A/N: I am sorry guys! I have no excuse for the long ass wait. I've just been busy. Life has gotten in the way. But with some awesome reviews, ones that i've gone over, I decided it was time. So I started writing. It's not as long but it is still good :) I'm almost finished with an update that I deem worthy for Uncharted Territory so hopefully I will post that up. Just the Friend is the one i'm having trouble with. It's coming along though. I will also be posting a one shot for UT about...you guessed it! Pezberry goodness. Zombie animals.
Anyway enjoy!
I do not own anything other then my own fictional characters!
I roll my eyes when I hear the familiar voice. It's certainly someone that, if I could help it, I would rather not talk to. Unfortunately, it is also something that I must do. I turn to face the rather tall man and cross my arms over my chest.
"You're lucky that I even agreed to come." I growl, glaring at the man. "What do you want?" I ask, impatiently. He chuckles quietly, but I can sense his seriousness.
"I know that meeting with you is rather suspicious, but you know that i'm only trying to protect my daugther." The man says, his love shining through his eyes, momentarily making me soften.
"I know." I say, letting my arms fall to my sides. "What is it that you had to warn me about?" I ask, and he reaches down into his bag, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on alert. I clench my fists, ready for anything that may happen, but he simply pulls out a large roll of paper. I unclench my fists. He walks over to a dusty old table sitting in the middle of the place. He unrolls the paper and lays it across the expanse of the table.
"I have an old map of territorial bounds from hundreds of years ago. Many creatures, wolves especially, " He starts, sending a pointed look at me, "...are very territorial and tend to kill anything that steps foot in their land. That, in turn, caused a lot of chaos back in the day. So, the werewolves made a pact with eachother and to some other creatures. They made invisible borders that are only noticable through scent so they could alert others to their territory." The man explains, and I nod. "Apparently there is a pack of werewolves and an unknown creature who are tearing up all of these borders and their occupants." He says, pointing to three different areas on the map. They weren't extremely close, but they were close enough.
"Ok, so how fast are they moving?" I ask, my eyes running over the map, trying to get a feel for the layout. The man sighs.
"Fairly fast but they're waiting." He says, and I lift an eyebrow at him. "They want the strongest wolves they can find in their pack. Anything else is torn apart and thrown aside." He explains and I let out a large breath. "I don't know what their plan is exactly, but it's something big."
"So the attack on the local Alpha..."
"Was planned. I'm not sure how this thing got away with it without attracting suspicions, but I would say there's an insider." He says, and I frown. "I don't know for sure, of course, but that's my opinion." He says, looking up at me.
"I heard that this thing is a possible shapeshifter, meaning it could necessarily be anyone. Is that true?" I question, hoping that what I heard from the books was correct. The man nods, letting out a sigh.
"It is. The creature is able to take human form, not necessarily into any form but one of its own." He explains, "However, there are tells. Nothing can be a perfect replica of a human. There are sure signs that would indicate that it isn't what it says it is. No one really knows what those signs are, but i'm sure that a normal human could see the differences better, rather than you." He finishes and I nod.
"That makes sense, I suppose." I say, reluctantly. Even though he makes a point, I don't really want to agree with this man. I don't trust him. "I just...I really don't want to think about any of the locals, our friends, helping this thing ." I say, letting out a sigh. "I thought that maybe it was posing as someone and getting the intel on its own." He nods.
"Look, I know that i've done some horrible things in the past, especially when it comes to my daugther, but i'm really trying to see everything in a different light." He admits, with sincere eyes. "I'm trying to see wolves the way you do. You see the person inside of them, rather than the animal." He says, letting out a sigh. "I don't want to believe that someone around here is feeding that thing information, but in this town..." He pauses, shrugging his shoulders. "You can't trust anyone."
"Unfortunately, I have to agree." I say, running a hand through my hair. "Which is why I hope you understand that I don't completely trust you." I say, and he stares at me for a moment before nodding.
"I wish you could."
"Mr. Fabray..."
"Russell, please."
