Title: Digital Freedom
Category: Books ยป Harry Potter
Author: Lovable Riolu
Language: English, Rating: Rated: T
Genre: Adventure/Friendship
Published: 07-17-12, Updated: 09-09-12
Chapters: 5, Words: 4,141

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Lovable here, I don't own either Harry Potter or Digimon. If I did, Harry wouldn't have gone through what he did.

Harry Potter sighed. It was his twelveth birthday and he was practically alone in Japan with his family. His uncle had told him to get out of the hotel and not to come back until nightfall. So the twelve year old started to walk. In his hand was a deck of cards with the words CardGame on both ends with a blue circle in the center green background, and blue circle arrows. They were digimon cards. Something Dudley had grown out of, but Harry hadn't.

Dudley and the neighboring kids, had gotten attached to the game when it first released. From the video games, to the card game. Harry, who had gotten Dudley's unwanted cards, had gone around the neighborhood to collect cards from the garbage. He even found a device that read the cards, and the points one saved up.

"I wish you were real, BlackLiollmon." Harry told his most prized card, Liollmon. He sighed, Placing the rest of his cards away as he stared at the golden lion cub digimon. "Then I'd have a true friend." He pulled out his hand held card reading device. Then placed them in his pocket.


"Guilmon, not now." Harry paused, looking into the park's trees, but couldn't see anything. "We have to figure out how to save Calumon!" Harry frowned, making his way to the voices.

"But Takatomon-"

"Guilmon, please-"

"It's here!" Harry walked around the turned, and bam, there they were. At least four tamers. They spotted him and froze.

"I have nothing against Digimon." He said quickly, holdng his hands up. The group caught his accent quickly.

"Are you a British Tamer?" A sandy blond asked. Harry winced, shaking his head no.

"No, I'm just a kid who is misunderstood."

"Aren't we all?" The red haired girl said. Harry studied her and gaped. "Yes yes, digimon queen." Harry blushed.

"Sorry, I should know by now how that feels. I'm a little famous back home too."

"For what? Reading out loud?" She sneered.

"For stopping a mass murderer." He said like it was an everyday thing. Well, for him, it was. The humans gaped, and the digimon looked confused.

"Takatomon, what is a mass murderer?" Guilmon asked his tamer.

"A very bad person." The dark haired boy said, eyeing Harry. The British preteen blushed. "I'm Henry, this is Terriermon, Takato, Guilmon, Rika, Renamon, Jeri, Leomon, Kenta, and Kazu. You are?"


"Haru?" Jeri asked.

"Close enough. I'll most likely pronounce your name Jerry."

"That's fine. Are you just visiting?"

"Yeah, it's my summer break right now. I don't have school until September."

"How long are you here for?"

"Knowing my family? I'll be left behind, so my teachers will probably come and get me."

"They don't sound very nice."

"Your friend is missing?" Harry asked to change the subject. That line of conversation was taboo. He didn't want to talk about the Dursleys.

"Yeah, his name is Calumon. He helps digimon digivolve." Harry tilted his head.

"They need help digivolving?"

"I don't think so, but it helps to make things easier." Harry nodded, and Takato sighed. "We have to find him. You see a Digimon Deva called Makuramon kidnapped Calumon for his leaders, the Digimon Sovereigns. We don't really know for sure who that is yet."

"I could come and help. I may not seem it, but my abilities make facing monsters easy."


"Because your not normal muggles I can tell you. I'm a wizard." Harry waited for disbelieve.

"Eh, if monsters made out of data exsist, why not magic?" Kazu said, shrugging. "So Haru, want to help us, huh?"

"Hang on, I want proof." Rika protested.

"Grab something that could be used as a weapon." The girl did as asked. "Expelliumus!" The stick went flying from her hand. "Wengardium Leviosa!" The branch floated on its own. "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow. At least you'll be pulling your weight, unlike them." She pointed to the digimonless muggles. Harry nodded, glancing around. "What?"

"I'm not getting expelled from Hogwarts? I used magic in front of nonmagical humans."

"Maybe its different for Japan?" Jeri asked, her partner nodded. "So Haru, are you hungry?"

"Kind of. I ran out of money yesterday."

"Well, do you want to eat with me? I'm having Leomon talk to my father tonight. I could introduce you as one of the kids going with."

"Sure, that's a good idea." Harry followed her home. He listened as the Digimon explained what was going on, and Harry explained he would protect her to the best of his ability. Harry explained how many others were going, that they would try and keep contact. The man thanked him, and they ate.

"You're sure that you don't want to spend the night? It's late. You can call your Aunt and Uncle, and tell them where you are-" Jeri's stepmom started.

"I'm probably in enough trouble as it is. I'll be fine, Mrs Katou." Harry smiled to reassure her, wishing that he could do the same for himself.

It wasn't as late as the Katous' were worried. Rather, his guardians would be mad whether he stayed or not. If they learned he made friends, normal friends, he'd be in greater danger. So he rushed along the streets to the hotel they were staying in.

Uncle Vernon was waiting for him. With a metal bat, that Harry didn't know where he got it from, and belt, he came at the young boy with vengeance. Harry had long since learned to tune out his Uncle's rants, they were repetitive. Finally, with a crack to his head, the world went blissfully black.