One More Chance

Reminiscence 12: One More Chance

Everything happened so fast like a flash of lightning strikes across the sky.

From one moment when he was wishing to tell a piece of good news to her about his successful joint venture to another moment when he was excited to give her that roses, everything had just changed unexpectedly in a blink of an eye. Everything around him became pitch black. All he knew was that he had heard a loud crash, followed by a huge impact on his car and he flew forward. The next moment, he found himself hanging upside down and glass fragments were all over him.

He felt pain all over his body, especially his lower part of his body. He must be stuck onto something heavy. However, he could not move an inch at all. He slowly opened his eyes and moaned for help. He raised his pair of hands and was shocked. He saw the colour red all over his hands. The smell of rusty iron filled the car. He knew it. He knew that he was bleeding profusely. He knew that at every drop of blood was lost from his body, his life span would slowly shorten rapidly in this case. At any minute, he would leave this world if the blood could not stop flowing.


He jerked.


His tears came flowing out uncontrollably. He struggled to break free from that thing which sandwiched him, ignoring the excruciating pain. He needed to survive. He needed to be by her side. He needed her in his life. He did not care whether his body would tear apart if he tried to pull himself out of that heavy object in his car. As long as he could stay by her side, he would be contented.

Suddenly, a white rose petal fell from above and landed softly at the tip of his nose. He picked that up and saw it turned red, just like his blood. He recalled about the bouquet of white roses he had bought for her. He quickly turned his head around to see if the roses were still there.

Yes, the roses were right next to him but they were no longer pure white. They were stained with splashes of huge red spots.

Reaching out to the roses, he touched the tip of a rose and cried again.

"Mikan," he mumbled. "I love you."

He felt his chest become heavier and heavier. His vision became blurry. Feeling desperate for his dear life, he clutched onto the bouquet of roses and bought it closer to his chest.

Closing his eyes tightly, he muttered under his breath, "Oh God, I know I'm dying but please give me one more chance to live again. I can't leave Mikan alone."

His breathing slowed down.

"Even if my life can't be saved, at least give Mikan the chance to continue living in happiness. She has already tried very hard to search for her happiness. At least give her one more chance to find someone better than me. One more chance..."

"Sir! Hang on! We are going to save you!" a man dressed in a white uniform shouted.

A group of muscular men dressed in that white uniform lifted the side of the car a little and opened the car door. They found a young man lying motionlessly in the car. He was hugging the roses.

"Hurry up and carry him out from there! He has lost too much blood!" one of the men cried and the others quickly dragged him out from the car. "Hurry! To the hospital!"

"What about the roses? That man is holding onto it tightly and we can't remove the bouquet," a lady asked as she and the men hauled the injured man into the ambulance.

"Leave it there under his arms. When we reached the hospital, we will remove it," another man replied as he slammed the back door of the ambulance shut. "Now let's go."

Then, the ambulance immediately left without delay.

"If I could not live on, would you give my beloved one more chance? A chance to remain her happiness. A chance to continue life without me. A chance to find someone better than the useless me. A chance to love again..."

"Mikan-chan, I'm so sorry. Yoichi... He... He met with... that accident and he... he... could not survive... and..."

Mikan dropped the telephone and tears welled up in her eyes.

He had left her.

She fell on her knees and shivered. Before she knew it, she collapsed into the arms of the young teenager.

Life indeed giving her another chance. His request was eventually fulfilled.


That was because that teenager would be the one who would turn her life the other way round. It was as if from this point of life, their romance would soon unassumingly begin to sprout.

Yes, that teenager was none other than Natsume Hyuuga, Mikan Sakura's student.

That would be followed up in 'I Like You, Mikan-sensei' story.

Hi guys, thanks for reading all the way to Chapter 12! Well, it's the last chapter and I really enjoyed writing this story too. I want to thank all those who have supported me throughout the process of writing this story. Thank you! :')

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- Guest: Thank you! :)

- I will be on hiatus for a month due to my GCE 'O' Levels Examinations from 22nd October 2012 to 16th November 2012. Wish me good luck! :)
- Don't forget to check my other stories out too while waiting for this story to be updated! :)
- I will show you guys a preview for the next GA fanfic which I will be posting next time after my exams because I am going to be away for quite some time so it is like a small gift from me. Haha! Enjoy! :D

Preview of my next GA fanfic:

His Psychotic Love

He remembered her as his saviour who reached out to him in spite of those bad rumours. He remembered her as someone who slowly sank into darkness day by day. Her mental condition also worsened at each passing day and the only person she could rely on was him. He loved her for so long and his obsession began to grow right after she had decided to take away her own life right before his very own eyes. Just then, he realised that he could not live in this cruel world without her so he vowed to protect her and love her unconditionally until the very end, even if it meant to take away her life with his bare hands as well to soothe her aching heart.

Lastly, please do review this very last chapter and tell me your views about the above preview! Your replies will be sent via PM. At the mean time, please do check out my other stories too! :)