"Russell, I know you don't understand the wolf life, hell, I don't even understand it half of the time." I pause, letting out a scoff. "But you have to realize that we are exactly the same. I may be able to change form, but it doesn't mean that my personality changes. I'm still the same girl, just in a different body." I explain, and he nods. "Look, Quinn has been hurt a lot by you in the past and your actions. I can't trust you, and I probably never will, but I do respect the fact that you are trying to protect your daugther, just as I am. I mean, I love her." I say, shrugging my shoulders. He nods. I take a breath, hoping there isn't a blow out at my next words."Quinn is...she's my..."
"I know." He interupts and I can't help but look up at him in surprise. He chuckles. "I'm not blind. I didn't exactly know she would be your mate and it does go against everything that I was ever taught, but i'm trying to accept it. You are a wolf, and my daugther is in love with you." He says, shrugging once again. "As a werewolf hunter, you can see my dilemma." He explains and I nod. "Does she know?"
"No, she doesn't know anything about that aspect of my life and it's probably for the best at this point." I answer and he hesitates for a moment before he nods in return. "As for this warning, I do appreciate the heads up. But why come to me? Why not go to the..." I start to say but he cuts me off.
"Because I know that you'll help. Plus, " He pauses, letting out a chuckle. "...i'm a werewolf hunter. Going up to a wolf, who knows who I am, isn't exactly an easy task. I'm just hoping that because of Quinn, you could trust me on this." He finishes and I stare at him for a moment and see nothing but honesty.
"You hurt Quinn and Judy, Russell. Perhaps there is a reason that you did, but Quinn is my life. I would never allow harm to come to her, even if that harm is her own father and you can sure as hell bet that I would do anything to protect her, and that extends to Judy as well." I say, my tone firm and my back tense, awaiting his reply.
"I would expect nothing less." He says, seriously. "As for Judy, I had to do what I had to do. To keep them safe." I nod, understanding his reasoning. "I would appreciate it if you kept this meeting to yourself. I will contact you when I know more." He says, rolling the map back up.
"Trust me, word won't be getting out about your reappearnace." I say, bitterness seeping into my tone, accidently. He huffs a breath and just nods. He turns around and then stops.
"Thank you for meeting with me, Rachel." He says, pausing briefly, "...some advice would be to tell Quinn about who you are. She might surprise you." He finishes before disappearing out a side door. I stare at the door he walked out of and heaved a sigh of relief. I wasn't a big fan of Russell, but I could definitley respect what he was doing. God, if Santana knew that I met with him, there would be hell to pay.
After meeting with Mr. Fabray, I decided that it would be best if I didn't go to the Lopez residence. Santana and I were still at odds with eachother and frankly, I was still pissed at that bitch for spilling my secret. So, I decided that I would go for a run to clear my mind.
I felt the wind on my face as I ran through the woods with ease. Normally I would go in wolf form, because it's more freeing. However, today, I felt like my human self could use a run. So I ran as fast as my human legs could carry me. I felt the burn almost immediately, but it felt good.
My feet pound angrily on the ground as I run up the wooded trail, and my mind was elsewhere, which is exactly why I don't see the person in front of me, causing us both to collide with eachother and fall to the ground. I groan as my head smacks off the ground. Fuck.
"Oh darn. I'm sorry." I hear a familiar voice say and it makes me look up. The blonde smiles at me. "Oh hello, Rachel. I didn't see you." The girl drawls, holding out a hand to help me up.
"I wasn't really watching where I was going either, Tamsin." I answer, grabbing her hand. As soon as my palm makes contact with hers, I definitly feel something wrong. Her hand is ice cold. I furrow my brows as she hauls me up. I let go of her hand and look down at my own before lifting my eyes to hers again. She's smiling, but there's something else there.
"You seem troubled." The Aussie states, a slight frown taking over her features. I don't answer after a moment, only able to stare at her. She then waves her hand in front of me, snapping me out of my daydream. "Hello?"
"Sorry." I say, seemingly distracted. "I...my friend and I had a fight. Just clearing my mind." I say, nodding along the trail. "Decided to go for a run." Tamsin nods.
