And here it is, my lovelies, the last addition to a long in coming conclusion. Once again, I just want to say Thank You for all the support and kind. Now before I let you off to your reading splendor, a few things I want to address!
Firstly, I plan I editing/rewriting this story sometime in the vaguely far off future. At this point, I am completely done with this and don't want anymore to do with it after this chapter. But I also realize that when I started this, I didn't do NEARLY as much editing as I should of. Now, I plan on rectifying this at some point by going through each chapter and editing/fixing/rewriting everything I think needs it and posting the updated chapters all at once to keep it all fluid. But at this point I can't even bring myself to LOOK at the older chapters never mind rework them so this will be a task for when I am mentally prepared to re-read my awful writing. I've changed a lot as a writer since I started this and I think a lot of you will be surprised.
Now, one reader recently asked a very important question regarding the future of SoM. FireEmblemMaster101 asked if I plan on writing a sequel for this. Now, since I was still in the middle of writing the epilogue of this which is pretty much suppose to act as a sort of closure for the whole thing, my answer to this question for now is 'no'. But it also brought to mind that there are still questions that might not have been answered still. And as my Muse is a fickle woman who has be forever at her mercy, it is also very possible that I will indeed write a sequel, or companion of sorts, to SoM. Will this happen anytime soon? No, because I have maybe ten other stories in the works at the same time already clamoring for my attention. Will I never write one? It's possible that I will like to revisit this Universe I have created from Hellsing and possibly continue it. But for now, this is it.
Now, again, I want to thank all of you for the continued support and I hope you enjoy any future story I post in the future~!
R&R and I hope you enjoy~!
Shadows of Moonlight
30 years later.
It was late evening and she had been overworking again. This wasn't so unusual, all things considered. Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing stared down at the pile of paperwork still on her desk, needing to be signed and shipped out. She sighed, reaching up with one hand to rub the bridge of her nose. Just how many nights since that day had she stayed up into the wee hours of the night, working on inane papers that didn't need to be sent out for processing anytime soon? Far too many it would seem, since she could not remember the last time she got a good night's sleep. With a heavy sigh, she forced herself to her feet and trudged over to the large windows that sat behind her desk. She stared out into the night, although in truth she was looking at her own reflection. She didn't like to do so that often, but figured if she was going to suffer insomnia she needed something to do besides paperwork.
Thirty years had passed since that fateful day. Integra was now fifty-two years old and the wear of age was finally revealing itself on her face. Wrinkles lined her mouth and under her eyes, a few on between her eyes from forever scowling. In truth, they reminded her a bit of the wrinkles that had adorned Walter's face. Her loyal butler had passed away at the ripe old age of eighty-nine just a scant decade ago, passing away peacefully in his sleep. She still missed him greatly, although her new butler William did a bloody good job of taking his place. But she'd grown up with Walter. He had been like a second father to her and to have him pass like he had been both a blessing and a curse. Sighing, she continued to examine her reflection. Although she barely spent any time outside of her private quarters and office anymore, Integra's skin was still that light coffee color her father had adored, her hair was still long and platinum blonde and she still had the commanding air of a leader.
Thirty years . . . it had been thirty God-be damned years and she still had no idea whether she was still 'alive'. Her dear Seras, the sister she had always wished for and managed to have, taken long before her time was up. Integra had rebuilt her Organization, had continued her fight against those creatures of the night who preyed on the innocent and had put whatever sources she could into finding Seras and the cursed No-Life King. But nothing had turned up. Ever since that day on the roof, when he had taken her from them, it was as if the two had vanished completely from the face of the earth. She had searched every corner of the globe for them but still nothing. Perhaps it was time to give up. Perhaps . . . it was better if she never knew. She knew Pip Bernadotte was still searching for the Seras. The man was even more determined than Integra was, and used his resources as a mercenary to find the information he was after. It was too bad that he hadn't found any concrete leads either.
