IWarning: Language, Theme, Snakey sex, Bad stuff, Lots of dialog...

Disclaimer: I own nothing~

A/N: I am sorry that I have been gone, and I promise that I will be working more. I got the next chapter of Insanity on its way, sadly Americana is talking its sweet fucking time... Any way... This chapter was written almost 8 months ago, so please... please don't kill me D:

Beta'd by Kaylm Iditra and Rp-Parntered by Perfect1up!

Alfred smiled and began to play with Matthew's scales, letting his claws sink deeply between them and into a few soft pockets of skin. He didn't realize he had slipped his hand too low, but the touches were short and semi-innocent for Alfred. He enjoyed touching other tales, and Arthur would often have him touch his when they lived in the cave.

Matthew gasped, trying to focus on cooking. His face was bright red, wiggling around some as Alfred touched him lower. It was getting uncomfortably pleasurable. Still, he needed to finish the food.

"Will you please not hate me..." Alfred mumbled softly, his eyes pleading for forgiveness and acceptance from the other naga as he finished his question. "...if I can't have eggs?"

Matthew sighed as he cooked, looking at Alfred. "I can't hate you. The eggs are second to you, Alfred," he smiled, blushing slightly.

"But isn't that why you and Arthur have kept me around? That's all you guys've been talking about for days!" Alfred groaned, stuffing his faceagainst Matthew's tail and making the other naga blush a few shades darker.

"Ah, that's just the instinct to reproduce talking. I'll stop if you want," Matthew apologized quickly, taking a moment to stare hard at his cooking and away from Alfred as he started feeling a bit hot.

"But then you won't talk to me," Alfred pouted, rubbing his cheek against Matthew's rough scales. The nice feeling reminded him of warmed rocks from when he would bask in the sunlight on a hot summer day.

"I'll talk to you!" Matthew turned away from the food, focusing on Alfred once more with a determined look on his face. "I promise! And... and if I don't then you can, umm, do whatever you want to me!"

"What could I do to you?" Alfred asked, mulling over the idea with a deviously sly smirk. Alfred studied Matthew carefully, smiling at how deeply the naga blushed.

"I-I don't know, whatever you want?" Matthew was red, a pure scarlet red. He knew Alfred wasn't cruel, but he wondered just what Alfred would plan to do to him.

"Whatever I want? Really?" Alfred smirked from ear to ear, sitting up straight to try and reach Matthew's eyes. He hissed with eager excitement, liking the choices presented to him. "Very well!"

"Y-yes," Matthew said, gulping and quickly turning back to the food. He didn't like the look on Alfred's face. It made him nervous.

Alfred extended himself and rested his head on Matthew's shoulder, smiling like a madman. He turned to Matthew's ear and let his long tongue lick a steady and slow trail up the shell of Matthew's flushed red ear. Matthew shivered at the action. He was slightly scared, knowing the food would be done soon. The larger naga hoped Alfred would take pity on him. "I'll make you regret saying that," Alfred hissed before backing away, slithering away with a smirk on his lips.


Alfred made his way to Arthur's bed, wanting to take care of his brother. He saw Arthur just resting there, so he took this time to cuddle with the older naga. Alfred got in the bed and nuzzled into Arthur, much like how he did when he was scared or just wanting the naga's warmth. Arthur was close to waking up, turning and cuddling with Alfred. "Mmm, what scared you this time, lad?" Arthur mumbled groggily.

"Nothing, I just missed you," Alfred said softly, burying his head into Arthur's neck.

"That's sweet of you, love," Arthur said, yawning softly before shifting a little. He rolled a little bit closer to Alfred, almost squashing the younger naga in an attempt to get closer to Alfred's comfortably warm body. "I'll be up soon."

"Wake up now, food should be ready soon," Alfred hissed, his tongue brushing against Arthur's neck in a most pleasurable way. Arthur groaned softly at the feeling before opening his eyes.

"Okay, okay, I'm up," Arthur opened his eyes, presented with a lusty and almost whorishly smiling Alfred sitting right next to him. Alfred had no idea, just continuing to hiss lowly at Arthur. The older naga gasped softly before hissing pleasurably at the sight, his tail twitching to life and wrapping around Alfred's. "Alfred..."

