"Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of
someone else's." ~Billy Wilder

"Here you go." The waitress says as she sets down a couple of shot glasses filled to the brim with popular local vodka.

"No, no, I got it." Gordon says just as Dean goes to pull his wallet out of his pants pocket to pay for the round of drinks.

"Come on." Dean says as Gordon pulls out his own money.

"I insist. Thank you sweetie." Gordon says as he hands the waitress the bill.

"You're welcome. Thanks." The waitress says before walk off to tend to the other customers that seem to keep spilling in every few seconds.

"Another one bites the dust." Gordon says as he raises his shot glass, Dean following. Blaine raises her beer with them not wanting to be left out even though she's still very skeptical about Gordon.

"That's right." Dean says as they clink their shot glasses together as Sam sits there and Blaine tips back her own drink.

"Dean. You gave that big-ass fang one hell of a haircut, my friend." Gordon says after he chuckles loudly.

"Thank you." Dean says with a huge smile crossing his face.

"That was beautiful, absolutely beautiful." Gordon says as he leans back in the wooden chair, tipping it backwards on two legs soon after.

"Well. You all right, Sammy? Blay-Blay?" Dean asks as he sips his beer. Glancing up from the table Blaine shakes her head slowly before saying anything.

"Ah, yeah, yeah I'm fine. I guess my tiredness is catching up with me is all." Blaine replies as she knocks back the rest of the beer in her cup before sitting it back down on the table and waving off the waitress who was on her way over to refill it.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam says a few moments afterward.

"Well, lighten up a little, Sammy, Blay-Blay." Gordon says, catching Blaine off guard. Grinding her teeth some she shakes her head dismissing what she heard.

"He's the only one who gets to call me that." Sam states, while motioning towards Dean with his head.

"Okay. No offense meant. Just celebrating a little, job well done." Gordon says with a goofy, crooked smile passes over his face.

"Right, well, decapitations aren't my idea of a good time, I guess." Sam replies as Blaine nods some as she looks back on what Dean did earlier in the night and in the past years when she was hunting down in the South.

"Oh, com, man. It's not like it was human. You gotta' have a little fun with your job." Gordon says.

"That's what I've been trying to tell him." Dean chimes in after snapping his fingers and pointing at Gordon in a friendly manner. "You could learn a thing or two from this guy."

"Yeah, I bet I could." Sam replies in a sarcastic manner almost causing Blaine to laugh. "Look, I'm not gonna' bring you guys down. I'm just gonna' go back to the motel. Blaine you wanna' tag along too?"

"Yeah, I honestly don't want to rain on your parade and I've got to take care of something as well." Blaine says as she pushes away from the table, the wooden chair legs scraping across the floor.

"Are you sure?" Dean asks as he rubs his eye.

"Yeah." Sam replies as he stands up, Blaine not too far behind him. Dean digs into his pocket and pulls out the Impala's keys before tossing them to Sam.

"Remind me to beat that buzz kill out of you later, all right? You too Blaine." Dean says before Sam and Blaine walk out of the pub and over to the Impala. Climbing into the front of the Impala both of them are quiet and remain that way all the way back to the motel.

After pulling into the parking lot of the motel Sam throws the car into park and turns it off before turning to look at Blaine, "Do you know Gordon?"

Blinking some she turns to look at him before replying, "No, but there's been word floating around that there's a hunter who's ruthless when it comes to killing vampires though, but I don't know who it is and Gordon just has a bad vibe that bounces off of him."

"Gotcha," Sam replies before they both climb out of the Impala. Pulling the room key out of his pocket Sam unlocks the room door before pulling off his jacket. Blaine strolls in behind him and shuts and locks the door before making a b-line towards one of the beds.

From half lidded eyes Blaine watches Sam place the Impala keys on the little cacti plant before collapsing on the adjoining bed, "Do you think Ellen would know about him?"

"Possibility, she does work a roadhouse where endless hunters track in and out, you can try if you want." Blaine replies as Sam digs out his cell phone. Punching a few numbers he puts the phone on speaker as it rings.

It continues to ring until someone picks up, "Harvelle's Roadhouse."

"Hey, Ell, Sam Winchester, Blaine's here too." Sam says as Ellen's voice crackles over the phone.

