Hey guys Kev_Ash here,

Sorry I was late I got lost on the path of life, when a black cat crossed my path, blah, blah , blah, :D

Firstly before everything else, i want to point out something that i failed to point out in the last chapter solely blamed for my laziness, and maybe a little selfishness ;D, (not really,)

The last chapter contained an extract from a story called the mercenary from the author Raphael Fitchburne, i donno if you have thoroughly looked into it but i state clean and clearly that i do not want to claim any extractions that i picked up from his brilliantly written story as i was just using the dialogues and a certain rule for the fictional purpose of it only and i like to honor Raphael for his brilliant writing skills for which I was forced to use some of his dialogues because there's no other way I can write better than that, and thank him for being a good sport, letting me use that short extract . Please note that he had prior knowledge of me using it and I did not "steal" It to say it bluntly. :D….. And I would like to hand it to the guys who pm'ed me and pointed out my mistake for not stating that in the first place :D tnx guys, I really appreciate it !

And also I would like give a big shout out to Nathan, one of my all-time pals for letting me use his track once again for my criminal brilliance, the song I used in this fic is owned by him and his band "Icarus" and if you guys haven't really herd that you should definitely Google "Your lullaby" by Icarus mp3, trust me that song does have a way to woo girls if you know how to be romantic enough, I tried and it works as long as u don't sing like crap or just pretend you're Justin bieber ( I don't like that guy, if he was on my fic I'd probably have him locked up on a room with Anko for few, he'd probably pee on his pants in the first two minutes,) any way out with the lame ass talks and let's get on with the story shall we :D

Ladies and gents, it's time for "The battle for the golden fox"…see ya at the end :D


I do not own any of the characters of Naruto. They are owned by Masashi Kishimoto and various Companies, Productions and Corporations. I am only a fan who is writing for leisure, and to up my writing skills.


Her eyes were heavy and so was the pain. She was slowly losing her life line. Dried tears, rapidly substituted again and again on her dirtied cheeks. She wanted to cry, out loud, but frankly her busted lungs due to a Chidori stab, made her do otherwise all the while she had to choke for air as hard as she could. She could highlight a mop of blond locks rushing behind her as she was carried by another, most probably a "Demon". She could hear faint sobs as well as some saying "Please stay with me" and "keep your eyes open girl, we're there". But she was not going to make it through, and she knew it.

All the things she wanted to do in her life time seemed farfetched now, she wanted to live, a happy peaceful life. Marry the love of her life and live with him as a good wife and to have kids, confess to him how much she really loved him, she regretted the fact that she was acting brash and was foul mouthing him for this long. She wanted to show him how thankful she really was to him for giving her another chance to live, to be free from that dark void of a prison cell.

Naruto Uzumaki, the boy who saved her, the boy who made her see who she really was, the boy who made her feel really special and not like a worthless trash that basted snake made her be. She loved him, from the deepest and darkest places of her heart. She loved him too much and now she was about to leave him forever and without her even reveling it. The pain she felt was nothing compared to the pain she felt with the thought of leaving him. "stay safe my Naruto-kun" With a last glance towards him with teary, blood stained eyes she lost consciousness on the verge of ineluctable death.

The group of five plus the fatally wounded red headed beauty rushed into an emptied temple building which was abandoned because of the ongoing war. Naruto quickly rushed to a wooden table across the darkened room while kicking everything on his path with sheer anger and sorrow brewing inside of him like a twisting tornado. He wiped a lone tear on his eye away. He needed to be focused right now or else she would die, she would die and it would always be his fault. The thoughts of seeing her dead froze him partially but quickly focused again with the task at hand. He wiped away the dust and dirt which covered the table with a rapid burst of wind chakra and in doing so it took out the window across the table, now reveling a huge hole across the wall which the sunlight seeped through.

Chiesa quickly placed the unconscious body of the girl on the table as Yugito and Karin quickly went on to work with medical chakra. Blood oozed everywhere as the two girls hurried on closing the wound up. The chances of her making through were really low and they knew it, but they were not ready to give up on her, not just yet, ironically, a trait all five of them attained by staying close to the blond Uzumaki this long.

"Chiesa summon the medical kit from my scrolls, quick!" Karin shouted out instructions as she forced more and more chakra through her system in a valiant effort to get the vitals going. Sweat formed on her pale temple as she concentrated more on the jutsu.

"M-My god, h-her heart stopped! Please, please, let her live!" Yugito, chanted in her head, as few of her tear drops descended up on the fallen beauty's cheek.

Chiesa quickly pulled out the medical equipment and handed Karin two electric plate like things attached to a small machine by wires, and switched on the machine praying inside her heart as well for the life of her foul tempered friend. Even though Tayuya was really "bold" when it came to point out her opinion and a bit bossy, each and every one of them knew that she was really a kind hearted girl who cared for them all and was just using the bossy foul tempered facade just to hide her insecurities and her weaknesses.

She keeled down besides the table holding on to the wounded girls hand. (She released the hands a second later, or else she would get shocked as well from the electric blast.)

"Please make this work" Karin prayed for the last time in her mind. As she herd the machine beep fully changed for electro shock therapy.

With a last intake of breath, she placed the two conductors on the lifeless corpse of her best friend, hoping, praying that some kind of miracle would happen and let her live.

Tayuya's body shook and jumped up a little by the electrocution, but the heart never jumpstarted. They tried it two more times but, nothing happened.

Karin slammed the electro machine into the wall in frustration, sorrow and loss, breaking it in two as she fell down on her butt crying all the while as she hugged her knees tightly.

Chiesa, the most stoic personality, who had a hardened resolve and kept her emotions in check most of the time failed to do so as her sobs joined in with Yugito and Karin's more defined ones now echoing throughout the whole shrine.

Naruto, who was just standing there with tear filled eyes turned around and punched the wall beside of him making the whole building shake with the power he placed into the punch, as he fell down on his knees sobbing as well, moaning for his colleague's death. Tayuya Uzumaki, his team mate, the second coming of Sakura that kept his antics in check just died in front of his eyes, and he was not able to save her.

Memories of the cherry red haired beauty's escapades, antics, and happy moments spread through the occupants' minds at the vicinity, as the fell lower and lower in to the pits of sorrowful somber.


Suddenly he stood up, as if realizing something; wiping away his tears and started doing hand seals in a blinding pace. Letting her die because of him or because of anyone else was not an option, Tayuya was someone that he held closer to his heart, she was more than just a team member for him, (infect they all weren't just team members) she was family, she was an Uzumaki, he wouldn't let her die if it was the last thing he did, he would save her, and then he would eradicate whoever did this to her from the face of the earth.

After about a thousand or so hand seals which he did under a minute he called out the jutsu as the three sobbing girls around Tayuya stepped back, seeing his determined and fearsome resolve.

"Sage Art; Forbidden Jutsu–Breath of life" he placed both of his hands on her belly area pumping his silver chakra through it into her, all the while his Rinnegan spun wildly on his dark cerulean eyes. Time passed, Second by second as the life slowly rushed back in to Tayuya. Her paled skin slowly turned into an angelic tan color. Her wounds rapidly healed up, the pinkish red hair slowly started lengthening as it turned in to a more visible strawberry reddish color, now delicately fanning her frame behind her body in the length of her knee. Naruto pumped and pumped his chakra casting aside the fact that his knees buckling ever so slightly because of the amount of chakra he filled her in with; Tayuya was an Uzumaki, so filling her chakra core fully was no mere deed. After thirty or so minutes Naruto broke his concentration of the jutsu due to chakra overload caused by using a jutsu nonstop for so long and also because it was his Rinnegan chakra and his use of it was yet to master.

He watched in anticipation for her to move even take a breath, he hoped, prayed that she would come back to "him?" to them again. The technique he used was a forbidden one he received from his Rinnegan data-base. It granted the user the ability to share his natural life form with a subject he/she used it on once, but the reason it was forbidden was simple, as in if the subject was to die later on his or her life the user would weaken as well and eventually die from the loss of spiritual power albeit they both now shared the same spiritual medium between them, and to use such a technique needed a chakra capacity beyond the average chakra amount than even a Kage, thankfully Naruto had four chakra sources stored inside of him, namely his own, Kyuubi's, Rinnegan's as well as Itachi's, so that part was indeed covered, he only hoped that it would work, or else… he really didn't want to think to that extent right now.

The three girls plus, Mei who just came back in after scouting the vicinity sensing a large chakra spike from Naruto watched in awe, anticipation and hope for Tayuya who visually now looked nothing less than an angel from heaven, to move, take a breath or even move a finger.

It was pin drop silence, no one moved, no one spoke, and their eyes were focused on the lifeless body on the wooden table. Ten seconds passed, it agonizingly reached twenty. They were losing hope, and he was losing his mind as well, tears which stopped leaking a while back, doubled its flow as well as the sorrow with the lost last ray of hope, Naruto turned back to run, run as far as his feet would carry or else he was on the verge of destroying everything his eyes fell upon and it was not even Kyuubi's hatred taking control.

Sky darkened, Trees started to rustle, fallen leaves spinning and crashing into each other playing a sorrow filled melody of grief. As the wind rushed through the broken window sill, the chill doubled the sorrow they engulfed as the four beauties openly cried for the loss while Naruto turned on his heel walking away, wiping his tears ever so slightly.

"A deep intake of breath," Naruto stopped in his tracks. He felt it.

"Another, Breath, her heart started beating" Naruto, felt it even better now as he spun around like wind, narrowing eyes at the beauty, that lay on the table,

The four girls, noticed his sudden reaction as well, as they narrowed their own eyes on their friend, colleague lying on the table.