"I'm so sorry that I was being mean, can you please forgive me?" Alfred asked, his tongue flicking in and out of his mouth. Arthur wrapped his arms around Alfred's hips, smiling slightly at the other naga.

"I can't stay mad at you, lad. You know this." Arthur said softly, his emerald eyes focused on his darling Alfred.

"When the food is ready, we can eat and then go back home?" Alfred asked, his tongue still brushing against Arthur's neck. Arthur shivered, lapping back at Alfred's neck and making the boy whimper slightly. The older naga hummed happily at the idea.

"Sounds lovely, lad."

"Great! I'll go make sure to tell Mattie to pack his stuff!" Alfred said sweetly, rubbing himself against Arthur. The older naga paused, blinking several times.

"Mattie?" the older naga growled in barely-concealed anger, wanting to scream in frustration.

"Yeah, I meant all three of us," Alfred smiled and cocked his head to the side, looking at Arthur with a confused look. "We need as many other nagas as we can get! Plus, Mattie looks like he could eat Ivan!"

"Yes, right, of course..." Arthur consented as Alfred giggled with triumph, silently agreeing with the comment on Matthew eating Ivan. It was possible certainly possible, given Matthew's larger body.

"Arthur... I want to know if I'm going to have eggs or not," Alfred stated, but his expression made his words seem more like he demanded an answer from the older naga.

"Well, you seem healthy and fertile enough, but we won't know until you either have eggs or not," Arthur held Alfred, looking serious. He sighed after a moment, gently caressing Alfred's soft cheek. "I don't know myself. I'm sorry."

"Fertile?" Alfred asked, cocking his head to the side like an innocent child.

"It means you have a higher chance of having children, the more fertile you are." Arthur chuckled and kissed Alfred's cheek, smiling at the naive and adorable younger naga.

"I'm scared... what if something happens and they break like those eggs at Ivan's?" Alfred worriedly asked, nuzzling closer to Arthur for warmth and comfort to dissuade his frettings.

"Don't worry, I know how to care for naga eggs," Arthur said softly, hugging Alfred close. He nuzzled his head against the smaller naga's, affectionately holding him. They enjoyed a quiet moment together, just hugging each other and letting the time pass by.

"MATTIE! IS THE FOOD READY YET?" Alfred suddenly screamed at the top of his lungs, hungry and ready to return home. Arthur jumped and sighed as their nice mood was ruined. He heard some shuffling and the door opened, revealing Matthew carrying a large tray with three bowls on it. "Yes, mon amour, it is."

Alfred squealed and pushed away from Arthur, slithering closer to Matthew and wanting to chow down on the amazing smelling meal. "Thank you Mattie! And you're talking to me, so that means I can't play with you yet," Alfred giggled, handing one bowl to Arthur and taking one for himself. "When will you be able to pack all your stuff?"

Matthew smiled and ate some of his own food before calmly answering, "A few minutes. It's going to be sad to let this place go, but I can't wait to be with you."

"Arthur's happy too, right?" Alfred asked, licking the inside of the empty bowl clean of the broth. Alfred was so happy, soon he was going to have Arthur and Matthew with him and soon they would have eggs to take care of!

"Yes, I'm just giddy with joy," Arthur spoke somewhat sarcastically, but he secretly admitted that he enjoyed the meal. It was quite good. The older naga just slurped his soup calmly, quietly watching Matthew and Alfred.

"I'll take the bowls and then start packing. Oh, there is more in the kitchen in case you want some," Matthew smiled, taking the empty dishes before slithering off. Alfred smiled and watched his mate leave, softly making happy noises to himself. He threw himself on top of Arthur, landing so that their chests were touching and Arthur could see his smile.

"Life is going to be amazing now!" Alfred hissed happily. Arthur was slowly starting to realize that Alfred wasn't going to feel anything past brotherly feelings, admittedly rather dismayed that he wouldn't get Alfred all to himself. Maybe he should just focus on making the younger naga happy... "Yes... yes it will, lad."

"I love you so much, Artie, thank you!" Alfred cheered, hugging Arthur tightly. Arthur smiled and hugged Alfred back. Matthew finished cleaning up downstairs, deciding to leave the two alone for a bit.

