
By Lord-of-Dragons-2007

This is purely a fluff fic of Natasha since I'm a big fan of her from the movie, so hope you all enjoy. I do not own the Avengers in any way. Hope everyone enjoys the story, there may be some slight oc but please bear with me; it was meant as a feel good fic.

Natasha finished a domestic mission that Director Fury had assigned, unfortunately that mission required her to be outside during the biggest storm New York has seen in a very long time.

'God, the one time I get a nice easy domestic mission and I have to be outside in the city's biggest storm in thirty years, I don't mind bad weather when I'm abroad because I don't expect things to be easy or comfortable for me but not here in the states,' Natasha thought as she walked in the downpour, absolutely drenched from the rain, her disguise of flat street clothes under her black trench coat all felt as limp around her body as her fiery red hair did. As Natasha made her way back to the Avengers tower, the rain seemed to only intensify. After a long uneventful walk, the waterlogged spy made it to the entrance of the tower; she walked in and was greeted by JARVIS the AI butler of Tony Stark's.

"Good evening, Agent Romanoff. Dreadful weather out," Jarvis greeted. "I have temporarily disabled the building's central air until you have had a chance to dry off," Jarvis informed her.

"Thank you, Jarvis. What is the current status of the other Avengers?" Natasha asked as she boarded the elevator to the floor where her living quarters were located.

"Mr. Odinson has return to Asgard, something about another world needing his protection. Mr. Stark and Miss Potts are in their home in Malibu. My sensors tell me that Agent Barton is somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, no doubt aboard SHIELD's headquarters, and ah Dr Banner is currently on the training floor meditating." Jarvis reported.

"Should I inform him of your return, Agent Romanoff?" Jarvis queried.

"No Jarvis, that's quite alright, I don't want to disturb him. When he's finished you can inform him," Natasha explained.

"Understood. Arriving at floor forty-eight. Avenger Living Quarters," Jarvis informed when the doors opened. Natasha slumped her way back to her room, and unlocked the door to enter. Her room was like her, simple yet elegant. All the Avengers were provided with a large, languorous bed, a simple desk, and a private shower; they were responsible for decorating the room or changing the furniture as they saw fit. Natasha painted her room a deep lavender color; the sheets on her bed were a burgundy silk. Her desk was modern with a high-tech computer tapped into the building's security and into SHIELD. There was an autumn bench at the foot of her bed, which was made of dark cherry mahogany, and the top had a red silk cushion built in to make sitting on the piece of furniture more comfortable. The rug in her room was forest green. This was her room, and it made her feel as at home as any spy of her caliber could feel. She walked over to the bench and had a seat to take off her soaked shoes. Natasha then went to her dresser and picked out a pair of comfy yet warm sweat pants, a white tank top undershirt, and some other undergarments. She entered her bathroom and decided on taking a nice, long, hot shower figuring that getting pelted by hot water would be a nice change of pace after her mission today. She slowly slumped into the hot shower and leaned up against the wall to support herself as she let the hot water relax her weary muscles, a few small faded scares can be seen on her back. After what seemed like an eternity in the shower was in actuality about forty-five minuets she emerged looking refreshed and in better spirits than she had when she first entered, she slowly got dressed and exited her bathroom,

"Jarvis what time is it?" Natasha asked as she put on socks and slipped into her simple, comfortable slippers.

"It is currently 8:16 pm standard eastern time, Agent Romanoff" Jarvis informed.

She hadn't eaten anything since breakfast this morning so Natasha was pretty hungry. However looking out her window, she could see that the rain was still as strong as when she first entered the tower, so she settled for making something simple at the tower and not go venturing out into the rain again. Natasha made her way over to the kitchen and started to whip together a simple Russian soup that she remembered from her short childhood. Some chicken stock, some ground beef, a couple of sliced turnips, and a few odds and ends. After a few minutes of cooking time, her soup was finally ready. She served herself and ate at the counter in the kitchen. As she sat down and began to eat she let her mind wonder a bit.

'Hmm I can only imagine what Pepper and Stark are doing in Malibu. Thank God I don't have to put up with him or his ego. He is lucky he wasn't here today otherwise the world would have one less genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist in it,' Natasha thought as she continued to eat her soup in the quiet peace of the still room, only hearing the pitter-patter of the rain hitting the sides of the Avengers tower. She thought about calling Barton and seeing if he was up for a night of vodka, but decided against it because he could be in the middle of something with Fury.

Just then, Bruce walked into the room.

"Hello Natasha," Bruce greeted only to get no response from her whatsoever to his surprise.

"Hello? Natasha?" Bruce called in again trying to get the spy's attention while moving closer to her.

"Earth to Natasha are-" Bruce started as he touched his shoulder when next he knew he was on his back against the counter with a spoon to his throat and the beautiful assassin on top of him ready to finish off her would be assailant,

"Oh my God, Bruce, I am so sorry, I had no idea you were there, please stay calm, no need to get upset," Natasha apologized as she helped her teammate up.

"Hehehe it's quite alright Natasha, I should have known better than to sneak up on you like that. And don't worry, the other guy won't make an appearance tonight and uhh, make a mess," Bruce said.

"Was my lack of attention that obvious" Natasha quirked.

"Well when I kept calling your name and you didn't answer it was kinda a tip off," Bruce said with a warm smile.

