This one is finished and will be posting a chapter a day.

Title: Ordinary Morning
Author: Cindy Ryan
Pairings: Clint/Natasha
Timeline: Post movie follows my Got your back series: Got your back, Dance in the rain,Linger
Summary: Just once Natasha wished she and Clint could enjoy a day off

Waking up with Natasha in his arms was something Clint Barton could definitely get used to. It'd been a long time since he'd trusted anyone enough to let them close. He and Natasha certainly had a unique enough past where he never thought they'd end up partners in every way.
Clint wouldn't put their romance in the great love stories of all time just yet. It was scary and comfortable at the same time.

They'd shut out the world staying in bed until early afternoon. The need for food finally dragging them out of the hotel. Clint had suggested they order room service. However Natasha had argued they shouldn't waste their day off. They got down time so rarely Clint hadn't protested.
Now they sat at a small table at a sun drenched cafe by the marina in Monaco.

"So, what do you want to do with the rest of our day off?"Barton asked as they dug into their entree's.

Natasha grinned as she looked over at the boats passing by. "We could rent a boat."

"We could."Clint agreed as he took a sip of coffee.

Natasha met Hawkeye's gaze. "Or I could drag you to every shop in Monaco."

Clint tried to hide his grimace. As much as he loved Natasha spending the afternoon watching her shop was not his idea of fun.

"Compromise."Barton suggested. "Couple hours of shopping then do one of the boat tours."

"Play tourist?"Natasha replied with a wide smile as she leaned forward to kiss Clint. "Sounds fun."

Natasha was surprised at how pleasant the day was. Not that time with Clint wasn't nice but that was work. They spent so much time at work. Rarely had they spent an off day like this. Usually any free time was spent in bed. While as pleasant as that was this was turning out to be pure fun.
Clint to his credit was being patient as he could be as they went from shop to shop. To her initial chagrin Hawkeye was amusing himself taking pictures of her with his cell phone. After two stores Natasha turned it into a mock photo shoot not caring what he sent to Stark or Rogers. She'd try on various things from a really ugly multi colored jeweled necklace to a Grace Kelly era hat to a strange white beaded shawl she wouldn't be caught dead in. It was wonderful to see Clint laugh and smile.
With the job they did...with the evil they saw day in and day out it was hard no matter how good you were. They survived by keeping a poker emotions shoving them to the background. Desensitize or be driven crazy.
Grabbing an over sized cartoonish pair of sunglasses Natasha tossed them to Clint as she took his cell phone.

"My turn."The Black Widow stated with a grin as Clint fumbled with the glasses.

"These are bright pink."Barton complained as Natasha held up the cell phone.

"And your point?"Natasha countered. "Now say cheese."

Clint shook his head briefly before unfolding the large glasses and resting them as best he could on his nose. The Black Widow snapped the picture as she laughed out loud.

"That's a good look for you."Romanoff commented lightly as she lowered the phone

Barton chuckled as he took off the glasses and put them back on the shelf. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. How about we table shopping for the day?"

Natasha pouted. "Getting tired of me already?"

Clint leaned forward and kissed her. "Hardly, but you did promise to compromise."

"Alright."The Black Widow replied as she let the kiss linger. "One more store and then we'll head to the marina."

Linking hands they left the small shop.

The sun was just starting to set creating a magnificent picture of the sparkling Mediterranean. Clint stood with Natasha as they waited to board the dinner cruise. They were at the end of the line that stretched halfway down the pier. Something caught Clint's attention out of the corner of his eye. Turning he saw the sun reflect off an object in a building at the edge of the marina. The hairs on the back of Barton's neck stood up.

"Nat?"Hawkeye began quietly. "In two seconds we're going to have to run."

"Hostile?"Natasha asked as she began to scan the surrounding area. "Where?"

"Sniper, top floor, third building in south end of the marina."Barton replied crisply.

"All these people."Romanoff whispered as she began to slowly inch away from the line.

"If it's who I think it is they only want us."Clint stated knowing the only ones who knew they were here were S.H.I.E.L.D and the drug traffickers turned terrorists they'd arrested earlier.

Natasha withdrew her backup gun from the small purse she was carrying and kept it lowered at her side.

"This day was going so well."Romanoff commented sadly as they continued to move away from the crowd

"We'll get it back."Clint promised wishing his bow wasn't back at the hotel. "Just have to take care of a little business first."

"Hold you to that."Natasha countered.

"Only thing I have on me is a knife."Barton stated as they reached the midway point of the pier.

Whatever Natasha's reply was it was drowned out by the start of the gunfire. Chaos erupted on the pier behind them as the terrified crowd scattered for cover. The Black Widow fired off a few shots in return and they dove for a nearby sailboat. The sailboat was small with it's sail not at full mast. It was dark and deserted and about fifty feet away from anything else. It was tethered to the pier but there was no gangplank. The sun was almost down casting strange shadows on the boat and pier. As they hit the floor of the boat Natasha rolled to her feet firing off a few more shots just as more rained down on them.

"What's the plan?"Clint asked as ducked behind a stack of crates.

"Working on it."Natasha replied sharply. "Looks like you were right about them not wanting innocent bystanders."

"One bright side."Barton acknowledged. "There's gotta be something here we can use."

Just as Natasha was about to reply a bullet hit the boat's engine sending it up in a huge fireball. The force of the explosion caused Natasha to be lifted off her feet and flung off the stern of the boat. The only thing she could do was react. Instincts kicked in and she had just enough time to pull herself into a protective ball before she hit the water.