"Ya, I understand that. However, I would tell ya not to take it to hard." She drawls, and I nod. "You only have so many people you can call family, ya know?" She finishes and I nod again, although i'm still slightly distracted. My eyes trail towards her hand again.
"Are you...ok? You seem to be freezing." I say and although she covers it well, I can see her pause momentarily at my words. Blink and you'd miss it. But it was there. Until she smiles and shrugs.
"A little. Little breezy out here, nothing like back home on a stormy day." She says, continuing to smile. "Anyway, I have to go, but i'm sure i'll see you around, mate." She finishes and before I can ask another question, she runs off. I watch her go for a moment.
The girl was genuine and sweet but there was something about her that I couldn't pinpoint. Something was off. Not necessarily bad, but it didn't seem normal. Then again, what is normal these days?
I shake my head briefly to clear the thoughts and start to jog back home. Or well, what I was going to call home now. Although I was still pissed at Santana, I realize that Tamsin is right. Santana is part of my family now. Or what I considered to be my family, anyways. I can't let stupid arguments ruin what we've started the last few months. It wasn't worth it.
When I arrive back to my new home, I suppose it should be called, I don't even get to walk up the pathway before the front door is opened and i'm staring into the dark eyes of my friend. My best friend. Hers are laced with guilt and the sight causes my stomach to knot.
"I'm sorry, Rach." She says, letting out a sigh. My eyebrows raise and I go to open my mouth but she continues. "I know that I should of kept it secret until you were ready.."
"You were protecting me." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Just like any family would." Her eyes soften at this and a small smile makes its way to her face. "I just...I get so defensive, ya know? I don't want to believe that the place I grew up in...isn't safe anymore." I admit, rubbing a hand against the back of my neck. Santana walks up towards me and does something that shocks the living shit out of me. She hugs me.
"I understand. It sucks." She says, pulling away. I let out a small sniffle, not realizing that I feel a burning sensation behind my eyelids. "Come on, let's go for a walk." She says and I nod, following her as we walk out to the sidewalk. "Mama said some things to me that really got to me. She said that although I was protecting you, that I should be a little more sympathetic. I didn't realize that by not having your parents around, you sort of feel alone. Even if you have me, mama and papi." She says and I just nod.
"It's hard." I say, letting out a deep sigh. "It's hard to not have them around anymore. I feel like, I never really knew them. My dads are the greatest men alive but it's been months. All I get is letters from them. They don't even call." I say, trying desperately to hold back tears.
"Well they don't know what they're missing." Santana says, and I turn to her to see a smile on her face. "You bitch." She finishes and I chuckle. "I mean, Madame bitch."
"Thanks." I whisper, smiling at her. She shrugs.
"Don't mention it." She says, and then turns to me with a serious look. "Like seriously don't mention it. I don't want anyone finding out this shit, you dust bunny." I raise my eyes at the weird insult. She huffs out of breath. "I'm running out, ok? My brain isn't functioning properly, therefore I can not insult you without it sounding fluffy." She admits and I laugh.
"Wow." I say, shaking my head. She growls.
"Shut up, tickle-her-elmo." She says, and I nod.
"That's a good one." I say and she smiles proudly. I let out a sigh. "I think i'm gonna go see Quinn." I say, looking straight ahead. I realize that I really miss her. I just...I really need someone to hold me, I guess. I don't know.
"Probably a good idea. Cause I ain't holding you or shit. So don't even think about it." She says and I wince, realizing that I did think that in my head. I chuckle.
"I'll talk to you later, Satan." I say, giving her a small smirk before taking off in a jog.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She says in my head and I roll my eyes.
"So...then I can practically do anything?" I joke and I hear her growl as I chuckle.
I continue to sprint along the pavement, heading for the beautiful woman that I can now call my own. A smile makes its way onto my face, just at the thought of her. She makes my world normal, even if i'm anything but.
