
15 years later


"CAELUM!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Sighing I looked down to my youngest daughter, frowning at the bubblegum pink hair that was definitely not her hair colour

"What?" came the annoyed huff from behind me

"Don't what me with that attitude" I turned around to look at my oldest child. He was a miniature me. His hair was the same white blond, with the matching grey eyes. He was tall like I was, he was coming in on top of his class at Hogwarts and even though Hermione claims that he inherited that from her, I quickly reminded her that she only beat me by a total of three marks. Also like me, he was a total heartbreaker.

"Why does your sister have pink hair?"

"Are you serious! Why do I always get the blame?"

"Because you are the only one with a wand and your other siblings aren't old enough to be developing their magical powers yet, hence why Im asking you" I argued back

"I was practicing transfiguration" he shrugged innocently

"Right, well you can help the elves tonight and your grounded for a week"

"What, you can't do that?"

"I just did"

"But I have a date with Casey tomorrow night, you can't" What did I tell ya, he was a ladies man

"Well you'll just have to reschedule" I shrugged turning around to turn my daughters hair back to it's original golden brown. I heard another angry huff before the stomp up the stairs.

"There you go sweetheart, all better"

"Tankou daddy" she sang, lifting her arms up. I picked her up and swung her around.

Caelum was now fifteen and would be going back to Hogwarts after the Christmas holidays in two weeks. We decided when he was born that we would wait a while for anymore children. So nine years later Ara Kaylee was born on the 20th April. She took after her mother from day one, and clung to her constantly. Her brown hair matched her mothers, although wasn't bushy, instead fell in large ringlets down her back, her eyes were a piercing blue, that took after my mother. The only thing that I could take claim for in Ara's similarities was her sneer and smirk- it was creepy how much she looked like me when she did that

Three years after that, the twins were born. That was a surprise. Nobody in our family had any history of twins but the healer told us that it's not unusual. On July 20th Draco Lucius and Lyra Jean were born and welcomed happily into the family. Now being three years old they were going through the 'monkey see, monkey do' stage. We had to make sure that everything was put away and out of reach for them so that we wouldn't walk in on them with a wand in their hand and a bed that had literally exploded (yeah, we learned the hard way with Caelum).

After Caelum was born and I forgave my parents I decided to leave working for the Ministry and start working for the family company. I took on running the London shippings and deliveries, quickly getting the hang of it, until my father handed the whole thing down to me four years ago when he retired. I found that the job was quite stressful and managing two kids with two more on the way, it could really mess up a family.

About six months after I took over, me and Hermione found that we barely ever saw each other. I was always at work, and whenever I was at home I would be asleep or working even more. She kicked me out for two weeks before I put my foot down at work. I learnt in those two weeks how much I had taken my life for granted. I had an amazing wife and kids that I barely saw. So things changed after that.

First I went back home, apologising and begging that Hermione let me back home. We had a long sit down about how things needed to change because we understood how much more important we were to each other than just some job. I changed my schedule. I would go into the office for only two and a half days, the rest I would work from home. On the rare day I would have to go into the office for an extra day but otherwise the new schedule worked out really well.

After I left the Law Enforcement Department, they kept the vice head spot open. As soon as Hermione came back from maternity leave they asked her if she would like to take the job. After much convincing that she would be excellent at the position and the promise that she could still help out with the Animal Welfare Department, she took on the role. She has since moved to head of the Law Enforcement department and that whole department has been reshaped and running much smoother than it ever had been before.

There was a knock on the front door and I could hear the patter of feet running to open the door. I could distinguish the footsteps of each person in my family and I could tell that those were Draco juniors. Since there was two Draco's in the house and to avoid a lot of confusion we usually called him-

"Drake! Don't open that door" I called ahead. I looked at Lyra, still in my arms and saw that she was starting to go to sleep with her head resting in the crook my my neck, her arms wrapped around my neck

When I got to the door I saw Drake standing there jumping up and down waiting for me to open the door. The twins were exactly like, it it weren't for the fact that they were boy and girl instead of being the same sex I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them. They had golden brown hair with matching honey coloured eyes. Their dare devil behaviour was worrisome sometimes and they needed to be watched constantly. They had my shape face but Hermione's facial expressions. While Ara was mummy's girl, Lyra was daddy's little girl. She always stuck close to me and I spoilt her. Drake looked up to Caelum though, and I was still trying to figure out of that was a good or bad thing. I would sometimes walk in on the two of them just sitting there mucking around and then others I would walk in on Caelum with a bunch of ingredients for a stink bomb and Drake holding the jars.