Alfred hissed lowly, thinking about the babies he was going to have. He began to worry, frowning at the scenarios his brain was coming up with. What if Arthur and Matthew fought? Both were strong male nagas, and it was next to impossible to have two males of a species together with one 'female'.

"I hope they like me," Alfred mumbled, rubbing his belly and thinking about his eggs.

Arthur noticed the mood suddenly change. "What's wrong, Alfred?" The older naga asked, not liking Alfred being upset. He tried his best to comfort him,

taking Alfred back into a strong-armed hug.

"What if the eggs don't like me!" Alfred cried suddenly, stuffing his face into Arthur's chest. He was worried, what if after the eggs were born Arthur and Matthew just leave? What if the babies hate him for being a horrible parent!?

"Alfred, I'm sure they will like you," Arthur frowned, giving Alfred a comforting squeeze. The older naga started getting worried, not used to Alfred having sudden mood swings like this. "I know Matthew and myself will be here for you if you need anything."

"Arthur... do you love me? Or do you not love me because you're old?" Alfred asked, confused about the difference between 'love' and 'sex'.

"Alfred... I do love you. I know it's hard to accept since I raised you as a brother, but I do," Arthur paused before continuing reluctantly. " And I'm sure Matthew does as well. And all that matters is you being safe and happy."

"You promise?" Alfred asked, his eyes wide and teary sapphire blue.

"I promise, love," Arthur smiled, just as the door opened to reveal Matthew with a small bag being carried on his shoulder.

"You two getting along?" Mattes teased, slithering over to the cuddling pair.

"Yeah!" Alfred cheered, smiling happily now that both of the other nagas were close by.

"That's good. I'm all finished packing, so I'm good to go whenever," Matthew nodded, waiting by the foot of the bed. Arthur rolled his eyes and sat up, stretching a bit.

"Whenever Alfred wants to leave," Arthur replied, feeling better after eating and sleeping.

"Onwards!" Alfred screamed, thrusting a fist up into the air before slithering off the bed and to the door. He was ready to curl up in the warm furs of their collection and ready to sunbathe and ready to fuck Matthew... Wait, what?

"So energetic," Arthur complained half-heartedly, smiling inwardly climbing off the bed. He looked at Matthew, blinking once before pointing at the bed.

"May I take some of these pillows? They are very soft and would be good in our home."

Matthew nodded at Arthur and smiled. "Sure, go ahead. I don't mind," the larger naga chuckled when Arthur grabbed several pillows and tossed a few at Matthew to carry. The two followed after Alfred, arms full of pillows.

"We can go fishing and go hiking and go gathering firewood and go swimming and... probably end up sitting in the cave... right, Arthur?" Alfred asked, remembering how strict Arthur was now that he was trying to become pregnant. Arthur paused for a moment before sighing.

"You can go out as long as you don't wander around too much and that Matthew is nearby. He is... very strong," he admitted reluctantly, staring side-long at Matthew as the trio slithered through the house. Matthew was just happy that Arthur was actually trusting him now.

"YEAH!" Alfred cheered, hugging Matthew tightly. "We are going to have so much fun! Arthur, we have to make another bed for Mattie!" Alfred gasped suddenly, his eyes wide and enthusiastic.

Matthew blushed as Arthur just shook his head, mumbling to himself. "Just be careful. Okay, lad?" Arthur was still a little protective of Alfred. Still, it was cute watching Matthew and Alfred hug.

The three slithered out of the inn, lucky that it was dark outside and no humans were awake. The only threat they had were the werewolves, Ivan's pack.

"How far away is your home?" Matthew asked as they traveled, letting Arthur and Alfred take the lead as they entered the forest near the inn. He wondered how far away it was and how long it would take to reach his new home, eager to start his new life with the other nagas.

" I don't know! Are we heading in the right direction, Arthur?" Alfred asked, smiling ear to ear as he stared up innocently at Arthur. The oldest naga looked around and sniffed the air a little, honing in on one direction as he led the group through the densely tree-populated forest.. "Yes, it's should only take a day or two depending on how fast we go."

"Really?" Alfred asked, not really wanting to be slithering the whole way back to their warm cave, even if he missed it more than anything.