However, I know better than anyone that once she finds out about what I am, this all could change. She could be deathly afraid of what I am and wish to never see me again, and in all reality, I wouldn't blame her. This is a lot to handle. I mean, I can change into a god damn wolf! I can only ever love her. I'm so scared that she might decide that i'm just not worth it. If that happens...I just don't know what i'll do.
I finally reach Quinn's house and a soft smile appears on my lips. I can feel her. It makes me happy to know that i'm going to get to see her. Eventhough it's only been a small amount of time, I can't help but miss her.
I walk up the path to the front door and I take a deep breath before knocking. As I wait for her to answer, I feel a sense of guilt consume me. I mean, i've seen her father, someone who she hates. I've seen him and i'm going to have to lie...well, not lie, but...omit the truth, I suppose? I don't know. My wolf is whimpering at the fact that i'm feeling guilt. Streis knows of the secret as well, after all. She would feel exactly what i'm feeling.
"Rachel!" I hear, as I focus my gaze back on the front door. I match my blonde beauty's smile as she leans in and hugs me tightly. "I thought you weren't feeling well? You shouldn't be out of bed!" She scolds slighty as she pulls away enough to look into my eyes, and I can't help but think about how adorable she is with that expression on her face.
"I know. I just...wanted to see you." I say, trying to sound...slightly pathetic. I keep my hands on her waist, tightening my grip only slightly "Maybe...cuddle?" I say, and I instantly feel like blushing. God...if Santana heard that, she would be pissing herself laughing. However, the smile that blossoms on Quinn's face would be worth it.
"Well Britt is here, but I don't think she would mind." Quinn says, and I actually forgot that Britt was gonna be here. I wince slightly.
"Well...I can com-"
"No need!" We hear from behind us. We both turn our gaze to the bubbly blonde who is smiling widely. "Sanny just called and i'm gonna head over to her house so that you two can get your freak on!" She says, smiling brightly. I wince again and I can't help but chuckle when Quinn turns red. Like...really red.
"She would say that." I say, nodding at the tall blonde. "Thanks B...tell satan to text me later." I say, and Brittany simply nods. She walks up to us and plants a kiss on both of our cheeks.
"Bye guys! See you Monday!" She yells, practically sprinting away. Quinn and I stare after her for a moment before turning to look at eachother.
"Well that was..."
"Awkward?" I fill in, and she nods. I tighten my grip on her waist and pull her to me, burying my nose into her delectable neck. I suck in a breath and close my eyes at the heavenly sensation. "Who cares?" I mumble, desperately wanting to lick the skin in front of me. "Let them think what they want." I say, nuzzling her throat, causing her to giggle.
"Ok." She answers, hugging me back just as tightly.
After our little nuzzle, hugging fest on the path, we decided to make dinner and watch a movie. The current movie, ironically, is Teen Wolf. I mean, wow. All the stuff in this movie now seems stupid to me. Most likely because of the fact that i'm an acutal wolf. Not a werewolf but a wolf.
It's been a peaceful evening if I do say so myself and I thank god that it is. I've just had enough with all the drama going on, ya know? I turn to look at Quinn when the credits role and smile. She looks so sweet. She fell asleep half hour ago, but it didn't matter. She's so beautiful.
Suddenly my ears perk up when I hear a small crash from upstairs. I look up towards the ceiling for a moment and then back to Quinn, making sure that she was still asleep. I quietly slide myself out from under her and stand up, letting my eyes linger across the dark room, towards the stairway.
Another small crash makes me strain my ears to hear better, seeing if I can detect and pinpoint the exact location. After a moment, I start to make my way towards the staircase. Everything in me is shivering in anticipation and the overwhelming urge to protect my mate. My wolf is jumping around, craving to get out, to attack and eliminate the threat, but I hold her back.
My feet hit the bottom of the staircase as my eyes drift towards the top. Nothing was there, but I could feel that something was amist. My throat goes dry and my heart pounds roughly in my chest as I ascend the stairs slowly. I look around the livingroom and hallway, checking to make sure that everything is secure before I head fully up the stairs. My palms start to sweat slightly and I find it unerving that there is no more sound. Everything is too silent.