"S-she's, breathing! She's ALIVE!" shouted the other red head in glee and happiness as she rushed in to check the vital signs on her now miraculously alive best friend. She nodded to the others as each and every one of them left a breath that they never knew they were holding with a sigh of relief. Tayuya Uzumaki was alive; she was saved yet again by their golden Knight in shining armor.

Naruto was feeling an indescribable happiness as well, he felt like flying, like he achieved something after a really hard try. His thoughts were cut off by four pairs of hands glopping him and taking him down with them on to the dusty floor, All the while squealing like school girls in happiness.

They stayed like that a while, everyone chucking and blushing all the while, it was a total dramatic moment for the most powerful shinobi squad in the world. They were on the brink of losing their best friend and team member but yet again, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, their hero, their prince, their savior, triumphed. He did the undoable, against all the odds he showed them that he would always be there for them, to stare down with the god of death and pull of a miracle. There was no limit to the admiration, the respect, the love; they had for him their knight in shining armor. To them he was a pillar of strength, a reason to fight and a reason to live another day.

After a while, of chanting thank you's, and how happy they are, they got up, dusting their selves off, all the while blushing. Naruto looked at the resting form of Tayuya with care filled eyes, he assured himself that she was really alive seeing her chest rise up and down rhythmically as she breathed in a more steady flow. He looked up with anger, as he touched the mass pool of Tayuya's blood on the table as well as some part of the floor.

"WHO DID THIS TO HER?" he asked Mei, with a sharp clear tone.

"N-Naruto-kun, He wa..,"

"MEI-CHAN, I ASKED, WHO DID THIS TO HER?" he asked again, his patience parting away from him second by second, he wanted to be at the bastard's throat by now, he was not in the mood for long answers.

"Uchiha Sasuke" Mei answered, with a sneer in her voice, oh how bad she wanted to kill the son of a bitch, but she knew that letting anger overwhelm her or any one of them right now is the exact thing Sasuke wanted.

It was his entire plan, the demons were a huge thorn messing Sasuke's plans. They were a brick wall at his path. He didn't count them in while drawing battle sketches to his diabolical scheme to capture the world with the renewed "Eye of the moon" plan, the fact that he didn't know the identities of the people who was responsible for reducing his army by hundreds and thousands day by day infuriated him to no ends. At one side Naruto Uzumaki, the allied Nations, Kage's were fighting off his resurrected forces as well as the white and black Zetsu army. At another end a lone gang of Shinobi in masks, kept annihilating the mercenary force he imported from the west, sabotaging camps and causing havoc within his ranks. His ninja forces were falling back; they were scared out of their wits by the sheer power and brutality the pack possessed. The "Demons", locals famed them as were steadily becoming a legend amongst the shinobi nations, and their deeds of victory, havoc and total annihilation spread through like a wildfire. They were an unidentified, gang of mass destruction and possibly the second best reason Sasuke was losing the battle.

Sasuke was running out of options, his plan was slowly getting out of his grasp and he was yet to draw out the infamous Demon lord's identity, Naruto Uzumaki was a hand full as it is, he was not foolish to see that, but this new character was giving his shinobi hell and an awful lot of headaches to him.

A Molting, steaming volcano of red hot lava, that was a close enough a phrase to describe Naruto's mindset now, "that basted, that fucking basted". The anger in him was bubbling up visibly as Kyuubi's chakra threatened to pour out of him, little by little. Naruto had let go of his idea of a redeemed Sasuke Uchiha, he finally understood what Itachi told him, what everyone else told him, Sasuke uchiha was a lost cause, he threatened many of his loved one's lives, Sakura, Ino, Tsunade, Kakashi-sensei, Karin and now Tayuya, all the loss, the sorrow of losing a family, friends loved ones, this war was all his doing, Naruto needed to end it, he needed to end it now, he turned around to leave in search of the uchiha nemesis in complete resolve to kill him then and there, tearing apart limb by limb,

But he was suddenly stopped by two delicate hands stopping him in his tracks as she touched and melted into his broad chest in a caring manner, clinging on to him sobbing ever so slightly to his chest.

The Kyuubi's red demonic chakra that once covered his fists a little while ago disappeared into him like a swash of cold water extinguishing the hot flames of fire. Naruto's anger also started departing him as well, he never understood why he felt this way because every time she did this to him he felt hopeless, he lost himself to her touch and as long as she held him, in his angered or sorrowful states, his mind cleared, his vision cleared, he became sane again.

Naruto partially suspected it was the Chrystal's doing responsible for his un canny behavior, but the other part of him knew that she had done something to him deep inside a very long time ago(in a good sorta way).

"Chiesa-Chan, let me go" he halfheartedly pleaded. But he knew by now, that it was the wrong move, on the board if he was to go out blinded by anger. But at the same time he needed assurance as if for someone to point that to him, some of his childhood insecurity's blocking his decision making skills that he was yet to lose.

"NO, YOU ARE NOT LEAVING, ALRIGHT, SHE NEED'S YOU, WEE NEED YOU, HERE!" She stated looking into his cerulean blues' clear and loud, her sobbing saddened facade leaving her as well, something she too inherited and shared from being in his arms, his immediate vicinity.

Naruto looked up at Mei with pleading eyes, asking her for support. It was a rather ridicules situation for the most skilled shinobi in the world to be this hopeless against a girl but when he was with them, gone was his brash rush to action head on nature. He was a calm collective character as well as a good leader, and he was a big soft, mushy, sap, when it came to people he loved, cared and trusted above all else, specially the uchiha beauty. So when he was talked and reasoned, he would always listen to her, to most of the people that were precious to him.(The demons having a higher place in that) however if he was to really put his mind to something, even Kami himself was not to stop him for old habits and family inheritance die hard.

Mei motioned her eyes and shook her head as of to voice her protest, her lips curled up to a snicker and the sheen of happiness and somewhat love strung look on her eyes ever so evident in her eyes Unbeknown to the averagely oblivious blond wind god.

Sighing defeat after encountering the other two beauties protests as well, and plus few butterflies in his stomach flying here and there after the girls acting rather strange when they kissed him in the cheeks as to say "thank you?", Naruto decided or rather was forced to stay behind with them a day or two before heading back to the Kage's battle zone.

His clones were doing a pretty neat job so he was not worried much about the war engaged areas as he was constantly communicating with Kyuubi doing battle tactics and arranging different attack patterns all the while. Besides even the Kage's were unable to deduct the real him from the clones thanks to his massive Kyuubi reserves which he was able to unlock both Yang and Yin types with a jutsu from his Rinnegan library. And he needed to warn the musical goddess about the casualties of the jutsu he used on her, while she was alive an all, now he had to make sure he kept her within his sight because one, he wouldn't let anyone hurt her again and two if she was to get hurt really, really badly (badly as in death) so would it backfire on him affectively weakening him and he wasn't planning on weakening in the near future even until he brought peace to this damned world and ridded it with the trash that is in the shape of Uchiha Sasuke.

After a few hours the five of them plus a healing Uzumaki red head, moved camp, into a well preserved two story building a little distance away, which had a couple of bedrooms upstairs untouched by the harshness of war or the nature itself.

Laying Tayuya on the comfy mattress and surrounding her with a fortress of pillows, (that was Naruto's doing), something he maintained from his childhood days to keep him safe from the menace that is Ramen MONSTER, which he imagined crawling from under his bed threating him and his beloved instant ramen cups, which he hugged tightly to his chest while he slept. However assuring the girl's sound sleep, the five of them went on to work, as in the girls rushing on to a well owned shower, which they yearned since two, three weeks now, and Naruto going on a recon session which he begging-ly got approval for, promising that he was not sneaking away and he would have dinner with them and wait till Tayuya to wake up.

Two hours later…

"So this is where you disappeared to ha?"

A soft angelic voice announced from behind him as he was still focused on the view he was enjoying at this peaceful and tranquil afternoon light. A slight smile adorned his features as she said that. He patted the ground next to him gesturing her to sit down as well, which she obliged happily.

"I was wondering, when you would show up Yugi-Chan" he said earning a cute pout from her delicate pink lips.

"You knew ha!" she said smiling like dazzling sunshine, as she interloped her hand with his. Squeezing it through the space between his arm and elbow and tangling her delicately shaped fingers with his.

"hmm…" he replied, he was used to this kind of gestures by his fellow blond Jinchuriki, but still her touch sparked electricity through his body, every time she did that, and it didn't help much from the move she pulls every time after this. Tilting her head to the side, Yugito laid her head on his broad shoulders, snuggling up to him even more, giving him a breath full of her freshly bathed lavender scent that he liked so much. He blushed a little from the immediate contact but relaxed later as both enjoyed the evening breeze brushing through the mountain plains ahead as well as each other's warmth.

"You're always the first to come looking, Ne... Yugi-Chan" he chuckled a little, and tapped her nose with his pointer finger lightly, gesturing as of wiping a little amount of dust away from it. A gesture he, only shared with her, it was a gesture he did every time they started a conversation like this, it was weird but, yet she found it really cute and, she loved it, not that she would say that in the open or else she would never hear the end of it.

She playfully punched his shoulder and blushed all the while. She loved his antics amongst all the other aspects of him. To her Naruto Uzumaki was like a Shining star that she would never get bored by its majesty even how much you stared into it.

"I was the first out of the shower, that's why I came first." She defended, half true.

"Mm I can see that" he said taking in a deep breath of her scent and smiling cheekily admiring the sweet lavender scent she let out.

"Stop that" She squeaked looking away halfheartedly. She loved every ounce of attention he was solely giving her.