"Yes, Alfred, don't complain now," Arthur sighed, rolling his eyes at Alfred. Matthew stared down at the pillows in his arms and at his bag before somehow stuffing the soft cushions into his sack. He smiled back up at Alfred. "Uhh, I can carry you for a little bit, if you want?"

"No thanks! My scales are all wet again and I don't want to get it on you," Alfred said like it was nothing, humming a little to himself as he smiled and kept moving forward. Both of the other naga's blushed at the comment.

"Ah... I see. Well, I don't care about that too much." Arthur hid his face in the pillows, wondering if Alfred would let the older naga carry him, even if just to get closer to Alfred's slickness.

"We will have to clean out fish bones in the corner for Mattie, but until then you can sleep in our bed!" Alfred said, smiling innocently and seemingly ignoring Arthur's comment all together.

"I don't mind," Matthew mumbled with a slight blush on his face, not indicating which of Alfred's comments he didn't mind. Arthur frowned and nodded his head, though no one could really see the frown with the pillows in the way.

"It would be rude, right Arthur? Besides, our bed is so warm! And I can show you my favorite sunbathing spot!" Alfred chatted happily, picking up a few sticks for a fire as they went along. Matthew and Arthur dragged behind just a pace, both of them seemingly entranced by the young naga in front of them as Alfred swayed tantalizingly with each slither.

"I can't wait," Matthew spoke with a smile, watching Alfred move around happily. Arthur snorted, trying not to laugh.

"Okay, lad, I get it. He can share the bed with us," Arthur consented, shaking his head with a small smirk on his face. He knew he could never really argue with Alfred over anything, especially this.

"YAY!" Alfred screamed, the joyous exclamation echoing off of the numerous trees for a few minutes in the dark forest. Alfred, who completely forgot about Ivan and his wet scales, dashed forward into the forest as fast as his blue tail could let him go. He wanted to get home and cuddle with his two favorite nagas, and also the warmth would be much better than the cold night wind!

"Alfred!" Both nagas cried out in surprise as they dashed after him in fear. They didn't want to lose Alfred or get caught by any other creatures, especially Ivan and his werewolves! That would be a absolute nightmare.

Alfred pretended not to hear them, too focused on the taste of freshly caught fish and the smell of the cave. He also felt a bit weird down there, but he did not want to bother Matthew or Arthur with the dripping problem.

"Arthur, I can smell Alfred from all the way back here. It's going to attract attention," Matthew hissed, looking worried. The larger naga, although capable of fighting, tried to avoid it as best as he could.

"I know... Alfred! Stop, we need to talk!" Arthur shouted desperately, adding a quick spurt of speed to try and catch the brash younger naga. He couldn't let Alfred just rush off into danger like this!

Alfred kept slithering as fast as he could until he fell face first into a deep hunter's hole, landing with a loud thump. The impact left him winded, forcing him to stay down for a moment before slowly sitting upright in the deep pit. "Fuck...!"

Matthew and Arthur gasped when they caught up to Alfred, finding the hole he was in. "Alfred! Don't worry, we'll get you out!" Matthew rambled quickly, desperately leaning over the edge and drooping his tail into the hole, hoping it was long enough for Alfred to reach. Alfred grabbed onto thick appendage, holding onto it as tightly as he could manage. While Matthew heaved Alfred up, a few stray roots were able to stick themselves into Alfred's soft patch of scales, making the young naga moan and groan loudly.

Matthew gasped at the sound, growing uncomfortable at the sounds Alfred made. The larger naga finally managed to pull Alfred up and immediately hugged him close. "Alfred, you should have told us you were so aroused!" Arthur spoke up sternly, crossing his arms but inwardly sighing with relief that Alfred was alright.

Alfred did not know what to say, his mind in a hundred different places and his body so hot and hormonal that it was driving the young naga crazy. Alfred tried to hiss, but only managed to make a weak moaning sound.

"He's really bad, Arthur. We need to help him..." Matthew looked up at Arthur, looking worried. The older naga leaned over and placed a hand on Alfred's head, frowning at the feverish blaze of Alfred's forehead.

"Yes... lad, would you like the both of us to take care of you?" Arthur looked at Matthew, seeing him responding faster to Alfred's arousal than he was.

"J-just m-make it stoooooop," Alfred moaned out, moving his tail against the ground in a wanton effort for some relieving friction.

