Shapeless Song

Summary: Kagome Higurashi is on the Gymnastics Team, and to her utmost pleasure, she gets to practice "play" with Kikumaru Eiji. With his Tennis style being Acrobatic, he often finds time to practice a few flips, hurdles and handstands in between Tennis, and Kagome is always happy to help...always.

Genre: Romance

Pairing: Kagome/Eiji

Rated: M


"Mine," Kagome Higurashi was known for a lot of things, but never had she been called possessive. Well, it just so happened, that she was. Very much so, actually; it's just, she never let anyone see it.

"K-Kagome-S-Sempai..." A soft and nervous reply was given to that possessive claim, with wind blowing gently, red hair in a flipped style and light blue eyes, staring cutely at Kagome.



Kagome jumped and turned to see one of her favorite people in the world. "Eiji-Chan!"

"Hi Sempai," Eiji looked at Kagome as she licked some of the ice cream she'd been gazing at when he'd arrived at the ice cream parlor.

"What are you up to?"

"Nothing, I just finished Tennis practice, I remembered you mentioned coming to the ice cream parlor after school, I was wondering if you were busy?"

Kagome smiled, "I'm never too busy for my adorable Eiji!"

The red head blushed by smiled all the same, "Then when your done with your ice cream, let's go to the gym!"

"Hai!" Kagome happily finished her ice cream, and after, followed Eiji off too the gym where the mats for Gymnastics were still set out from earlier. "So what are we doing today?"

"I was thinking about doing the Flight Series,"

"Is there a tournament coming up?"

"Ah, yeah, something like that," Eiji jumped excitedly to his feet, "We will be going up against Fudomine again,"

"...something like that?" Kagome looked curiously at Eiji as she pulled a baggy shirt over her head and tossed it aside, not paying any mind to the blush on her friends cheeks. She wore a camisole bra top with a pair of black spandex shorts. Her body was toned beautifully from years of gymnastics and dance, legs toned, arms toned, hair long...she was, in the eyes of many...perfect.

"Y-yeah, it's not really a competitive tournament, it's more like Seigaku and the other teams we've played against and have become close to, coming out and competing with us at the park on Saturday night."

"Ah!" Kagome glared and turned away from him with a pout.


"If it was a tournament, I would understand not being able to watch you play, but this isn't during school hours, why didn't you invite me?"

"Your Gymnastics tournament is on...Saturday..." Eiji reminded her.

Kagome blushed, "I completely forgot about that!"


Laughing, Kagome did a cartwheel next to him and jumped onto his back, playfully, she blew in his ear, her legs wrapped around his waist from behind. "Nai...Eiji-Kun..."

Eiji closed his eyes tightly, his cheeks a furious shade of red, his hand subconsciously gripped Kagome's legs to keep her from falling, but he refused to open his eyes. "H-Hai?"

Kagome smiled, bringing a hand to the front of his Regulars jacket, she gently gripped the zipper and pulled it till the jacket fell open in the front. Kagome laughed cutely before tickling him around the waist. "You know better than to come to me asking for help with such heavy clothes on!"

"Haha!~ S-Stop! Kagome-Sempai~ No more, no more, no more! Hahaha!"

Kagome jumped off of his back and did a few flips towards the balance beam before jumping onto it gracefully and pivoting to face Eiji. "I want you to practice the Split Leap; you recall this move, yes?"

Eiji performed a split in the air while jumping from one foot and landing on the opposite foot, assuming a split position in the air.

"Right, now do it on the beam,"

"Mm, can you do that?"

Kagome put both her hands on her hips and glared, "Do you doubt your Sensei?"

Eiji waved his hands dramatically before him, "No!"

"...good," Kagome smiled, performing a Split Leap on the beam she stood on, she made sure he was watching as she landed on the beam, "Ready now?"

Eiji sighed, "Hai!"

"If you didn't want to do the practice, you shouldn't have asked in the first place!"

"No, it's fine, I just..."

Kagome frowned, "Just what?"

"Nothing! I'll do it!" Eiji ran and jumped carefully, and easily up onto the balance beam, he attempted the move he could so effortlessly do on the ground and tumbled backwards when he landed and almost fell off the beam. "Not...easy..."