I reach the top of the staircase and immediately survey the rooms around me. The long hallway contained five rooms. Three bedrooms, a bathroom, and a closet. The doors to most rooms were shut, except one door. Quinn's room. It was open. My senses go into overdrive and I can feel the need to shift. To protect what is mine. The feeling is almost overwhelming and I close my eyes in pain. I can not shift. Not right now.
I desperately fight the urge as my eyes open and I peer around the dark hallway. I see shadows that almost dance around, mocking me. I close my eyes again, blinking them open a second later, causing the shadows that were once there, to disappear. My heart thuds loudly as I make my way to Quinn's room. My hands start to shake as they close into tight fists. My body shakes in agitation and in frustration.
When I reach the door, I take a step in, expecting the worse, yet find something shocking. Her room is lit up. A single red light is in the middle of the room, making everything in the room glow red. The heat of the light hits me instantly and I feel like my body has been lit on fire. I want to scream out in agony, yet I don't. My eyes start to water at the red light but I can't help but continue to look at it.
My body shakes and I feel weak, but I don't let that stop me as I take another step in the room, only this time, a dark shadow appears on the right side of Quinn's bed. My wolf growls. The shadow is large in appearance. It has dark, yet bright glowing eyes, similar to that of my own. I feel my body crack and sizzle and I fall to my knees as the pain becomes too much. I hear the shadow laugh, darkly.
"You will never win, Pyrros Lupa." He says in a smokey yet rough voice. My eyes shut tightly, fighting the urge to practically bust open. The pain is unyeilding and it brings hot tears to my eyes.
My hands start to burn as they hit the floor, yet I can't seem to move them to get away from the heat. What is happening? My heart pounds and I want to get up. I want to fight this thing.
"I..." I attempt to say something, anything but the words won't form in my mouth. I feel as though my body is on fire. I feel the sweat pour off me and I just want to cool down. "I..."
"You will not win. She will die. You will not be able to protect her." He whispers, his voice so close, yet I can't lift my head to see it. "Your mate will...DIE!" He yells and it's as if my body, my wolf, reacts to those words alone. I growl fiercely and throw the pain aside, practically jumping up...
"Rachel!" I hear my voice being called, but it isn't by the dark force. My eyes snap open and I look around to see that i'm in the Fabray livingroom. I breath heavily as a heavenly vision steps over me, her eyes full of concern and worry. "Rachel, oh my god, are you okay?" She asks, kneeling beside me, reaching to run a soothing hand across my sweaty forehead. I breath heavily and sit up, albeit very slowly.
"What...what happened?" I whisper, closing my eyes as I start to feel dizzy. I realize immediately that I am on the floor and the Fabray coffee table is broken in half. Quinn's eyes roam over my face as she grabs my face with two hands, looking it over.
"You...you woke up screaming." She starts, looking absolutely petrified, causing my heart to hurt. "You...it almost sounded...it sounded like a growl?" She questions, wincing at the word. My heart jumps in my chest. "Your eyes were...almost glowing and you were drenched in sweat." She says, looking all over my face. "I tried to calm you down, to wake you up but you just flung yourself onto the floor. I...god, are you okay?" She questions, a tear making its way down her face.
I stare long and hard at her for a moment and I can't help but thank the gods that she is okay. That this was just a nightmare. However, this life proved to me that you must take everything seriously. Especially your nightmares. I let out a long breath.
"I just...i'm sorry. " I whisper and she doesn't say anything else. She brings her lips to mine, genlty and pulls me into her. She wraps her arms around me and I practically cling to her. I bury my head into her neck and rejoice in the fact that she is here with me. I am not alone. For now.
Alright there it is! What do ya think? What could this mean? So many questions...Russell Fabray is...good? Say what? I always liked Russell as a good character. Don't know why, but I think that if he wasn't such a jackass that he would of been cool with everything. Anyways, did you think Rachel's dream was real? Haha ...
Hehehe, until next time folks!