"Sam, Blaine it's good to hear from you. You guys are okay, aren't you?" Ellen asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. Got a question though." Sam replies back as Blaine lets her eyes close.

"Yeah, shoot." Ellen says.

"You ever run across a guy named Gordon Walker?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, I know Gordon." Ellen replies, backing up Blaine's previous assumptions.

"And?" Sam asks, pressing for more information.

"He's a real good hunter. Why you asking, sweetie?" Ellen asks.

"Well we ran into him on a job and we're kind of working with him." Sam replies.

"Don't do that Sam, Blaine." Ellen states, seriousness lacing her voice.

"I—I thought you said he was a good hunter." Sam replies.

"And Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist." Ellen states, sarcasm taking over the seriousness. "Look, he's dangerous to everyone and everything around him. It's like Cal getting out of hand when he's had too much to drink Blaine, you know what I'm talking about. If Gordon's working on a job, let him handle it and move on."

"Ellen—" Sam says, but is cut off by Ellen.

"No, Sam. You just listen to what I'm telling you, okay? Blaine you get them out of there if you have to." Ellen says.

"Right." Sam states before the phone goes dead, Blaine's breathing evens out as several different scenarios run through her mind. "Who's Cal?"

"Cal is short for Calvin, old friend and when Ellen compares someone to Cal's drunken state, it's a force not to be reckoned with, understand?" Blaine replies without opening her eyes or moving from her spot on the bed.

"Okay, but how do we get Dean to back off? I'm with you and Ellen on this one." Sam says.

"I'm working on it, I am, but since I've only known you two for a couple of months I don't know many of your perks so, it's gonna' be a tough one." Blaine replies.

"I'm gonna' go get a drink do you want anything?" Sam asks as he stands up from the bed.

"Nah, I'm good thanks for asking though." Blaine replies as Sam walks out of the room giving her some alone time to think. Rolling over she tries to fall asleep and almost gets to that point until she's rudely awoken by someone placing something to her nose and mouth, breathing in deeply she inhales whatever is on the rag and soon passes out.

After some time passes Blaine groggily wakes up only to find her hands bound behind her and her head covered with a burlap sack and to find that she's moving against her own will. Shaking her pounding head she figures that whoever her attacker is is transporting her by vehicle.

Suddenly after a while the vehicle stops and she's roughly removed from the inside and carried elsewhere. Soon after being removed from the vehicle she's placed in a chair and tied down to said chair. After a while the burlap sack is removed so that she can see who took here and where she was taken. Turning her head Blaine notices that she's tied to a chair right next to Sam who's gaged and starting at his captor.

Looking ahead of her she finds a guy around her age staring at her and Sam, the guy soon extends his fangs and moves towards Sam who's fighting against his restraints. Blaine tries to call out to the guy only to find that she's gaged as well while struggling to fight against her own restraints.

"Wait." Someone says from behind the guy who is leaning in on Sam. "Step back Eli."

Turning her head Blaine takes in the sight of a woman standing in the doorway. The guy named Eli pulls back as the woman walks in and tugs the gags out of both Sam and Blaine's mouths.

"My name is Lenore. I'm not gonna' hurt you. We just need to talk." The woman named Lenore says.

"Talk? Yeah, okay. But I might have a tough time paying attention to something besides Eli's teeth." Sam replies as Blaine massages her jaw by working it around.

"He won't hurt you. You have my word." Lenore says.

"Your word? Oh, yeah, great. Thanks. Listen lady, no offense, but you're not the first vampire I've met." Sam replies in a sarcastic manner.

"We're not like the others. We don't kill humans. We don't drink their blood. We haven't for a long time." Lenore replies as realization hits Blaine.

"What is this, some kind of joke?" Sam asks.

"Notice that you and your friend are still alive." Lenore replies.

Scoffing some Sam presses on while Blaine tries to work loose her restraints, "Okay, correct me if I'm wrong here, but shouldn't you be starving to death?"

"We've found other ways: cattle blood." Lenore replies.

"You're telling me you're responsible for all of the-?" Sam asks.

"It's not ideal. In fact, it's disgusting. But it allows us to get by." Lenore replies.

"Okay, why?" Sam asks as Blaine finally gives up with fighting the restraints.