He chuckled childishly and stopped teasing her, which he always loved. Yugito was always the first to come looking for him out of the five, not that others didn't come looking or anything but for some reason she was the first to come looking for him every time he went on a "recon" session like this. She found him without any hassle at all. It was something that amused Naruto to no ends, Karin, was the chakra sensor type, and he knew that Chiesa had a way of herself to locate him wherever he was, but Yugito had the nagging luck in finding his relaxing spots in an instant, like her foots took her straight and true to wherever he was without even thinking.

Naruto brushed the confusing thoughts of the connection these girls had with him because thinking about the girls he had around him these days and their behavior patterns focusing him was such a troublesome thing and it even left him brain fried for a little while. No wonder Shikamaru deducted them as "Troublesome" all those years back. The basted really was a genius even at that time.

Talking about different types of girls brought him back to the original thoughts that ran through his mind before Yugito came, Thoughts about one red haired beauty, Tayuya Uzumaki. A frown crept through his features,

Yugito observed a whole set of emotions rushing through his features; she panicked a little seeing his saddened and a bit downtrodden expression, her dark-purple gems focusing him and nothing else.

Naruto sighed; he was not going to escape from her without answering. He trusted her to give him a good advice and she was always the one to ring these emotions out of him, one way or the other.

"It's just that, I don't know, If I am strong enough to protect you all, what would happen if I was late today, what if I was not strong enough, I-'I just don't know Yugi-Chan, I'm putting all five of you at a risk, it doesn't have to be like that, if I only, if I only killed that basted when I had the chance.."

"Shhh…" she placed her delicate hand to cover his mouth effectively stopping his silly rant.

"Listen Naruto-kun, we have talked countless times about this but, I'll tell you one last time"

"We all are Shinobi; we all equally have a fair share to fight in this war. Yes, you are the only one that can end this madness once and for all but, it doesn't have to be only you. We are here for you as well, and it's our right to fight this war alongside you, and you have no authority to leave us behind okay, keep that sealed into this" she stated in the bossy nature all girls possess, tapping his head at the end with her finger

"But…" he started to reason and was cut off again quickly by the blond beauty.

"No, but's, understand that we all know the risk that we are taking, breaking off from the ranks and operating in this squad. Please Naruto-kun, don't underestimate us like that, we chose you to lead us because, each and every one of us trust you above everything else, but we can protect ourselves in our own right, every one of us have enough power to become a Kage, so that's a saying of our skills right? And you know it too. Today was a rare mishap, Tayuya-Chan and Mei-Chan was ambushed while on their way. Please trust us Naruto-kun, it want happen again, I promise for everyone's behalf that we will be extra, extra, extra careful"

"Don't sulk like that, you saved her, and we all know that we can always count on you, remember that my foxy-kun" she added smiling cheekily and kissing him on his cheek.

He nodded like a robot, blushing furiously. Did she say my?. He felt more butterflies rushing through him in a rapid pace. All the while Yugito did cartwheels on her mindscape as her tenant cheered on the sideline. She was more than joyed that she could trigger such a response from her dream prince.

The two demon containers', stayed like that enjoying the golden rays of the setting sun, on the western horizon illuminating the near mountain peaks, Naruto wished that Sai was here to paint it because that was a memory he would always love to keep.

"God! You two are so cute!" came a feminine voice, breaking the two out of their trance as they forced a little distance apart hurriedly, which really was a stupid move.

"Hey, Mei-Chan, what's up?" Naruto smiled cheekily while scratching the back of his head in a nevus way. All the while Yugito was busy looking at leaves, grass and anything except the others direction because her blush was really burning her face inside out.

Mei snickered, she loved Naruto Uzumaki, unconditionally and true, but she knew that all five of them did so as well; she also knew that at some point she would always get her fair share of the blond boy-toy albeit she was already a Kage so she knew about the CRA act. She wasn't the one to mind sharing the blond dynamite as long as she got her share of him as well as the others. So she was really cool at the other four acting like that with him for it amused her to no ends how one boy could turn in to such a heart thief like this.

She loved teasing the other four about their love for him, she found it rather sporty and it kept the boredom out of the squad as well, but having said that Mei Terumi only would share him that much. She didn't really know how much the Konoha CRA varies from theirs, but she would make sure that her name was on top of his list and not out of it even if she had to kill for it because Naruto Uzumaki, "oh my god" her eyes changed to a dreamy look but she quickly hid it again with a sinker and spoke.

"You two lovebirds should come back now, she's awake Naruto-kun, she's been wrecking my brains all this time for you"

Naruto nodded like before, a robot nod, as both him and Yugito changed into a different shade of red with the Lovebirds comment.

Naruto headed back to camp eager to talk with Tayuya, as he was practicing in his head for the speech he had to give her but was doing a lousy job at it because the girls were giving him a hard time concentrating for they were attached to him like superglue. Clinging on to his arms as the three walked back to the house they chose to spend the night.

He knocked on the door and called out her name so that she knew it was him that was there. Both Yugito and Mei went to help the others in the kitchen to cook their dinner. It had been a long time since the six of them ate together a good dinner for that matter so the girls were determined to cook something really special for him tonight.

Turning the door knob, he entered the room as he heard her unusually small voice calling him in. closing the door behind him he was at the receiving end of a fearsome hug tackling him down on to the ground yet again, as she cried openly to his chest.

Naruto allowed the crying girl to melt into him as he tied his hands around her caringly. She said "thank you" over and over again between sobs as she held on to him for the sake of her life because it took her more than the brink of death for her to realize how much she loved him and wanted to be with him, she wanted to make sure that she hanged on to him as long as she could or else she would lose him.

After what seemed like hours the two broke apart, Tayuya looking up in to his eyes as she rose from his chest.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a soothing voice. The look of care and concern melted the girl inside out and left her speechless, which was really a big deal, If anyone could remove words from her mouth was really something. She bushed crimson and nodded getting up from his safe embrace.

Naruto got up as well but later on blushed really hard seeing the clothing she had on. They were just a loose long-sleeved white t shirt with the Uzumaki emblem on the back as well as a pair of really short pink shorts. The attire did nothing to hide her curvy angelic looks that she gained recently as her crimson long stress fanned her back flinching on the front slightly like Ino's only without covering her eyes. To Naruto she was just like his Mom now, red hair, matching mouth (all Uzumaki's inherit that) and that was some saying because he always thought his mom was beautiful. He blushed, a different shade when he remembered the talk he had with his mom on the mindscape, specially one line "Maybe, One day you'll find a cute Uzumaki girl like me ne Naruto-Kun"".

After the awkward moment they shared blushing, every shades of red. The two settled down. Tayuya lying on her bed as Naruto sat on the edge. He explained the mechanics of the jutsu he used on her as the uses and cons it had.

"Okay, now tell me if I'm correct."

"I have all of your abilities, Including that cool eye thingy, without the furball's powers, and all I have to do is have some kind of a piercing that I can attach your metal, what did you name it?, oh yeah right chakra receivers, so that you can send me chakra whenever I wanted and, all I have to do is, train to use them, be around you more often and not get myself killed?" she said while awed by what she just heard from him.

"Yup, it's a bit more complicated than that but, in a way that just sums it up" he said smiling brightly melting her yet again with it.

"holly shit, that's just, awesome," she jumped up and down giddy with excitement, that was like Christmas eve to a child, the presents in the shape of; most of his high class powers, his super cool eye thingy and most of all, she gets to be with him now and for all, best Christmas ever!.

Naruto cleared his ears, with a pinky finger, his super tuned sensors really needed to be immune for her silly rants for he had to put up with it more often now, or else he would turn deaf before she could even say "Rinnegan".

Unbeknown to him Minato Namikaze, sweat dropped in heaven seeing his ever loving wife do cart wheels and all sorts of crazy stuff muttering stuff like "Good choices, and her baby boy bagging all the hot-ties".

Tayuya stopped on her rant and focused on him again. "Okay, okay, okay, tell me can I have that piercing thingy anywhere I like right?"

"Y-yes" he had a nagging feeling.

"Can you make something like this?" she pulled a piece of paper and a pencil out of nowhere and drew a three quarter circle a hook like thing at one end and a ball at the other.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off, it was probably an earring. "Yeah I guess so"

"Can you Henge It to a Silver color and make the ball at the end Diamond?" she asked, giddy with excitement, but yet with Puppy dog eyes which he couldn't say "no" to.

"MM I can do better" he said with a cheeky smile, and created a pure silver Chakra rod by using his Rinnegan chakra and held it between his palms, mentally bending and turning it to the shape she wanted. And as he was done creating the sketch he pulled out a black sack, which later on reveled hundreds of beautiful gems, and diamonds in every shape and color. He told her that he found it with some other possessions on a foe he fought recently. The guy probably looted them from a Daimyo or some other dignitary's house.

"Pick one" he said chuckling as he saw the awed look she had with her mouth hanging open.

She was at a loss to pick out just one because they all looked freaking awesome. But after a while she picked a little cerulean blue gem, shining and glistering in dim sunlight. It reminded her so much about his eyes.

He fixed the gem at the end as the ball she drew with his chakra and handed her a well-crafted jewelry, even a jeweler would admire the craftsmanship of it, the usage of Rinnegan chakra left tribal patterns all over the ring, it was really artistic to say the least and unbeknown if they really wanted to sell it, they might as well find a fortune by it.

Squealing like a school girl she hugged him again, and did a quick jutsu, to numb a certain part of her autonomy. Her Shiny new Rinnegan coming to life ever slightly Naruto looked in Confusion, at first but his eyes widened and he was nearly doing a Hinata there seeing where she did the piercing.

The beautiful ring now hanged beautifully on her belly button, highlighted by her slick sexy stomach, Naruto nearly drooled with the sexiness it gave her but he schooled his features after a hard try.

