Heya guys~! Sorry that my update had been uberly late T_T I've been rather busy with tryouts for Varsity, and being the captain of a club had been busy. But I'm done with those and I'm back to posting regularly~

And I think I may have just recovered from writers block. Sorry for the shorter chappie.

The next chapter shall be interesting, mark my words.

Review please ^^? Reviews always drive me to quicker updates xD

"Fucking heeeeell." Sting slurred as he tipped his head back on the raft, allowing a couple strands of his blonde hair to sink into the clear water. A small line of drool trailed down the corner of his mouth as he felt nauseous once again. Cheeks turning slightly green he felt the acidity racing up his throat again, though it quickly returned back as he felt a feminine hand on his shoulder. It rested there too, which caused him to slightly relax.

"We're almost there," Lucy reassured as she watched how the green island was enlarging by the second.

They've been on the vast, blue ocean water for probably about an hour now. The scorching sunlight burnt Lucy's skin, and she knew that she was probably going to get sunburnt later. But she could't help but feel pitiful for Sting, who looked half dead right now. This was the first time that the girl had seen Sting so vulnerable in front of her.

Sting panted a couple of times before he gulped, then he opened his right eye at Lucy whilst his mouth was slightly agape. His canine teeth was visible, as he groaned and tipped his head even further into the cooler waters.

Finally, they were at least 3 meters away from shore, and the ground floor of the clear ocean waters was visible right now. Brown hue's widening as she spotted a familiar figure, she stood up on the raft and pointed to the shore.

"E-Erza!" She called as she gave her a wave.

The scarlet knight whirled around and was greeted by the two as Lucy ran up to her. A small smile ascended on her lips as Lucy gave her a small, but friendly hug.

"Lucy," She greeted as she gave them both a genuine, complexed smile. "Sting."

"Er- Your clothes..." Lucy muttered as she felt a small sweat drop roll down the side of her forehead.

"Hm?" Erza looked down to her own, now green attires. Oh yeah, the scarlet knight must've been busy with her clothes. Her previous armor had now been changed into a leafy bondage. Her skirt was made out of grass, while her upper torso had been covered with a couple of palm leaves. "My magic didn't work, and my attire's were wrecked." She simply said as she dusted herself off.

Cobalt hue's scanning Lucy up and down again, Erza gave the two of them a small, amused smile. As if she had been teasing her silently.

Sting walked up to the two of them and rubbed the back of his head, groaning as he did. At least he didn't feel nauseous anymore.

"So who are ya with?" He asked as his eye's scanned the area around them. It looked exactly like the first beech, with an exception of a small opening that lead to a small grassy area at the corner of the white sand.

"I've found Rouge, and we made a camp inside of a cave," Erza explained as she still kept her complex and serious expression on. "Lets go there."

With the nods of Sting and Lucy, the scarlet haired woman started to walk towards the other direction; towards the mountains to be exact.

The scarlet knight had seemed far too relaxed for Lucy's liking. It had almost seemed as if she knew everything that had been going on.

She had also completely disregarded the fact that they have just walked past yet another skeleton, as she walked through the dark abyss of the dark tunnel.

Of course, Sting had sensed no fear out of this too, and he had followed Erza. The blonde though, she clasped her hands together and released a small whimper, before she quickly trotted behind Sting, just to make sure that she wouldn't be left behind.

A dim light had been illuminating out of the corner of the tunnel, as the 3 of them hastily walked towards the faint light, as if that had been their salvation.

Chocolate hue's squinting slightly as the dim lights had flashed against her eyes, she couldn't help but to stare at the huge area in awe.

It had been completely unexpected, but the place itself had looked immensely beautiful. Beryl crystals had somewhat enveloped a couple the walls, as there were also a couple of small ponds that had been laid out into patterns throughout the obsidian ground. Water trickled down the dark obsidian rocks, as she sensed an eerie, yet placid aura from the cave. The water had looked fresh; not to mention deep. Needless to say, it would be perfect for a shower.

Though before she could comment on how spectacular the place had been, she had been interrupted by a sudden cough of another familiar dragon slayer.

Rouge had walked towards them the fire pit that he had been attempting to make. Again with the calmness, he had given Sting a small nod, while he quickly looked over at the celestial mage. Cobalt hue's eyeing her for a bit, as if he had been checking for any imperfections in the blonde, he gave a small shrug before he turned to face Erza.

