Hey guys, just wanted to say that I got permission from a friend to use and remake this story, because she won't ever be using her account again, and I know her in person. Besides, this idea was mine to begin with lol xD if you've read her story, you should know who I'm talking about.

By the way, please don't mind the grammar mistakes )): If its that bad don't point it out, I think I already know the mistakes .-. This is what I get for writing this at 2 in the morning.

Anyways enjoy ^o^


This is taken place after the magic games, the 2 main winning teams are getting a free voyage trip on a ship. That means Fairytail A and Sabertooth. How was this supposed to work out? They don't even like each other... Its all fun and games until a sudden storm appeared. Now they're all in a shipwreck, and Lucy just might not be able to cope with her new partner. Stuck on this island, that had no signs of human activity for probably the last 500 years. They're gonna have to learn how to survive in the forest, if they ever want to escape. Discoveries are yet to be discovered on these Islands. Feelings grow, friendships might rip, and maps might actually lead to treasure. But first things first, they have to Survive on this island, were one's magic doesn't work due to a mysterious force.

Chapter 1 - How it all happened.

Lucy's Diary

I can't believe this. I should've been smart like the other half of Sabertooth. I should've ended up not coming to this.. Ugh. It would've been boring either way, but now I'm actually stuck on this Island with... with- I don't even...

Normal PoV flashback

"Uwaah~ I'm so excited for this trip!" Wendy skipped over to the pier, her eyes were wide with excitement and she was bringing a small velvet copper. It clearly was her first time on a boat trip.

"It'll probably suck, you know, cause' Sabertooths showing up." Gray gritted his teeth at the mentioning of the other guild.

"Gray, your clothes." Erza looked disappointed. She may have seen Gray without his clothes often, but even though this was a boat trip it was no exception. She brought 4 massive bags.

"Uwoh! Oh crap! Natsu hand me your scarf!" He reached over for his scarf and Natsu quickly whacked his arm away.

"No! Are you asking for a fight?" Natsu and Gray stared at each other with hatred in each other's eyes. Since Erza was around, they couldn't risk fighting each other, since that would risk their lifes.

"Erza, your bags are probably not gonna even fit on the boat.." Lucy sighed while watching her struggle to bring the 4 bags.

"Nonsense, of course it will! And if it doesn't then you can't bring your bag."

"Wha? I only brought 1 bag!" Lucy protested as she saw Erza laughing and going back to Gray and Natsu, who were playing best friends mode when she talked to them.

"Ah you must be Fairytail!"

Lucy turned around, a female ravenette was walking in her direction. She was wearing a dark blue dress which matched well with her eyes. Once she was close to Lucy she held her hand out. Her expression's were neutral, actually, it almost seemed that she wasn't happy that Fairytail were going to use her boat.

"My name's Angelique. You must be the one's that are going on the voyage." She looked at all the members then to her side, and looked at the small boat, "Sorry the boat's small, but it should fit at least 6 people."

"B-But there's going to be 10 of us..." She murmured.

"Well I guess some you'll have to squeeze in then."

Lucy blinked. Damn. This girl was really blunt.

"You guys have to leave in 5, where's sabertooth?" The moment she asked that, Sting and Rouge appeared from the corner of the street. They were wearing their normal clothes and not their beach wear. That made them stood out a bit, considering the fact that they had 1 naked guy here, a scarlet haired mage that was already wearing her red bikini, a dragon slayer who was only wearing black pants and a scarf, and a girl that was wearing a mini skirt with a her pink tanktop. Erza noticed the 2 walking in their direction.

"Just you 2?" Erza asked, a tone of skepticism in her voice.

"The rest of the team didn't want to come, afterall it's pretty lame that we have to go with you guys." Sting replied, glaring at Natsu who glared back at him.

"Then why the hell are you guys even here?" Gray walked over to them and crossed his arms.

"We don't want rumors to appear saying that Sabertooth's too scared to be with Fairytail." Rouge nudged Sting and they made their way's to the boat. "Just because you guys won this year... It won't be the same next year." Sting gave them one last dirty look before turning his head.

