Chapter 4 it all ends in tears

Kiyomi: so here is Chapter 4 I hope you all enjoy

Amu: Do I get my knickers back?

Ikuto: I don't know I don't write this I don't want to give them back though

Rima: *comes up behind Ikuto and gives the death glare*

Ikuto: Nice try Rima but you got to do better than that *sneaks into Amus room*

Amu: Get out you perv

Kukai: seriously Amu your still an A cup! You're a late developer

Amu: Shut up! *goes bright red*

Nagi: Even I've got bigger boobs

Amu: but you're a dude Nagi

Nagi: so?

Rima: Amu he's a cross dresser. He pretends to be a girl why else does he have long hair?

Amu: Seriously, actually I see your point Rima

Ikuto: 0_O okay this is a weird conversation meanwhile I think I will go to the nearest lingerie shop

Kiyomi: Anyway going off the subject here is chapter 4 also I would like to thank

Sananja Tsukiyomi black for reviewing regularly and also being an inspiration :3

LoverForAnime for being the first to review chapter 3

X Chaos Reborn X for their review it really made me laugh it is nice to know what people think

And everyone else who has reviewed an viewed this these people are mentioned as they are all an inspiration to me and also extremely nice

Chapter 4 revenge is sweet!

~Amu's POV~

So I sat in the tree, waiting for Ikuto to arrive. Bag of flour resting upon my lap I grew bored so I spoke into the walkie talkie Rima had given me "Any sign of the target yet?"

"Yaya said she saw him just a moment ago be prepared target is coming your way" Rima stated

"Target spotted" Amu replied

~Ikuto's POV~

I got there early no sign of her yet so I waited under the Sakura tree I had arranged to meet her under. As soon as I began to relax a voice came from above "Hey, Perv, look up" it was Amu and of course I looked up. Not just for the chance to see what colour knickers she was wearing under her skirt today either even though it would be interesting to know.

Looking up a saw an avalanche coming towards me and avalanche of flour it hit me in the face going into my mouth and up my nose and into my eyes. "Pffft" I spat flour out of my mouth "What do you think you're doing Amu?"

~Amu's POV~

His face I couldn't help but laugh "Hah that's what you get for messing with me and its Hinamori-san to you!" I was laughing so hard I looked below me and saw Utau take a snap shot of him using the camera on his phone pictures of him would soon be around school.

The plan was Rima and Yaya would say when the target was coming and Utau was to wait nearby and take a picture of him covered in flour she would then send it to Rima and Yaya who would sneak into resources and print dozens of pictures of him covered in flour and put them up on every notice board in school public humiliation for Ikuto here we come.

I was laughing so much I clutched my stomach with one hand then both it made the branch I was sitting on wobble I wanted to stop laughing but I couldn't. I felt the wind increase and blow a heavy gust at me instinctively I shouted "Rima" After all she is my best friend. As I felt myself slipping from the branch I was sitting on by this point all of the laughter had gone out of me I launched my arms out to grab onto the branch but they clutched a leaf which could obviously not support my weight. I felt myself falling to the ground I squeezed by eyes shut and braced myself for impact. The branches of the tree tearing at my legs face and hands.

~Ikuto's POV~

Pushing the flour away from my eyes I saw Utau my dearest cousin uniform) (very sarcastic) run out and take pictures of me covered in flour. So these was the plan was it to publicly humiliate me by covering me in flour and take pictures as evidence? No doubt they will be all over the internet later. Amu's laughter came out clear as a bell she did have a sweet laugh. Ikuto get over yourself she just flour bombed you and your thinking she has acute laugh? I felt a rush of wind around me At least it blew some of the flour out of my hair. All of a sudden the laughter stopped I was beginning to wonder why when I heard a shout. It was Amu "RIMA!" I had never heard her voice like this before it was filled with panic. I turned around to see a pink red and black blur (the colour of Amus hair and uniform) moving downwards towards the floor.

~Utau's POV (just to build suspense and add to the drama)

Yes! We got him!