"Okay, okay, just stay calm," Matthew tried to soothe Alfred, pressing himself up against Alfred. Arthur watched for a moment, moving behind the smaller naga and kissing his neck.

"Matthew, I'll help, but... you're his mate and... and I won't get in-between that," Arthur mumbled, gently rubbing Alfred's shoulders and arms as he helped cradle the hot naga. Alfred released a pleasurable moan, still feeling the dirt and a few twigs rubbing in between his wet scales. Alfred tried to beg, but it only came out as a loud and frightening hiss. Matthew make several soft hissing noises, trying to comfort Alfred. He moved his hands down, gently removing the twigs and dirt. The larger naga moaned softly when he felt just how wet Alfred was getting.

"Hurry along, Matthew. It's practically hurting him," Arthur warned quietly, rubbing his tail against Alfred's as Matthew nodded his head and kissed Alfred, trying to line himself up with the smaller naga. Alfred, who was lost in the mix of pain and lust, moaned loudly and ended up almost biting Matthew's face with his venom-filled fangs when he tried to kiss him. "M-Mattie~!" Alfred was able to moan, shamelessly bucking his hips up to his mate.

Matthew wasn't phased by the attempt at booting him. He whined and rubbed Alfred's sides with his hands as his hips started rolling into Alfred's. The larger naga couldn't speak anymore, too focused on pleasuring Alfred. He moaned and hissed at the feeling of heat starting to course through him, instantly recognizing the need to fill Alfred up.

"Easy, love, let Matthew help you," Arthur spoke softly, grunting as he rubbed against Alfred's back. He moved his hands to the smaller naga's chest, playing with Alfred's nipples as the younger naga whimpered and squirmed in his grip. Alfred began to sound more human-like, moaning loudly for Matthew to go in harder and mumbling to Arthur about childish things. Alfred began to move his hips and rock against Matthew's body, yearning for more physical attention.

Matthew held onto Alfred's hips, driving a little lower and rubbing those soft scales. The larger naga kissed Alfred, pulling back and licking Alfred's lips before kissing him again. Arthur hummed, responding to Alfred. The older naga grunted loudly when he felt Matthew do strange motions with his hips, shoving into Alfred and pushing him back against Arthur. The noises Alfred made where bringing Arthur close to his own release along with the feeling of Alfred's scales against him.

Alfred let out a ear peircing screech as Matthew pushed in deeper, one that was most likely heard from miles away. Alfred began to move his body again, grinding his scales painfully slow against Arthur. Matthew cried out loudly, mouth open as he panted heavily. He frantically met Alfred's hips with his own, voice growing uncharacteristically loud. Arthur groaned, chuckling softly at the two as his hands continued teasing Alfred's chest and his tongue lapped at Alfred's neck.

Alfred began to repeatly moan Matthew's name, wanting to feel more of the fantastic pleasure. Alfred latched on to Matthew, grinding his body even more to make sure he was getting more touches. Alfred unwrapped his tail from Arthur's and wrapped it around Matthew's, squeezing the end of it as tightly as he could. Arthur sighed in aggravation, glaring at Matthew but not speaking out against the action. He just continued kissing Alfred's neck, touching himself and trying to meet their pace. If only Matthew wasn't so much larger than him, maybe instead being more naive and foolish so he could exploit him.

Matthew hissed out Alfred's name, clinging to the smaller naga. The larger naga was close and it showed in his frantic thrusting. "A-Alfred!"

Alfred's eyes shot open as he screamed again, releasing while Matthew still kept going. Alfred did not seem to feel Arthur's touches, he was far too focused on Matthew's pounding thrusts to even acknowledge the hot body behind him. Matthew cried out as Alfred came, following shortly after as the two entered the orgasmic bliss of climax. The larger slowed his thrusts, milking his release as he held Alfred close. Arthur watched, not finding any satisfaction in his release. The older naga frowned. He needed to do something about this situation.

Gratz! You survived this chapter! Please review and show Kaylm and Perfect love, and maybe things might get back to rolling more!

I would also like people to throw in some help for Americana, which needs people to help the writer think fo what to do next.

Love you all, and again I am HORRIBLY sorry. (Family stuff got really really bad, and I ended up loosing someone)

With Love and Shamrocks,