"Theres sabertooth." Lucy replied pointing at Sting and Rouge. Angelique nodded and she dug into her pockets. Lucy looked at her with wondering eyes. The ravenette took out a pair of keys from her pocket and handed it out to Lucy. Lucy nodded at the girl and smiled.

"Oh the key's, we'll take that." Sting grabbed the key from her hands and smirked.

"H-Hey what are you-?"

"Shut up blondie, we got this covered." Sting gave her a smirk and walked towards the boat with Rouge. The blonde looked at them then she rolled her eyes.

"Sabertooth..." She whispered under her breath and she stuck her tongue out to them. She turned back to face Angelique who looked highly amused of what just happened. She couldn't help but giggle a bit.

"Look's like it'll be an interesting Voyage." Angelique managed a smile but it quickly disappeared the moment it appeared. "Well, have fun, stay safe, and make sure you don't let him torture you like this okay?"
Torture? Lucy's expression dropped. Angelique laughed and she shooked her head.

"Kids these days." She turned around and made her way back to the shack.

Lucy stared at her with a blank expression. Was she implying something there?

On the boat... Normal PoV

"I think I should drive." Erza suggested pushing Rouge away from the steering wheel.

"No. A little fairy shouldn't drive. You'll only kill us all." He replied pushing Erza back and grabbing onto the wheel. Afterall, Fairytail did have a bad reputation for destroying things, and that has always been Rouge's first impression on all of them. A vein popped out, but Erza tried to keep her cool as she talked it out with Rouge. The bickering went on as they kept pushing the other back.

While outside..

Natsu was laying down on the ground, half dead, drool was trailing down his mouth and he was sweating more then the rest.

"Cast Troia... on... me... Wendy~~" He managed to slur out. His motion sickness was slowly killing off his optimism and his energy.

"B-But I did already! Natsu-san, your immune to my magic." Wendy murmured as she crouched down and patted his back. The sky dragon slayer had already casted Troia on every other dragon slayer on board, it worked for all of them except for Natsu. Natsu protested and his face turned into a light green. Suddenly a foot slammed on his face.

"Haha! Your weak like this now aren't ya." Gray laughed as he kept harrasing Natsu.

"Gray-sama please stop!" Wendy stood back up and pulled Gray's arm, tugging on his arm so that he would stop. Gray laughed and harrassed Natsu even more, ignoring Wendy's calls.

Lucy sighed as she listen to Rouge and Erza's bickering and Wendy's plea's. She leaned back on her chair and closed her eyes. A few seconds of peace. Thats all she wanted. The blonde brushed her hair out of her eyes and opened her eyes. She took the purple book that was on the table.

Might as well write in my Diary... She only just opened the book, only to be distracted by someone else's presence next to her. Suddenly, someone grabbed the Diary from her hands and started to flip through her pages.

"Hey blondie whats this? Oh a diary? Oh man. You fairies are really fragile." The blonde haired male started to read it off.

"Hey! Don't- Sting! Give that back!" She pushed her chair away and tried to grab his arm. He held the book over his head and she struggled to get it back. Sting laughed at the girl who was clearly pissed off.

"Hey Lucy, just kiss him, that'll make him give it back."

Sting's face turned red and he pushed Lucy away from him. "R-Rouge! What the hell!" He looked down at lucy. "Don't!"

"Kiss him? Ew no." Lucy pulled the diary from his hands and stalked off from them. Rouge walked over to Sting.

"There was a chance." He murmured, barely inaudible, but due to their instincts being heightened he heard it. "Maybe you should try being nice to her."

"Whatever." Sting sighed and he walked over to the seating area. He took a seat next to Lucy. Lucy growled but she ignored him. He clicked his tongue and propped his head on his elbow. They ignored each other for a while, until Lucy slammed her book shut.

"Will you stop making that sound?" She asked him, trying to make herself sound as nice as possible.

"What you mean this?" He clicked his tongue again and saw Lucy's annoyed expression.

"Yes, that." Lucy replied, she crossed her arms which made her chest pop out a bit. Sting stared and a sweat dropped.