"Do you like it?" She asked smiling angelically happy and liking very much of her achievement.

He nodded for the third time that day, like a robot, while blushed yet again and looked away, anywhere but her sexy abdomen with his gift sparkling ever so slightly with chakra contraction.

"Ne, Naru-Kun, I need something else too" she said in a really seductive tone locking her jade orbs with his cerulean one's, something really lusty brewing inside of them.

"W-What is it Tayu-Chan?" he gulped.

"take me Naruto-kun take me now, I want to feel you inside of me here and now" The inner perverted Tayuya squealed inside of her head but the sensibilities kicked in she could not have her time with him, not just yet with those sluts moving around the house, (she even sensed Karin's chakra moving across the hall way next to the door a while back) but eventually, eventually she would.

"I'm tired, but i can't sleep Naruto-Kun can you sing to me?" she asked a little downtrodden by not having her wild desires quenched by him, but yet she gave him the ever so irresistible puppy dog eyes, she was having the next best thing right, his focus, solely on her.

"But..." he started but couldn't finish seeing her pleading eyes and her cute little lips formed on to a please.

"Alright, but just one song okay?" he said accepting defeat.

"Okay" She said brightly and really happy with her achievement as she stood up giving him the space to sit on the bed resting his back on the wooden frame and summon his black acoustic guitar, later she snuggled up top him resting her head on his lap and cuddling up to his warmth.

"Okay Miss Stubborn, what would you like?" he asked smiling foxily while tuning his strings up.

"Heh, you know it ne Naru-Kun" she said giving him her own heart melt-er.

"Yeah, I sure do" he said smiling as he started to strum the intro.

Lay your head down
on my shoulders
and close your eyes
tell me softly
that you'll love me
for the rest of our lives

Let me kiss the
Tears on your face
you don't have to cry
Just listen to me
when I'm singing
your lullaby

He sang to her in a sweet melodious voice lulling her inner being while she snuggled more and more into his warmth. Her smile was ever so plastered in her delicate lips. Tayuya was in heaven. He was with her now, he was singing to her as she slept so care free on his lap. life finally was turning to a better direction, she felt alive she felt protected and wanted within him, and she loved every second of life she was now receiving thanks to him

When I watch you sleeping
There's no place on earth I'd rather be
I can feel your heart beating
And I know that it's calling out to me

And I don't say this much
But I love your touch
More than words
Who needs heaven and
Who needs angels
When you're in the world

When I watch you sleeping
there's no place on earth I'd rather be
I can feel your heart beating
and I know that it's calling out to me

Memories of the times they had between them flooded her mind, as he sang to her. The first time she saw him, he charged in to her captivity chambers, the first time she set eyes on that blond mop of love and care, he saved her, he saved Karin and herself without letting them die rotting on an Konoha Anbu prison cell, he pushed against the Konoha council like a rock wall never backing down until he freed them and took them into his care, to this day she remembered the first thing he told her "a trashy place like this doesn't suit a princes like you, better step out miss, imma taking you out" she blushed a little crimson from the memory, the fool didn't even warn her, he just barged into her heart just like that.

When I watch you sleeping
There's no place on earth I'd rather be
I can feel your heart beating
And I know that it's calling out to me

And this is your lullaby
Your lullaby
Your lullaby
And this is your lullaby
Your lullaby
Your lullaby

When I watch you sleeping
There's no place on earth I'd rather be
I can feel your heart beating
And I know that it's calling out to me

When I watch you sleeping
There's no place on earth I'd rather be
I can feel your heart beating
And I know that it's calling out to me

I will keep you
Safe forever
just close your eyes…

Naruto finished the song harmonically and opened his eyes, there she was, the red mass of energy, the or so hyperactive Uzumaki which reminded him so much about his childhood soundly sleeping in his lap, snoring ever so slightly as her lips curled up to an indescribable smile permanently plastered on her lips, he thought she looked so cute snuggled into him like that with her long cherry locks fanning every direction. His musings suddenly stopped as he figured something out,

"OH SHIT! How am I supposed to get up now? O.o"

Flashback end

Battle for the Golden Fox:

Chapter 08; He's leaving…. (Start)


The mist cleared reveling, Naruto in the same seated position with everything he was on contact one way or the other, in this case everything including His guitar, the chair he was seated and the amp which was plugged into his guitar which he was holding. More of the reason Tayuya had to lose that much chakra.

"Naruto-Kun, Guitar!…kwaaaiii!" The red haired beauty squealed in delight, seeing him and her most favorite possession of him in the same frame.

"Aww, shit" was all Naruto could say as his fellow music loving and overly cheerful, clans' girl glopped him once again, for the second time of the day taking him and the guitar down, to the floor.

It took some prying and an awful lot of time to get the red headed beauty out of Naruto's hair, needn't to say he had to promise her that he would spend some time with her in the near future and maybe go shopping together, which later on turned into another mess for the blond wind god, albeit some irresistible pouts form the other goddesses which one could never resist. At the end he declared that they all would go out for a shopping trip together, much to the dismay of a certain redhead for losing her precious alone time with the foxy heart thief as she pouted cutely while the others brightened.

The six of them were now strolling down a dirt path in a leisurely phase, the two redheads flanking him in either sides hugging into his tall frame tightly with dreamy looks in their eyes. The night sky was a brilliant picture painted with thousand colors shining and winking ever so slightly at them, the soft breeze nuzzled them tingling their skin with a small chill, and the silence of the night was a soothing calmness that all six of them enjoyed, and never initiated to break. It was nearly midnight so the roads were deserted and vacant. Their destination was nearly reached as Naruto's bright smile which never left his face brightened even more.

"Alright, we're here, let's do this" he said grinning like a mad man as they reached a short plain looking stone pillar standing in a large, yet empty looking field except it was full of flowers in every shape and color, visible even under the moonlight.

The confusion was ever so evident on the girls' faces except Chiesa and Mei who knew exactly why they were here in the first place.

Naruto stepped up to the pillar with his cheeky smile never leaving his face, he was excited as hell, of cause why shouldn't he be excited ha, he waited for this like forever, and he always loved surprising the girls, that's something he loved being the prankster king of Konoha in his childhood, he loved surprising the crap out of people and specially this was a king size surprise, so he licked his lips in anticipation.

"You guys might wana step back a little" he smirked as he bit his thumb and drew some blood, letting few drops fall freely on the pillar. The result was quick and sharp. "Words" in a dark bluish color appeared on the pillar blinding them ever so slightly by the suddenness of the increased light.

Adjusting eyes to the new light source they read the carvings in the pillar, some widening their eyes from each word they read.

"Welcome to the Namikaze estate"

As the last word was read the earth shook, like a mini earthquake, as the girls stepped back a little flashing to their guarded positions in a blink of an eye flanking Naruto in both back and the sides, but ironically the front part which usually was handled by Mei and Chiesa was open and weak albeit the two girls never even bothered to move, they just stood there with an expression of amusement and a little sarcastic smile curved up on their lips

"What the…." Tayuya didn't even get to finish her phrase as a huge mansion; one would even call it a castle, rose form the ground, earning a loud shrill of excitement from Karin and a few curses from Tayuya.

"Bloody hell!, Is that, is that your house?" The angelic Redhead Asked not believing her eyes as hers as well as Yugito and Karin's mouths nearly crashed on to the floor with the awestricken expressions on their faces.

"Better believe it!" He chucked so carefree and happy that it was so infectious; everyone had to join in.

After a while of admiring the beauty of the place, he asked them if they wana go check it out now or should they just wait for later, and undoubtedly he was dragged in, by five eager and more than cheerful vixens.

The Namikaze Estate or the clan house was a huge two story building with large glassed open area at the top, one would never realize the mass of the whole structure without having a closer look, built by the Hands of Hashirima Senju Himself and handed over as a gift of appreciation and family bonding to the royal Senju family which is the Namikaze's. It was the only original structure (most younger generation never even knew of its existence) that survived from the Pain attack, thanks to it being a little away from Konoha walls and also the protective barriers it had while it was underground.

Minato Namikaze, the fourth hokage never bothered used it, because Kushina's and his ideals of simple life was farfetched if they had to live there, he used a simple apartment even though he was the rightful Prince of the Namikaze Clan, but he made sure that his son would eventually have it because, Naruto would one day be the rightful prince of the clan and he always wanted to give his son what he really deserved. Unbeknown to the whole world Naruto Uzumaki was a walking Royalty, Not that he had now earned the right by his own way but, it was ironic that he should have been treated and respected above all else all those years back.

The main doors were huge to say it simply, it had two lion heads holding two large metal rings on their mouths' for the handles, embedded on the dark and virtually unbreakable wooded planks, admiring the architectural brilliance even the door this grand palace had the six wanderers entered through the doors, Naruto leading the way albeit he was here once secretly With Tsunade and Jiraiya, Chiesa was present at that time as well so the both were not that surprised by the masterpiece itself unlike the awed looks the others had including Mei, who knew of its existence but never saw it with her own eyes.

The first chamber they came up on was a large living area with couches, sofa's in pitch black leather, and every type of furniture that needed to be in a high class place present. The huge unlighted fire place had a classy look to it as well with a tree like pattern running over its sides. The Mokuton and the Hirashin being the signature classes of the Clan, the whole theme of the "house" revolved around them, with bright Chandeliers dangling up on the high ceilings weaponry and shields of every shape and size arranged on the walls. Everything was on the theme of trees or shinny yellow.

The place had a little gloomy and uncomfortable vibe to it, definitely from it being underground for so long, but the girls knew that, with a little lady's touch and a huge deal of Naruto sunshine the place would jump back to life in no time.

