Hey, thanks to everyone who followed, ect. I'm super sorry I haven't been here in ages but this is my longest chapter so far. And a small bit of puckleberry for you cause I've not seen it in ages!

I don't own Glee...

Puck's POV

Parking my truck slowly in the school parking lot, I ran my hand over my mohawk and tried to calm myself down. Everything is gonna be fine, I told myself. You're Puck, you got this so what if Finn hates you, it's what you deserve. He obviously knows since he hasn't spoken to me since.

I took a deep breath before jumping out my truck and slamming the door behind me. I glared at all everyone looking at me as I walked back into school. They all turned back to what they were doing as soon as they had received a death glare from me.

About ten cheerio's were all standing beside the entrance in a small group, a few of them turned and winked at me. I couldn't bring myself to smirk back, feeling like I would be betraying Rachel. To be perfectly honest, I was still head over heels in love with her.

She was amazing in every way possible, especially her personality. Rachel was truly beautiful inside and out. All I want is for her to forgive me, to understand that I was trying not to hurt her, that's the last thing I ever want to do.

I can feel my stomach start to clench as I walk down the familiar hallway, the same old stench filling the air. Nothing's different but everything has changed!

As I turned the corner to my locker a noticed Quinn and just as I was about to go speak to her a tall boy with blonde hair, wearing a football jacket came over to her.

I decided to walk the other way as I was kinda confused but just as I turned round she called my name.

My jaw tightened at the sound of her voice, but I put on my best face and turned back round.

"Quinn..." I greeted, not really up for pleasant chit chat in the hallway.

"Puck, this is Sam," she said smiling, which really pissed me off, gesturing to the blonde boy.

"Hey," Sam said rather friendly, but the smile on Quinn's face was really getting to me.

"So, he's your next victim? What the hell do you have to smile about Quinn?" I seethed with anger, and her pretty little smile soon fell to a frown.

She didn't reply so I just scoffed at her and moved on I couldn't deal with her today, in fact I couldn't deal with her ever!

After sauntering around for awhile I finally sat down on the bleachers, the silence of the field like heaven. All everyone in this school seemed to do was talk, I was sick of it.

"Hey dude!" Finn shouted appearing out of nowhere, surprisingly quite happy; I guessed he got over the whole baby drama.

"What up bro? We cool now?" I asked fist pumping him.

"Yeah, of course!"

"Thank god I thought you were gonna kick the living daylights out of me for sleeping with Quinn bu-" I cut off by Finn, looking up at his bright red face and all I could think was oh shit!

"YOU SLEPT WITH QUINN?!" he shouted but before I could answer he sucker punched me.

I could feel his fist leaving a bruise on my face every time he hit me. I let him continue to hit me for a while knowing I deserved.

I honestly thought he knew but if he doesn't know about this then he obviously doesn't know about Beth.

My thoughts were stopped when I hear Rachel's voice scream for Finn to stop and her feet racing up the metal bleachers. But he just ignored her and continued to hit me.

It wasn't until Mike came and managed to pull him off that he stopped. His face was red and I could almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. He looked disgusted with me and just stormed off in anger.

I peered over to see Rachel standing next to a confused Mike, with a few tears in her eyes.

Finn POV

I can't believe it, Puck and Quinn...Puck and Quinn. When did this even happen? Why hadn't she told me? Did Rachel know?

All kinds of thoughts were running through my hands as I walked around the school trying to calm down.

That's when I saw Quinn leaning against her locker, he hand softly grazing Sam's cheek.

I stormed over, infuriated. I needed answers, I needed to know what happened and why.

"Oh hey, what's up Finn?" Sam smiled at him pulling away from Quinn's hold.

"You slept with Puck?!" I questioned but it was more of a statement, not letting my eyes leave hers for a moment.

Quinn blinked a few times before asking me what I was on about, even though she knew perfectly well.

"You know what I'm talking about Quinn! You slept with Puck! When?" I shouted at her, all the while Sam just stood there in shock.

She swallowed a few tears before finally whispering, "About 10 or 11 months ago..."

I stopped for a minute doing the calculations in my head, "That was before we had Beth..." I stated, but she just looked up at me with tear filled eyes.

"Oh...My..God," my brain had finally come to the realisation, "She's not mine."

I just walked away, I couldn't believe it.

I stormed into the locker rooms just in the nick of time before I burst out crying.

Rachel's POV

Noah sat on my kitchen counter as I attended to his wounds. I had urged him to go see the nurse but he had refused so I took him back to my house, just because he hurt me doesn't mean I shouldn't help him. Finn hadn't damaged anything, just left Noah badly bruised from what I could see.

"He shouldn't have hit you or you should've at least defended yourself," I said handing him an ice pack .

He shrugged, "It's what I deserved."

"No it's not Noah you made a mistake, everyone makes them!"

"Well I made I pretty big one, I should never of taken advantage of Quinn or lied to Finn..or you," he whispered the last part but I still heard him.

I looked up to his bruised face and realised he truly was sorry for everything he had done. That's when I knew I truly loved him, despite all his mistakes and how much he hurt me for some reason I thought he was perfect.

"You've hurt me Noah, torn my heart out put it in the blender and then through the shredder!" His eyes looked dull and full of sorrow. "But for some reason I still love you," I said letting a single tear fall, that he slowly wiped away.

"Rach, I love you too, I promise I'll never hurt you again," He said hoping off the counter.

"You promise?" I had to be sure.

He didn't respond just leaned in and kissed me and it was...fearless.

Read and Review!

Love K xx