
Okay so here is one of the stories that are getting voted for the most on my poll. I hope you enjoy and review.

This is based on the movie Pretty Woman and if you haven't seen it, you should watch it.

Disclaimer: I do not, in fact, own Naruto or Pretty Woman. But thank you for making me say what I already know and I can't ever have. :P


"Hey, Sakura! Did you pay the rent for this month yet? It's your turn." Ino asked, running up to her best friend on the other side of the street corner. She knew "they" were watching, so they couldn't talk for very long. Neither one of them wanted to be yelled at by their "Pimp". They'd have to be super fast.

"No, not net, Ino. I'm a little behind on money. The next guy I get should pay me enough to pay for rent. You don't have any extra money on you, do you?"

She sighed. "No, I paid the other bills we had, like electricity. So I'm guessing you probably won't have any money for food, huh?"

"No, but we still have some food left at home." Sakura replied. She shivered, making her wrap her arms around herself. It was a bit nippy out and the clothes they wore were quite revealing, leaving little to no warmth.

Goose bumps rode up her thin legs. Only her bottom half of her arms were warm as her thick fur coat rested there and her waist. With a hot pink, mini shirt on and a hunter green skirt that ended at her mid thigh. She had several bracelets on and a black choker around her neck. Her make-up was along the lines of her clothes. Bright blush, red lipstick, pink and green eye shadow (that actually looked good on the pinkette), thick mascara and eyeliner.

Ino's clothes were the complete opposite color than her pink headed friend. With a black mini skirt that sparkled, a dark, strapless purple shirt, that her push up bra supported greatly, and a black leather coat that ended just below her chest area and with the sleeves coming to her wrist. Her flaming red high heels were three inches high. Unlike her friend, she only wore a simple necklace, amethyst earrings, and a couple of bangles around her wrist. Her necklace was velvet with a small pendant that hung like a flower at her collar bone. It was a beautiful opal ordainment, which was given to her on her mother's death bed. It was something to always treasure to Ino. Her make-up was a lot like her skimpy clothes, with dark purple eye shadow, no blush, only because her cheeks were naturally rosy colored, a dark shade of pink lipstick, thick, black mascara, and thick eyeliner to make her blue, icy eyes pop.

"We don't have very much food left, though." Responded Ino.

The girls looked at each other, as if to say one of them would definitely have to pull an all-nighter to get more money. Neither likes that, though. Being prostitutes was hard work. No matter what people think, being a prostitute is really hard. Both emotionally and physically.

"Come on, Ino," Sakura pleaded. "I did it last time, so it's your turn now."

Ino breathed out through her nose. "Fine, I'll do it."

Sakura smiled broadly. "Thank you, Ino! Oh and don't worry about the rent, it'll definitely be paid tomorrow, okay? I'll take care of it."

"Yeah, okay. Got to go, bye." Ino said as she started walking back where she originally came from. As she did, a car pulled next to her on the side of the road. And not just any kind of car, either. No, this was a black Ferrari. The newest Ferrari there that's out. This was a rich client, defiantly. They usually paid a great deal more, but are usually old, fat hairy guys as well.

The window slid down to reveal a younger male than what she imagined and very cute, too. He looked like her was about her age, twenty-six, with dark brown hair, that was pulled into a tight hair tie and his eyes were creamy brown swirls. She felt like she could get lost in those hazel brown swirls. His nose was sharp and dipped down his face to reveal full, luscious, red lips.

Eager to get this client, she walked up to his car and asked him if he needed any help. That's what they were told to ask their "Johns".

"Yes, do you know how to get to the Hilton from here?" he asked, not paying any attention to her showing breast when she bent over.

Straightening up, her face most likely looking irritated. She was glad when she thought she would have this guy as a client. Very cute and rich. But no, he wasn't interested in sex, he just wanted to know how to get to a fricken hotel. She never got the cute clients; usually only the older and ugly ones. So to say she was disappointed was an understatement.

"Yeah, I know how to get there." Ino replied back to him. She mentally smiled. She was going to get money out of this guy one way or another.