Kagome laughed, "Of course not, this will be our goal by the end of this session, for now, we will start with our normal PliƩs, do these down the beam and back,"

Eiji nodded, standing sideways on the beam, his body was facing the side of the beam instead of the end of the beam. He moved his legs just farther than shoulder width apart, and then bent until his knees were at a 90-degree angle. As he rose back to standing, he moved his rear leg toward his leading leg, and then finished by standing with his feet together. He continued doing this down the beam, then back up.


Eiji Kikumaru was never happier to not be near his friends, then he was now. If the guys on the Regulars Tennis Team saw him doing Ballet movies on a balance beam, he'd never live down the humiliation. He felt a hand on his knees and bent them lower in understanding. Kagome had dismounted a while ago to get a better angle for instructing.

He could remember the first time he'd asked for her help. It had been when he was nine, and she was ten. She had been in Gymnastics for five years at that point, and he had seen her doing flips at the playground near his house. He had been playing Tennis for two years at that point, and was getting bored, so he'd asked her to teach him something cool. Why not, right? Well, during one of his matches, he'd accidently incorporated the behind the back, punch to the ball, and had flipped onto his knees by mistake, taking the point with ease do to the surprise he had caused his opponent. He had been losing actually, until he started doing his fancy flips and fun hurdles. He owed his Acrobatic Play to Kagome...even if she herself wasn't aware...she had kept him from quitting Tennis all those years back.


Eiji fell back off the balance beam in surprise, "W-what?" He never stuttered, but she was always so intimidating...and very, very, cute.

"...hehe," Kagome laughed, "You always do this, where do you go in that head of yours, Eiji-Chan?"

", Kagome...I was wondering, have you ever thought about playing Tennis?"

Kagome stepped forward and placed her hands on either side of the beam before pushing herself up into a handstand, both legs and feet meeting slowly in the air. "Not so much thought about playing Tennis, I enjoy watching it...but I don't know about playing it. Why do you ask?"

"No reason...just curious, I guess..."

Kagome walked back and forth across the beam on her hands, "I tried once,"

Eiji perked curiously at that, "And?"

"...and nothing, I tried once, that's it. My mom was really mad. I don't know why, but mom hates Tennis. She truly hates it. I never understood why. I was pretty good to. The person I was playing, this crazy old many who was at the park with his son, he was trying to coax his son into getting angry, making fun of his tennis skills, and he said he would probably have more of a challenge playing a little girl, and I got mad that he was saying all of this to his own son, so I told him to shut up or I'd make him eat one of his tennis balls. He didn't shut up, instead, he challenged me, said he'd stop talking if I scored a point off of him. Well, I didn't, needless to say, but he told me that for my age, I was surprisingly fit and nimble, and my grip and swing was worthy of improving. I told mom that I wanted to join Tennis, and she yelled, telling me to never mention that 'horrible' sport again. So...I never did."

Eiji looked baffled, "Why does she hate it, I wonder."

"So do I, but I'm not dumb enough to ask her," Kagome laughed, "If you are so curious, why don't you ask."

"Nah, I'm good! Let's get back to practice!"

Kagome nodded and flipped off the beam, "Do Pivots now,"

Eiji nodded and climbed back on, pivoting from one foot to another.


Eiji was walking home when he realized he'd forgotten his jacket at the gym. Having run all the way back to get it, he found that it was gone, as was Kagome, which wasn't surprising, considering what he had done only a couple minute before he had run out of the gym in a frightened mess. "I hope she has it,"

"Has what?"

Eiji jumped and turned, "Oishi-Kun!"

"Hey, Eiji...what were you looking for?"

"N-nothing!" Eiji stepped back from his doubles partner, smiling cheerfully, "I was just on my way home,"

"Why are you so jumpy?"

"Who say's I'm jumpy!"

"..." Oishi raised a brow, but added nothing more about his friends' odd behavior. 'Must be puberty,'

"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow at practice!" Eiji called, running out of the gym room.

Oishi waved silently, and then turned to the bleachers where he had left his video camera earlier. He had been recording the basketball game for Momoshiro since he was sick and couldn't see it, and had left it on accident. "Ah...I left it running..." Oishi stopped the video footage, "I'll be deleting a lot of footage tonight," He sighed and left the gym as well, knowing he would be up all night making the video for Momo for tomorrow.


Me: Short Chapter, I know, but I wanted to end it there!