Idly, Integra fingered the eye-patch adorning her otherwise unmarred (ignoring the wrinkles of course) face. A sardonic grin twisted her lips as she studied it in the windows reflection. No, she would never stop searching. Not so long as she had this permanent reminder of her own foolishness. Grunting, she turned back to her desk, inclined to call for a late night tea, when she froze. There, sitting innocently on the hardwood finish as if it had every right to be there was a stuffed bear of powder blue with a matching bow tie. In its fluffy arms was a rare blue rose, one she hadn't seen in thirty years. What in the world—
"You know staying up so late is bad for your complexion. But then, you were always gorgeous no matter what, I suppose it doesn't matter either way."
Integra spun to the side, finally noticing the figure standing hidden in shadow. That voice, she knew that voice! But it couldn't be . . . could it? Slowly, her eye adjusted to the gloom and she sat in her high-backed chair with a solid thump. "As if you have any right to give me pointers on my complexion, considering you haven't changed in over thirty years now. Still got that left over baby fat in the cheeks and everything." With a shaking hand, she reached for her stash of Cuban cigars, needing the calming nicotine more than ever. She placed the stick between her lips and was just reaching for her lighter when a pale hand held it out for her, already lit. Meeting a gaze she hadn't seen in three decades, she lit her cigar and took a few puffs to get it going. Blowing the smoke slowly between trembling lips, she studied the person before her. "So you've returned."
Seras Victoria, clad in a becoming blue top and short black skirt with leggings, stood before her as if she hadn't been missing for years. What Integra said was true; she really hadn't changed a bit. Her hair was still a wild gold mane, pulled back in a low spikey tail. Her face was still rounded with baby fat, giving her a cherubic appearance. She was still shapely for a girl appearing nineteen in age, with generous bust and hips. And she still had that sweet, silly smile that would always give Integra a light feeling in her chest whenever she saw it. But not everything was the same. Instead of the deep blue she remembered, Seras' eyes were now twin crimson orbs. And there was a predatory edge to the once guileless girl, as if in any moment she was ready to strike. But she made no move to attack, instead hopping up onto Integra's desk like she used to, crossing her legs and revealing designer boots. Yes, she had indeed changed.
Seras studied the woman she'd once thought of as a sister, seeing changes time had made to her. Her smile was sad, seeing this. Time held no meaning to her any longer and despite her best efforts, she had forgotten how much could change in a mere decade or two. "I had meant to visit sooner, you know. But I wasn't sure how you would greet me. We didn't part under the best of circumstances after all and there are other organizations in the world who hunt vampires."
"So it's true. He changed you." She had known but even so couldn't help but home.
"Yep, he changed me that very night. It was the only way to save me, although I suppose either way I'm considered dead. At least this way I get to still watch my favorite sitcoms." She giggled, staring off into the night with a wistful expression. She placed a dainty pale hand on her chest, just over her un-beating heart. "He took my blood and with it, a part of my very soul. For ten years I was his fledgling and he trained me to become a true Nosferatu, to walk the night alone. I wasn't a very good student somtimes, although I think he secretly liked the challenge. And then, when I was ready, he offered me his own blood and a piece of his soul as well. Now I am a true No-Life Queen."
"And . . . do you walk the night alone now?"
Seras met her eyes, a rather saucy grin spreading across her face. "After everything he went through to attain me, do you really think he would let me go so easily? No, even the mightiest of Kings needs a Queen by their side. And he thought me worthy."
"So you are lovers."
"Yep, and enjoying every moment of it." She giggled girlishly, swinging her legs idly. Her cheery mood dampened slightly as she once more studied the woman beside her. "You're taking this rather well, all things considered."
"I've been searching for you for thirty years, Seras; ever since that night. All things considered, you just made my job a little easier."
"I see . . . and now that you have found me, what is your plan?"
Integra sighed, staring down at her slowly burning cigar. "I'm not sure. My duty says I should take a stake and stab you through the heart so that you can harm no innocents."
