Re-uploaded because of a misunderstanding ._."
A cover might come later, I requested Lestat to draw it for me since he's a co-creator of this story and he said he'll try but he couldn't guarantee anything since a pregnant man (or woman) is something he have never drawn before XD

Anyway, enjoy and please review

The shark carefully glanced at the older man, which was stuck in a body that was 16 years old even though he was 24, all because that the 9th had frozen him for 8 long years, and felt slightly scared and worried while wondering why he loved a man that got stronger from rage.
"What is it, trash?" Squalo almost jumped when he heard the voice, the boss seemed mad, he carefully met Xanxus' eyes, his eyes didn't seem as mad as the voice. He took a deep breath while preparing for telling the shocking and embarrassing news.
"I... I'm pregnant!" he had almost yelled it but managed to keep it as a barely hearable whisper.
Xanxus' eyes widened slightly when he heard what the shark had to tell him, if it hadn't been for the serious yet embarrassed expression on his face he would've thought it was a sick joke but it didn't seem like it.
"With who, shark?" he asked coldly and glared at the man he was talking to, he didn't remember having sex with him lately.
"W-what the hell? It's obviously yours!" Squalo yelled, while feeling a blush appearing on his cheeks, he didn't want someone that wasn't Xanxus, he wasn't really sure why but he loved this man and wouldn't be able to live without him.
"Why would I know that?" the boss said and forced to hold back a smirk when he saw the blushing. "But we haven't had sex for a month, shouldn't you have noticed it earlier?" he added with a sigh while wondering what to do about this situation.
"Why the hell would I? I'm too busy with work and it's not like I was looking for the symptoms! I just noticed it because I was getting so fucking hungry and sleepy the whole time!" the shark bit his lip from stopping himself from crying, now this was humiliating, he was a man and shouldn't logically be able to get pregnant and he had never before even been close to crying! Why did this have to happen just him? It'd be much easier if it had happened to Lussuria, he probably do anything to get pregnant anyway and wouldn't be embarrassed at all! He lowered his gaze to the floor, he didn't want to look into the staring eyes anymore, it'd only make him even closer to tears, it was obvious that the boss was going to hate him now and never touch him again anyway, probably not look at him either except a glare when he thought Squalo had done something that made him really mad.
Xanxus frowned when Squalo didn't look at him, he was supposed to give his attention to him and not a stupid floor. HE was the father of the shark's child, not the trashy floor! The dark haired man sighed, he didn't want to get up from the chair but Squalo was too far away so he had no choice but to get up and walk over to said man, giving him a kiss to make sure that the shark knew he wasn't furious, sure he was a bit upset but who wouldn't be in this situation?
Squalo's eyes widened when he felt Xanxus' hand lift his chin and when their lips met but he then realized that he might pull away and kill him or anything, you could never be sure when it came to this man, so he returned the kiss and placed his arms around the taller man's neck.
Xanxus rolled his eyes at Squalo's reaction and deepened the kiss for awhile until he decided that they needed to continue talking, maybe his lover had managed to calm down a bit now since he had looked panicked earlier, so he pulled away and looked at the shark with a weak smile on his lips.
"I won't make you abort the child unless you don't want to" Xanxus said with a calm voice while somewhere deep inside him wished that there wasn't going to be aborted, his mind was rather weird, he didn't like children so why would he want one? Maybe it was because it was Squalo's? Or maybe because he knew he'd never get an heir if he didn't take this opportunity since he was way too strong for women but then he had never liked women, they were too noisy, greedy and annoying.
The shark looked at his boss and nodded, for some reason he didn't want to abort this child either but the problem was that it'd be rather hard to hide it, he sighed and a pout took place on his lips, he was feeling very confused and wasn't sure about what to do anymore, stupid baby! He was the captain of Varia and wasn't supposed to be confused like this, he was supposed to have solutions to everything that happened no matter how bad it was but this…
"Don't worry, I'll fix some place where you can live so don't worry about that, obviously you don't want everyone to know about this…" the tall man said with a weak smile, he leaned down and kissed his shark again, then he kissed his neck while slowly unbuttoning the shorter man's shirt.
The shark blushed slightly when he felt that his shirt was getting unbuttoned and after a short while it was taken off, it was embarrassing to show him a body that was pregnant… … Was this okay for the baby? He didn't want it to get hurt only because he wanted Xanxus.
"Um… The baby won't be hurt, will it?" he asked as Xanxus started unbuttoning his own shirt, he obviously was in a hurry, the shark wondered why he seemed to be more desperate than usual, usually he'd always tease the shark so much that he couldn't bear it for much longer without Xanxus.
"It's okay…" he mumbled into Squalo's ear. "It's still so small that it won't feel it so no need to worry, we can do it without worries for how long we want." He then added and smirked as he saw how the blush deepened quickly. The fact that his lover was pregnant with their baby somehow really made him happy and want the shark more than usual.