"Do you guy's wana see the basement, with the dojo's and the library and stuff or the kitchen and the diner or the bed rooms?" he questioned, scratching the back of his head while smiling goofily, he had no idea how to start the tour of this monster of a house.

"Ahm Naruto-Kun, can I talk to you a little, PRIVATELY?"

As suddenly as Chiesa said that, the other four girls narrowed their eyes at her with cute frowns adoring their features, the words, private and Naruto with another girl really didn't sit well with most of the girls roaming on the shinobi lands, even how much they knew about the girl in question.

"Yeah, sure why not" he said curtly, a little oblivious to the stares he received, and lead her to a corner from prying "ears".

"What is it, Chiesa-Chan?" he asked looking into her dark onyx orbs.

"Can I burrow some of your, Jutsu seals?" she asked

"Y-Yeah sure why not, Here" he pulled out some of his modified jutsu seals from his pockets and handed her, confused as to why she was being this private to ask for damn Jutsu seals with a raised eyebrow.

"Ahm- and I need to ask you" she stuttered, like Hinata, which Naruto found really cute, the stoic and calm uchiha princes stuttering was really a sight to see.

"I-I want to ask you, your keeping that promise of letting me keep that room to myself right?" she asked blushing like a tomato with the bold question.

The last time they visited this place Naruto allowed Chiesa to pick a room because she was to be living with him after all, and so she chose the first room next to the master bedroom, with a red face stating that she didn't want to live so far away in a creepy looking house even if it was with a pervert like him. (Please note that she only was only 10% true there)

"hahaha, so that's what it's all about?, tell me Chiesa-Chan, have I ever broken my promises?" he asked smiling brightly as he held both of her shoulders caringly and mesmerized her with his cerulean orbs melting into her pitch black voids.

"N-no" she managed to say, she was on the verge of practically experiencing how electrical it was to share a kiss with him again, as she slowly reached his lips inch by inch, looking into his eyes were like looking into the eyes of a medusa, she would always freeze, he would always pull closer, she would always find it irresistible, and he would always find the sole reason for him to secretly rate her as the bearer of the most angelic face and the most stunning lips to ever grace upon a girl. And to the both teens dismay Tayuya would always, always be there to crash the party.

"What the Fuck!", "Bansho ten-in".

With Kin and Temari….

"Aww What the fuck?" It was cat fight paradise, verbal harassments intensive curses and a chuck load of virtually annoying sarcastic remarks. One could never even point out a minute of that day the two beauties weren't at each other's throats, or any conversation that didn't have his name attached to it one way or the other.

Well, to be exact, it was always Temari, being the more sarcastic and impish one, and Kin being her hopeless target, She couldn't resist the urge to tease the ebony haired Kunoichi, because it was so much fun, fun that Temari could swore she never had to this extent. It was just been a day into living with Naruto and his seemingly gullible roommate, but Temari deducted that living with them was far, far more entertaining than anywhere else, and that flattery feeling she felt in her stomach pit when she saw her fellow Blondie in those adorable boxers today morning were signs, signs that she would eventually find out to be something she waited for all this long.

The tease war started, early that day but the really dramatic moments were when they went on the shopping trip, Things started to go haywire when Temari stepped out wearing a black and orange striped, two piece bikini from the changing room and declared to Kin that she would ask Naruto if he liked them, which blew Kin over the top and she went on to rip the damn two-piece provocative clothing to shreds like a mad wildcat, although she had to pay the shop keeper for it, she was really satisfied by her deed, she had no doubt that the idiot of an Uzumaki would say he liked it solely because it was damn orange and black, and the sandy bitch would always rub it on her face. Damn that sexy jerk, bringing a girl home, and "her" of all people. Little did Kin know Temari had bought six pairs of those including two of the above colors in different patterns?

The next scene started when Kin bought a present for Naruto a white gold necklace with a red tube like crystal amulet dangling on it, she wanted to replace the one he said he "LOST" while he was away. And our dearest Sunagakure, beauty queen had to always top the Konoha beauty, in any way she had to, so she went out of her ways to buy two beautifully carved daggers, with two big green and blue gems on their handles which had silver tribal patterns running all over them. Needn't to say how expensive the rare artifacts were and how they topped the necklace by a long shot.

Even though Kin was annoyed hugely by the gesture, she held her nerves intact because, she herself believed that the expressivity of a present is irrelevant, what's important is the care and love you add to it, that would make the receiver happy. But, her philosophic inner self shattered into thousand teeny weeny pieces, as the anger that entangled her was so annoying and unretired for a whole day, and the sole reason that erupted her anger was that sandy dream-boy stealing slut, who just had to open her big phony mouth and say that those two crappy, rusted daggers, would always remind Naru-Kun about how much they were meant to be together because the two gems were the color of their eyes, one cerulean and the other jade.

And hell literally broke lose as it turned into a battle of who would buy the best gift of them all, as the two beauties caused havoc on the shopping district invading the shops like crazy teen girls which they really are, and spent almost everything they had on them for things ranging from shoes clothing, more accessories and any shit stuff you could imagine, once Temari even tried to buy him a pair of cute boxers, she was blushing crimson, as she asked Kin, if she thought he would look cute on them and eventually an even deeply bushing Kin would rip it apart, and pay for it afterword's.

The shopping trip, Was not so bad, even though the two wouldn't say it aloud like EVER, both the girls smiled, laughed and ripped their cloths apart, but it was satisfying to say the least, because, it was since a long time they both acted like their usual impish ways, and Kin had to admit even a little that Tamari's entrance bought a sense of panic to her inner self, like she should up her snail-sped game on winning his heart. Which she now found out how far behind she was, even if she was living with the eye candy of Konoha all this long.

"Aww what the fuck" she whined, the sand bitch had beaten her yet again, she, so much wanted her Hot water shower now, but here she was, banging on the bathroom door, for that green eyed witch to, step out," how long does it takes for that girl to bath ha?, it was like an hour ago that she went inside, what the hell, that bitch, she's singing out loud to annoy me. Err, I' really want to kill that bitch, and that sexy basted afterword's, okay not him, but her"

Kin's annoyance was stopped mid spree as, the Suna beauty stepped out on her tippy toes, with a glint of happiness and a lusty smile plastered on her lips.

"What the hell, do you think you're wearing ha? Are you trying to seduce him or something you slut" the dark eyed beauty ranted in dismay until she realized something else.

"Holly shit is that his T shirt"

Yup, Temari, was wearing, a really, really short skin tight white shorts that showed her sexy curves really well and her sexy legs, a black long sleeved t shirt, with the Uzu swirl on its left sleeve, It hung loosely on her shoulders reveling her sun kissed golden skin.

"Yup" She squeaked impishly, with her eyes in a dreamy state.

"get off of it you filthy slut, don't you have cloths," Kin's tried to pry the shirt off of Temari, as she tried to get a hold of the girl, but Temari quickly ran behind the couch and snickered at the Konoha Kunoichi.

"You know, his smell is so captivating, even wearing his shirt feels like him hugging me and kissing my neck. She said blushing a little at her own implications, as she gestured with her hands as of hugging an imaginary Naruto, with a lusty, Sadistic look on her eyes.

That did it, Kin erupted like a volcano, as her ears steamed, and she lashed on to the blond haired vixen, like a big cat on its pray, cursing and badmouthing all the while.

"Stop that you filthy slut"

"Not the hair, you psycho bitch"

"Take it off; take it off, you bitch"

"Get off of me you lesbian creepo, why are you always trying to rip my clothes off"

"Am' not, and they are not your clothes', you slut"

"Get off of me, Biiiiiiiiiiitch!"

And the mad rant went on and on, awaking all the neighbors, some even throwing buckets full of water outside thinking that it was cat. Oh how close they were to the truth.

Back again with the Namikaze clan house…

"Why the fuck are you two always trying to, to "make out" ha?" Tayuya ranted as she pulled a blushing Chiesa to her with the magnetic attraction power granted by the Rinnegan, she went on ranting, waving her hands in air in horror, how that sneaky bitch dare try to steal his "first kiss" like that, when it was meant to be hers. Oh the agony he would be in when she finds out the truth, it was only Tayuya out of the five who didn't know the whole Chiesa kiss incident, or else the queen of curses would never let them hear the end of it.

The angelic redheaded beauty ranted on and on about cheating girls and un-trustable sexy blonds, all the while others, including two crimson faced teens, sat on the couch hands on chin, waiting for the seemingly unending rant to stop, at least make her run out of curses and abusive words.

But Tayuya running out of them were like Naruto running out of chakra, or Naruto losing his ramen appetite, she always had one word to come after the other, and no one bothered to stop her because they knew that, in these situations the best way to save themselves was to stay out of her firing line.

While Tayuya went on her bombast, having conversation with seemingly no one, pointing fingers at the air "and I said, but NOOO Naru-kun had to, and she had to but her skinny ass in as well," And glare daggers at the lost looking blond Uzumaki. Chiesa managed to pull herself out from her flushed state, and she focused on the task she had on her mind before she was un-warningly mesmerized by two sapphire orbs, of a certain blond god-like.

Everyone other than the ranting Uzumaki vixen, focused on the Uchiha princess as she sat up and Shadow walked, to all corners of the high ceiling the living room, or rather the hall had. She stood vertically defying gravity using her chakra and placed a jutsu seal at each end confusing the observers to no end, after placing six or so stickers she moved to the grand chandelier at the center of the ceiling and placed a connation seal at its hold.

