Shugo chara fan fic
New school
Amu joins a new school after her parents encouraged her to try a scholarship exam for the prestigious Seiyo academy and miraculously she passes. Seiyo academy is a highly reputable school which produces some of the most important business people in Japan. Also the faculties are supposed to be excellent with many describing time spent at the academy the best times of their life. The main reason Amu seeks to join this school is that she can spent time away from home away from the harassment which she receives from fellow students at her current school as she has an outer character "cool & spicy" which she shows everyone she finds it frustrating that she has her own fan club comprising of boys and girls. She only developed the "cool & spicy" character after she became nervous on her first day there having to do a short presentation on herself on her first day infront of the whole class so she pretended like she didn't care and she casually told a class member to shut up while she was talking which casued most of the class to be in awe of her respecting the outer character. Also homelife didn't help she had lovely parents who adored her but it was too much since they had become obsessed with the "cool & spicy" character she often showed yes she would miss them but in a way it was freedom since she could perhaps find her true self with a fresh start.
"Big sis, Amu, Nee-chan" Ami called twirling around in her pink frilly dress decorated with lots of flowers
"What, Ami?" Amu asked casually looking up from the magazine she was reading
"New cloths, lookie" she said dancing around Amu's room
"Very nice Ami, have you shown Papa and Mama I'm sure Papa will want to get lots of pictures of you in it" Amu said It's not really my kind of style but Ami likes it and its important to her
"Papa, Mama, Lookie" Ami shouted carefully treading her way downstairs she was only little after all
"Ami, be careful" Mama said concerned for her dashing up the stairs and picking Ami up "You could fall and get hurt their big steps for such little legs" she said placing her at the bottom of the stairs
"Papa, Mama, Lookie new cloths" Ami said again getting louder
"Papa, get the camera, Ami, give us a song" Mama urged her smiling
"Papas little Ami-hime, smile!" Papa said while holding his camera up taking pictures of her while Ami was striking posed
Meanwhile Amu was in her room packing Sigh "Why do they have to be so noisy, I'm trying to pack" putting on the outer character again but thinking I am going to miss them when I transferr to my new school but I guess it gives Mama and Papa more time with Ami shes starting kindergarten soon and she needs all the support she can get. Standing up she went over to her chest of draws neatly folding cloths into her case. She would be taking a trip too seiyo academy soon where she could get introduced to her room and a few students and teachers she wasn't sure whether to be excited or not. Getting up from the floor she went to the far end of her room and opened the curtains to her balcony and opend the doors and just stood out there letting the wind run through her bubble gum pink hair closing the door behind her she sighed. She came here when she was stressed or worried and began to think about what everything at the new school would be like taking in a deep breath she closed her eyes opened her mouth and sang a beautiful melody with all her heart. Not many people new she could sing but it was too girlish for her "Cool & spicy" personilty
-Time Skip- Upon arrival at the new school
"Goodbye Papa, Mama and Ami" Amu said trying to hold back the emotion in her voice
"Goodbye Amu-chan" Papa said histericly and began to take photos of her with his camera 2You will always be Papas Little Amu I love you"
Amu sweat drops at this "Its not like im going forever also its not that far from home" clearly embarrassed
*Sniffle* "But Amu-chan what if you don't like it here it's a long journey to home" Papa said trying to convince her to stay
I have enough doubts as it is Papa without you doing it too "Papa, I will be fine. Anyway you need to look after Ami she's going to need her Number one fan about when she starts Kindergarten"
"Oh Papa calm down, Amu I understand you have to learn to be independent and this is a good school im sure it will bring out the best in you" Mama said while patting Papa on the shoulder
"Hai, I will phone you to let you know I'm ok" Amu said Bring out the best in me is that good or bad? I don't want to change who I am but then again maybe she understands about my outer character.
"Amu-chan! When you get back I want ice-cream" Ami said holding out her arms to her big sister
"Okay Ami when I get back we can good for ice-cream, I will even buy you a new teddy how's that? But you got to promise to be good for Mama and Papa. Also look after Papa he's going to need it" Amu said whispering the last part so only Ami could hear
*Laughing* "Hai, Ice-cream and Teddy yay!" she squealed laughing
"I guess I should get going now I hope that all the good rooms aren't gone" Amu said
"Cool & Spicy, that's our Amu" Mama and Papa said in unison
"Cool & Spicy yah" Ami said while jumping on Amu
"Bye Ami take care" She said "I love you" She whispered in her ear and then placed her down on the floor smiling "Bye, Papa, Mama and Ami. See you soon" and she walked off into the school building
~sometime later~
"Its very nice to meet you Hinamori-san and I do hope you will feel welcomed here. At the moment school isn't active since it is Sunday but there are a few students around I can get one of them to show tto your room and you can goo and unpack,hold on a moment" the teacher bent down to her desk and pressed a button next to a microphone" can Mashiro- san please report to the principal's office please" Moments later there was a small knock on the door "Come in" the Principle said
A small petite girl walked in wearing the normal school uniform with white tights she had long honey coloured hair which reached down to her knees and amber coloured eyes "this is Hinamori-san could you please show her around and show her to her room"
"Yes sensei. Hello, my name is Rima Mashiro nice to meet you" the small girl said
"Hi Mashiro-san my name is Amu Hinamori nice to meet you too" Amu said hesitantly
"You know you can just call me Rima all my friends call me that, so this is a pretty big school we have our own theatre swimming pool cinema and gym and of course they are all benefits of being a student here as you can use them at leisure" she said smiling
"Wow you even have your own cinema too this place is amazing, so what is it like you know living in your school? It seems like it will be really strange to me but I guess its quiet nice with no parents telling you what to do." Amu said thinking aloud
"Well most of the time it is actually like a giant sleepover if you don't include lessons even though most rooms are separate me and my friends always sneak in to each others rooms for midnight feasts, you might not have any parents to tell you what to do butt the teachers are bossy enough to make up for it" Rima said wow maybe it wouldn't be so bad here after all
As I walked down the corridor I gazed at all the wonderful paintings hanging on the walls of the corridor not really paying attention to where she was going. All of a sudden she walked into something "Ouch" she exclaimed looking up she realised she had walked into somebody a boy who was about her age maybe older with blue hair but was extremely tall "Hey, look where your going" she said to him. Although it is my fault really I was too busy looking at the paintings but still he should of seen me and gotten out of my way.