I was taking pictures and just finished sending them to Rima and Yaya when I felt the wind pick up I didn't think much of it but then Amu's laughter stopped then I heard her yell "RIMA!" I heard branches snapping as she fell towards the ground at a frightening pace, I ran towards the tree …

~Amu's POV~


"Ouch!" I said I was in shock I couldn't say much else

Utau ran over to me "Amu!" a look with horror and shock filling her face "Amu, are you hurt anywhere?" she asked me clearly concerned

I just shake my head lost for words then the words came "No I'm fine" I said chirpily

"But Amu you've got scratches all over your legs and there bleeding too" Utau said

"I'm fine don't worry" I said yes Utau I know I have scratches on my legs and yes they are bleeding but I'm not going to mention the fact that I hate the sight of blood it makes me feel sick. I went to jump up to show Utau I was fine but as I drew my right leg out from under me a searing pain went up my leg and I grimaced cursing under my breath.

"Amu?" Utau asked worriedly

"It's fine" I gritted my teeth ignoring the pain great I think I've broken my ankle I sit down right foot in front of me and feel around my ankle painfully and then compare it to my left everything feels the same although my right is slightly swollen probably just a sprain I thought. I attempt to get up again and this time I manage it but upon standing up I feel a warm liquid seep down the back of my leg I hesitantly place my hand into the liquid and dare to look what it was on my finger tips it was blood. Crap! It felt like the entire colour drained out of my face I must have gone pale as Utau came and supported me.

"Amu, come on let's get you to the Nurses office we'll get you sorted out there" Utau said but I wasn't registering what she said all I could think about was Blood. Blood, Blood!

~Ikuto's POV~

When she landed she made a Thud upon the ground that must of hurt but all she said was "Ouch!" I stood there in utter disbelief I couldn't believe she'd actually fallen. Utau rushed over to her asking if she was ok but she insisted she was fine which clearly the case wasn't.

I was in two minds

Go over and help her she needs to get to the Nurses office

Why should I help her? She flour bombed me and it was her own fault she fell, she was too busy laughing at my misery.

But you're the one who caused her actions if you hadn't stolen her undies this wouldn't have happened

She's an almost grown woman she should know better

She checked her right ankle and compared to her left. She stood up and I watched as blood came out of a deep scratch on the back of her bare leg. She put her hand into the trail of blood and brought it up to her face her hand dropped to the side and started shaking Utau ran over to her and said that she should get her to the Nurses office. Utau tried to get her to move by putting an arm around her shoulders and tried to guide her but she wouldn't move. I'm presuming she has a big phobia of blood then.

Utau turned around and looked at me "Ikuto don't just stand there go get the nurse or something. She can't stand blood." It was obvious she was worried

I walked over to where Utau was and exchanged a few words with her "She needs to get to the Nurse. Let's take her there." I said

"But she won't move go get the Nurse! I can't carry her there." Utau said

"I can carry her there." I said I went to pick her up bridal style but Utau stopped me

"Carry her on your back. One it's more secure and two if you carry her like that knowing you, you will be looking down her top" Utau said

I stood with my back to Amu who was looking at the blood on her hand eyes wide in horror. Utau put Amus hands over my shoulders and around my neck and I placed my hands under her legs supporting her body weight on my back. Utau phoned Rima and told her to get to the Nurses office with Yaya and tell them that she had a sprained ankle and some cuts as far as we knew. All the way there Amu stayed quiet that shows she's not right.

When we arrived at the Nurses office needless to say I got a few strange looks covered in flour but carrying a girl who was getting blood on my uniform on my back.

The nurse led us over to a bed where I put Amu down of course Rima and Yaya were already there pale faced along with Utau. Amu looked like she was going to be sick the Nurse got her a card board kind of bowl thing in case she was. After that we were asked to wait outside while they took a look at her on my way out I heard her being sick she must really have a BIG fear of blood.

Normal POV~

Ikuto Rima Yaya and Utau waited outside while the Nurse took care of Amu.

"This is your fault Tsukiyomi" Rima said obviously angry with me. Like it was my fault.

"It's not my fault Mashiro-san she must have got knocked out of the tree by the wind" I said either that or she fell out through laughing.

"Rima, it wasn't Ikuto's fault for once, he didn't go up there and push her out of the tree." Utau said

Did my ears deceive me Utau was actually standing up for me "See I said it wasn't my fault and Utau just confirmed that" I said quiet amazed by the fact that my cousin actually defended me

"you know im never on his side but im just being honest Rima he carried Amu to the nurses office" Utau said

"Yeah so he could look down her top" Rima replied

At this point Yaya was biting her nails worriedly. Being as childish as ever.

