Okay, so I' making up for updates now, as I won't be able to update for a verrrry long time... let's just say I'm going to a national park that is wi-fi less... I DON"T UPDATE EVERY FEW DAYS MORE LIKE WEEKLY OR TWO WEEKLY...I'M JUST BORED AND ON A ROLL (HOPEFULLY)

The next morning on the bus, I looked around for a familiar blur of red, at the next flow of students getting on from the bus stop, but Misty wasn't there. I frowned and moved to the edge of the leather seat, glancing up and down the aisle for the familiar shade of red. Nada. I stared in confusion, what had happened? Maybe Misty had gone to school some other way, but it didn't make sense. She had been on the bus yesterday. Shrugging of my confusion I brushed an invisble peck of dust off my leather jacket. I had also noticed something else too. When I had gotten on the bus, people that showed friendly faces towards me the day before, had stared at the ground, unwilling to meet my eyes, as I had taken my seat. They talked in whispered hushes and scrunched together, all in directions away from me. I was surprised at their guarded treatment, but I had shrugged it of, thinking it was related to my involvment with the Panthers.

When I entered the school, I didn't think it was just a small thing anymore. People edged away from me, not even bothering to whisper and point at me, like as what would've happened with a rumor. A girl that had pointed me in the direction of the water fountain yesterday suddenly stared in the other direction and stayed silent when I walked up to her, to try to thank her. Teen's converstaions stopped abruptly when I neared them, not hushing as if with an occasional eavesdropper, but stopping as if they were breaking the rules of some sort of quiet game. I frowned as I exited my last class until lunch, even the teachers were afraid of me. I hadn't noticed till today that the teachers called on the all and only 'regular kids'. Something was very wrong.

I slid into the seat I had sat in yesterday with Misty, Dawn and Leaf and looked over at the lunch line impatiently. Misty was still at the back of the line, chatting with Leaf seriously. Dawn was texting on her phone, a smile on her face as she silently laughed at whatever she was reading. I jumped with a start at the sound of a boot planted firmly on the circular seat next to me. I turned around to see Drew, a smouldering look in his eyes. "Where were you this mornig?"

"Um...eating breafast?" I said weakly, as I wondered what was wrong.

"Eating breafast?" He scorned. His eyes darkened in anger. "Tell me, when do you think you go to the warehouse."

"After school."

"That's it?" He asked incredulously. "Your supposed to have already been in one of these things, and you only knew that you went to whatever meeting place you have, after school?" He narrowed his eyes at me. I got the feeling that I had treaded in the wrong place, and I frowned quizzically.


"Well let me tell you what we were doing this morning." His voice had an edge of sarcasm in it as he ranted dangerously at me. "We were ambushed outside Flygon's Pathway by the Snakes. When Sky called for reinforcements, we left three people guarding the warehouse and the rest of us headed off. You," he jabbed a finger at me, taking his hand off his tray, "were supposed to be one of them.

"They got into headquarters and would've burned it down, if not for Lex and her strategic take on the situation. You," He jabbed his finger at me again, this time making me recoil. "Should figure out if you actually want to to do this or not." Without a further glance he walked to the end of the table and slid in bewteen some emo guy with purple hair. I cringed ,aware that the whole cafeteria's eyes were on me after Drew's outburst. Misty, Dawn and Leaf hurried over quickly, but I saw no understanding or sympathy in their eyes. And I knew that they weren't going to comfort me, they were rock solid loyal to Drew. Blinking back the tears that suddenly threatened to spill, I dumped my lunch into the trash can, and hurried out of the cafeteria and keeping my eyes on the floor. I didn't want anyone to see the pain, sadness or vulnerablilty of my eyes. Not now.

Misty's POV

"Drew, can I talk to you?" I asked coldly, laying a hand on his shoulder. He looked up with his haunted eyes and stared harshly into mine. I didn't flinch, a couple years with Drew and I had learned that when he got angry, he got angry at everyone. Snorting in disgust, he got up andfollowed me ot of the cafeteria.

"What do you want?"

"How you shouted at May was totally out of line Drew." I said firmly. "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with her?" He sneered.

"Your not usually this harsh to recruits," I argued in astonishment. "Why are you acting so different?"

"Maybe cause Gary took a knife to the shoulder?" He asked sarcasticley.

"This isn't about Gary, she didn't know that she had to come in the mornngs!"

"Normally, I would've told her, but she's already been in one of these, so why wouldn't she have come?"

"Maybe because her parents are international dangerous slave traders," I said. My voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Oh," his voice was timid now, as he looked at the ground, his change of attitude abrupt. "Wellll..."

"Maybe you should go apologize," I commanded jabbing a finger at the door. He nodded suddenly meek as he made his way down the hall. I sighed in disgust. Boys.

Back to May

I scrunched down, back against the tree and cried. The foliage concealed my hiding spot from the main stone walkway. I doubted anyone was in the huge courtyard now, as lunch wasn't over for another thirty minutes. Had the times been different, I would've been admiring the only glint of the sun that was covered by thick leaves, but wasn't enough to block out the bright outlined shape of it. I would've admired the wildflowers that had grown rarely in a peculiar row of two. I was sitting in a fairly small clearing in the schools renouned courtyard, and I would've noticed the soft grass that was tempting me to lay on. I would've, had I not been crying. Over a boy. Well not related to romance or anything, this was different all together. The last boy I had cried over as Kevin.

"May, its time to go." My mother dragged me roughly away from hugging Kevin and shoved me into the car. His hand was raised in a sort of farewell motion, and a grim smile on his face as my father strarted the car.

"I-" the words caught in my throat as we started moving. "I love you!" I shouted the window as we pulled out of the drivway. I wasn't sure if he had heard me, but then I saw a him smile as he was lost from view. I held my tears back, determined not to cry in front of my parents.

Sighing, and wiping the last of my tears away, I leaned over and washed my face in the convienient natural stream that flowed a few feet away from me. Just then, I heard a rustle in the bushes and lookd over to see a mop of green hair and softened eyes come through.

"I thought you'd be here," Drew said, tucking his hands into his pockets awkwardly. You did huh?

"Ohhhh..." I looked at him, narrowing my eyes in suspicion. "If you've come to rant more about..."

"No," he said quickly, looking up from the ground, a guilty expresion on his face. "No. I-I just wanted to say sorry." His voice was barely a whisper at the end as he looked down.

"Really?" I asked incredulously, looking at him in surprise.

"Yeah," he nodded looking at me again. "One of my best friends got hurt in the fight and I was taking out all my anger on you. I have a tendency to do that," he scratched his head sheepishly. "And I sorta forgot about your parents."

"Oh," I smiled happily. "Well, thanks..."

He cleared his throat uncomfortably as he looked around him again. "Well, I better be-"

'Wait," I was suddenly curious now. "Did Misty put you up to this?"

He shook his head. "She put some sense into me, but there is no way she could make me say sorry." With that he parted the bushes as he stepped back onto the gravelly path. I smiled, not sure why his answer had pleased me.