"No, I suggest you look where you are going Pinkey" He said his voice was deep and husky his eyes almost the same colour as his hair but a deeper shade of blue and they seemed to sparkle
"Excuse me you're the one who walked into me, who do you think you are eh and my name isn't Pinkey" Amu shouted the last part Yeah it was my fault but how dare he Pinkey indeed
"You should be grateful, not every girl in this school gets a special nickname like yours Pinkey anyway you shouldn't be acting like that you naughty girl do you know how many girls would give anything to have a special nickname from me by me" the blue haired boy said obviously trying to flirt
"Well I'm sure you know where you can shove your stupid nicknames where the sun doesn't shine and for the final flipping time my name isn't Pinkey!" Amu said
"Ikuto Tsukiyomi! Get away from her you pervert" Rima shouted jumping in front of me spreading her arms wide protectively
"Don't worry I'm not going to do anything to my little Pinkey yet. Anyway I have a few tasks to do I will be seeing you later Pinkey" Ikuto said winking in Amus direction causing a blush to creep up her cheeks
"Come on Amu. Are you okay he didn't do anything to you did he? I swear he is a dead man walking I've had enough of him" Rima said obviously very angry
"Yes I'm fine. Why did you call him a pervert? I mean yeah he was being annoying but that's actually a serious accusation." Amu asked he couldn't be a pervert could he
"Amu, I called him a pervert because he is ok he hasn't done anything here yet but some people who went to the same school as him before here told the school about his antics, apparently he has an obsession with porn magazines yet to be proved, he has dated half the girls in this school at least all of which have been dumped after a week leaving them heartbroken and has been caught in the girls changing room with a video camera too apparently he was planning to film girls changing for gym class but got caught after his phone went off" Rima said this is not good him taking an interest in Amu not good at all she thought
"Seriously did he do that here you know the changing rooms bit why didn't he get kicked out?" Amu asked concerned she wasn't going to be sharing the same school as this pervert
"No, it was his old school also he told teachers that he was trying to film the birds outside and he was on top of the roof and fell in through the window and the teachers believed him since there was a video of birds on the camera so that apparently supported his story but we all know his real intentions. Anyway this is your room its right next to mine too this is great do you want me to help you unpack?"
"That's awful he's such a creep I knew it from the moment I saw him well no change that I had a hunch when he started calling me pinkey he was looking at my chest now that I think about it well if he tries anything with me he will end up regretting it" Amu said cheering up at the last part "No thank you Rima I'm going to check my room out see what it's like" she said excitedly
"Okay well I'm just next door if you need me. Oh Amu don't go out your room I'm going to get my friends Utau and Yaya there really nice and I'm sure you'll get on great I'm sure they will be wanting to meet you" Also it means there's someone to keep an eye on you Ikuto doesn't normally take an interest in someone that quickly also he said he wouldn't do anything until later Hinamori Amu I'm not letting you out of my sight I will not let you fall prey to that monster Rima thought
"Ok, see you soon then" Amu gave Rima a beaming smile I've just got a feeling that me and Rima will be good friends.
~Time Skip~ sometime later
That's better Amu said climbing down from the chair she had been stood on to put the posters up on her bedroom wall. Also the best part of the room was that it had a balcony just like at home and also an on-suite bathroom too wow this place was luxury the room was massive it had a humongous white wardrobe a big dressing table with a large mirror a big set of draws a massive double bed with a pink quilt draped over it sitting down the bed was light and fluffy in the centre of the room there was a small table with beanbags set around it "Wow this place is luxury it's a palace except I got to school here too" opening her suit case she went to the draws and began to fold cloths neatly into the draws then a knock came at the door.
"Hello, who is it?" Amu cautiously opened the door
"Its me Amu Rima I brought Utau and Yaya over to see you also I brought some snacks and drinks were not normally allowed food in our rooms but what the teachers don't know won't hurt" she giggled her brown eyes shimmering
"Oh hey Rima Yaya Utau"