"Would you like some tea, Dr Banner?" Natasha offered warmly.

"That would be lovely, thank you Agent Romanoff," Bruce accepted as he took a seat next to where Natasha was eating.

"How did your meditation go?" Natasha asked as she poured Bruce some fresh tea.

"Umm, relaxing. It's always peaceful, especially when its raining like this," Bruce answered with a serene smile on his face. However at the mention of the rain, he could see the mood shift in Natasha's eyes and then he realized what had happened.

"I take it your mission today was less than enjoyable," Bruce surmised.

"That is an understatement," Natasha replied, a little bitter about it.

"I'm sorry, Natasha. If I had known where your mission was, I would have gone to pick you up," Bruce apologized.

"It's ok, Bruce; it doesn't exactly work like that. I couldn't be picked up, for the safety of the mission it was best that I walk, though it would have been better if I didn't have to walk in the rain," Natasha explained.

"Well if it's any consolation, Tony should be up to his eyebrows in SI paperwork and so on. It's funny cause he called me earlier gloating about him and Pepper uhhhh, knocking boots tonight in Malibu. But when I mentioned it to Pepper, she just laughed, guessing what Tony had told me and said that tonight was anything but. It's her way of luring Tony somewhere where she can make him sit down and run his company," Bruce said with a chuckle.

"Haha ok, well that makes me feel better," Natasha said with a grin on her face.

"Well I should let you go, I'm sure you want to be alone," Bruce said as he got up to leave.

"No, you don't have to go, you can stay. We really don't talk that much," Natasha said calling out to Bruce.

"Umm ok, yeah you're right. I just kinda figured that you might have some hard feelings because of what happened on the helicarrier with, the other guy," Bruce said in a noticeable melancholy tone.

"No not at all Bruce, it was a long night for us and everyone was under a lot of stress. I know it wasn't your fault, I don't blame you, either of you," Natasha said reassuringly. The two teammates continued to talk for awhile while Natasha ate her soup, speaking about what each had done before the incident with Loki and what they had been up to lately.

"I don't know about you but curling up on the couch in front of the fireplace with a good book sounds great right now, would you like to join me?" Natasha offered as she got up to put her dishes in the sink and noting that it was still raining outside.

"Sure sounds good, I could use a break from the lab. I feel somewhat inspired to write some poetry," Bruce said taking Natasha up on her offer.

"You write poetry?" Natasha asked surprised.

"Well mainly haikus, but its kinda a secret hobby," Bruce admitted.

"So secret that it wasn't on your dossier," Natasha commented.

"And I would hope that it stays that way," Bruce said.

"Of course it will, I'm glad you trust me enough with something you usually keep private from everyone else," Natasha said as they started to move to the adjacent den. Bruce then started to set on the task of starting the fire and turning the lights down a little so that the light from the fireplace would provide the majority of the lighting in the room. When Bruce had finished his task Natasha had returned with her copy of War and Peace. Bruce left to go dig out his journal of poems and she went to the couch on one side and got situated with her feet under her and a blanket over her legs. Bruce returned moments later with an old, beat-up, leather-bound booklet, making himself comfortable in an armchair adjacent from Natasha and started to ponder what to write about. Both sat here like this for a while enjoying the silence and each other's company and their respective hobbies. After awhile Natasha's thoughts drifted and she started to stare out into nowhere.

"A penny for your thoughts, Agent Romanoff," Bruce spoke up getting Natasha's attention.

"What? Oh umm, it's nothing," Natasha said.

"Natasha, whatever it is, you can tell me. I promise you can trust me," Bruce pressed.

"It's just this, us right now, here. It's nice. Peaceful. Enjoyable," Natasha said with a content smile on her face.

"Yes it is, isn't it? I think it's because we're without a certain man of iron who can't stand to not hear his own voice," Bruce commented, which brought a grin to Natasha's face.

"I have no idea how Pepper puts up with him," Natasha said with a slight chuckle in her voice, and then they both went back to their respective hobbies for a bit.

After a while Natasha noticed how tired she was when she started glazing over while trying to read her book.

"Oh wow, it's getting late; its almost one," Natasha said as she looked at her watch.

"Well doctor, thank you for a great night," Natasha said with a grin on her face as she stood up with Bruce.

"It was my pleasure to spend some time with the infamous Black Widow," Bruce said with warmness in his voice.

"Good night, Bruce. Sleep well," Natasha said as she embraced him in a hug.

"You too, Natasha," Bruce said, as their embrace ended and she wandered off to her room for bed leaving Bruce to settle back into the armchair to return to his poetry. When Natasha returned to her room, she began her nightly ritual of brushing her teeth and nightly creams and so on when she started to reflect on the night.

'Despite less than enjoyable conditions of my mission today, tonight really made up for it. It's strange tonight, I just felt at peace, almost like I was at home,' she thought, the idea odd at first, and then smiled.

'I like it…. Home,' she thought warmly. She finished with her nightly routine and crawled into bed, having one final thought as the soft sound of the rain hitting the window in her room lulled into a very peaceful sleep.

'I'm home with this wild adoptive family . . . my family,' she thought with a big warm smile on her face.

Alright I hope everyone likes it, thinking about making something out of this. Please be kind with the reviews. Thanks guys.