"If it makes you feel any better, I only hunt humans who do not deserve to live. You know, serial killers and rapists and the like. Even Alucard approves of my choices."
"I see . . . that still doesn't change the fact that you're taking a life."
"No . . . I suppose not."
"However, my familiar duty states that I should enjoy this time I have left with you and pretend you never appeared once dawn breaks." Integra set her cigar in the ashtray, stood, and pulled the smaller blonde into a tight hug which was gladly returned. "God I've missed you Seras."
"I've missed you too." They stood like that together, holding each other as if they'd never let go, before finally pulling back with a well-hidden sniffle. "Anyways, tell me what I've missed over the years. I heard about Walter's passing. I left a few poppies on his grave. He always did like them, I remember."
"Thank you, I'm sure he would appreciate them. It was difficult without him for a time but his former apprentice, William, has been doing a well enough job. He's no Walter but he's sweet enough."
"And you still haven't married, I see. What will happen to the Organization without an heir?"
Integra sat once more, holding her hands together before her as she spoke seriously. "The time for such family run organizations has passed. The government will take control after my passing, I imagine, and will find a suitable group to handle things. I am old, Seras. Even when I had been young, I knew I would never marry. I do not wish to put my children through the childhood that we had, or risk their lives for a cause that is all but obsolete."
"So the Hellsing Empire has ended."
"Yes. I imagine your beau will be ecstatic to hear that."
"Actually, I think he'll be disappointed. Some of the other organizations that hunt us aren't any real challenges and he gets bored with them easily."
"Too bad, I'm not about to pop out a child just so he can continue his demented games with my family."
"I'll tell him you said that."
They talked on into the night, sharing all their experiences. Integra told Seras about Pip still searching for her, the younger woman immediately turning melancholy at the thought. She had hoped that Pip would have moved on with his life by now. In fact, he had indeed married and had a child to carry on the family work of mercenaries but had never forgotten about the young girl who had captured his heart all those years ago. As romantic as the sentiment was, Seras would have preferred he just give up and retire and she told Integra to tell him so, much to the elders amusement. She told the girl about the work she'd been doing, the monsters she'd managed to protect England and the Queen from. She spoke of her frustration with the 'old men' still on the round table and their narrow-minded views of the world. It wasn't a simple case of 'that's a vampire, so it must die' anymore. It was only after the near destruction of her whole world that Integra realized there were vampires and other monsters that a benefit to society; working from the shadows to keep the ever present balance of order and chaos. Seras didn't need to tell Integra just how proud she was. She could see it in her burning eyes.
Seras told her friend of all the places she'd seen in her travels with her former-Master. She'd seen the pyramids of Egypt, the ancient temples of Greece, the famous Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris! She'd seen the Monasteries of Tibet and even the Great Wall of China. Places she had only dreamed of seeing, she'd been to them all. She'd met other vampires in her travels as well; some she'd dispatched for their harm to the innocents of the world, some she'd become close friends to. She had become one of the most powerful Nosferatu in the world, the one true No-Life Queen. And all the while he had been by her side, teaching her the skills she'd need to survive in a world where it was killed or be killed. Although she didn't say it outright Integra could see just how err, 'fond' the little Draculina was towards the monster. Yes indeed, she seemed to verily glow in the dim light of the moon; a true creature of the night.
Eventually, though, all good things must come to an end.
Seras looked towards the large bay windows, noting the smallest sliver of light on the horizon. "I should go; he will be waiting for me. Although I can survive in low light now, he still prefers me to be in sight when the sun begins to rise."
"I see. I'm glad you came to visit, at least once." She didn't want her to go. She didn't want her to ever leave again. But that wasn't how this tale goes, she thought sadly.
"I am too. I think we both needed this. I was so worried about you after that night. Though I have to admit, you look rather dashing with an eye-patch." She winked roguishly, causing the elder to laugh.
"I will miss you, my dear Seras. I never did tell you just how much I loved you, did I?" Ice blue met glowing red and Seras smiled sadly.