"Survival. No deaths, no missing locals no reasons for people like you to come looking for people like us. We blend in. Our kind is practically extinct. Turns out we weren't as high up the food chain as we imagined." Lenore replies.

"Why are we explaining ourselves to these killers?" Eli asks as he pushes off the mantel of the fireplace.

"Eli." Lenore says.

"We choke on cow's blood so that none of them suffer? Tonight, they murdered Conrad and celebrated." Eli says.

"Eli, that's enough." Lenore says in an attempt to get her friend to calm down.

"Yeah, Eli, that's enough." Sam says as Blaine sorts through her mind trying to figure a way to get out.

"What's done is done. We're leaving this town tonight." Lenore says.

"Why did you bring us here? Why are you even talking to us?" Sam asks.

"Believe me, I'd rather not. But I know your kind. Once you have the scent, you'll keep tracking us. It doesn't matter where we go. Hunters will find us." Lenore replies, honesty lacing her voice.

"You're asking us not to follow?" Sam asks.

"We have a right to live. We're not hurting anyone." Lenore replies as she looks over at Blaine.

"Right, you keep saying. But give us one good reason why we should believe you." Sam states.

Lenore places her hands on either side of Sam's body and leans in before speaking, "Fine. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to let both of you go. Take them back. Not a mark on either one of them."

"Georgia." Blaine says before the burlap sack is placed back over her head.

"What?" Lenore asks as Eli backs away from Blaine and places the bag that was once on Sam's head back over his head.

"If you want a place to go, with others like you that will not harm humans, Georgia is your best bet. It's one of the last places that I know a coven like you was last seen. You'll have to look, but they should be there." Blaine replies before Eli places the gag back in her mouth followed by the sack over her head.

She's then pulled up and forced out of the house and down a set of steps before being placed back into a vehicle and drove off. About half an hour later the truck comes to a stop and Blaine's restraints and the sack are removed before she's pushed out of the truck next to Sam.

Glancing at the truck she doesn't recognize the second person in the cab just as it pulls off into the night, slinging gravel and such.

"Why did you tell her to go to Georgia?" Sam asks as they begin walking down the road towards the motel which is right down the road.

"It's a good ways away and there is a coven like them down there." Blaine replies, not bothering to look at Sam, knowing full well that he might be angry with her.

"What if she was lying? What if they have killed people or will kill people?" Sam asks as they continue to walk down the road until Blaine stops and turns towards him.

"Sam, if they were killing people wouldn't we have come across some odd deaths in the area? Plus, if they are feasting on humans why didn't they kill us? They've had hundreds of chances to kill us, hell they could have even turned us into one if they had wanted to. People, even creatures can change and try to become good." Blaine replies, her eyes staring into Sam's.

Shuffling some Sam looks back at her before looking off to the side, "Okay, I agree with you there, but how do we shake Gordon off their trail?"

"That I don't know." Blaine replies as they continue to walk back to the motel. Picking up their pace to a jog they reach the motel quicker than they expected to. Twisting the doorknob Sam enters the room followed by Blaine to find Dean sitting there with Gordon.

"Where you been?" Dean asks.

"Can we talk to you alone?" Sam asks.

"You mind chilling out for a couple of minutes?" Dean asks Gordon, shaking his head no Blaine opens the door to the room up and leads both Sam and Dean out.

"Dean, we gotta rethink this hunt." Sam says as Blaine walks down the steps and out into the parking lot some, several different hunting strategies running through her head.

"What are you talking about? Where were you two?" Dean asks.

"In the nest." Sam replies.

"You found it?" Dean asks.

"They found us, man." Sam replies.

"Wha—How'd you two get out? How many did you two kill?" Dean asks as he looks at them both.

"None." Sam replies.

"I'm assuming they just didn't let you go." Dean states.

"That's exactly what they did." Sam says as they come to stop a few feet away from the Impala.

"All right, well, where is it?" Dean asks.

"Blaine and I were blindfolded. So I don't know where it is exactly." Sam replies.

"You gotta know something." Dean says.

"We went over that bridge outside of town. But Dean, listen maybe we shouldn't go after them." Sam states.

"Why not?" Dean asks.

"I don't think they're like other vampires. I don't think they're killing people." Sam replies.

"You're joking." Dean says.

"No, he's not. If they were killing people why didn't they kill Sam and I? Why did they just let us go?" Blaine asks.

