Alright People I'M BACK! I cannot apologize for being gone for so many years but life got in the way. My dad passed (it'll be 4 years in February), I started HS went through 3 years of hell and am now just starting my senior year. I'm gonna be busy applying to colleges and if you're in college or been to college and know the process then you know my pain. I was banned from using the site because it was distracting me from my schoolwork and my mom can be pretty scary. But I'm now gonna start up again, but I'll be deleting some stories, and maybe re-posting some of them. I've got a couple new stories in the works and I know what you're thinking, "What business do I have posting new stories?!" Well I haven't stopped writing, I just haven't posted so. Stick with me, hopefully I'll ALL my stories updated by like late January maybe earlier when college applications are in. Thanks for sticking around!
Sincerely, OutWithSociety