He looked expectantly at her. "Okay, can you please tell me then?"

"It'll cost ya."

"Excuse me," he questioned her.

"It'll cost you. You know, money," she smirked. She was never able to speak this way with any of her "Johns", so she was going to savor this moment.

"You want me to pay for directions? You are kidding me right?" He looked like he was getting quite impatient with the blonde.

"Ah, yeah. It looked like you have quite the money to spend." She said, taking a one over on the car.

He seemed to think for a moment and then sighed. "Fine, whatever. Here's twenty dollars then," he said as he handed her the money.

"Dam, for twenty dollars, I'll show the way myself." Ino replied, getting into the car with him.

"What?" he asked as he looked at her confused as to why she would get into his car.

"What do you mean what? Drive big boy." Ino said as she smiled a bedazzling smile as she looked at him, "Drive."

Her smile gave him no choice but to agree. He just sighed and drove off, listening to Ino's directions. His driving was not the best by any means; he kept hitting the brake when he thought he was going too fast. "So what's your name?"

He looked at her before answering with, "Shikamaru." He looked back at the road as he continued driving.

She smiled. "I'm Ino. Yamanaka Ino, but everyone just calls me Ino because it's easier and I mean who would call someone by their last name too? No one I've ever met anyways. Do you know anyone who would do that? It must be kinda weird, you know. Wait, what's your last name?"

Oh my god, does this woman ever stop talking once she gets going? "Nara. But you can just call me Shikamaru."

Ino giggled at his little joke. "Very funny, Shikamaru. Man, you really can't drive this thing."

"Well, could you do any better?" he remarked at her. It was his first time driving this car and let's just say it was quite harder than his car.

"Actually I can." Ino said. Shikamaru pulled over to the side of the road and got out. He walked over to her side of the car and opened the door, receiving a confused look from Ino. "What are you doing?"

"Let's see just how good of a driver you are then." He said and Ino got out of the car, with a smirk on her face. Ino then sat in the driver seat and looked at Shikamaru.

"I'm going to show you just what this car can do. Are you ready?" He nodded and she proceeded to drive off smoothly. Way smoother than he drove this thing, but he wondered how she could drive this thing so easily when he had trouble with it. Considering her job, he highly doubted that she ever drove a car like this before.

"How are driving this so easily?" he asked and she merely looked at him with a smile and then back at the road.

"My father was a mechanic and I helped out in his shop, so I know all about cars and such. Like how fast it is actually going, when it feels like it's going faster or slower than it actually is or how much power it has in its engine. See what you got right here is a 6.3L V12 engine. It has a lot of power and I mean a lot! This is one amazing car, I'm telling you." Then a thought came across Ino. "How do you not know how to drive this car since it is yours and all?"

"It's not mine, it's my friends." He proclaimed.

"And he just let you borrow it? That's one friend you got there," she said.

"Well I needed to get away so I just took it." He could tell by the way of her eyes widening that she would never think anyone would take their friend's car like a Ferrari.

"Wow, I'd be pissed if I had a Ferrari and one of my friends just took it without question. But I would never have a Ferrari so I guess it doesn't matter."

Silence consumed the car for a few minutes until Shikamaru decided to break it. "Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm? Yeah, sure thing. What?"

He took a minute before asking, "How much do you charge a night?"

"A hundred dollars and nothing less than that."

"A hundred dollars?"

"An hour."

"An hour? And yet you are wearing cheap looking clothing?" he asked a bit confused.

"Yup and yup. I save money by doing that and every little cent really helps me out so I can pay for things like heat and such." She answered as she drove up to the front of the hotel. "Well this is your stop."

They each got out of the car and walked onto the side walk, next to the car. "How are you going to get back?"

"Oh, I guess I'll just have to get a cab or something or walk since I don't have any money. Well, bye." Ino answered and then turned to walk back from where she came from. Man was she going to hear it from Sakura.

"Ino wait!" Shikamaru called out to her and she turned around to face him.


He walked up to her to, closing the distance between them. "Come inside with me."

Ino looked at him for a minute and then smiled, answering, "Okay."

