered to sell…erm.. see their own daughters off to a happy life as a princess.

Now, as he toiled through the forest about surrounding this fables prince's land, he was coming to realize why very little had been known about him.

Plus, he was almost certain the forest was alive and laughing at him. Either that or it was his stomach. The last time he'd eaten was oh… two days ago. It was a very big forest.

But, I'm sure you don't particularly care for this fact, reader, as it holds no interest for you. Very well, I shall add a new element.

By now, Kenneth was positive something was wrong with the forest. As well, no natural forest should be able to giggle and move about. Like that shrub over there. It had been over here a moment ago. Now it was over there.

Kenneth smiled at himself, blaming it on his imagination. Lost the smile. Fished around for it, then found it and plastered it back on. But it had lost the self- mocking air. The bush had moved again. He was no botanist, but he was very sure plants were not supposed to be able to do that.

But, greed had a way of overriding fear, and that was exactly the case with Kenji. In fact, the only thing that exceeded his greed was his bad judgment. As proven by his move to the country. Go west stupid man, go west.

Ahem, so anyway.

Kenneth jumped, startled by the sudden sound of a twig snapping. Then proceeded to tremble in fear. The afore mentioned twig, hadn't been a twig, and he hadn't stepped on it.

He turned around slowly. Slowly because fear had paralyzed him and because I just want to play up the drama. And also because it would be rather stupid to have his turn around fast, because you and I both know that that just never happens in the movies. Or for that matter in writing.

Oh, back to the story…

Kenneth's eyes were immediately attacked by a sight so horrible so fearsome, that a little wet spot began to form on the pant's of his legs. The little spot began to grow as he screamed……. Suffice to say, the sight scared the piss out of him.


Chapter one.

Yes, reader, I realize I left you at a cliffhanger. And I know you are getting restless. So, to pacify you, I shall start the plot. You have no idea how you wound me by being bored. Ingrate.

I would like to take this time to introduce you to the offspring of the coward.

The oldest: His name is Darien. He is very stupid, stupid enough for us to ignore him because, well, there is really nothing interesting about a man that some how missed evolution and was stuck somewhere between an ape and a slug. For a scientist, that is if you happen to be one, this might be interesting. But, I as a humanitarian, digress. So please stop poking the poor Mamoru with that. You're toying with my appetite.

The middle child: Her fault does not lie in greed or cowardice. No, she is far more interested in dreams and airhead imaginings pertaining to a prince riding in on a white charger and sweeping her away. Not like a broom, mind you. I should clear up this fact that she is rather dense. However, someone up top seems to like her. She is beautiful. Legs right up to her neck. And as many a scientist (mostly men, but a few women have agreed and found this fact to be self evident) have discovered, a lovely woman can bend several laws of physics and other such things. This one was no exception. Oh yeah, her name is Relena.

And last, but certainly not least: Sadly, not half as good looking as Relena, but what she lacked in looks she made up for in brains. Serena did not inherit any of her father's traits. Rather, she inherited her maiden aunt's on her mother's side. Such as… well, brains. Often told to shut up. (Both Serena and the aunt.)

Actually, Serena is her middle name. Her mum made a mistake, thinking hey, the other one was a beauty won't she be one too? Well, she named the kid Beauty. Thus creating a great basis for insults and other such verbal jabs. Needless to say, she found them quite annoying and decided to do away with them. Thus, her name is now Serena.

Alright then, now that you know who's who and, in Darien's case, what's what….. yeah, anyway.

Now, shall we see what said off spring are doing? I do believe we shall.

As all sibling rivalry goes, these three were no exception. Well, actually, Serena was watching the fight with morbid fascination. As any older, or younger sibling, can tell you, these fights provide great entertainment, and well, Serena was rather bored.

The object of the fight, which was looking to launch into a full out fist brawl much to Serena's interest, was none other then one of Relena's fantasy novels; Darien wanted her to help. She wanted to read. Now.

And frankly, Relena had a way with words, so of course, she'd be winning. This had nothing to do with Darien's I.Q. Really.

Serena was chewing on her fingernail in suspense, preparing for the final battle of the war.

"I don't HAVE to work because you say I do. You're not my father." Relena pointed out slowly.

Darien scowled, "Yes, but while he's away I'm in charge."

Serena didn't feel like saying "Uh, no, Actually, Father said I was in charge." The fight was her first priority, and if it got here out of working far be it from her to stop it. It would only result in mutual pain.

"No you're not. He didn't say you were."

Good thing they forgot she was there, otherwise she'd have some serious problems on her hands.