A perplexing look had flashed upon his face as dark shadows loomed over his eyes. "I finished the fire place, and now that Sting and Lucy are here, tell them about the map and the pathway that we found. And also, tell them about the curse that's around the island, and also about the old civilization that had probably existed here."

As Rouge had briefly explained the whole situation, Lucy couldn't help but to find herself stuck in confounded thoughts yet again. No one had been giving her a recap, and she desperately needed to know what was going on right now. Seeing Erza in those attires had been weird enough, but the two of them seemed calm about this, too calm.

"Whats going on?!" The celestial mage cried out as she clenched both of her fists.

Now all eyes had been set on her, focused and watching the celestial mages' every move.

"We've found other people blonde, and I'm glad too. Cause' now I won't have to be stuck alone with you." Sting smirked as he crossed his arms and looked at the other with a devious smirk plastered.

"What?! You couldn't of survived on that island if I wasn't there!"

"As if! You were the one that kept whining."

"You wouldn't have made it to this island without me!"

"I would've swam."

"Yeah right!"

The scarlet haired mage and the shadow dragon slayer, ended up watching the 2 bicker. As usual, Rouge stayed expressionless as he watched his comrade fight against a fragile little girl, though Erza, could not wipe the smirk that had been forming across her lips.

"You guys act like a married couple." She briskly commented as she swayed around and towards the pile of leaves that had been across the cave.

"W-WHAT?!" The both of them shouted in unison as they turned to face the two.

Now a smirk had been plastered on Rouge's features as well, as he closed his eyes and let out a simple, yet subtle 'hmph'.

"Lucy, wear this." Erza called out as she pulled her arm back, and tossed Lucy a couple of leaves.

Or so she thought. Those leaves had actually just been another set of those forest attires. This one had a slight difference to it, instead of it being a top, it had just been a bikini, accompanied by a pallid grass skirt. Eye's slightly buldging out as she held the attires in front of her, she peeked over to the scarlet knight.

"E-Erza are you-"

"Wear them," She had automatically replied with a gentle, yet firm tone.

The blonde was not going to argue with her any longer, since Erza's demands were law. Trotting over behind the dark obsidian's, the blonde had quickly switched her clothing, grimacing at how revealing her new clothing had been.

The bikini had barely just covered her breasts, as for her skirt... It hadn't been short but if there was wind, then someone may just get a sneak peek to her panties.

With a sigh of defeat, the blonde pondered for a moment to whether she should just change back or not. In the end, she had decided to just keep the clothing, just for the simple of reason for her being terrified of Erza's wrath.

The white dragon slayer drummed his heel against the obsidian pile, watching the small pieces of marble crackle from the stone, and drop down to the lake nearby. He had been interrupted as he spotted another figure from the glassy water's. Looking up, his eyes had locked with a Lucy's brown one's.

And it was normal for a guy to eye a girl every now and then now wasn't it? And that was exactly what he did.

Eying her top to bottom, he could feel his cheeks heat up again.

This time, it had not been from the scorching sun, but alas it had been from the blonde's body. It had been, too revealing. He even had images of her being naked float about his mind.

Wait. Why was he thinking of her naked?

Shaking his head no, he found himself unable to look away from the blonde's beauty.

How would it have felt to... Touch her? The mere thought of touching her pale skin had brought shivers down his spin. Good shivers. It didn't help as he had started imagining them doing things. How would it have felt to be that close to her, close enough so that he would be stealing her own heat from her. Close enough so that a simple tilt of his head would result into a kiss. Close enough so that he could let his hands roam throughout her body, going through every curve of her slender body.

Dark beryl hue's widening at the mere thought, he had felt his lower stomach heat up unexpectedly. Suddenly turning his head back, he had his back faced towards the blonde as he felt himself release a breath.

Wait he had been holding a breath in?

"S-Shit. Change back." He demanded as he peeked over at her from the corner of his slanted eyes.

"Why?!" Lucy snapped as she brushed past him, "My body's fine so stop annoying me about it!"

That had left the dragon slayer speechless, as he watched her slender figure walk back towards the others.

Oh god this was certainly going to be awkward.

Minaa-saaan T_T Sorry for a crap chapter, but the next chappie shall surely be interesting x3!

Sting : Interesting? How so?

Moi : Because~ There shall be drama, romance, and also mysteries you uncover~!

Lucy : E-Eh?!