Satisfied with her work she activated the legendary clan dojutsu, the eternal Mangekyo, as it spun wildly on her eyes, while she concentrated on her jutsu, doing a certain amount of hand seals. Finishing a ritual of sorts, she jumped down, diving down in a graceful spin on the air and landing on the wooden coffee table at the center with nothing less than a feathers weight converging to it.

With everyone raising eyebrows and looking awkwardly at her, she smirked a little as to gesture the words "let me explain", and held her hands on the boar seal, channeling chakra through her palms as her Sharingan Spun yet again spontaneously with the jutsu at use.

After a few seconds, she did a half ram seal and mumbled "Kai!" As suddenly as those words hovered through the air, a thin yet visibly sharp line of charka roamed through the ceiling connecting all the seven seals she placed on it, including the connection seal. As kanji markings shined blue above their heads burning themselves to the ceiling itself. As the last mark burned down, the occupants of the vicinity met with a booming sound and a flash of white blinding light which partially blinded them, and mostly took Tayuya out of her rants.

Adjusting eyes from the flash bang the six war hero's met with a disturbing scene, The ceiling and ironically, the roof of the house was no more, what's visible was the Star filled night sky shining over their heads with countless amounts of stars in every color a man can imagine, and the partial moon.

Everyone looked slightly horrified by the seen unfolded, even though; it looked really beautiful to see the sky from the living room. But what was peculiar was that the Chandeliers above them which hovered in midair unsupported defining gravity itself, essentially enlightening the six with the required information that they solely lacked and wanted.

This was a serious SS class and seemingly permanent Genjutsu, Which only a Kage level shinobi could detect and dispel, which they all are, and undoubtedly one of the most genius of ideas their resident Genjutsu specialist come up with. The admiring and awed looks they had, plastered on their faced suggested nothing else (Hogwarts style :P).

"Woahh…That's just" Naruto started with an awed look in his eyes

"Brilliant" Mei added

"It's beautiful" Yugito added, smiling with admiration

"Good job, Chiesa-Chan" Karin said her eyes mesmerized by the star filled sky.

"Mm" Tayuya just said, she was yet to make up with Chiesa, but she had to admit to herself as well, that was just brilliant.

After a while of staring at the night sky, with the coolness that the house was famous for, amongst other things that Hashirima-Senju had a hand in. Naruto decided that it was already late and he'd better get the girls to choose their rooms, so he can go to bed himself as well, so he tried to fill the empty air with something.

"Okay, girls, that's enough star counting for one night, hehe, it's time for bed, and you can have whatever room you want, as long as it's not the dungeons" he said smiling cheekily at them his trade mark one, with a thumbs up.

"I' get to stay in Naruto-kun's room" Squealed the red haired Uzumaki in delight with a dreamy heart shaped look in her eyes as she pumped her fists in the air as well.

Naruto blushed crimson red with the images Kyuubi just sent him just like Temari's situation, but he screamed at the damn furball in his head, for being such a perv.

The others just sweat dropped by the one track minded girl's antics all the while they threw daggers at her mentally, there was no way in hell they would let her carry on with such a horrible deed, even if Naruto agreed, not unless she was married to him, which all of them would fight for, to be his first wife.

"No Tayuya, You are NOT, sleeping in Naru-Kun's room" it was Yugito who busted the Uzumaki beauty's bubble; while the others joined in with slight "mm's and nods.

"Aww, what the hell, alright, I want the room next to his" she stated, more firmly now with a fierce look in her hazel orbs.

"Ahm, well, actually Tayu-Chan, it's mine, I, reserved it way before today" Chiesa corrected the read head quickly, not really happy to give her already decorated room, which she did the last time they came here.

"No-you didn't"

"Yup, I did! Ask Naruto-Kun, I already have my stuff there as well" she said smiling slightly as she looked at Naruto to confirm.

The others narrowed their eyes at the blond as well, "when did that happen?"

Sweat formed in the back of his head with the intense looks the girls gave him, he scratched the back of his head and nodded authenticating the Uchiha beauty's claim, while smiling nervously.

"But when did that happen?" it was Karin who voiced the question.

"Long time ago, I was here when hokage-Sama showed him the place, and he told me to pick one, even helped "me" decorate it as well, even though we had to send it underground again that day." the Uchiha beauty replied smiling calmly.

"OKAY, BUT THE ONE NEXT TO IT IS MINE!, I'LL KICK ANYONE'S ASS IF YOU TRY TO HAVE IT AS WELL, IF YOU WANNA TRY, BRING IT ON" Ranted the Rinnegan wielding beauty, annoyed out of her wits. As she bounced on the balls of her feet, doing a one two punch as well.

No one tried to protest her, they knew that if Tayuya wanted to fight for something shed go all out, something which is really scary, because of her truly remarkable capabilities with the newly attained powers gifted, by the nine tails Jinchuriki. Not that they were scared to fight her, all of them seconded to none, but quite the contrary, the fight would always destroy the whole house including a good part of Konoha as well so, brawling with her for a silly thing like a room was not something they fancied much.

"Ahhhh, can we go see the rooms Naru-kun? I'm sleepy" Yugito yawned as she tugged a nerves looking Naruto towards the staircase, which the others followed suit, equally as sleepy.

"So, you decided to have a little fun here ha?"

They were halfway on the stairs when a sly voice stopped them on their tracks. Turning around Naruto's eyes fell upon the tall frame of non-other than his perverted hermit sensei, Jiraiya of the Sannin, leaning on the doorframe, with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"hey pervy-sage," Naruto waved his hand from his position, slightly oblivious to the older sage's suggestive remark, although the girls pounced upon it right after those words filled the air, as to why thousands and thousands of kunai's were now slinging at the toad sage's way mentally.

Avoiding the vicious glares the angelic beauties sent his way Jiraiya, stepped through the doors and approached the big leather couch situated in the center of the room, but he froze in his tracks midway as his mouth gaped open and nearly crashed to the floor in utter horror at seeing the newly added décor. They just moved in to this place and destroyed the roof already?

"Holly shit, why the hell did you destroy the roof for?" he ranted. For being the most powerful of the three sannin's Jiraiya could sometimes be as childish as Naruto and as much as stupid as well, if he bothered just the slightest to send a chakra pulse, he would have avoided the next sarcastic remark all together.

"You're not that powerful as people say so ha Jiraiya-sensei?" mouthed Tayuya, who just shunshined in a blink of an eye right next to the towering structure in the shape of the toad sage and looked up, locking her now visible Rinnegan eyes spinning amid the hazel color.

"It's just a Genjutsu; don't worry about it, but what you need to worry is this" as soon as she finished that last word she punched him right in the gut, sending Jiraiya who was not on his guard at all and was waiting for a more friendlier conversation, hurtling backwards.

"THAT'S FOR PEAKING ON YUGI-CHAN WHEN SHE WAS ON THE SHOWER YOU PERVERT!" she screamed while fire burned in her eyes like rock lee's holding her fist in front of her face with raging passion.

"H-he did what?" uttered the purple eyed Jinchuriki in complete shock and horror as she covered her now fully dressed upper part with her hands dramatically.

It took a while for Jiraiya to get up from that inhuman punch he received, in the meantime which Naruto told the girls to go check the rooms out assigning Chiesa as the tour guide while he and Jiraiya had their talk,

"Heh, you deserved that, don't you sensei" Naruto chuckled from his seated position on a medium sized rock, positioned neatly in the front lawn of his now owned clan estate.

Jiraiya who was seated next to him, was currently rubbing the sore area, albeit the punch from his newer disciple. He had to admit, the girl was a monster when it came to punches and with the proper training with Tsunade, "she" could even rival Sakura with the sheer power she pulls on those brutal punches.

"har, har, har, very funny, doesn't have to rub it on my face aye gaki" Jiraiya spoke in an annoyed tone still wincing from the sullen pain.

"So what's the deal, what did you want me for?"

"Straight to business aye, why, you don't like spending time with me anymore?" Jiraiya said acting hurt.

"Damn straight, unlike you, I want to live, if I get rubbed on with your perverted charms, I'll end up in a dead pool of blood before you can even say Rokudaime" Remarked the blond sarcastically as he handed a tube of ointment out of the pant pockets to his fatherly figure.

"I carry that around in case I bump into Sakura Chan, with her going through that period of the month" he added, as both of them later broke in a fit of laughter, with the both rolling on the ground in comical fashion.

"Gosh, I needed that" Jiraiya stopped laughing with a high intake of breath.

"Alright, here's the deal, Tsunade's going to announce your succession and your inheritance soon, she asked me to give you the formality training, and teach you the political tricks and tariffs as well so she authorized me and you a training trip for three weeks."

Naruto's eyes shot up so soon that Jiraiya knew then and there he had the boy right on his track. Little did Naruto know that Tsunade was forced to do so because having Naruto around the village was the cause of increased paperwork, cat fights, girls writing letters in blood claiming her love for him which usually ends up in her office, and a whole generation of fan clubs fighting against each other for dominance, Not to mention of those idiotic fathers clubs, she was annoyed out of her wits.

she was to announce his probation period of a year, later than that, but desperate situations needed desperate measures, so she made up her mind that he was ready enough, and decided that she would announce the succession with his inheritance in the same day the tournament would kick off, in doing so she would get the boy and the pervert out of her hair for a couple of weeks and a seemingly lesser amount of paperwork. And maybe she could pester the boy, and get her revenge on him with an awful lot of slave driving in the one year training period under her to come.

"And you know, if you're up to it, we could finish the Ultimate version of the Hirashin as well" Jiraiya added the creamed toppings. This was a sure trigger that would always work. Even as powerful as he is, Naruto always was eager to learn more, a trait he gained from his father, they sucked jutsu's like a sponge, ever eager to hold more.

"When do we start?" Naruto asked giddy with excitement.