"No . . . but you didn't need to. I could always tell." Slowly, she leaned over towards the imposing woman sitting in her 'throne' and placed a delicate kiss upon her brow. Quietly, she whispered for only Integra and the night to hear. "I will always watch over you, my dearest Integra. I will always be there when you need me."
And then she was gone, into the predawn light of day as if she had only been a dream. But the bear and rose was still on the desk. Slowly Integra reached for them, pulling the bear into her lap and the rose towards her nose to have a whiff of that tender scent. "Yes, I know you will." She whispered quietly, a single tear sliding down her cheek.
Seras refused to cry. She knew it had to be done. She had known for years that Integra had been searching for her and though she'd hoped she would give up over time, knew that she had to face the woman who had been the closest thing to a sister she'd had. She leaned heavily against the wall of the high scale hotel they were renting, closing her eyes to the gloom as she fought back the grief threatening to overthrow her. She would not cry. She had used up all her tears when she had succumbed to her fate. Idly she felt the presence of another watching her from the dark and she opened her eyes, easily able to make out the imposing figure sitting comfortably in the chair before her. Like the king he had been in ancient times, Alucard sat with one leg crossed over a knee, his fingers pressed together in an impression of contemplation. He watched her, with those intense red eyes, as she once more composed herself and stood tall once more.
"So I take it your visit went well?" He drawled slowly, lifting one elegant brow in question. Seras smiled somberly, making her way over to him.
"Yes; she didn't try to shoot me at least and we managed to talk things over. She's refusing to continue the Hellsing line, by the way. Once she passes, Hellsing will be no more."
"Pity, I was looking forward to challenging the Iron Woman's line once more."
"I told her you'd feel that way. I think she was annoyed. And she said, and I quote 'I refuse to pop out a child just so he can continue his demented games with my family'." Without much thought she plopped herself comfortably upon his lap, nuzzling into his neck and shoulder like a cat. "She mentioned Pip searching for me too, but I gave her a message to him to knock that nonsense off."
"Good," he growled menacingly, an arm snaking its way around her trim waist. "That Frenchman has no business searching for what is mine."
"Oh, don't be so grumpy." She quipped playfully, nipping him on the neck. "Pip is nothing more than a memory, now. I probably wouldn't recognize him if I saw him today. Everything's just a memory of a time long gone."
He took notice of the faraway look on her face, quirking a brow inquiringly. "Do you regret your decision?"
"Never," she fairly breathed the words, crimson meeting crimson. "I was just a shadow of a person when you came to me. I would never have done even half the things I did if I'd continued down the road I had planned to walk. You just showed me the path much less traveled." She slowly twisted in his lap until she straddled it, taking his face softly in both of her hands. "It was my choice to follow you into the darkness. And I do not regret one minute of it."
"Good." His eyes revealed a slow burn of desire, and she couldn't stop herself from kissing him deeply. A giggle ended the kiss sooner than desired, and she pulled back with a grin.
"Doesn't matter how many times I kiss you, your moustache always tickles a bit."
"Minx," he growled, pulling her down for another heated kiss.
No, I don't regret a thing, she thought idly as she practically melted into his body, the man easily lifting her and to carry them both to their awaiting 'bed'. How could I regret finding the one thing I didn't even know I was searching for?
And that is, my Draculina? His voice whispered in her mind and she grinned into their kiss.
And there you have it my lovelies. The final conclusion to a tale of tragedy, romance, and the things that bump in the night. Keep a look out for any future works of mine in both the Hellsing 'verse and any others~!
Farewell my lovelies~!
Alucard: I didn't get my smut.
Me: It was implied that you get smut.
Alucard: That doesn't change the fact that I don't get any on screen!
Seras: Just be happy it's over, Master, and lets go kill some freaks.
Alucard: Oh, fine, you win this time! *Goes off to kill some random ghouls*
Me: Bye for now~!