Disclaimer:Sally Lockhart's characters belong to Phillip Pullman.

I'm doing a series of drabbles based on an old series of prompts with Sally and Fred from Sally Lockhart's Mysteries. I absolutely adore their relationship and wanted to tribute their love and respect for each other.

To start, the first prompt was "Beginnings". I thought of Sally arriving at the Garland's home after escaping from Mrs. Holland


It had been quite a long day —escaping from a killer old woman is more tiresome than it seems—but Sally was safe at last. She examined the room, breathing deeply.

It was a nice sitting room, nicely furnished and cosy. It was certainly more home-like than her aunt's house. The Garland siblings had good taste.

An intentional cough caught her attention.

"I'm sorry we can't get you somewhere better to sleep in," said Fred Garland, entering the room. "I swear you that tomorrow we'll fix that guest's room for you".

"Don't worry, this will do very well," she replied.

Hope you enjoyed it!