"Right now, we need to leave soon, if you want to come back in time for the ceremony, do you have a problem with it?"

"And just to let you know, we're training in the wave country ,god only knows who we'd meet" Jiraiya added hastily, he surely knew the boy so much, he knew how to get him in working order one way or the other.

"No problem, when do we leave" came the enthusiastic reply from the childish looking blond wind god, jumping from toe to toe, like a boxer.

"After about an hour, I need to do some errands and give some instructions, get ready and meet me at the gate with your stuff" Jiraiya said with a slight triumph in his voice from the achievement he just had, as he stood up and disappeared into the wind without further ado.

After an hour, near the Konoha gate,

"Summoning jutsu" a small crimson mist appeared on the immediate contact and through it stepped a little two tailed fox with red demonic eyes, it was just a feet tall, with fluffy black fur and a wide golden streak running down its back from the top of his head to the lower back, the tips of its tails were golden as well, it was visible that the little summon was just a cub, and its cuteness was really heartwarming.

"BOSS! WHAT'S UP" chimed the little thing happily at its master and self-proclaimed big brother.

But he didn't get to hear Naruto's answer as he was viciously pulled up by a pair of delicate hands and snuggled up to her chest, while cooing and squealing in delight.

"Naoki-kunnnnnnn!, Kwaaaiii" Squealed Tayuya impishly as she hugged the cute little fox to her chest, to the protests of the poor thing.

After few seconds Tayuya placed the little cub on the ground, with a caring smile as she hooked her hands again, around Naruto's, which she had to let go a while ago, when he did the summoning jutsu.

Naruto pulled out a scroll about as tall as the little fox and bent down on his knee to address the little thing, "Naoki-Kun, I need a little favor, I need you to deliver the letters I sealed on this scroll, there are about eight of them, and I listed them according to priorities and the locations, can you do that for me"

"Sure thing niisan," responded the little summon, with a mock salute using his left paw, and sent a surge of his chakra through his little fluffy ear tips, which engulfed the big scroll and made it disappear into thin air, securely sealed inside his domain.

"Thanks, buddy, I owe you," Naruto thanked his trusted summon with a smile, "and come by tomorrow morning, Ramen for breaky!" he added with a cheeky smile, bribery would always make sure a job well done.

"Will do, niisan, see you later, you too Tayuya-Chan" Naoki said cheerfully as he vanished from sight with those last parting words.

The area, silenced again, with a nocturnal bird hooting once a while ever so slightly. Naruto and Tayuya was currently seated on the high wall of Konoha easily reaching 60 feet, Tayuya leaned her head on his shoulders as they both enjoyed the beautiful night sky at hand. Although the situation Naruto had a little fear in the back of his head as well, for that if the girl was to sleep on his shoulder right now, he'd end up carrying her to wave himself. He suffered that kind of a formality every once a while with her so he knew the worst case scenario at hand.

"Oi-gaki, time to leave" came the voice of Jiraiya, from down below, to the delight of Naruto. Tayuya frowned a little when Naruto shifted his body a little, gesturing her that they should go down. She hated when these people just pop out of nowhere ruining her romantic moments with Naruto-kun.

Standing up, Naruto smiled slyly at her and back stepped, little by little to the edge. Tayuya had a knowing look plastered on her face an excited one to say the least. With a wink and a last gaze Naruto back flipped acrobatically moving in midair as he rapidly descended to the solid earth in a diving fashion, hands holed straight. Adrenalin rushed inside him in sequence with the daring move, he loved that feeling, the feeling of rush, he never knew how much he missed the action, in his life for the past couple of years. As soon as Naruto was at touching distance to the surface, he evaporated in a crimson mist, like a water drop shattering into million particles in the immediate contact.

Up above, Tayuya's voice could be herd in the form off a shrill of excitement. The sleepiness that engulfed her a while ago vanished into a numb nothingness, As two powerful yet invisible hands wrapped around her and flew her across the starry plains in a fantasy ride one could only dream of ever experiencing.

The two Rinnegan wielders descended on to the ground, with the female party chuckling and laughing all the way. As they both touched down, Naruto placed the angelic beauty carefully on her civilian shoe worn feat all the while he materialized to visibility out of thin air.

"Pretty neat ha?" he asked the older Sage with a triumph to his voice.

"Not too shabby, I thought I said YOU and your luggage specifically?" Jiraiya asked, not that thrilled to move around with his other student on the saddle; the girl would always ruin his precious research.

"Yeah so?"

"What is she doing here?" he asked looking at Tayuya with electricity connecting his eyes and Tayuya in comical fashion.

"Well she's my Luggage, I guess" Naruto chuckled responding the older sage who was currently busy doing a Mexican stare down.

"We're here Naruto Kun, announced another feminine voice, to the horror of the older toad sage. His fool proof plan of laying Naruto the bomb about the TOURENAMENT when they were busy training looked farfetched now, oh how he missed the old days, when it was him and his idiotic student walking in to the blazing sun.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyy?" Jiraiya cried in dismay. As the five beauties (Demons) looked at him eyebrows raised like he just popped a vein or something.

"Let's go" Naruto announced cheerfully avoiding Drama queen of a sensei as he marched on, just like the first time he went out on a training trip with a cheery face, as the five beauties followed suit hot on his heels, "This will be good" He Mumbled to himself as he felt two pairs of hands wrapping around his. As they walked on a leisurely pace now, all sleep lost.

Somewhere else

Ino Yamanaka, the heiress to the Yamanaka clan, and undoubtedly the sexiest Konoha Kunoichi in her generation, was vibrant with the happy smile plastered on her cute lips as she stepped out from the shower, wrapped only by a white towel, as she skipped on her tippy toes while humming her now most favorite melody, of her now, the most favorite person in the whole wide world.

God, didn't he swipe her off of her feet today, he was so perfect, and he made her so happy, that she just couldn't think of anything or anyone since then, not that she was happy for him ditching them like that un-notified, but she figured he must have had a special reason or something or else, he would never ever do that to anyone, and specially with forehead girl there as well.

She kept humming the lyrics as she danced around her room, stopping at the plushy fox toy he won for her, and she tapped a little on its nose using her delicate pointer finger.

"Your love's like the shiny ray of sun Naruto-kun, I' would never get, enough of you" She thought, while her eyes looked like a dreamy heart shape, while squealed like a school girl in delight.

Her thoughts of him were like an addictive sweet, when you just have one taste of it, you would never have it easy to stop wanting more, she ran deep and far, back and forth, into their childhood days, his goofy antics, his orange fetish, his carefree yet fearsome resolves, into the war days, the days he stood beside her when Asuma passed away, the man he became, handsome, charming, cheeky, safe as a house.

Uzumaki Naruto was much more than a Boyfriend material, he was an Adonis for crying out loud, and the thoughts of having him as her boyfriend, having the sole authority to wrap her hands around his and walk proudly by his side, and brag to the whole world that she was the Girlfriend of Uzumaki Naruto, wow, she even felt butterflies rushing through her stomach with the chilly, electrical sensation it brought just from the thought of it

Her musings were stopped by a little pop sound, and a chuck of ref smoke that materialized in the corner of her room. Ino Narrowed her eyes at the unauthorized smoke that appeared so suddenly in her chamber, through it stepped out a black and gold furred little fox, that took her a bit out of guard , but she calmed her nerves as she knew that this little creature would definitely be some one's summon.

"Who the hell are you?" she inquired, still on her guard.

"Aww what the hell" the little thing mumbled as it stumbled upon her dust bin and fell.

"Oh, sorry about that, you're Ino-Chan right?" the fox cub inquired, answering her with a question.

"YEAH, but you didn't answer me? She stated, still narrowing her eyes on the little harmless looking thing.

"Great, I Knew I'd find the right place, I'm Naoki, a summon, and the super awesome right hand man of big boss Naruto-niisan"

Naruto-kun's? kwaaaiii !

As soon as it said the introduction, Ino jumped into action glopping the cute little furball, and hugging it closely cooing it like a baby all the while, she just love plushy toys, and this little thing was a major in cuteness, especially since it's his summon.

The little fox Cloaked for air, if he was a human, he'd probably feint from the chance he got, to be that close to some certain parts of the autonomy of the most lusted over girl in Konoha, but since it was a fox, and a little one at that he just took it as a friendly gesture, even though the girl was squeezing him to death.

"C-Cant, breath, Ino-Chan" Naoki managed to blurt our few words.

"Oh, sorry, she dropped the little thing lightly on her bed scratching the back of her head like Naruto, some of her recent thoughts taking toll,

"Ahm, Naoki-Kun, I was just about to have my herbal tea, before bed, would you like to have something as well" Ino offered, making her way to the door, and the little fox hot on her heels.

"Yeah, why not, I'll have a big bawl of Ramen Please" he said eagerly, his eyes shining in glee with the thought of having the godly food.

"Hehehe, You do, take after him don't you," Ino laughed angelically, musing with the ironic connections this little one had with his super sexy summon lord. "Sorry Naoki-kun, Ramen's not on the house, would you like a ball of milk instead? She asked with the smile still plastered on her face as they stepped down the stairs, Naoki jumping from stair to stair with his little feet.

"Aww, alright, I guess" he said a little downtrodden, the thoughts of having ramen bursting like bubbles. Anyways milk was the next best thing right, as his mummy said "Never look in the mouth of a gifted horse" Or was it a Donkey? Whatever, he loved milk too so it was as good as anything he'd ask from her instead of the godly gift.

Ino sat on her panty tiles as she sipped her tea, the white towel still securely wrapped around her. She smiled down at Naoki, who was currently drowning happily his little snout on the humongous milk bowl Ino gave him,

"Ne, Naoki-kun, so what brings you here in this late hour" Ino asked the question that was on her mind all the time.