Upon entering the hotel, people stared at them like no tomorrow; well at Ino since she was the odd one out in a nice place like this. When they got up to the pent house, all the way on the top floor; Shikamaru's room, he entered with Ino following close behind him.

"Wow!" Ino exclaimed. "I've never been in as a nice place like this! I mean really, it is quite exquisite. This must be costing you a fortune!"

"Yes, well it's only an eight hundred a night, so it's not too bad." Said Shikamaru as he walked over to the bar and poured him and Ino red wine. He then proceeded to walk back over to her, who was just standing with her mouth open in the living room. "S-Six hundred dollars?"

"That's right." He said handing over one of the glasses with wine in it. He took a sip of the red deliciousness.

"Wow! That sure is something." Ino then walked over to the balcony and went to the edge, looking down. "Shikamaru! C'mon, you gotta see this view! It's amazing."

"I'd rather not. I'm afraid of heights." He said walking over to the glass doors that led out to the balcony.

"Then why did you get the room on the very top floor?" she asked, turning around.

"It's the best." He simply said.

"Aw, so you only like the best?" He nodded. "Well then you're sure lucky you got me, because I am the best at what I do." She said, taking a big gulp from her wine and walking back into the living room with him right behind her.

"You know, I always plan things out ahead of time." He admitted looking at his glass in his hands.

"A planner? Wouldn't say I'm a planner. Nope, definitely not a planner by any means. I would say I was, um, a kind of "fly by the seat of my pants" gal. You know, moment to moment." To make her point she snapped her fingers. "That's me. That's… yeah." Once she realized she just talking and talking, again, she stopped. With the tension really thick in the room Ino said, "Mm-hmm. You know, you could pay me."

"That's one way to maybe break the ice."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry." Ino said, feeling like she was pushing him too fast; well for him at least.

"Uh, I assume cash is acceptable."

"Cash works for me, yeah. Cash is good with me." Shikamaru pulled out three hundred dollars, giving it to her. Ino looked at him like he was crazy. "What are you doing? It's only a hundred a night, not this much."

"I know. I want you to stay the whole night, so is this acceptable?" he asked.

Ino thought about it for a minute and then nodded, taking the money. "Alright."

Shikamaru sat down at a desk that was in the living room and looked at her. Ino put her wine on the desk and looked at him. She put her black boot on top of the desk and zipped it all the way down. "Okay, pick one. I got red, I got green, I got yellow. I'm out of purple, but I do have one gold circle coin left. The condom of champions. The one and only. Nothing is gettin' through this sucker."

Shikamaru laughed nervously. "Well you certainly come prepared."

Ino looked at him seriously. "I'm a very safe girl."

"I am impressed."

"Mhmm, so…," Ino started, but then saddled over Shikamaru's lap. "Should we start now?"

Shikamaru hesitantly placed his hands on her hips, laughing nervously once again. "I most certainly did not plan this." He said, looking into the bright blue eyes of the girl on top of him.

Ino brought her head close to his ear, whispering, "I believe the best things aren't planned." She then dragged her lips down his neck, sending sensual sensation throughout his body.

"That's a good philosophy." He whispered.

"Mhmm." She brought her face close to Shikamaru's. When he went to kiss her, she pulled back a little. "I do have one rule however. No kissing on the lips." She ignored his confused look and brought her lips back down to his neck. Trailing down his jaw line to his collarbone, she glanced up. He pulled her up to face him. Ino grabbed his hand and brought it to her breast and his gaze traveled to his hand. Ino then shook her shirt off to her shoulders to give him more access. When she went to take her shirt off completely, he shook his head.

"No, not yet…. I want us to take our time. We do have a whole night after all." He smiled to her and brought his lips to her neck.

Ino, confused that he would want to take his time when no other man ever tried that with her, ignored it and let him do what he pleased. After all, he did have her for a whole night, something no other man ever had with her. This is gonna be some night, she thought.


Don't worry; I'll have a very juicy next chapter with some lemon in it. I just do not know when that will be. But I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and will continue reading and reviewing.