"No he didn't I made him carry her on his back. So he couldn't." Utau shot back

"Yeah but I bet he felt up her legs" Rima replied

"Yeah I felt her legs but I really couldn't help it. I didn't do it deliberately" why on earth did I open my big mouth I was in trouble Ikuto thought

At that Ikuto thought it best to walk off "I need a shower" i said to the girls "Laters." And with that I was off mainly because I found it extremely unnerving as I was receiving the death glare from Rima and Utau and Yaya had to hold her back it's a good job she's very short. Otherwise I would be dead ten times over.

On my way to my room I bumped into Kukai "what happened to you? Did you see Hinamori-san someone said that she's ended up in the nurse's office?"

"Hinamori-san flour bombed me then fell out of the Sakura tree as she bombed me from above I think she lost her balance cos there was a big gust of wind." I said casually I really couldn't be bothered.

"Seriously? Then again I'm not surprised you did ask for it stealing her undies. Do me a favour though go get a shower? I think I will go see what's going on down there Utau must be really upset."Kukai said

"What do you think I'm going to do Kukai? Why do you care about how Utau feels your not getting the hots for my cousin are you that's gross."I said

"No, no I'm not honest." Kukai said looking down and blushing

"Right I will be off for a shower then let me know Hinamori-san is okay. After all I need to know when she's out of the Nurse's office so I can start flirting again" I said casually

"Wanna bet that you can get her I bet 100yen you can't get her. I win you give me 100yen you win vice versa we got a deal?" Kukai asked

"Oh you know how much I can't resist bets" I said and shook his hand to make the deal official

~later on~ Time skip to the evening after school has finished~

Ikuto's POV

I was lounging lazily on my bed when my phone buzzed yes I have it on vibrate especially if it's in the back pocket of my pants XD

It was Kukai (Kukai text Ikuto text)

Hinamori-san is out of the nurse's office in her room now

Is Rima with her?


I will have to wait till later then I value my life lol

Okay come up to mine just after lights out

Will be there then

Great I have another hour to kill so I decided to entertain myself I booted up my games console and played for an hour until I heard the teacher call for lights out so I switched off the console and the light jumped into bed and pretended to be asleep then once I knew the teacher had gone I went to my balcony and jumped on to the next one (there not far apart) which happened to be Kukai's and knocked on the balcony doors and he let me in.

"Hey, you gonna see Hinamori-san?"

"Yeah I better give her knickers back. You got a camera?"

"Yeah on my phone, Why?"

"I'm gonna get a picture of them first, should I try them on and send the picture to her?"

"You can take the picture but you can leave the rest for another day"

~ Amu's POV~

Finally I was back in my room I had to have stitches in my leg turns out, when I fell out of the tree, my leg scraped along the rough bark and cut my leg, because of the adrenaline of me falling from the tree I made my heart rate increase so the blood flow increased. I know it's silly having a phobia of blood, but I remember when I was at home with Ami, she got over excited when I was alone babysitting her, she was jumping on the bed and fell off, she banged her head on the table nearby and split it open. I was terrified it wouldn't stop bleeding, I didn't know what to do I couldn't leave her so I had to go to the neighbours with her, where they called an ambulance turns out it wasn't as bad as it looked, just cuts to the head bleed more. Also as I thought I had a sprained ankle but unfortunately the nurse said I should use crutches for a week or so just to keep the pressure off but I have to gently exercise it several times a day why am I such a klutz?

I heard the teacher call for lights out and about 10 minutes before Rima Utau and Yaya left. They told me what happened and Rima said "That pervert touched you up while he was taking you to the nurse's office"

But Utau said that "Rima your making it seem worse than it is he only carried you because I couldn't and I don't think he actually did do that I was there the whole time" I thought wow Utau is standing up for him she never does that she thinks he's a total jerk on this one I had to be on Utau's side but I dare not tell Rima that. I still had t get him back as I don't have my Knickers back yet but when Rima was planning revenge my heart wasn't in it I think it's just tiredness. One thing my heart was always into was singing and since it was past lights out no one should hear me either so I put my earphones in and played some music on my MP3 player it made me feel better as it always did.

~Ikuto's POV~

Okay so I went to Kukai's balcony and climbed down to Amu's balcony I was about to tap on the glass but I heard someone singing it was pretty.

