Chapter 6: The Examination
"Alright kiddo, open and say "ahh." Dr. Silvano, a dragon who normally kept his dragon appearance up said as he was examining Harry.
See, the difference between a Dragon doctor and a non dragon doctor like Fu was they would know what to look for visually in their patients throats. Like fire breathing glands for example. So non dragons like Fu, who could only do normal things with their patient like check their throats for signs of burning and such. Dragon doctors know what to look for in visual instances, and by feeling their patients throats.
Such as what Dr. Silvano was doing now with Harry. The Sky blue western dragon gently felt around Harry's throat area.
"He's very malnourished." Silvano said as he eyed Harry's body.
"I've been giving him Nutrition Potions to try and counter that." Fu told the dragon as he checked Harry some more.
"He's not going to hurt you Harry." Lao Shi assured his shaking godson. Strangling him had been one of Vernon's favorite punishments. After Lao Shi reassured him he calmed down quite a bit.
"There's no doubt. He's got fire breathing glands." Silvano said as he wrote something on his clipboard.
"Told ya." Fu scoffed as he crossed his arms muttering about no respect for elders. (He is over six hundred years old after all)
"I'll inform the Council and give them all copies of my notes. I'm going to write a prescription that should help his malnourishment along with the Nutrition Potions." He scribbled something on his pad that Harry couldn't understand. Not cause of his handwriting, it was a drug name. "My god what horrible handwriting doctors have." He said as he looked at the prescriptioin he just wrote. "I can't even read this and I just wrote it!"
Harry giggled as he jumped down. Then he felt a sneeze coming on.
"This should also help. But with keeping his powers in check." The blue dragon whispered to Lao Shi as he handed him a pill bottle. "We don't need our world exposed because of a sneezy child." He said as Harry once again blew flames from his mouth while sneezing.
"True." Lao Shi said as he accepted the pills.
"He should take two with his biggest meal." Silvano told the older dragon.
"Thank you Doctor." Lao Shi said as he left the examination room. "Come on Harry, let's grab Jake and get some dinner."
The 8 year old gladly followed his godfather out. Happy that he really belonged somewhere.
To Be Continued...
The handwriting joke was from the Golden Girls. Season 5 Episode 2.
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