The little kit looked up from his "cheerful feeding session" with milk coated all over his snout which Ino thought was really cute "Oh I forgot, here"

He blasted a little beam of Chakra at the vacant area next to her, materializing a golden colored scroll seemingly out of nowhere to an awed looking ino's amusement.

"He told-me to give this to you" he said as he went back to his hard work that is, finishing the bawl of milk. Ino-Picked up the little scroll with eager eyes, as she hurried on to open it.

Dear Ino-Chan,

I'm really sorry for leaving, you both like that today, but it was not much of my choice as I was summoned for a special meeting of sorts. I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you this myself coz I'm on my way right now as you read this, on a special mission with Jiraiya-Sensei, I'll be back in three weeks and I promise I will make it Up to you when I get back. Anything you want.

-Naruto Uzumaki-

Ps; I don't really remember if I told you this, if I didn't, you looked really cute on that dress today, I loved it; I just had to tell you that. See ya!

Ino blushed crimson with the last words, as her thoughts ran far and wide with the sudden turn of events, "you did say anything right- Naruto-kun" She mumbled to herself with a wicked smile plastered on her face with the thoughts that rushed her mind, while she licked her lips with anticipation.


She tossed, and turned on her bead, his memory was fresh burning her heart inside out. She was resolved that she would never ever leave the shield of blankets that currently covered her, she would most probably fail to do so pathetically, when the morning sun rose, because being late for her shift was the last thing she wanted, Turning on the bad side of Tsunade these days was like signing her death wish. Not that anything, even death could hurt her more than the current heart ache. But being slave driven by the blond hokage was a scary though, even if it was a mere thought.

"Naruto" she sighed, for what looked like the hundredth time for that night. Why does it always had to be this hard, it was hard enough to really figure out that she loved the blond idiot this madly, She wanted to tell him, how much she was desperate to be with him, how much she yearned for his touch, to see that heartwarming smile again, that variety he presented solely to her. But he had to; he had to be that charming, in front of all those girls, damn, that idiot!

And that Ino-pig, didn't she have the hot's for Sai or something, that sneaky bitch! she had to butt in her slinky ass, as well. And he with all his charming majesty had to make her cry, in front of that pig, in front of the whole world for god's sake, with that stupid song of his. Wasn't he done giving her hell, it was hell already as it was when he stole her heart like the thief he is. Sakura pondered again as her tears fled absent mindedly, dampening her already tear soaked yellow night gown.

Her bemoaning ponders suddenly got interrupted, by a small pop and a gush of smoke which appeared next to the bed, and as the smoke cleared out, there it was, Naruto's trusty messenger, his little stooge.

Hey Sakura-Chan beamed the fluffy furball as he jumped up on her bed.

Hello Naoki –Kun, she said faking a little smile at the black and gold fox-cub, who jumped up and down with excitement.

"I have a message for you from Naruto-kun" the Demonic fox remarked, Flashing his sharp canniness happily.

"Ok, let's hear it then, what does that idiot have to say now?" she said, acting unexcited, but in the inside her heart pounding on her chest, giddy with excitement.

"Can't say it" The little troublemaker replied, unhappy about her un-enthusiastic reply, who the hell does she think she is, to insult his boss like that, the nerve of this chick.

"Wha?" Exploded the pink haired Kunoichi, she was not in the mood to play around with him.

"Say it or else, I'll rip your tails apart" threatened the Haruno heiress, as she scared the living daylight out of the poor thing when she held it, by its tails.

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT, just put me down you crazy monster, "the little one growled in utter horror, man this is such a hassle. And here he thought the old hokage was scary.

Sakura dropped the two tailed little plushy thing on to the ground without any pity what so ever. Under her book he deserved more, calling her monster and reminding her more and more about that damn sexy Uzumaki with the golden streak of fur on its back.

"Meanie!" growled Naoki as he plotted the assassination of the pink stressed goddess "wait till, I get that fox fire thingy down, imma burn you to a crisp" all without making eye contact at the more real demon on the room for him.

The fox cub channeled its chakra and pointed its two gold-fur tipped ears at Sakura's lap, conjuring Naruto's message scroll out of thin air.

"There u go, I'm outa here," he announced, and its snout curled up into a cheeky look "forehead-girl!" Added the fox sarcastically as it jolted away in a crimson smoke before he got caught in the range of a furious Sakura fist. Little did she know that Naoki found that little information about her infamous nickname just a little while earlier from the designer of it herself.

"Why you little," Sakura screeched, as fire initiated on her jade crystals and anime style lightning appeared behind her head representing her angered state.

After calming down a little, as she finished plotting the ways of the little fox's death, she pulled out "his" scroll, and opened it with eager eyes.

Suddenly, a portal like thing appeared next to her head and through it appeared Naoki,

"You know, I still think Ino-Chan is much cuter than you, you know, um just saying, you're kind of …FLAT, if you know what I mean!" he said showing his tongue out and disappearing, as suddenly as he appeared. But not without the consequence of an alarm clock slamming on his head hard as he stumbled back to the demonic plains.

"What did you say you bloody pervy kitsune, I'll kill you!"

Sakura raged in rampaging anger, and was doing a really hard job not to bash her hands around in dismay, after what seemed like good twenty or thirty minutes her anger resided considerably, and she focused again on the letter at her hand,

Dear Sakura-Chan,

I'm really sorry for leaving you two like that today, but it was not much of a choice, forgive me okay. I have to leave for a special mission with pervy sage now, so' I want be able to come and say it
personally until I return, I'll be back after three weeks, and I promise I will make it up to you when I get back. I'm sorry again, but to make it up to you I added something special, hope you like it.

You're s truly

Ps; spare Naoki the wrath okay, I'll be there to suffer the consequences myself, ;)

Sakura mumbled "Silly-Idiot" and turned to the other piece of paper attached to the letter and started reading, slowly but steadily a beam of happiness engulfed her, now visibly showing through the radiant and angelic smile that plastered on her face, as well as the blush that deepened with every word she kept on reading.

Story explanation

Well, some of you guys been, pm'ing me and reviewing about my intentions in adding two, OC's to the fic When there are so many suitable girls in the plot already, I replied to most of the p.m.'s, but well I'll explain it to all I didn't get to reply and those who wanted to know.

Today imma explain why I added the Uchiha beauty, Chiesa-Uchiha

Firstly how the hell Itachi got her,

Well. Itachi took Chiesa from Konoha the day the Uchiha massacre happened, she was an orphan, and was just crawling out from a bush when Itachi was running away after giving Sasuke the hatred speech. Itachi's a strategist right, so he knew the options he had in the future, what if Sasuke went rogue, what if Sasuke didn't really understand the reason behind it at all? It would be inevitable that Sasuke would get himself killed not realizing the pattern of hatred and in doing so it would end the Uchiha clan just like that. so Itachi took Chiesa with him so that in the future if an incident like that would occur, the clan would not get extinct, and if Sasuke did turn up fine, then he would bestow the girl upon him so that later, powerful Sharingan wielders can be born with two, Uchiha blood holding shinobi, and the clan would re-rise without the string of hatred attached to it,

but it turned up Sasuke went nuke, and the only option that was left behind was for him hand Chiesa to a powerful shinobi, one that can protect and care for, and the only person that is 10000% suited for the job was Naruto. You guys remember the letter he wrote to Naruto right. That explains that. And firstly Itachi took Chiesa only for clan-ly purpose but later on he came to care for the girl enough to call her his own daughter.

Konan, is the guardian of Chiesa that Itachi assigned so that Chiesa could be protected until, she was powerful enough to protect herself.

The importance of Chiesa to this is kind of simple, i couldn't just let the Uchiha clan die right, and you would later see on a chapter that, she had a good part of the battle with Sasuke and his gang. Plus I wanted to give a life to my own sexy goddess: D

Okay that's it I'll explain latter about the cut and bubbly Aika-Hyuuga.

Author's Note

Alright, that was tight \m/, okay here's the deal, Don't flame me if you saw mistakes, be kind and show them coz I kinda got messed up with the site again, and I didn't get time to re arrange them much. First off, let's talk about Kyuubi, well even if Naruto can summon her in the fox form that is, he doesn't really know, it's a she, couz she never let him see her, what a drama that would be lmao: P

And likewise almost all people except the Kage's still doesn't know he's "The crimson death", and most of Naruto's friends haven't even seen the girls yet, so wait for that dramatic phase as well.

Tayuya doesn't know yet about Jiraiya's intention of using Naruto as the major prize and having said that, the only person that knows the fact that Naruto is the major prize is Mei Terumi, albeit she was the one to receive the letter in behalf of the demons and she was yet to reveal that small piece of info to the others.

Starting from this chapter I'll be up there on the story explanation column, explaining stuff that confused ya all in the story, so you guys can shoot your questions to me.

The poll will only be open till next Saturday, so do vote soon, or else don't come flaming me that something really annoying happened in the ball with a character you didn't like and vice versa,

You know guys almost, almost 100K views and that much many likes, I'm really thankful, for you all but, it would always be super, super awesome if you guys could drop me a review, because I just love to read them, it's kind'f a booster, when I see cool, and rocking Reviews, some of you make. So please, tap that button and scribble something sweet, I will always love em. Just like cupcakes. ;)

SPECIAL REQUEST: Does any of you have the Xbox game, Naruto Shippuden ultimate Ninja Storm 1, 2 or 3 If you do, Could you PM me, I have some stuff to ask!. I would appreciate it!

Alright, like always, keep reading, and keep rocking.

Kev_A …outtie! ^^v