I spread my wings and I learnt how to fly (Kelly Clarkson breakaway A/N not going to all the lyrics in as song fics aren't allowed)

Who is it? I wondered. It was coming from inside Amu's room did she have someone in there after lights out? I pulled the balcony door to see that it was unlocked oh pinkey you should know better than to leave the door unlocked. I slid the balcony door open to see who was singing it was a gentle yet powerful voice it memorised me. I walked into the darkened room (Amu has her bedside lamp on). To my surprise I was Amu. She was that there on her bed earphones on in her nightie her back to the balcony. I decided to play a trick on her creeping into the room I walked up behind her and put my hands over her eyes. At this she squeaked and almost fell of the bed. I had to try and stop myself from laughing.

"Who.. Who is it" she asked stuttering

I was going to have some fun I replied "Your guardian angel" I wonder what she'll have to say to that

"Tsukiyomi-san? Is that you what are you doing?"

"You know pinkey you can call me Ikuto no need for such formalities" I said

"What are you doing in here" she asked turning around to look directly at me taking her earphones out

"Well I was going to give you your knickers back but since I'm not wanted..." I was determined to wind her up

"Just give them back and go" she said in an exasperated tone

"What's up? Hmm normally you put up much more of a fight than this. Also I came to see how you were after your little accident" I said I was actually concerned she could of really hurt herself

"I've never been better really nothing makes you feel good more than falling out of a tree and spending hours in the nurses office" She said wow someone's grumpy

"Come on tell me I won't laugh I promise and I won't tell anyone that we had this conversation

"Ok just so you know I've had to have three stitches in the back of my leg I have a bruised rib and a sprained ankle. I'm not allowed to have a bath since I will get the dressing wet also I have to go to the nurses office every lunch time to have the dressing changed." Amu said

"Ouch could have been worse if I didn't carry you to the nurses office. Also why not have a shower instead?" I said well I do have a heart I've got to try make her feel better

"Hmm, yes thank you sorry I kind of freaked out at the sight of blood you might say I am not keen on it. Also I could get the dressing wet if I had a shower unless I stand on one leg and If I do have either I have to be under supervision at all times in case of nay accidents since I'm supposed to be on cruches" she replied

"I could supervise you in the bath I could wash your back" I said Come on I just can't help myself

"No way you pervert! Are you going to give them back or what"

"You mean your knickers? Yes but you have to do one thing for me"

"What? If its anything perverted I'm getting Rima"

"Sing for me, go on I know you can you've got a pretty voice" I just wanted to hear her sing once more

"Fine but you give them back after okay no messing?" She asked. Yes she would sing for me.

"Okay but you got to sing" I said. And so she sang it was beautiful it was the same song as before the words touched me. To me what she was conveying with the song was although she wanted to learn how to fly it wasn't actually flying she wanted, what it meant was that she longed for freedom and either be successful and fly rather than fall and fail.

"There I've done it. Give them to me now Tsukiyomi-san" she said

"It's Ikuto okay? Say my name and you get them back" I said mischievously

"Okay give them back please Ikuto!" she hissed at me obviously not happy

"Okay" I gave them back to her

"Thank you, you should go now I'm going to bed" she said getting up from the bed and hobbling to her bag across the room.

"I thought you were going to bed?" I asked puzzled

"I am in a minute, the Nurse said I should take some pain killers before I go to bed" and with that she took two of the pills and picked up a glass of water and had a drink

"I guess I should get going see you in class tomorrow" I said

"Yeah see you close the balcony doors on your way out. I'm off to bed" she said sitting down and removing her slippers

That was the first time I think I've ever had a civil conversation with her

"Good night Hinamori-san" I said but got no reply looking over I realised she was already asleep on top of the covers. So I pulled them from under her and placed them on top of her. I looked on the box of painkillers and turns out the side effects were: drowsiness lethargy so that explains allot

Kiyomi; so what did you think?

Amu: I wasn't too keen I fell out of a tree D:

Ikuto: but I got to carry you and you did get your undies back

Rima: just cos you did what Utau told you doesn't mean I like you

Utau: Thank you for being so kind Ikuto but I would of beat you up if you didn't

Yaya: Yaya wants ice cream!

Everyone: *sweat drops*

Kiyomi: okay sorry not updated for a few days but I could do with a few more ideas for the next chapter but for all you Tasade lovers he may make an appearance in chap 5

Ikuto: great why does the kiddy king have to come or should I say prince

Tasade: *eyebrow twitches* did you say prince?

Rima: puts bucket over Tasade

Everyone apart from Tasade: *sweat drops*

Kiyomi: Yawn its 10pm here and I am so tired night all please review I've only had 1 review for chapter three :O

Everyone: Night :D