Out of all the kids so far, their birth was the longest and I still winced every time I thought about it. After twenty four hours, Hermione was still only seven centimeters dilated and very pissed. "Of course your fucking kids come early and are to fucking stubborn and don't want to come out" she screamed at me every time a contraction passed. I had to hold my tongue the whole time. She had wanted natural birth for all the kids, and literally punched me in the balls when I suggested the epidural. I just let her go after that, cursing and throwing things that she could reach, I stood at a safe meter away from her.

I opened the door and there stood nearly the whole Weasley clan, with George still dawdling along from the apparition point. I say nearly all because Ron was never here. He was admitted to St Mungo's about three months after Caelum was born with a delusional disorder. It started when he had deluded himself that Hermione was in love with him, but then when he broke the restraining order and yelled at us in the middle of Diagon Alley that Caelum was his. Not that it was ever doubted in the first place, because of his blonde hair and grey eyes that he developed so early in his life. He had been in the hospital for the past fourteen and a half years with a bed next to old Professor Lockhart.

Mr and Mrs Weasley hobbled past me, followed by Percy. He, being the uptight prick that he was, hadn't gotten married- I wouldn't be surprised if he was still a virgin. Bill and Fleur passed us with their three daughters, the youngest immediately calling out for Ara, who was up in her room. Teddy followed in looking around, Im guessing he was looking for Caelum, who came downstairs with a giggling Ara on his back. Harry came in with two boys and Ginny followed after, holding her back and supporting her huge stomach with her other hand. Charlie preferred the life of a bachelor and he came in with his latest girlfriend that I wasn't even going to bother learning the name of. Finally George came in with his wife Angelina- former Gryffindor chaser, and their two kids Fred and Roxy.

When we got back to the foyer, Blaise, Pansy and their sons Anton and Peter. Pansy had a complicated pregnancy and could therefore no longer have anymore children. When they found that out they were pretty upset, but they started looking at adopting. They went to a an orphanage that was located in Hogsmede. After the war, many children were left parentless, so they found a little boy that had been there since he was three months old. Peter was the son of a ministry worker that had died when the death eaters infiltrated the ministry. I took a lot of convincing that two ex- death eaters could adopt him, but he was finally made a Zabini three months after they first saw him.

My parents arrived not long after. About a year after we had caelum they moved back to England to be closer to the family. They kept the house at the Hampton's but they bought a Penthouse in the middle of London.

After Hermione's parents arrived we all sat in the sitting room, just waiting for Hermione. When we could hear the flames in the next room

"Hello" she called

"In here" I called back. The footsteps came in quickly and everyone sat waiting patiently for her

"Whats everyone doing here?" she smiled and I stood up, walking over and kissing her on the lips.

"IT was the only time we had to all get together before Caelum goes back to school" I said

"How was work?"

"Ugh" she made a face "Idiots" she muttered

"And how was the little one?" I asked, my hand wrapping around her slightly bloated stomach

"Carina May is perfectly fine" she smiled

We had found out two months ago that Hermione was five weeks pregnant on a trip to Australia. She was feeling nauseous for a couple of days, and we suspected but never got her tested until we came back to England. When we first found out, Hermione threatened to hex my balls off, but then she came around to the idea and my balls were perfectly safe now.

As I looked at my wife and my kids gathered around with our friends and family and I just couldn't think of anything tat could change

In the distance I heard a loud explosion followed by the manor shaking.

"CAELUM!" Hermione and I called out simultaneously

Well...a few things could change


And that my fellow readers is...The End...

I am really upset to let this story go, but Im happy of how it turned out. Thanks to all my readers for the support that you have given me and all of your ideas that helped me out along the way.

My other story 'I Spy' will have its next chapter posted hopefully by the end of the week, so keep an eye out for it- for those who didn't see my summary the chapter before, its a Hermione x Draco action fic and their both spies for the ministry

Once again thankyou for reading