"Then how do they stay alive or undead, whatever the hell they are?" Dean asks.

"The cattle mutilations. They live off of animal blood." Sam replies.

"And you believed them?" Dean asks.

"Look at us, Dean. They let us go without a scratch." Sam replies.

"Wait, so you're saying-? No, man. No way. I don't know why they let you go. I don't really care. We find them and we waste them." Dean says before walking off back towards the room.

"Why?" Sam asks as Blaine and Sam follow after Dean.

"What part of "vampires" don't you understand Sam? If it's supernatural, we kill it. That's our job." Dean replies.

"No, Dean that is not our job. Our job is hunting evil. If these things aren't killing, they're not evil." Sam says.

"Of course they're killing people, that's what they do. they're all the same, Sam. They're not human, okay?" Dean asks.

"If they're killing people how come we haven't found any or heard of any odd deaths? Why don't you believe that even supernatural beings can be good?" Blaine asks.

Setting his jaw Dean looks at Blaine an understanding passing between them, "Gordon's been on those vamps for a year."

"Gordon?" Sam asks.

"Yeah." Dean replies.

"You're taking his word for it?" Sam asks.

"That's right." Dean replies.

"Ellen says he's bad news." Sam states.

"You called Ellen? And I'm supposed to listen to her? We barely know her, well Blaine knows her better than we do. But no thanks, I'll go with Gordon." Dean says.

"Because Gordon's such an old friend. You don't think I can see what this is?" Sam asks.

"What?" Dean asks as Blaine steps away some, feeling the tension building up between the two brothers.

"He's a substitute for dad isn't he? A poor one." Sam says.

"Shut up, Sam." Dean says.

"He's not even close to dad, Dean. Not on his best day." Sam says as Dean turns away and walks off soon.

"You know what I'm not gonna talk—" Dean says, but stops when Sam pushes on.

"You slap on this fake smile but I can see right through it. I know how you feel, Dean. Dad's dead, and he left a hole and it hurts so bad you can't take it. But you can't just fill that hole with whoever you want to. It's an insult to his memory." Sam says.

Biting his lips some Dean turns his head some before replying, "Okay."

Turning some Dean whirls right back around, punching Sam square in the jaw, almost knocking him off of his feet. Stepping forward Blaine helps Sam regain his balance, but doesn't say a word, not wanting to get mixed up in family arguments.

"You can hit me all you want. It won't change anything." Sam says after a few quiet moments.

"I'm going to that nest. If you two don't want to tell me where it is, fine. I'll find it myself." Dean says before he turns and walks back up the steps and back into the motel room with Sam and Blaine hot on his heels.

Walking back into the room they find Gordon gone as Dean calls out into the empty room, "Gordon?"

"You think he went after them?" Sam asks.

"If he's anything like Cal, he did." Blaine mutters.

"Probably," Dean replies.

"We have to stop him." Sam says.

"Really? Because I saw we lend a hand." Dean says.

"Just give me the benefit of the doubt, would you? You owe me that." Sam replies.

"Yeah, we'll see. I'll drive. Give me the keys." Dean says. Pointing towards the cacti where Sam had laid the keys earlier they realize that the keys are missing.

"He snaked the keys." Sam says. Running out of the motel room they hurry to the Impala, climbing in Dean pulls down the wire panel under the steering column to hotwire the car.

"I can't believe I have to do this." Dean says as he strikes to wires together to get the car to start. "I just fixed her up too."

A few seconds later after a couple of more strikes of the wires the car starts up as Dean looks over at Sam who is studying a map, "The bridge, is that all you got?"

"The bridge was four and a half minutes from their farm." Sam replies.

"How do you know?" Dean asks.

"I counted. They took a left out of the farm, then turned right onto a dirt road. Followed that for two minutes, slightly uphill. Then took another quick right and we hit the bridge." Sam replies.

"You two are good. Monster pain in the ass but you're good." Dean says before putting the car in drive and heading out towards the bridge.

A/N: Chapter 12 huh... :I Doesn't seem like we're really getting anywhere in the story, but we are! I'm more than likely going to make the chapters slightly longer, slightly. Sorry for the slow updates, school is really taking its toll, but I'm starting to have some more free time, so here's an update!