"No." He replied, he looked back to Lucy's face and continued his tongue clicking. Lucy gritted her teeth, and after a while, you could see her face just snap.

"Will you just? UGH. STOP IT!" She clamped her hand on his mouth. Her face was flushed and you could see that she was beyond annoyed now. Sting couldn't help but laugh and continue his clicking. It sounded softer because of her hand but it was still audible, to them both. Sting held her wrist and pushed her palm of her mouth. He smirked. He leaned in to Lucy and stopped when their face's were a few inches apart.

"Jeez blondie, your too fussy sometimes."

"Don't call me blondie." Lucy turned her face away from him so that she wouldn't have to face him. Sting laughed leaned in to her ear.

"But then again, that's what makes you cute." Her eyes widened and she blushed. Sting looked at her from the corner of his eyes and laughed. He pulled back and placed both hands behind his head. Lucy looked like she was in shock, she shook her head and looked away from Sting.

"You think I'm-" Before Lucy could finish asking a question, she heard a low rumbling from the sky. They both looked up at the dark grey skies. They didn't even notice this until just now. Another low rumbled appeared, along with flashes of white light.

"It's gonna rain." Lucy murmured.

"You don't say." Sting replied, looking as if he didn't care at all. Lucy growled at him. Drops of water splashed on their faces. His expression completely changed. This might be bad. The waves roared as they got higher. The waves collided with the boat causing the boat to sharply tilt back and forth.

"Kyaaaa!" Wendy screamed.

"About this. Guys we're going to have to swim!" Erza said above all the noise.

"Are you crazy?" Rouge replied.

"Its our only choice."

Lightning flashed next to them. Erza gasped and shook her head. "O-okay nope! Everyone get in here!"

Sting and Lucy immediately ran back to the small cabin room. Salt water splashed on the deck causing them to both trip slightly. Sting caught the girl before she fell face forward on the deck. They both pushed into the small room.

"Is everyone here?" Gray asked, he counted heads and before he even finished he noticed something. "Natsu and Wendy aren't in here!" They all looked outside and saw Natsu and Wendy.

Natsu was pretty much dead and sliding around the deck. Wendy tried to chase him down and drag him to the room, but now that the deck's slippery she only kept slipping every few seconds. Natsu slide to the edge of the deck.

"Natsu-san!" Wendy yelled, then Natsu slipped of the deck and down to the rough waters. She screamed when another wave collided with the boat causing the boat to tilt even more. She started to slip dangerously close to the edge.

"Natsu's lost." Erza murmured.

"No he's fine! But someone has to get out there and help Wendy." Gray said. Lucy gulped as she watched the girl struggle for dear life.

"I'll go." Lucy opened the door of the small cabin room, and a sudden gush of wind entered the room. She pushed against the wind and started walking out.

"Lucy!" Erza yelled, but it was too late, Lucy was already making her way to Wendy. Not far behind her was Sting. Sting grabbed her arm before she could walk any further.

"What the hell are you doing?" Sting asked as he tried to bring her back to the cabin.

"We can't leave Wendy out here!" The girl pushed Sting away. Suddenly another wave collided with the side of the boat. The water splashed both of them and caused them both to trip. All the noise was blocked out, except for the sound of rain and thunder. Her vision blurred. Lucy looked up with blurry eyes and noticed that Wendy was gone. The wave took her.

"Dammit!" Sting muttered as he pulled Lucy up. Another wave crashed and Lucy slipped to the railing. She looked down at the black waters and fear took over her face.

Another wave hit the other side of the boat.

The boat tilted in their direction and Lucy slipped. Sting grabbed her arms before she could fall into the water, but he forgot that the floors were slipper. He slipped with her.

Lucy screamed and closed her eyes, expecting the worst.

The last thing she felt was the ice cold water drowning her, well, that and a pair of strong arms around her body.

EHL. thats it haha, first chapter. So did you guys like it (: ? Hopefully you did! Review maybe? 3 It's crap, ik, you don't have to rant on about that _