Shade: Welcome to my brand spanking new fic, Late Night With The Kaiba Brothers! It's just a talk show with them as the hosts.
The entire Yu-Gi-Oh! cast is on standby, but celebrity guests are in every episodes! I'll need my audience to suggest new
guests, ok?

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or Late Night With Conan O'Brian. Also, any people, living or dead, whose names are the
same as any person mentioned in this fan fic is purely conincidental.

Announcer: Live from Shade's garage, welcome to Late Night With The Kaiba Brothers! Tonight, we have as our guests...
From the movie Oceans Eleven, Brad Pitt!
From The Tom Green Show, Tom Green!
From the movie Scooby-Doo, Sarah Michelle Gellar!
And the entire cast of Yu-Gi-Oh!
And me? I'm Smokey McPot.
And welcome your hosts, Seto and Mokuba Kaiba!!!

(Seto and Mokuba run in, each doing a funky dance)

Seto: Thank you! (audience cheers) In the 'hood, they call me SETO!!! (audience cheers)

Mokuba: And they refer to me by the name MOKUBA!!! (audience cheers)

Seto: Alright then, so everyone heard the new thing about George Bush?

Audience: (in usion) No, Seto!

Mokuba: (jokingly) Yeah, like that wasn't set up. (audience laughs)

Seto: (to Mokuba) Quiet you. Anyway, the new thing is that to get the vote of all you internet junkies, he has decided to
change his name to George WWW Bush! (audience laughs)

Mokuba: (raises eyebrow) Was that supposed to be a joke?

(Seto and Mokuba run to the desk and sit down)

Seto: Alright then, lets bring on our first guest. He's been in many movies, including Oceans Eleven, Snatch and, my personal
favourite, Fight Club!

Mokuba: As you may have guessed from my brothers ramblings, ity's time to bring out the irrisistible BRAD PITT! (audience
cheers very loudly, with many calls from the female audience)

Woman: I LOVE YOU!

Brad: Right back! (walks over and sits down next to the desk) Hey Seto, hey Mokuba.

Seto: (shakes his hand) Great to see you, mate. Now, let's talk. My brother here thinks that I'm not funny, but I do and I
think that the audience does as well.

Brad: Hmm.

Mokuba: Don't listen to him.

Seto: (to Mokuba) Quiet you. Now, Brad, enough about me, let's talk about you. Don't you think I'm funny? (audience laughs)

Brad: Look, just try your best. The important thing is that you think that you're funny.

Seto: Wait a minute, was that an insult?

Brad: No, it was just-

Seto: 'Cause you KNOW what happens to people who insult me.

Mokuba: Look, stop talking to the guest and let me, ok? Now Brad, in your new film Oceans Eleven you-

(Tea runs on)

Mokuba: Tea! You know you're not supposed to come out until we call you!

Tea: I know, but I just wanted to say that (talks to Brad) I love you! You are so cool, and I watch every film you're in on
the day it's released and... and... I love you!

Brad: How... umm... nice?

Tea: Can I give you a hug?

Brad: Sure. (hugs Tea)


Seto: Well that was odd. Anyway, great talking to you, MR BRAD PITT! (audience goes wild)

Mokuba: And now we have the greatest sicko ever, MR TOM GREEN!!! (audience goes wild as he comes on)

Tom: Hey Mokuba! (shakes Mokubas hand and sits down)

Seto: Hey Tom!

Tom: Oh, hi... Sonto?

Seto: It's Seto. Seto Kaiba.

Tom: Whatever. So, you heard about my new rock collecting hobby? Here's one I brought. (pulls out a piece of cow sh*t) I'm not
sure what type it is though.

Seto: It's cow sh*t.

Tom: What? Cow shite? Hmm, never heard of that type. What is it again?

Seto: Cow sh*t.

Tom: Wow, you know about rocks? Another thing it that this type of rock is really soft. It's edible even! (starts pulling the
rock towards his mouth)

Mokuba: No! Not on live air!

Tom: (puts the rock in his mouth and bites down)

Audience: Ewwwwwwwww!!!

Tom: (chewing the cow sh*t) What?

Mokuba: (shaking his head) You just don't go eating cow sh*t on live air.

Tom: Oh come on! It's my job! DMY!

Seto: DMY?

Tom: Don't Mess Yourself.

Mokuba: Ewww!

Tom: I know, that's why we changed it to DMY.

Seto: Ok then, thank you MR TOM GREEN! (audience cheers) And we'll be right back after a word from our sponsers.

(camera goes to Bakura and Yami sitting behind a counter)

Yami: Hi. We're here to talk to you about the new product.

Bakura: Well thats specific.

Yami: Ok then, we're here to talk to you about the new 'Good Vibrations' Undies! Just press a button, and they start vibrating

Bakura: I'm wearing some now! They've been vibrating for a while now, so let's see how I look now! (camera shows his jeans.
There is a huge lump [ya'll know what that is] and a damp patch over it)

Yami: Don't tell me you...

Bakura: You know it baby!

Yami: Oh god... (turns to camera) Umm... buy some now!

(camera goes back to Seto, Mokuba and their guests)

Brad: I want some of those!

Seto: Of course you do. Anyway, let's bring on in SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR!!! (male audience goes crazy along with the females)

Sarah: Hey! (sits down next to Seto and Mokuba) Hi guys!

Seto: Yes, now first up on my question list, what was it like working with that bloody ledgend?

Sarah: Who, Freddy?

Seto: No! Scooby-Doo! What was it like working with him?

Sarah: Umm... you know that he's just computer animation?

Seto: WHAT?!

Mokuba: (to Sarah) Now you've done it...

WOULD BE NOTHING BUT A PIECE OF SLOPPY DOG SH*T! (suddenly calms down) Anyway, let's talk about Buffy. She is so hot, am I
right? (male audience goes wild)

Sarah: Thank you!

Seto: Also, can Buffy sleep with Angel? I mean, with no blood can he still get an ere-

Mokuba: Thats enough out of you. Anyway, Sarah, have you met Brad Pitt?

Brad: Hi.

Sarah: Hi.

Seto: Now, Sarah, you're a great actor. Can you read this line for me? It's from a movie which I'm in.

Sarah: Sure, I'd be glad to help! (takes piece of paper and reads it) Oh date me, Seto, date me.

Seto: Umm, can you read it again?

Sarah: (reads paper again) Oh date me, Seto, please date me!

Seto: (smiles) Yeah, alright!

Mokuba: (shakes his head) Pathetic.

Sarah: (throws piece of paper away) I agree. That was pathetic.

Seto: Fine. (his watch beeps) Oh, ok. That's all we have time for folks, but I would like to say thanks to my guests Brad Pitt
(audience goes wild), Tom Green (audience goes wild) and Sarah Michelle Gellar! (audience goes wild)

Announcer: What about me?

Mokuba: Quiet you. (to camera) BYE!!!

(Everyone goes backstage)

Seto: Good show?

Mokuba: Good show.

Seto: Did you see Sarahs (.Y.)?

Mokuba: Pathetic.
Shade: Read and review! Send in ideas for the new celebrity guests!