"I'm still the oldest, therefore what I say goes." To make his point he ripped the innocent book from Relena's hands and ripped it down the binding, showing off muscles as he did so. Muscles in place of brains… go figure. Though one had to wonder how he got them as the only thing he ever did was sit around chucking orders to the two girls.

Poor book. It's only crime being a fantasy novel in the wrong hands at the wrong time and place.

" You do realize, " Serena began but was cut off by an Indignant Relena on the peace path; she did not believe in violence. Books. Yep. They did this to her. Blame it on them.

"YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!!!" Of course, she could make any amount of threats with her voice as long as her body stayed out of it. So, when she reached for a loaf of bread intent on doing breadily harm to Darien's person, warning bells were going off in Serena's mind.

Luckily, or unluckily depending on how you looked at it, their father burst in the door at that moment just before Serena grabbed the bread from Relena's hand where it had been positioned one Darien's head. It was a hard loaf.

Things slowed to a halt as three pairs of eyes took in their father's form. He was :

Very Pale

Very wet (in more ways then one)

Very scared


Seeing dollar signs for some odd reason.

He stalked over to Serena and grabbed her small form by the shoulders, "Bloody hell, couldn't you live up to your genetics?"

Confusion set upon Serena as he let her drop and walked away, rubbing his forehead in thought. She stared at his back, narrowing her eyes.

"What did you do?"

The man whirled around, looking much like a child who had just broken the cookie jar his hand had been in moments ago.

This only heightened her suspicion to a blazing level.

"What. Did. You. DO?" She gritted, now certain that she had everyone's attention. Three pairs of eyes narrowed at their father, one knowing that something was wrong the other two following her lead.

"I told him you were pretty, I'll just have to send Relena in your place." Now, he was babbling. Walking in circles with two annoyed glares scorching the skin they touched, and one glare that seemed to be trying to figure out how many slices of fish bait she could cut from his liver.

"What do you mean 'send Relena in your place'? What did you do? And who's 'Him'?" Darien was having a brief moment of inspiration.

"I'm not going anywhere! You can't sell me off like a cow to the market." Relena huffed.

"Actually, that would be lamb to the slaughter." Serena, putting her two bits in leaned back on her heels and pierced the air around her father with a glare to rival a school mistress's.

The other girl seemed to pale. Those cute little lamb's being led along to a slaughter house being the stuff nightmares were made of. What with those big, round, dewy brown eyes and those fluffy little tails…

Kenneth scrambled to make an excuse for his mistake, "Well, I told him your sister was pretty and that she would marry him (for a price, my but he pays a lot). But, I embellished and well, you'll have to go in her place. He's a prince, Relena, You'll l..like him. He lives in a creepy gothic, but perfectly romantic, castle in the forest, which, by the way is enchanted… And, he'll be sending for you soon enough."

He didn't need to say anything more then the word prince. Relena had already gone all starry eyed and giggly. She was making Serena's stomach do cart wheels. Also, Serena had noted the slight hesitation in his voice over the 'you l..like him' part.

Obviously Relena had noticed it too, because, "But, you can't just sell me like that? How will I survive? "

"Yeah, what's the catch?" Serena waited patiently.

"Uh…well… he's not exactly… ah, Human."

Relena wailed, a long string of 'it's not fair' running together to form a high screeching note.

Cringing from the assault on her ear drums, Serena stuffed a chunk of the bread she still had into the girl's mouth.

"Dad. You're literally selling your own daughter to her death. I find that detestable."

Kenneth suddenly smiled a sly smile, "All right. Then I'll just have to send you with her now wont I? Between your brains and her looks… I'd say you'd stay alive for a month or two."

"A month?" Relena squeaked.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Relena's voice was a master -piece. Naturally high and hard on the ears, she could lower it to a pitch that would leave men on their knees.

At the moment, she was proving that she could use it as a lethal weapon. Public enemy number one.

Serena just sighed. There was no point in arguing with her father where money was involved. He was a good man; but money was his vice. She went to her room, quietly steeping out of the argument.

Oh well, she thought as she packed her bags, she didn't have very much in the way of worldly belongings just a few dresses and some jewelry she never wore.

Luna, her cat jumped onto her carrier and waited Serena to put her into the box. Serena stared at the cat for a long moment, torn between taking her only friend in the world of leaving her behind. Her father and Darien wouldn't take care of her that was for sure. Well, there was nothing for it. Hopefully the Prince who wasn't a human wouldn't find her appetizing.

Besides, this was bound to be an adventure. After all, scary gothic, but perfectly romantic castles were supposed to be interesting. It was in the rule books.

End chapter


TBC. I should have mentioned Mamoru and Relena Bashing, No? Eh oh well. I'm sure you don't really care anyway, because if you still reading this it must be interesting in some way.